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Re: [oc] Altera MAx + plus II software?

What hardware platform are you working on.?

I made 2 different max3000 board designs with simple ISP
JTAC interface that worked right outof the box with max++.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Manuk Shmeyan" <s_manuk@f... > 
To: <cores@o... > 
Date: Sun, 13 Oct 2002 00:26:06 +0400 
Subject: [oc] Altera MAx + plus II software? 

> Hi everybody, 
> I have made a core of  RISC MSU and now I'd like to evaluate it on 
> real 
> board. I have Altera's Max + plus II and try to programm EPM7128S 
> by means 
> of ISP JTAG Interface with ByteBlaster MV cabel. I read Altera's 
> all 
> recomendations byt still have problems whith programming; the 
> software does 
> not recognize target chip. Is there anybody who have experience in 
> programming of CPLDs and Max+plus software? 
> Please Help! 
> Best regards! 
> Manuk. 
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