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Re: [oc] Modular FPGA board

> > > Are you working in the development of the free PCI core? If you specify an
> > > FPGA for PCI core testing, I could create such a board, but of course it
> > > wouldn't be cheap. My idea was the opposite of your: I was planning to
> > > built a board for PCI testing only when the core will be finished. But I
> > > still have a problem: I don't have the PCI specs and personally I can't
> > > afford it. So, I don't know exactly how should I match the impedances and
> > > equalize all the delays between the signals.
> > 
> > I have the spec - bought both the hard copy and the CD for just this
> > sort of occasion.  As specs go, it's actually pretty cheap.  Perhaps
> > I can mount the CD on one of our public servers.
> Yes, that would be great!!! But if you say that it's cheap, how much is
> it? Is it affordable for one people? Maybe it's cheap for a company.

No, I mean "cheap".  $50 for the whole works on CD, $110 for hard copy.
You can get details at http://www.pcisig.com/order/index.php3 .
> Thanks for your initiative. I hope that it is PCI 2.1 or later specs.

My pleasure.  Just don't get me into trouble for putting it up.  Since
this is a slightly bad thing to do, I'm only going to leave on the server
for a short period - a couple of days, perhaps.  Strictly for the benefit
of those in opencores who have ordered their own copies but need something
to look at in the meantime,  of course.  It's 2.2 .


> Greetings from Brazil!

Canucks say hi.
