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RE: [cdrom] shipment prices


Yes, please accept this as a confirmation of my order.
In what form would you like to receive payment?


John Schaf

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Jamil Khatib [SMTP:jamilkhatib75@yahoo.com]
> Sent:	Monday, May 15, 2000 3:40 AM
> To:	cdrom@opencores.org
> Subject:	[cdrom] shipment prices
> Hi,
> The shipment prices for a single copy are:
> Israel: 2.5 $
> Europe: 3.5$
> North America, Asia and Africa: 4.5$
> South America: 5$
> For each extra copy add : 1.5$ ** I have to check this more so please
> let me know if you want more copies.
> Regarding the price of a single copy: 6.5 $ and it will drop if there
> are more than 35 cdrom to be copied. up to now I got 25 requests so for
> those who did not confirm their requests by sending the request order
> please do that.
> The final price will be fixed on 20_May_2000
> Thanks
> Jamil Khatib
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