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[oc] free synthesizable HC11

In search of information on Viewlogic VHDL today, I came across a page at
Green Mountain Computing Systems with what is allegedly a free
synthesizable VHDL model of the Motorola 68HC11 cpu.  The page claims that
they have synthesized the CPU on both Xilinx and Altera FPGA's and had it
operate at about 30 MHz.  Furthermore the license seems fairly liberal:
"The GM HC11 CPU Core package is a free download. You can also
redistribute synthesized designs based on this package for commercial or
non-commercial use. However, you may not distribute the package any
further in source form. " Interesting.  The URL is [ http://www.gmvhdl.com/hc11core.html ].

Apologies if this has already been brought up on this list.

Tobin [ http://splorg.org/~tobin/ ]