The Project Gutenberg EBook of Carey & Hart's Catalog (1852), by Edward Carey and Abraham Hart This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at Title: Carey & Hart's Catalog (1852) Author: Edward Carey Abraham Hart Release Date: February 17, 2013 [EBook #42121] Language: English Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1 *** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK CAREY & HART'S CATALOG (1852) *** Produced by Julia Miller, Jason Isbell and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at (This file was produced from images generously made available by The Internet Archive/American Libraries.) [Transcriber's Notes: Originally Published in "Pencil Sketches: Or Outlines of Character and Manners" by Miss Leslie.] Carey & Hart's Catalog 1852 The Best Illustrated Works at 50 Cents a Volume =CAREY & HART'S= Library of Humorous American Works, With Illustrations by Darley. _Price 50 Cents. (Complete.)_ =THEATRICAL APPRENTICESHIP= AND Anecdotal Recollections OF SOL. SMITH, Esq. COMEDIAN, LAWYER, ETC. ETC. WITH EIGHT ORIGINAL DESIGNS. CONTENTS. Early Scenes--Wanderings In the West--Cincinnati in Early Life--"One Man in his Time plays many Parts"--Expedient to gain a Livelihood--Early Days of Edwin Forrest--The Manager in Distress--Pittsburgh Theatricals--Philadelphia Gardens in 1824--The Old Chatham Theatre--Star-gazing in New York--Concerts in New Jersey--Getting thro' a Winter--Strolling in Canada--The Murderous Alleghanians--Dawning of the Drama in Lewistown--Floating down the Stream--Theatricals in Kentucky--Anecdotal Recollections since 1827--A Theatrical Dentist--The Rival Vocalists--Pettifogging in St. Louis--A Friendly Game of Poker--Tom the Curtain Man--The Manager and Planter, Signor Matthieu--Letter to Rev. A. Ballard--My First and Last Sermon--Tennessee Door-keeper--The Player and the Phrenologist--Interview with an Editor, &c. &c. "A very whimsical apprenticeship it is, making it impossible to preserve, while reading it, the slightest approach to gravity. Indeed, we have seldom met with a book so irresistibly provocative of a perpetual 'broad grin.' It is as good as a play, and a play of the richest comedy."--_Jeffersonian._ _Price 50 Cents. (Complete.)_ =MAJOR JONES' SKETCHES OF TRAVEL.= COMPRISING THE SCENES, INCIDENTS AND ADVENTURES IN HIS =TOUR FROM GEORGIA TO CANADA=. _With Eight Original Engravings, from Designs by Darley._ THIRD EDITION. "Not only fun, but information is to be gained from them."--_Saturday Post._ "It contains palpable and amusing bits on the people and customs of different places."--_Baltimore Patriot._ "The wit is of the 'Sam Slick' sort."--_N. Y. Commercial._ _Price 50 Cents. (Complete.)_ =STREAKS OF SQUATTER LIFE= AND FAR-WEST SCENES. A SERIES OF HUMOROUS SKETCHES DESCRIPTIVE OF INCIDENTS AND CHARACTER IN THE WILD WEST. BY "SOLITAIRE," (JOHN S. ROBB, _of St. Louis, Mo_.) AUTHOR OF "SWALLOWING OYSTERS ALIVE." _With Eight Humorous Illustrations by Darley._ CONTENTS. The Western Wanderings of a Typo--"Not a Drop more, Major, unless it's sweetened"--Nettle Bottom Ball--A Cat Story--A Spiritual Sister--Hoss Allen's Apology--Natural Acting--A Canal Adventure--The Standing Candidate--An Emigrant's Perils--Fun with a "Bar"--Telegraphing an Express--The Preemption Right--Yaller Pledges--George Munday, the Hatless Prophet--Courting in French Hollow--The Second Advent--Settlement Fun--"Doing" a Landlord--Who is Sir George Simpson?--Letters from a Baby--Seth Tinder's First Courtship--The Death Struggle--"Who are They?" "Mr. Robb is better known probably as 'Solitaire,' under which name he has written some very broad, farcical sketches of Western manners for the _Reveille_, of St. Louis. Some of the sketches in this volume are spirited and cleverly written, and they are all lively and full of animal spirits; but they are too brief to contain a development of character. The best sketch is the story of 'Old Sugar,' which is illustrated by an exceedingly fine drawing by Darley. We feel, after inspecting the designs in this book, that we have heretofore underrated the comic powers of this admirable artist; there are evidences in some of these designs of a very high order of genius."--_N. Y. Mirror._ _Price 50 Cents. (Complete.)_ =MAJOR JONES' COURTSHIP.= _Twelfth Edition, with Two Additional Letters_, AND THIRTEEN HUMOROUS PLATES. CONTENTS. Major Jones' Courtship detailed, with other Scenes and Adventures, in a Series of Letters by himself. "Messrs. Carey & Hart have published the drollest of the droll books of the season. It is a strange production, but so brimful of fun, that half a drop would make it run over."--_U. S. Gazette._ _Price 50 Cents. (Complete.)_ =THE DRAMA AT POKERVILLE=, The Bench and Bar of Jurytown, AND OTHER STORIES AND INCIDENTS. BY "EVERPOINT," (J. M. FIELD, ESQ., OF THE ST. LOUIS REVEILLE.) CONTENTS. The Drama in Pokerville--The Great Small Affair Announcement--Feeling in Pokerville--The Great Small Affair Opening--The Great Pokerville Preliminaries--The Great Small Affair Mystery--The Great Pokerville Re-union--The Great Small Affair Dinner--The Great Pokerville "Saw"--The Great Small Affair Scandal--The Great Small Affair Chastisement--The Great Small Affair Duel--What was built on the Great Small Affair Foundation--The Bench and Bar of Jurytown--A Sucker in a Warm Bath--An "Awful Place"--The Elk Runners--"Old Sol" in a Delicate Situation--The "Gagging Scheme," or, West's Great Picture--Establishing the Science--Ole Bull in the "Solitude"--How our Friend B----'s Hair went--A Fancy Barkeeper--"Mr. Nobble!"--"Honey Run"--A Hung Jury--Paternal Gushings--A Werry Grave Exhortation--"Your Turn next, Sir"--Stopping to "Wood"--Death of Mike Fink--Establishing a Connection--A Night in a Swamp--Steamboat Miseries--A Resurrectionist and his Freight. "When we say that it is entirely worthy of him, in design and execution, our readers 'had better believe it,' we could not pay the work a higher compliment."--_N. Y. Spirit of the Times._ _Price 50 Cents. (Complete.)_ =A QUARTER RACE IN KENTUCKY=, AND OTHER STORIES. BY W. T. PORTER, ESQ. EDITOR OF THE "BIG BEAR OF ARKANSAS," ETC. CONTENTS. A Quarter Race in Kentucky--A Shark Story--Lanty Oliphant in Court--Bill Morse on the City Taxes--Ance Veasy's Fight with Reub Sessions--The Fastest Funeral on Record--Going to Bed before a Young Lady--A Millerite Miracle--Old Singletire--"Running a Saw" on a French Gentleman--Breaking a Bank--Taking the Census--Dick Harlau's Tennessee Frolic--"Falling off a Log" in a Game of "Seven up"--The "Werry Fast Crab"--"French without a Master"--A Rollicking Dragoon Officer--The Georgia Major in Court--Uncle Billy Brown "Glorious"--Old Tuttle's Last Quarter Race--Bill Dean, the Texan Ranger--The Steamboat Captain who was averse to Racing--Bob Herring the Arkansas Bear-Hunter--McAlpin's Trip to Charleston--Indian Rubber Pills--A Murder Case in Mississippi--Kicking a Yankee--A "Down-east" Original--Somebody in my Bed--A Day at Sol. Slice's--Cupping on the Starnum--A Bear Story--Playing Poker in Arkansas--&c. &c. "It is illustrated with original engravings from designs by Darley. The 'Quarter Race in Kentucky' is one of the best stories that was ever penned, and the volume contains a number of others, that have from time to time appeared in the Spirit of the Times, which are hard to beat."--_N. O. Picayune._ _Price 50 Cents. (Complete.)_ =THE YANKEE AMONGST THE MERMAIDS.= BY W. E. BURTON, COMEDIAN. WITH ILLUSTRATIONS BY DARLEY. CONTENTS. The Yankee amongst the Mermaids; a Yarn by a Cape Codder, with an illustration--Leap Year; or, A Woman's Privilege--The Two Pigs, a Swinish Colloquy--Thaumaturgia; Part First. The Yankee in Hell, with an illustration; Part Second, The Resurrectionists; Part Third, The Canal-boat; Part Fourth, The Last and the Least--My First Fight, with an illustration--Immiscible Immigration, a petty Peter Pindaric--Sam Weller, a Soliloquy in Verse--The Pic-Nic Party, with two illustrations--The Poetry of Niagara--A Wet Day at a Watering Place--My First Punch, with an illustration--The Scapegrace and the Scapegoat, a Matter-of-fact Sketch--The Old Dutchman and his Long Box, with an illustration--The Man in the Big Boots--Dickey Doddicombe, with an illustration--Philadelphia in the Dog-days--&c. &c. "The drollest specimen of waggery that ever emanated from that drollest of men, Burton."--_The City Item._ _Price 50 Cents. (Complete.)_ ODD LEAVES FROM THE LIFE OF A =LOUISIANA "SWAMP DOCTOR."= BY MADISON TENSAS, M. D. EX V. P. M. S. U. KY. CONTENTS. The City Physician _versus_ The Swamp Doctor--My Early Life--Getting acquainted with the Medicines--A Tight Race considerin'--Taking Good Advice--The Day of Judgment--A Rattlesnake on a Steamboat--Frank and the Professor--The Curious Widow--The Mississippi Patent Plan for pulling Teeth--Valerian and the Panther--Seeking a Location--Cupping an Irishman--Being Examined for my Degree--Stealing a Baby--The "Swamp Doctor" to Esculapius--My First Call in the Swamp--The Man of Aristocratic Diseases--The Indefatigable Bear-hunter--Love in a Garden--How to cure Fits--A Struggle for Life. _Price 50 cents. (Complete.)_ THE =WIDOW RUGBY'S HUSBAND=, AND OTHER STORIES. By JOHNSON J. HOOPER, Esq. _Author of "Adventures of Captain Simon Suggs."_ WITH ILLUSTRATIONS BY ELLIOTT. "A collection of humorous stories well calculated to provoke laughter. We advise the immediate purchase of the book, but a temperate use of it--one story at a sitting will be sufficient; a greater indulgence might result seriously. The very pictures have set us in a roar, and we can scarce compose our nerves sufficiently to make our words intelligible to the compositor."--_Philada. Advertiser._ "This is, of course, quite full of fun--'all sorts' of fun; and those who want a good laugh, should take a peep at Elliot's very original comic illustrations."--_Am. Courier._ "This book is by the favorite and witty author of 'Adventures of Simon Suggs,' with original designs by the inimitable Darley. It is a capital illustration of the laughable side of Western and Southern life. If you would enjoy a broad laugh, buy it."--_City Item._ "There is enough 'fun' in this volume to 'spice' a magazine for a twelvemonth."--_Southern Literary Gazette._ "Excellent for dispelling care are the humorous works with which Mr. A. Hart, Chestnut and Fourth streets, is supplying the lovers of mirth. His is the only 'library' of the kind in the country, where genuine humor is measured out in periodical doses, and always warranted to make a man 'laugh and grow fat.' That is the motto, and a capital one it is. The last lot is labelled 'Widow Rugby's Husband,' divided into a number of the most comical and amusing stories imaginable. The illustrations of 'A Ride with Old Kit,' 'A Night at the Ugly Man's,' 'Captain McFadden,' and the 'Poor Joke,' are among the richest provocatives to a hearty laugh."--_American Courier._ _Price 50 cents. (Complete.)_ =Polly Peablossom's Wedding=, AND OTHER TALES AND SKETCHES, BY THE HON. J. LAMAR, THE HON. R. M. CHARLTON, AND _By the Author of "Streaks of Squatter Life," "Major Jones's Courtship" &c._ With Engravings from Original Designs by Elliott. "A mirth-provoking book, well calculated to enliven an evening and put to flight ennui, melancholy, and all the gloomy humors 'flesh is heir to.'"--_Philadelphia Advertiser._ _Price 50 cents._ =MISSISSIPPI SCENES=: OR, SKETCHES OF SOUTHERN LIFE AND ADVENTURE. BY JOS. B. COBB. "The peculiar manners and odd customs, the curious ways, and still more curious people who reside, live, or float on the great river, are passed in review, and pleasant stories are told about them."--_Boston Evening Gazette._ "The stories are well told, and some of the sketches of character are well drawn."--_Savannah News._ "We have here a neat volume of sketches by one of the contributors of the Gazette; a gentleman of fine abilities and finished education, who resides in Mississippi. The present volume is confined entirely to scenes of Southern Life, all of which are told with spirit and naturalness."--_Saturday Gazette._ "This is a pleasant book, and interesting from the circumstance of the sketches, as the author tells us in his preface, being chiefly drawn from real scenes and characters, illustrative of life in Mississippi; and, happily, for the most part, not the low comic life affected by so many of the recent painters of Southern manners and adventures."--_North American._ "The sketches before us are full of captivating and amusing incidents; and to the Mississippi reader, they are peculiarly interesting, from the fact that many of the 'Scenes' are laid within the borders of our own State. To all who would enjoy an entertaining volume, we commend this work."--_The Mississippian._ "A graphic description of the peculiarities of people in a new country, in which curious relations are blended with satire and broad humour, cannot fail to amuse. Such is the character of this agreeable volume."--_Baltimore American._ =NOBODY'S SON:= OR, =Adventures of Percival Maberry.= WRITTEN BY HIMSELF. _Price 50 cents._ "'Nobody's Son' will interest and please everybody. It is a delightful book--a novelty in its way, and full to overflowing with curious and absorbing events. Those who read the first chapter will not lay it down until the story is mastered entire."--_City Item._ "A well-written story of adventure, bordering somewhat on the marvellous, but an agreeable and interesting book."--_Savannah News._ "This is a well-written book, by an author from whom we hope to hear again. It is full of incident and adventure, while Maberry himself is exceedingly well drawn."--_Saturday Gazette._ STANDARD WORKS. LORD BACON'S WORKS. =Price Reduced to $7 50.= In 3 Royal 8vo. Volumes, Cloth Gilt. =THE WORKS OF LORD BACON=, WITH A MEMOIR, AND A TRANSLATION OF HIS LATIN WRITINGS, BY BASIL MONTAGU, ESQ. In Three Volumes, Octavo. The American edition of the works of Lord Bacon now offered to the public, is reprinted from the most approved English edition, that of Basil Montagu, Esq., which has recently issued from the celebrated press of Pickering, (the modern Aldus.) in seventeen octavo volumes. It contains the complete works of the illustrious philosopher, _those in Latin being translated into English_. In order to render the publication cheap, and therefore attainable by all our public and social libraries, as well as by those general readers who study economy, the seventeen octavo volumes have been comprised in three volumes, imperial octavo. Being printed from the most accurate as well as complete English edition, and carefully revised, the American edition will possess greater advantages for the critical scholar as well as the general reader. In typography, paper and binding, it will be recognized as a brilliant specimen of the products of the American book trade. "We may safely affirm, that, by giving the Inductive Philosophy to the world, Lord Bacon has proved one of its most signal benefactors, and has largely done his part towards promoting the final triumph of all truth, whether natural, or moral and intellectual, over all error; and towards bringing on that glorious crisis, destined, we doubt not, one day to arrive, when, according to the allegorical representation of that great poet, who was not only the Admirer of Bacon, but in some respects his kindred genius--TRUTH, though 'hewn like the mangled body of Osiris, into a thousand pieces, and scattered to the four winds, shall be gathered limb to limb, and moulded, with every joint and member, into an immortal feature of loveliness and perfection.'" "We are more gratified than we can find words to express, to find a publishing house in this country, putting forth a publication like the Complete Works of Lord Bacon, in a form at once compact, elegant and economical."--_Brother Jonathan._ =WALTER SCOTT'S COMPLETE WORKS.= _In 10 vols., Royal 8vo., Cloth gilt, for only $10!!_ Including the Waverly Novels, Poetical and Prose Works, with the Author's latest Corrections. _Also, Full-bound Library Style Price_ $12.50. =Price Reduced to $2 50.= THE WAVERLEY NOVELS. COMPLETE. 3340 Pages for Two Dollars and a Half. CAREY & HART, have recently published A NEW EDITION OF =THE WAVERLEY NOVELS=, BY SIR WALTER SCOTT, _With all the Author's latest Notes and Additions, Complete, without the slightest Abridgment._ In Five Royal 8vo. volumes, upwards of 650 Pages in each volume. CONTENTS. Waverley, Guy Mannering, Antiquary, Rob Roy, Black Dwarf, Old Mortality, Heart of Mid-Lothian, Bride of Lammermoor, Legend of Montrose, Ivanhoe, The Monastery, The Abbot, Kenilworth, The Pirate, Fortunes of Nigel, Peveril of the Peak, Quentin Durward, St. Ronan's Well, Redgauntlet, The Betrothed, The Talisman, Woodstock, The Highland Widow, Two Drovers, My Aunt Margaret's Mirror, Tapestried Chamber, The Laird's Jock, Fair Maid of Perth. Anne of Geierstein, Count Robert of Paris, Castle Dangerous, The Surgeon's Daughter. The object of the publishers in thus reducing the price of the Waverley Novels, is to endeavor to give them a greatly extended circulation, and they have, therefore, put them at a price which brings them within the reach of every family in the country. There is _now_ no fireside that need be without a set of the most charming works of fiction ever issued from the press: for there is no one that can't afford two dollars and a half--TWO DOLLARS AND A HALF for twenty-five of Sir Walter Scott's Novels! ten cents for a complete Novel!! ten cents for "Ivanhoe," which was originally published at a guinea and a half!!! It seems impossible, and yet it is true. In no other way can the same amount of amusement and instruction be obtained for ten times the money, for the Waverley Novels alone form a Library. The publishers wish it to be distinctly understood, that, while the price is so greatly reduced the work is in no way abridged, but is CAREFULLY PRINTED FROM, AND CONTAINS EVERY WORD IN THE LAST EDINBURGH EDITION, in forty-eight volumes, which sells for seventy-two dollars. Now is the time to buy! Such an opportunity may never again occur. Let every one, then, who wants the _Waverley Novels for two dollars and a half, now purchase_, for if the publishers do not find the sale greatly increased, by the immense reduction in price, they will resume the old price of twenty-five cents for each Novel, which _was_ considered wonderfully cheap. THE Prose Writers of America, WITH A SURVEY OF THE INTELLECTUAL HISTORY, CONDITION, AND PROSPECTS OF THE COUNTRY. BY RUFUS WILMOT GRISWOLD. _FOURTH EDITION, REVISED._ _Illustrated with Portraits from Original Pictures._ Complete in one volume octavo--$3 50. CONTENTS. Intellectual History, Condition, and Prospects of the Country--Edwards, Franklin, Jefferson, Madison, Dwight, Marshall, Hamilton, Ames, J. Q. Adams, C. B. Brown, Wirt, Quincy, Allston, Story, Paulding, Flint, Channing, Wheaton, Webster, Audubon, Walsh, Irving, Buckminster, Verplanck, Norton, Sanderson, Dana, Wilde, Cooper, A. H. Everett, Hall, Schoolcraft, Dewey, Sparks, John Neal, Bryant, Edward Everett, Kennedy, Bush, Sedgwick, Wayland, Prescott, Edward Robinson, Leslie, Legare, Ware, Bancroft, Marsh, Hooker, Brownson, Child, Bird, Emerson, Fay, Cheever, Hoffman, Kirkland, Hawthorne, Willis, Longfellow, Simms, Joseph C. Neal, Poe, Tuckerman, Fuller, Headley, Mathews, Thorpe, Whipple. "Mr. Griswold's book has been executed honestly, ably, and well, and is a valuable contribution to the literature of the country."--_Knickerbocker._ "We deem the book by all odds the best of its kind that has ever been issued; and we certainly know of no one who could have made it better."--_N. Y. Courier and Enquirer._ A New and Cheap Edition OF THE HISTORY OF THE =FRENCH REVOLUTION=. BY M. A. THIERS, LATE PRIME MINISTER OF FRANCE. _Translated from the French, with Notes and Additions._ The Four Volumes complete in Two. =Price only $1 50.= The edition of the History of the French Revolution now offered to the public is printed on VERY LARGE TYPE, on good paper, and contains upwards of _Eighteen Hundred Large Octavo Pages_, and is unquestionably the cheapest book ever published. It _forms a necessary introduction_ to _THE LIFE OF NAPOLEON_, by M. A. THIERS, _NOW IN COURSE OF PUBLICATION_, and the two works present a complete HISTORY OF FRANCE from the commencement of the French Revolution, down to the death of Napoleon. [asterism] Also a fine Edition with 13 steel Engravings, 2 vols., Extra Gilt, $3. THE Prose Writers of Germany. BY F. H. HEDGE. ILLUSTRATED WITH PORTRAITS. The work mentioned above comprises a list of the most eminent writers of Germany, together with copious extracts from their works, beginning with LUTHER and reaching up to the present time. For those who are interested in the literature of Germany, it presents a valuable aid in becoming more intimately acquainted with the German mind; and even to the curious it offers an excitement which will grow stronger in proportion as their taste is cultivated. In the present volume we find valuable extracts, given from their prose writings. Although the writers follow in chronological order, and LUTHER stands at the head of his intellectual brethren, the longest space is allowed to those who claim our greatest attention; and GOETHE therefore occupies the most conspicuous position both in the specimens given and the selection of the pieces. GOETHE is a writer who requires most of all to be studied; while others, as SCHILLER, in his passionate mood and ideal longings, requires no silent and incessant reflection, because he works his effects immediately by rousing the depth of our nature. Next to GOETHE, SCHILLER appears in an article upon Naïve and Sentimental Poetry, a bold effort of him, the success of which is however yet very disputed, to classify every produce of Art according to the impressions made upon the reader, and to dispense with the various and cumbersome forms of the departments into which we have been accustomed hitherto to arrange all subjects bearing upon poetry. The department upon which SCHILLER enters here, belongs properly to the philosophy of Art; to the aesthetics, the investigation of the beautiful. Foremost stands LESSING, the first critic of his time. Next to him comes HERDER, a devout philosopher, and a clear-sighted intellect, with the eyes of a child; curious to penetrate the maze and noisy market of the world, the variegated life among the ancients and the moderns in search for that beautiful humanity which he had sketched in his own mind, and which he would fain proclaim the order of an otherwise mysterious providence. The two brothers SCHLEGEL--William, the noble interpreter and translator of Shakspeare, and Frederic, known best by his investigations of the language and wisdom of the Indians--follow him, and MOSES MENDELSSOHN, a Jewish philosopher, closes the series of these writers. The treatise of the latter on the Sublime and Naïve will be read with interest by everybody who has only an ordinary reading of ancient and modern poetry. Distinct from all the rest stand WIELAND and JEAN PAUL RICHTER, best known in this country by the appellation, of JEAN PAUL. A. HART'S NEW WORKS. RECENTLY PUBLISHED, IN TWO VOLUMES, POST 8VO., WITH PORTRAITS, CLOTH, EXTRA GILT, $2. MEMOIRS OF THE =COURT OF MARIE ANTOINETTE,= (QUEEN OF FRANCE.) BY MADAME CAMPAN. First Lady of the Bed-chamber to the Queen. With a Biographical Introduction from "The Heroic Women of the French Revolution." BY M. DE LAMARTINE. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. "The book is a noble defence of Marie Antoinette against the many calumnies breathed against her. Moreover, as a picture of manners during the latter years of Louis XV., and the entire reign of his successor, it has no superior; it is at once more decent and more veracious than the 'Life of Dubarry,' and the thousand other garbled memoirs of that period. A large number of notes, explanatory and otherwise, accompany the volume, and add materially to its value. Mr. Hart has published the book in a style of great elegance, and illustrated it with portraits, on steel, of Marie Antoinette and Madame Elizabeth. It is a book that should find a place on every lady's centre-table."--_Neal's Gazette._ "Two very interesting volumes, which the reader will not be likely to leave till he has finished them."--_Public Ledger._ "The material of this history could not have emanated from a more authentic or official source, nor have been honoured with a more distinguished or capable god-father than De Lamartine."--_Saturday Courier._ "These elegant volumes are a reprint from the third London edition of this very delightful work. The vicissitudes depicted in the volumes, and scarcely less the charming style of the author and the entire familiarity of her theme, make the work one of the most interesting that has recently issued from the American press, and no less instructive and entertaining."--_N. Y. Commercial Advertiser._ "This delightful work, abounding with historical incidents connected with one of the most stirring periods of French history, presents the reader with the personal annals of one of the most amiable and excellent women that ever shared the honours of royalty. Compiled by one every way competent by talent and education, and qualified by personal familiarity, the facts are entitled to the confidence of the reader, while the style is piquant and graceful. The work is got up in a very superior style of mechanical execution."--_Baltimore Sun._ "We have seldom perused so entertaining a work--it is as a mirror of the most splendid court of Europe, at a time when monarchy had not been shorn of any of its beams, that it is particularly worthy of our attention."--_Morning Chronicle._ "There is not a page of the work which is not deeply or amusingly interesting. The position of the author at the court of Louis XVI. gave her extraordinary opportunities for looking behind the scenes for the causes of much that was entirely inexplicable to the public. Indeed, there can be no question of her knowledge, while of her truthfulness, as far as she goes, there is abundant evidence in the volumes themselves. We cannot believe Marie Antoinette to have been as immaculate as she is painted by Madame Campan. Young, giddy, inexperienced and wilful, she was cast headlong into the most profligate court of Christendom. Surrounded by pleasures and temptations, amid a set of beings to whom gallantry was so habitual that it ceased to be remarked--with an impotent husband, and with all around him corrupt, venal, and licentious, we cannot believe that all the scandalous stories respecting the queen were entirely without foundation, that she was _always_ misconstrued and maligned."--_Boston Morning Post._ THE MODERN BRITISH ESSAYISTS At less than Half Price. The great success that has attended the publication of _THE MODERN ESSAYISTS_, Comprising the Critical and Miscellaneous Writings of the Most Distinguished Authors of Modern Times, has induced the publishers to issue a New, Revised and very Cheap Edition, with Finely Engraved Portraits of the Authors; and while they have _added_ to the series the writings of several distinguished authors, they have reduced the price more than =ONE HALF.= The writings of each author will generally be comprised in a single octavo volume, well printed from new type, on fine white paper manufactured expressly for this edition. The series will contain all the most able papers that have EVER APPEARED IN THE EDINBURGH REVIEW, The London Quarterly Review, and Blackwood's Magazine, and may indeed be called the CREAM of those publications. It is only necessary to mention the names of the authors whose writings will appear. T. BABINGTON MACAULAY, ARCHIBALD ALISON, REV. SYDNEY SMITH, PROFESSOR WILSON, JAMES STEPHEN, ROBERT SOUTHEY, SIR WALTER SCOTT, LORD JEFFREY, SIR JAMES MACKINTOSH, T. NOON TALFOURD, J. G. LOCKHART, REGINALD HEBER. The popularity of the authors and the extreme moderation of the price, recommend THE MODERN ESSAYISTS, To HEADS OF FAMILIES for their Children, as perfect models of style. To MANAGERS OF BOOK SOCIETIES, Book Clubs, &c. To SCHOOL INSPECTORS, SCHOOLMASTERS AND TUTORS, as suitable gifts and prizes, or adapted for School Libraries. TRAVELLERS ON A JOURNEY will find in these portable and cheap volumes something to read on the road, adapted to fill a corner in a portmanteau or carpet-bag. To PASSENGERS ON BOARD A SHIP, here are ample materials in a narrow compass for whiling away the monotonous hours of a sea voyage. To OFFICERS IN THE ARMY AND NAVY, and to all Economists in _space_ or _pocket_, who, having limited chambers, and small book-shelves, desire to lay up for themselves a _concentrated Library_, at a moderate expenditure. To ALL WHO HAVE FRIENDS IN DISTANT COUNTRIES, as an acceptable present to send out to them. THE MODERN ESSAYISTS will yield to the _Settler_ in the Backwoods of America the most valuable and interesting writings of all the most distinguished authors of _our time_ at less than one quarter the price they could be obtained in any other form. THE STUDENT AND LOVER OF LITERATURE at Home, who has hitherto been compelled to wade through volumes of Reviews for a single article, may now become possessed of _every article worth reading_ for little more than _the cost of the annual subscription_. I. =MACAULAY.= CRITICAL AND MISCELLANEOUS WRITINGS OF THOMAS BABINGTON MACAULAY. _In One Volume, with a finely engraved portrait, from an original picture by Henry Inman._ _Cloth Gilt_, $2 00. Contents. Milton, Machiavelli, Dryden, History, Hallam's Constitutional History, Southey's Colloquies on Society, Moore's Life of Byron, Southey's Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress. Croker's Boswell's Life of Johnson, Lord Nugent's Memoirs of Hampden, Nare's Memoirs of Lord Burghley, Dumont's Recollections of Mirabeau, Lord Mahon's War of the Succession, Walpole's Letters to Sir H. Maun, Thackaray's History of Earl Chatham, Lord Bacon, Mackintosh's History of the Revolution of England, Sir John Malcolm's Life of Lord Clive. Life and Writings of Sir W. Temple, Church and State, Ranke's History of the Popes, Cowley and Milton, Mitford's History of Greece, The Athenian Orators, Comic Dramatists of the Restoration, Lord Holland, Warren Hastings, Frederic the Great, Lays of Ancient Rome, Madame D'Arblay, Addison, Barere's Memoirs. Montgomery's Poems, Civil Disabilities of the Jews, Mill on Government, Bentham's Defence of Mill, Utilitarian Theory of Government, and Earl Chatham, second part, &c. "It may now be asked by some sapient critics, Why make all this coil about a mere periodical essayist? Of what possible concern is it to anybody, whether Mr. Thomas Babington Macaulay be, or be not, overrun with faults, since he is nothing more than one of the three-day immortals who contribute flashy and 'taking' articles to a Quarterly Review? What great work has he written? Such questions as these might be put by the same men who place the Spectator, Tattler and Rambler among the British classics yet judge of the size of a cotemporary's mind by that of his book, and who can hardly recognize amplitude of comprehension, unless it be spread over the six hundred pages of octavos and quartos.--Such men would place Bancroft above Webster, and Sparks above Calhoun, Adams, and Everett--deny a posterity for Bryant's Thanatopsis, and predict longevity to Pollok's Course of Time. It is singular that the sagacity which can detect thought only in a state of dilution, is not sadly graveled when it thinks of the sententious aphorisms which have survived whole libraries of folios, and the little songs which have outrun, in the race of fame, so many enormous epics.--While it can easily be demonstrated that Macaulay's writings contain a hundred-fold more matter and thought, than an equal number of volumes taken from what are called, _par eminence_, the 'British Essayists,' it is not broaching any literary heresy to predict, that they will sail as far down the stream of time, as those eminent members of the illustrious family of British classics." II. =ARCHIBALD ALISON.= THE CRITICAL AND MISCELLANEOUS WRITINGS OF ARCHIBALD ALISON, AUTHOR OF "THE HISTORY OF EUROPE," In One Volume, 8vo with a portrait. _Price_ $1 25. CONTENTS. Chateaubriand, Napoleon, Bossuet, Poland, Madame de Stael, National Monuments, Marshal Ney, Robert Bruce, Paris in 1814, The Louvre in 1814, Tyrol, France in 1833, Italy, Scott, Campbell and Byron, Schools of Design, Lamartine, The Copyright Question, Michelet's France, Military Treason and Civic Soldiers, Arnold's Rome, Mirabeau, Bulwer's Athens, The Reign of Terror, The French Revolution of 1830, The Fall of Turkey, The Spanish Revolution of 1820, Karamsin's Russia, Effects of the French Revolution of 1830, Desertion of Portugal, Wellington, Carlist Struggle in Spain, The Affghanistan Expedition, The Future, &c. &c. III. =SYDNEY SMITH.= THE WORKS OF THE REV. SYDNEY SMITH. Fine Edition. In One Volume, with a portrait. Price $1 00. "Almost every thing he has written is so characteristic that it would be difficult to attribute it to any other man. The marked individual features and the rare combination of power displayed in his works, give them a fascination unconnected with the subject of which he treats or the general correctness of his views. He sometimes hits the mark in the white, he sometimes misses it altogether, for he by no means confines his pen to theories to which he is calculated to do justice; but whether he hits or misses, he is always sparkling and delightful. The charm of his writings is somewhat similar to that of Montaigne or Charles Lamb"--_North American Review._ IV. =PROFESSOR WILSON.= THE RECREATIONS OF =CHRISTOPHER NORTH.= In One Volume 8vo., first American Edition with a Portrait. Price $1 00. CONTENTS. Christopher in his Sporting Jacket--A Tale of Expiation--Morning Monologue--The Field of Flowers--Cottages--An Hour's Talk about Poetry--Inch Cruin--A Day at Windermere--The Moors--Highland Snow-Storm--The Holy Child--Our Parish--Mayday--Sacred Poetry--Christopher in his Aviary--Dr. Kitchiner--Soliloquy on the Seasons--A Few Words on Thomson--The Snowball Bicker of Piedmont--Christmas Dreams--Our Winter Quarters--Stroll to Grafsmere--L'Envoy. _Extract from Howitt's "Rural Life."_ "And not less for that wonderful series of articles by Wilson, in Blackwood's Magazine--_in their kind as truly amazing and as truly glorious as the romances of Scott or the poetry of Wordsworth_. Far and wide and much as these papers have been admired, wherever the English language is read, I still question whether any one man has a just idea of them as a whole." V. =Carlyle's Miscellanies.= CRITICAL AND MISCELLANEOUS ESSAYS OF THOMAS CARLYLE. _In one 8vo. volume, with a Portrait._ PRICE $1 75. CONTENTS. Jean Paul Friedrich Richter--State of German Literature--Werner--Goethe's Helena--Goethe--Burns--Heyne--German Playwrights--Voltaire--Novalis--Signs of the Times--Jean Paul Friedrich Richter again--On History--Schiller--The Nibellungen Lied--Early German Literature--Taylor's Historic Survey of German Poetry--Characteristics--Johnson--Death of Goethe--Goethe's Works--Diderot--On History again--Count Cagliostro--Corn Law Rhymes--The Diamond Necklace--Mirabeau--French Parliamentary History--Walter Scott, &c. &c. VI. =TALFOURD & STEPHEN= THE CRITICAL WRITINGS OF T. NOON TALFOURD AND JAMES STEPHEN WITH A FINELY ENGRAVED PORTRAIT. In One Volume, 8vo. Price $1 25. _Contents of "Talfourd."_ Essays on British Novels and Romances, introductory to a series of Criticisms on the Living Novelists--Mackenzie, The Author of Waverley, Godwin, Maturin, Rymer on Tragedy, Colley Cibber's Apology for his Life, John Dennis's Works, Modern Periodical Literature, On the Genius and Writings of Wordsworth, North's Life of Lord Guilford, Hazlitt's Lectures on the Drama, Wallace's Prospects of Mankind, Nature and Providence, On Pulpit Oratory, Recollections of Lisbon, Lloyd's Poems. Mr. Oldaker on Modern Improvements, A Chapter on Time, On the Profession of the Bar, The Wine Cellar, Destruction of the Brunswick Theatre by Fire, First Appearance of Miss Fanny Kemble, On the Intellectual Character of the late Wm. Hazlitt. _Contents of "Stephen."_ Life of Wilberforce, Life of Whitfield and Froude, D'Aubigne's Reformation, Life and Times of Baxter, Physical Theory of Another Life, The Port Royalists, Ignatius Loyola, Taylor's Edwin the Fair. "His (Talfourd's) Critical writings manifest on every page a sincere, earnest and sympathizing love of intellectual excellence and moral beauty. The kindliness of temper and tenderness of sentiment with which they are animated, are continually suggesting pleasant thoughts of the author."--_North American Review._ VII. LORD JEFFREY. THE CRITICAL WRITINGS OF FRANCIS LORD JEFFREY. _In One Volume 8vo., with a Portrait._ From a very able article in the North British Review we extract the following: "It is a book not to be read only--but studied--it is a vast repository; or rather a system or institute, embracing the whole circle of letters--if we except the exact sciences--and contains within itself, not in a desultory form, but in a well digested scheme, more original conceptions, bold and fearless speculation and just reasoning on all kinds and varieties of subjects than are to be found in any English writer with whom we are acquainted within the present or the last generation. ... His choice of words is unbounded and his felicity of expression, to the most impalpable shade of discrimination, almost miraculous. Playful, lively, and full of illustration, no subject is so dull or so dry that he cannot invest it with interest, and none so trifling that it cannot acquire dignity or elegance from his pencil. Independently however, of mere style, and apart from the great variety of subjects embraced by his pen, the distinguishing feature of his writings, and that in which he excels his cotemporary reviewers, is the deep vein of practical thought which runs throughout them all." VIII. SIR JAMES MACKINTOSH. SIR JAMES MACKINTOSH'S CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EDINBURGH REVIEW. _Collected and Edited by his Son._ In One Volume 8vo., with a Portrait, $1 75. THE POEMS OF FRANCES SARGENT OSGOOD. Illustrated by the best artists. _In one volume octavo, uniform, with Carey & Hart's illustrated Bryant, Willis, &c._ The following exquisitely finished line engravings are from original designs, by our most celebrated painters, and are executed in the highest style of art:--Portrait of the Authoress; Hope; A Child playing with a Watch; The Reaper; Ida; Old Friends; The Child's Portrait; Little Red Riding Hood; The Life Boat; Twilight Hours; The Arab and his Steed; Zuleika. "There is nothing mechanical about her; all is buoyant, overflowing, irrepressible vivacity, like the bubbling up of a natural fountain. In her almost childish playfulness, she reminds us of that exquisite creation of Fouque, Undine, who knew no law but that of her own waywardness. The great charm of her poetry is its unaffected simplicity. It is the transparent simplicity of truth, reflecting the feeling of the moment like a mirror."--_Rev. Dr. Davidson._ "In all the poems of Mrs. Osgood, we find occasion to admire the author as well as the works. Her spontaneous and instinctive effusions appear, in a higher degree than any others in our literature, to combine the rarest and highest capacities in art with the sincerest and deepest sentiments and the noblest aspirations. They would convince us, if the beauty of her life were otherwise unknown, that Mrs. Osgood is one of the loveliest characters in the histories of literature or society."--_Pennsylvania Inquirer and Courier._ "The position of Mrs. Osgood, as a graceful and womanly poetess, is fixed, and will be enduring. To taste of faultless delicacy, a remarkable command of poetical language, great variety of cadence, and a most musical versification, she has added recently the highest qualities of inspiration, imagination, and passion, in a degree rarely equalled in the productions of women.... The reputation which Mrs. Osgood enjoys, as one of the most amiable, true-hearted, and brilliant ladies in American society, will add to the good fortune of a book, the intrinsic excellence and beauty of which will secure for it a place among the standard creations of female genius."--_Home Journal._ POETICAL LIBRARY. THE POETS AND POETRY OF EUROPE, ENGLAND, AMERICA, Etc. CAREY & HART have just published in four splendid volumes, beautifully illustrated, and uniform in size with their new edition of "_THE MODERN ESSAYISTS_," _and forming a suitable companion to that delightful series:_-- THE POETS AND POETRY OF AMERICA: EMBRACING Selections from the Poetical Literature of the United States, from the Time of the Revolution, WITH A _Preliminary Essay on the Progress and Condition of Poetry in this Country, and Biographical and Critical Notices of the most eminent Poets._ By RUFUS W. GRISWOLD. EIGHTH EDITION, REVISED AND ENLARGED. Elegantly bound in Col'd Calf and Morocco. Price $5 00, or in Cloth Gilt, $3 00. "We think in the 500 pages of this beautiful volume, the reader will find nearly all that is worth reading in American Poetry."--_Boston Post._ "Mr. G has done a service to our literature which eminently entitles him to the regard and favor of a discerning and impartial public."--_National Intelligencer._ "No better selection from the poetry of our native bards has ever been made, and no person could do better with the materials than Mr. Griswold has done."--_Boston Transcript._ THE POETS AND POETRY OF EUROPE: WITH Biographical Notices and Translations, _From the Earliest Period to the Present Time._ By HENRY W. LONGFELLOW. In One Large 8vo. Volume, 750 Pages. Morocco elegant, $5 50, or cloth gilt, $3 75. Which comprises translations from the following: Anglo-Saxon, Icelandic, Swedish, Dutch, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, &c. &c. "It is the most complete work of the kind in English literature."--_Boston Courier._ "A more desirable work for the scholar or man of taste has scarcely ever been issued in the United States."--_N. Y. Tribune._ ILLUSTRATED POEMS. BY MRS. L. H. SIGOURNEY, With Designs by F. O. C. Darley, ENGRAVED BY DISTINGUISHED ARTISTS. _With a Portrait of the Authoress by Cheney after Freeman._ LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. The Divided Burden--A Landscape--Oriska--The Ancient Family Clock--Eve--The Scottish Weaver--The Indian Summer--Erin's Daughter--The Western Emigrant--The Aged Pastor--The Tomb--The Drooping Team--The Beautiful Maid. "The volume is a most luxurious and gorgeous one, reflecting the highest credit on its 'getters up;' and we know of nothing from the American press which would form a more acceptable gift-book, or a richer ornament for the centre-table. Of the Poems themselves it is needless to speak."--_Y. Blade._ "In the arts of typography the volume is unsurpassed; the illustrations are numerous and beautiful, and the binder's skill has done its best. We shall speak only of the externals of the volume. Of its contents we will not speak flippantly, nor is it needful that we should say any thing. The name of Mrs. Sigourney is familiar in every cottage in America. She has, we think, been more generally read than any poetess in the country, and her pure fame is reverently cherished by all."--_N. O. Picayune._ "It is illustrated in the most brilliant manner, and is throughout a gem-volume."--_Pa. Inquirer._ "In this production, however, they have excelled themselves. The illustrations are truly beautiful, and are exquisitely engraved. The entire execution of the volume is a proud evidence of the growing superiority of book-making on the part of American publishers."--_Dollar Newspaper._ "This work, so beautifully embellished, and elegantly printed, containing the select writings of one of the most celebrated female poets of America, cannot fail to be received with approbation."--_Newburyport Paper._ "The illustrations are truly beautiful, and are exquisitely engraved. They are from designs by Darley, who has risen to high eminence in his department of art. The entire execution of the volume is a proud evidence of growing superiority in book-making on the part of American publishers. And this liberality has not been displayed upon a work unworthy of it."--_N. Y. Commercial Adv._ NEW BOOKS RECENTLY PUBLISHED BY A. HART, late CAREY & HART, _No. 126 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia._ HISTORICAL AND SECRET MEMOIRS OF THE EMPRESS JOSEPHINE, (Marie Rose Tascher de la Pagerie,) FIRST WIFE OF NAPOLEON BONAPARTE. BY MLLE. M. A. LE NORMAND. _Translated from the French by Jacob M. Howard, Esq._ In 2 vols., 700 pages, muslin extra gilt. "It possesses great intrinsic interest. It is a chequered exhibition of the _undress life_ of Napoleon. All the glitter and pomp and dust of glory which bewilder the mind is laid; and we behold not the hero, the emperor, the guide and moulder of destiny, but a poor sickly child and creature of circumstance--affrighted by shadows and tortured by straws."--_Philada. City Item._ "This is one of the most interesting works of the day, containing a multiplicity of incidents in the life of Josephine and her renowned husband, which have never before been in print."--_N. O. Times._ "This is a work of high and commanding interest, and derives great additional value from the fact asserted by the authoress, that the greater portion of it was written by the empress herself. It has a vast amount of information on the subject of Napoleon's career, with copies of original documents not to be found elsewhere, and with copious notes at the end of the work."--_N. O. Com. Bulletin_. "Affords the reader a clearer insight into the private character of Napoleon than he can obtain through any other source."--_Baltimore American._ "They are agreeably and well written; and it would be strange if it were not so, enjoying as Josephine did, familiar colloquial intercourse with the most distinguished men and minds of the age. The work does not, apparently, suffer by translation."--_Baltimore Patriot._ "It is the history--in part the secret history, written by her own hand with rare elegance and force, and at times with surpassing pathos--of the remarkable woman who, by the greatness of her spirit was worthy to be the wife of the soaring Napoleon. It combines all the value of authentic history with the absorbing interest of an autobiography or exciting romance."--_Item._ PROSE WRITERS OF GERMANY. BY FREDERICK H. HEDGE. ILLUSTRATED WITH EIGHT PORTRAITS AND AN ENGRAVED TITLE-PAGE, FROM A DESIGN BY LEUTZE. _Complete in One Volume Octavo._ =Contents.= Luther, Boehme, Sancta Clara, Moser, Kant, Lessing, Mendelssohn, Hamann, Wieland, Musäus, Claudius, Lavater, Jacobi, Herder, Goethe, Schiller, Fichte, Riehter, A. W. Schlegel, Schleiermacher, Hegel, Zschokke, F. Schlegel, Hardenberg, Tieck, Schelling, Hoffmann, Chamisso. "The author of this work--for it is well entitled to the name of an original production, though mainly consisting of translations--Frederick H. Hedge of Bangor, is qualified, as few men are in this country, or wherever the English language is written, for the successful accomplishment of the great literary enterprise to which he has devoted his leisure for several years. "Mr. Hedge has displayed great wisdom in the selection of the pieces to be translated; he has given the best specimens of the best authors, so far as was possible in his limited space. "We venture to say that there cannot be crowded into the same compass a more faithful representation of the German mind, or a richer exhibition of the profound thought, subtle speculation, massive learning and genial temper, that characterize the most eminent literary men of that nation."--_Harbinger._ "What excellent matter we here have. The choicest gems of exuberant fancy, the most polished productions of scholarship, the richest flow of the heart, the deepest lessons of wisdom, all translated so well by Mr. Hedge and his friends, that they seem to have been first written by masters of the English tongue."--_The City Item._ "We have read the hook with rare pleasure, and have derived not less information than enjoyment."--_Knickerbocker._ "The selections are judicious and tasteful, the biographies well written and comprehensive."--_Inquirer._ NAPOLEON AND THE MARSHALS OF THE EMPIRE. Complete in 2 vols. 12mo., _With 16 Steel Portraits in Military Costume_. Contents. Napoleon, Jourdan, Serrurier, Lannes, Brune, Perignon, Oudinot, Soult, Davoust, Massena, Murat, Mortier, Ney, Poniatowski, Grouchy, Bessieres, Berthier, Souchet, St. Cyr, Victor, Moncey, Marmont, Macdonald, Bernadotte, Augereau, Lefebvre, Kellermann. The biographies are twenty-seven in number--Napoleon and his twenty-six marshals, being all those created by him--and therefore these pages have a completeness about them which no other work of a similar design possesses. The style is clear and comprehensive, and the book may be relied upon for historical accuracy, as the materials have been drawn from sources the most authentic. The Conversations of Napoleon, with Montholon, Gourgaud, Las Cases and Dr. O'Meara have all been consulted as the true basis upon which the lives of Napoleon and his commanders under him should be founded. "The article on Napoleon, which occupies the greater part of the first volume, is written in a clear and forcible style and displays marked ability in the author. Particular attention has been paid to the early portion of Napoleon's life, which other writers have hurriedly dispatched as though they were impatient to arrive at the opening glories of his great career."--_N. Y. 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We commend this as a valuable library book worthy of preservation as a work of reference, after having been read."--_Balt. American._ "This is the clearest, most concise, and most interesting life of Napoleon and his marshals which has yet been given to the public. The arrangement is judicious and the charm of the narrative continues unbroken to the end."--_City Item._ "The publishers have spared no pains or expense in its production, and the best talent in the country has been engaged on its various histories. The style is plain and graphic, and the reader feels that he is perusing true history rather than the ramblings of a romantic mind."--_Lady's Book._ "The result of these joint labors is a series of narratives, in which the events succeed each other so rapidly, and are of so marvelous a cast, as to require only the method in arrangement and the good taste in description which they have received from the hands of their authors. The inflated and the Ossianic have been happily avoided."--_Colonization Herald._ "Their historical accuracy is unimpeachable, and many of them (the biographies) are stamped with originality of thought and opinion. The engravings are numerous and very fine. The book is well printed on fine white paper, and substantially bound. It deserves a place in all family and school libraries."--_Bulletin._ "It abounds in graphic narratives of battles, anecdotes of the world-famed actors, and valuable historical information."--_Richmond Inquirer._ "We receive, therefore, with real pleasure, this new publication, having assurance that great pains have been taken in the preparation of each individual biography, and especially in collating the various authorities upon the early history of the Emperor. There appears to be nowhere any attempt to blind the reader by dazzling epithets, and the accuracy of construction throughout is highly creditable to the editor."--_Commercial Advertiser N. Y._ "The style is simplicity itself, wholly free from the amusing pomposity and absurd inflation that distinguish some of the works which have gone before it." BRYANT'S POEMS. ILLUSTRATED BY TWENTY SUPERB ENGRAVINGS, From Designs by E. LEUTZE, _Expressly for this Volume_, ENGRAVED BY AMERICAN ARTISTS, _And printed on fine Vellum paper_. COMPLETE IN ONE VOLUME OCTAVO. Sixth Edition. (Just ready.) _Price $5 00 bound in scarlet, gilt edges; or beautifully bound by S. Moore in calf or Turkey morocco, $7.00._ "This is really a splendid book, and one of the most magnificent of Carey & Hart's collection of 'The Illustrated Poets.'"--_U. S. Gaz._ "The 'getting up' of this edition is creditable in the highest degree to the publishers and the fine arts of the country. The paper binding, and the engravings are all of the very best kind."--_Inquirer and Courier._ PETER SCHLEMIHL. PETER SCHLEMIHL IN AMERICA. _Complete in One Volume, 12mo._ "The object of this work is to 'catch the manners living as they rise' in connection with the antagonisms of the present day--'_novelties which disturb the peace_'--as Swedenborgianism, Transcendentalism, Fourierism, and other _isms_. The author has made these pages the vehicle of valuable information on all the topics of which he has treated. "Peter, as our readers may recollect, sold his shadow to a Gentleman in Black, and upon this fable the American adventures are founded. The author, whoever he may be, has read much, and been at least 'a looker on in Venice,' if not a participator of the follies of fashionable life. "The theological and political criticism is inwoven with a tale of fashionable life, and the reader becomes not a little interested in the heroine, Mrs Smith, who certainly must have been a remarkable woman. It is neatly published, and will be extensively read."--_Bulletin._ "We shall be greatly mistaken if this book does not kick up a whole cloud of dust."--_The City Item._ "The work is characterized by much learning and sincere feeling."--_N. Y. Mirror._ "One of the most entertaining works we have read for many a day, as well as one of the best written. Who the author is we know not; but we do know that the book will meet with a rapid sale wherever an inkling of its character leaks out. For watering places, or anywhere, during the hot weather, it is worth its weight in--gold we almost said. It is full of everything of the best, and you can scarcely open it at random without striking upon some sketch or dialogue to enchain the attention."--_Germantown Telegraph._ "His stock of knowledge is large; and as his conscience is rectified by Christian principle, and his heart beats in unison with the right and the true, he uses his treasures of information only for good purposes. "The book belongs to that class of _novels_ which make an interesting story the medium for the communication of important truth. In many respects it is a peculiar work, differing from all others in both design and execution, and leaving the impression that it is the product of a mind of no ordinary power. ... "Those who love to _think_ and _feel_, as the result of truthful thought, will read the book with interest and profit."--_Reflector & Watchman._ "A rare book. Who in the world wrote it? Here are nearly five hundred pages with gems on every one of them. The satire is equal to that of Don Quixote or Asmodeus. The hits at society in this country are admirable and well pointed. The humbugs of the day are skillfully shown up, and the morals of the book are unexceptionable. The author cannot long escape detection, in spite of his shadowy concealment, and if a new practitioner he will jump to the head of his profession at once."--_Godey's Lady's Book._ "We are prepared to say, that Peter Schlemihl is an exceedingly clear and well-written work--that the author has displayed a considerable amount of book lore in its composition--that the story is interesting and instructive--that we have been entertained and edified by its perusal, and that it possesses merits of more than ordinary character. We cordially recommend it to the reading community, since we are sure that they will be benefitted as well as entertained by the revelations contained in the pages of Peter."--_The National Era._ "A strangely conceived and ably executed work."--_N. O. Com. Times._ "The work forms a consecutive tale, all along which runs a vein of severe satire, and which at every step is illustrated by a vast deal of valuable information, and the inculcation of sound principles of morality and religion. It is a work which is adapted to do good, suited to all intelligent general readers, and a pleasant companion for the scholar's leisure hours."--_N. Y. Recorder._ "This is a very remarkable production, and unless we are greatly deceived, it is from a new hand at the literary forge. We have read every page of this thick volume, and have been strongly reminded of Southey's great book, _The Doctor_. The author of this work must be a man of close observation, much research, and if we are accurate in our estimate, he is a layman. ... This same book will make a sensation in many quarters, and will unquestionably create a name and reputation for its author, who forthwith takes his place among the best and keenest writers of our country. ... We commend it to the _gravest_ and _gayest_ of our readers, and assure them that our own copy will not go off our table until another winter has passed away."--_N. Y. Alliance and Visitor._ "The volume cannot fail to be read extensively and do good. The popular '_isms_' of the day, their folly and injurious tendency, are descanted upon with mingled gravity and humor, and considerable talent and truthful feeling are shown in the discussion. Whether the book have an immediate _run_ or not, the soundness of its views, delivered with some quaintness of style, will insure it permanent popularity."--_N. York Commercial Advertiser._ "Light, sportive, graceful raillery, expressed with terse and delicate ease. ... "It is a novel of fun, with grave notes by way of ballast."--_Christian Examiner._ PUBLISHED BY A. HART. Now ready, in 1 vol. post 8vo., price $1 25, with Portraits, WASHINGTON AND THE GENERALS OF THE REVOLUTION. BY VARIOUS EMINENT AUTHORS. CONTAINING _Biographical Sketches of all the Major and Brigadier Generals who acted under commissions from Congress during the Revolutionary War._ We hail these beautiful volumes with undisguised delight. They supply, in a dignified and comprehensive form, valuable information, which will be sought with avidity, not only by the American public, but by the world at large. The want of a work of _positive authority_ on this subject has long been felt and deplored. The enterprise and good taste of Messrs. Carey and Hart have given us two handsome and reliable volumes, betraying industry and talent, and replete with facts of the deepest interest. There is no idle romancing--no school-boy attempts at rhetorical display; on the contrary, the work is written in a clear, unaffected, business-like, yet beautiful manner. The authors had the good sense to think that the stirring events of "the times that tried men's souls," needed no embellishment. It is a complete, impartial, and well written history of the American Revolution, and, at the same time, a faithful biography of the most distinguished actors in that great struggle, whose memories are enshrined in our hearts. The typographical execution of the work is excellent, and the sixteen portraits on steel are remarkably well done. The first volume is embellished with a life-like portrait of Washington mounted on his charger, from Sully's picture, "_Quelling the Whisky Riots_." This is, we believe, the first engraving taken from it. There are biographies of _eighty-eight Generals_, beginning with "the Father of his country," and closing with General Maxwell. To accomplish this task, we are assured that "the accessible published and unpublished memoirs, correspondence, and other materials relating to the period, have been carefully examined and faithfully reflected." We earnestly commend this work. It will be found an unerring record of the most interesting portion of our history.--_The City Item._ This work differs from Mr. Headley's, having nearly the same title, in many important particulars; and _as an historical book is much superior_.--_N. Y. Com. Advertiser._ Certainly the most comprehensive and individualized work that has ever been published on the subject--each member of the great _dramatis personæ_ of the Revolutionary tragedy, standing out in bold and "sculptured" relief on his own glorious deeds.--_Saturday Courier._ This work is very different affair from the flashy and superficial book of the Rev. J. T. Headley entitled "Washington and the Generals." It appears without the name of any author, because it is the joint production of many of the most eminent writers in the country, resident in various states in the Union, and having, from the circumstance, access to original materials in private hands, and to public archives not accessible to any one individual without long journey and much consumption of time. The result, however, is a complete and authentic work, embracing biographical notices of every one of the Revolutionary Generals. The amount of fresh and original matter thus brought together in these moderate-sized volumes, is not less surprising than it is gratifying to the historical reader. This will become a standard book of reference, and will maintain its place in libraries long after the present generation shall have enjoyed the gratification of perusing its interesting pages, exhibiting in a lively style the personal adventures and private characters of the sturdy defenders of American Independence.--_Scott's Weekly Newspaper._ The author's name is not given, and from what we have read, we presume that various pens have been employed in these interesting biographies. This is no disadvantage, but, on the contrary, a decided benefit, for it insures greater accuracy than could be looked for in such a series of biographies written by one person in a few months. The volumes are published in a very handsome style. The first sixty pages are occupied with the biography of Washington, which is written with force and elegance, and illustrated by an original view of the character of that great man.... The number of the biographies in these volumes is much greater than that of Mr. Headley's work. There are eighty-eight distinct subjects.--_N. Y. Mirror._ We have read a number of the articles, find them to be written with ability, and to possess a deep interest. The author has manifested excellent judgment in avoiding all ambitious attempts at what is styled _fine writing_; but gives a connected recital of the important events in the lives of his heroes. The work will be highly interesting and valuable to all readers--particularly so to youth, who are always attracted by biographies. If a father wishes to present to his sons noble instances of uncorrupted and incorruptible patriotism, let him place this work in their hands. It should have a place in every American library, and is among the most valuable books of the season.--_Baltimore American._ FEDERAL ADMINISTRATIONS. MEMOIRS OF THE ADMINISTRATIONS OF WASHINGTON AND JOHN ADAMS. EDITED FROM THE PAPERS OF OLIVER WOLCOTT, SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY. BY GEORGE GIBBS. "Nullius addictus jurare in verba magistri." _In Two Vols Octavo. 1000 Pages, Cloth Gilt, Price $5._ "Books of this character best illustrate the history of the country. The men who have acted important parts are made to speak for themselves, and appear without any aid from the partiality of friends, or any injury from the detraction of enemies."--_Providence Journal._ "The materials of which these volumes are composed are of great value. They consist of correspondence, now first given to the world, of Washington, the elder Adams, Ames, John Marshall, Rufus King, Timothy Pickering, Wolcott, &c. There are thirty-seven original letters from Alexander Hamilton, many of them of the highest interest; one in which the writer with keen sagacity and all the splendor of his eloquence, gives a character of Mr. Burr upon which his own fate was destined to put the seal of truth, is read now with singular emotions. Mr. Gibbs has performed his task extremely well. His preface is modest and dignified. The passages of narrative by which the letters are connected are accurate, judicious and agreeable; they illustrate, and do not overlay the principal material of the work."--_North American._ "Here we meet, illustrated in something like forty important letters, the blazing intelligence, the practical sagacity, the heroic generosity, the various genius, which have made Hamilton the name of statesmanship and greatness, rather than the name of a man. Here we have the piercing judgment of John Marshall, unsusceptible of error, whose capacity to see the truth was equalled only by his power of compelling others to receive it; in the light of whose logic opinions appeared to assume the nature of facts, and truth acquires the palpableness of a material reality; the bluntness, force and probity of Pickering; the sterling excellences of Wolcott himself, who had no artifices and no concealments; because his strength was too great to require them, and his purposes too pure to admit them; and sounding as an understrain through the whole, the prophet tones of Ames."--_U. S. Gazette._ "An important and valuable addition to the historical lore of the country."--_N. Y. Evening Gazette._ "We look upon these memoirs as an exceedingly valuable contribution to our national records."--_N. Y. Com. Advertiser._ PETERS' DIGEST. A FULL AND ARRANGED DIGEST OF THE DECISIONS _In Common Law, Equity, and Admiralty_ OF THE COURTS OF THE UNITED STATES, _From the Organization of the Government in 1789 to 1847:_ IN THE SUPREME, CIRCUIT, DISTRICT, AND ADMIRALTY COURTS; Reported in Dallas, Cranch, Wheaton, Peters, and, Howard's Supreme Court Reports; in Gallison, Mason, Paine, Peters, Washington, Wallace, Sumner, Story, Baldwin, Brockenbrough, and McLean's Circuit Court reports; and in Bees, Ware, Peters, and Gilpin's District and Admiralty Reports. BY RICHARD PETERS. With an Appendix--containing the Rules and Orders of the Supreme Court of the United States in Proceedings in Equity, established by the Supreme Court. Complete in two large octavo volumes, law binding, raised bands, at a low price. MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENS OF FRANCE, BY MRS. FORBES BUSH. FROM THE SECOND LONDON EDITION. _In Two Volumes 12mo., with Portraits, $2._ "Mrs. Forbes Bush is a graceful writer, and in the work before us has selected the prominent features in the lives of the Queens with a great deal of judgement and discrimination. These memoirs will be found not only peculiarly interesting, but also instructive, as throwing considerable light upon the manners and customs of past ages."--_Western Continent._ "We have looked over the lives of some of the Queens, presented in Mr. A. Hart's new volumes, with great interest. While none are devoid of some degree of attraction, the most of them have a charm about their person or character exceeding any thing we find in the most popular romances. They are full of sentiment and romance, rendered all the more touching from the graceful drapery in which they are adorned, and by the truthfulness of which the reader is strongly impressed. It is of course doubly attractive, in reading the strongly marked characters of history, to feel a conviction of the truth, with which ever the wildest and most thrilling incidents are invested. The Lives of these fair ladies are full of instruction, a merit that mere romance seldom possesses. The Author, Mrs. Forbes Bush, commences with Queen Basine, in the reign of Childeric I., or about four hundred years after the commencement of the Christian era. The volumes close with the late Queen of the French, Marie Amelie."--_Saturday Courier._ MORFIT'S APPLIED CHEMISTRY. A TREATISE UPON CHEMISTRY, IN ITS APPLICATION TO THE MANUFACTURE OF SOAPS AND CANDLES. BEING A THOROUGH EXPOSITION OF THE PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF THE TRADE IN ALL THEIR MINUTIÆ, BASED UPON THE MOST RECENT DISCOVERIES IN SCIENCE. BY CAMPBELL MORFIT, PRACTICAL AND ANALYTICAL CHEMIST. With 170 Engravings on Wood. This work is based upon the most RECENT DISCOVERIES IN SCIENCE AND IMPROVEMENTS IN ART, and presents a thorough exposition of the principles and practice of the trade in all their minutiæ. The experience and ability of the author have enabled him to produce A MORE COMPLETE AND COMPREHENSIVE BOOK upon the subject than any extant. The whole arrangement is designed with a view to the scientific enlightenment, as well as the instrucion of the manufacturer, and its contents are such as to render it not only A STANDARD GUIDE BOOK TO THE OPERATIVE, but also an authoritative work of reference for the CHEMIST AND THE STUDENT. An examination of the annexed table of contents will show the invaluable usefulness of the work, the practical features of which are illustrated by upwards of ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY ENGRAVINGS ON WOOD. _The following synopsis embraces only the main heads of each Chapter and Paragraph._ CHAP. 1. _Introductory Remarks._ CHAP. 2. _The Dignity of the Art and its Relations to Science._ CHAP. 3. _Affinity and Chemical Equivalents:--Explanation of._ CHAP. 4. _Alkalies._--Lime, Potassa, Soda, Ammonia. CHAP. 5. _Alkalimetry._ CHAP. 6. _Acids._--Carbonic, Sulphuric, Hydrochloric, Nitric, Boracic, Acidimetry. CHAP. 7. _Origin and Composition of Fatty Matters._ CHAP. 8. _Saponifiable Fats._--Oils of Almond, Olive, Mustard, Beech, Poppy, Rapeseed, Grapeseed; Nut Oil, Linseed Oil, Castor Oil, Palm Oil, (processes for bleaching it;) Coco Butter, Nutmeg Butter, Galum Butter, Athamantine. CHAP. 9. _Adulteration of Oils._ CHAP. 10. _Action of Acids upon Oils._ CHAP. 11. _Volatile Oils._--The Properties of, and their applicability to the Manufacture of Soaps. CHAP. 12. _Volatile Oils_:--Their Origin and Composition; Table of their Specific Gravities. CHAP. 13. _Essential Oils_:--The Adulterations of, and the modes of detecting them. CHAP. 14. _Wax_:--Its Properties and Composition. CHAP. 15. _Resins_:--Their Properties and Composition; Colophony and Gallipot. CHAP. 16. _Animal Fats and Oils_:--Lard, Mutton Suet, Beef-tallow, Beef-marrow, Bone-fat, Soap-grease, Oil-lees, Kitchen-stuff, Human-fat, Adipocire, Butter, Fish-oil, Spermaceti, Delphinine, Neats feet Oil. CHAP. 17. _The Constituents of Fats_, their Properties and Composition: Stearine, Stearic Acid and Salts; Margarine, Margaric Acid and Salts; Olein, Oleic Acid and Salts; Cetine, Cetylic Acid; Phocenine, Phocenic Acid and Salts; Butyrine, Butyric Acid and Salts; Caproic, Capric Acid; Hircine, Hircic Acid; Cholesterine. CHAP. 18. _Basic Constituents of Fats_:--Glycerin, Ethal. CHAP. 19. _Theory of Saponification._ CHAP. 20. _Utensils_:--Steam Series, Bugadiers or Ley Vats, Soap Frames, Caldrons, &c. CHAP. 21. _The Systemized arrangement for a Soap Factory._ CHAP. 22. _Remarks_,--Preliminary to the Process for Making Soap. CHAP. 23. _Hard Soaps_:--"Cutting Process;" Comparative Value of Oils and Fats as Soap ingredient, with Tables; White, Mottled, Marseilles, Yellow, Yankee Soaps; English Yellow and White Soap, Coco Soap, Palm Soap, Butter Soap, English Windsor Soap, French Windsor Soap, Analyses of Soaps. CHAP. 24. _Process for Making Soap_:--Preparation of the Leys, Empatage, Relargage, Coction, Mottling, Cooling. CHAP. 25. _Extemporaneous Soaps_:--Lard, Medicinal, "Hawes," "Maquer," and "Darcet's" Soaps. CHAP. 26. _Silicated Soaps_:--Flint, Sand, "Dunn's," "Davis's" Soaps. CHAP. 27. _Patent Soaps._--Dextrine, Salinated Soaps, Soap from Hardened Fat. CHAP. 28. _Anderson's Improvements._ CHAP. 29. _Soft Soaps_:--Process for Making, Crown Soaps, "Savon Vert." CHAP. 30. _The Conversion of Soft Soaps into Hard Soaps._ CHAP. 31. _Frauds in Soap Making and Means for their Detection._ CHAP. 32. _Earthy Soaps, Marine Soap. Metallic Soaps. Ammoniacal Soap._ CHAP. 33. _Soap from Volatile Oils_:--Starky's Soap, Action of Alkalies upon Essential Oils. CHAP. 34. "_Savons Acides_" or Oleo-acidulated Soap. CHAP. 35. _Toilet Soaps_:--Purification of Soaps, Admixed Soap, Cinnamon, Rose, Orange-flower, Bouquet, Benzoin, Cologne, Vanilla, Musk, Naples, Kasan Soaps, Flotant Soaps, Transparent Soaps, Soft Soaps, Shaving Cream; Remarks. CHAP. 36. _Areometers and Thermometers_:--their use and value. CHAP. 37. _Weights and Measures._ CHAP. 38. _Candles._ CHAP. 39. _Illumination._ CHAP. 40. _Philosophy of Flame._ CHAP. 41. _Raw Material for Candles_:--Modes of Rendering Fats, Wilson's Steam Tanks. CHAP. 42. _Wicks_:--Their use and action. Cutting Machines. CHAP. 43. _Of the Manufacture of Candles._ CHAP. 44. _Dipped Candles_:--Improved Machinery for facilitating their Manufacture. CHAP. 45. _Material of Candles_:--Process for Improving its Quality. CHAP. 46. _Moulded Candles_:--Improved Machinery for facilitating their Manufacture.--"Vaxceme," or Summer Candles. CHAP. 47. _Stearic Acid Candles_:--Adamantine and Star Candles. CHAP. 48. _Stearin Candles_:--Braconnot's and Morfit's Process. CHAP. 49. _Sperm Candles._ CHAP. 50. _Palmine, Palm Wax, Coco Candles._ CHAP. 51. _Wax Candles_:--Mode of Bleaching the Wax, with drawings of the apparatus requisite therefor; Bougies, Cierges, Flambeaux. CHAP. 52. _Patent Candles_:--"Azotized," Movable Wick and Goddard's Candles; Candles on Continuous Wick; Water and Hour Bougies, Perfumed Candles. CHAP. 53. _Concluding Remarks._ Vocabulary. =Terms.=--The book is handsomely printed, with large type, and on good thick paper, in an octavo volume of upwards of five hundred pages, the price of which is $5 per copy, neatly bound in cloth gilt, or it will be forwarded by mail _free of postage_ in flexible covers, on receiving a remittance of $5. (A limited number only printed.) TWO VOLUMES, TWELVE HUNDRED PAGES, EMBELLISHED WITH NUMEROUS ENGRAVINGS. NEW EDITION. PRICE $4, CLOTH, GILT. WATSON'S ANNALS OF PHILADELPHIA AND PENNSYLVANIA IN THE OLDEN TIME. BEING A COLLECTION OF MEMOIRS, ANECDOTES, AND INCIDENTS OF THE CITY AND ITS INHABITANTS. AND OF THE _Earliest Settlements of the Inland part of Pennsylvania, from the days of the Founders._ INTENDED TO PRESERVE THE RECOLLECTIONS OF OLDEN TIME, AND TO Exhibit Society in its Changes of Manners and Customs, and the City and Country in their Local Changes and Improvements. BY JOHN F. WATSON, Member of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, and Honorary Member of the Historical Societies of New York and Massachusetts. REVIEW NOTICES.--"This is a great curiosity. Such a book has never before been produced in the United States. The Annalist will enjoy a peerless fame--we trust his work will be universally bought and read." "No American who can read should be without a copy of this invaluable contribution to our early American history." "It seems to convey us back to other times--we see things as they were--_minutely and particularly_, and not as presented in stately and buskined history, in one general view--vague, glimmering, indistinct." "This is in truth a work without example for its imitation, and with equal truth it is in execution a work _sui generis_." "It is a museum that will never cease to attract. It deserves the gratitude of the country and the patronage of the reading community. It will furnish the historian, the biographer, and the patriotic orator, with matter to adorn and beautify their productions." ILLUSTRATED MEDICAL LIBRARY. CAREY & HART have recently published the fallowing valuable Medical and Surgical works, superbly illustrated--to which they beg leave to call the attention of the profession. This splendid series now forms SIX ROYAL QUARTO VOLUMES, containing FOUR HUNDRED AND EIGHTY QUARTO PLATES, beautifully executed; and the price at which they are offered is infinitely less than any similar works have heretofore been published. QUAIN'S ANATOMICAL PLATES, PANCOAST'S OPERATIVE SURGERY, MOREAU'S GREAT WORK ON MIDWIFERY, GODDARD ON THE TEETH, RICORD ON EXTREME CASES OF VENEREAL DISEASES AND RAYER ON DISEASES OF THE SKIN. I. A SERIES OF ANATOMICAL PLATES, With References and Physiological Comments, illustrating the structure of the different parts of the Human Body. EDITED BY JONES QUAIN, M. D., AND W. J. ERASMUS WILSON. With Notes and Additions by JOSEPH PANCOAST, M. D., Professor of Anatomy in the Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia. THIRD AMERICAN EDITION. The Plates are accompanied by letterpress, containing detailed references to the various objects delineated. But with a view to render them intelligible to a greater number of persons, a running commentary on each plate is given, stating in general terms, and divested as far as can be, of all technicality, the uses and purposes which the different objects serve in the animal economy. THE WORK CONSISTS OF THE FOLLOWING DIVISIONS: THE MUSCLES OF THE HUMAN BODY, _Fifty-one Plates_. THE VESSELS OF THE HUMAN BODY, _Fifty Plates_. THE NERVES OF THE HUMAN BODY, _Thirty-eight Plates_. THE VISCERA OF THE HUMAN BODY, including the Organs of Digestion, Respiration, Secretion and Excretion, _Thirty-two Plates_. THE BONES AND LIGAMENTS, _Thirty Plates_. _Complete in One Royal Quarto Volume of nearly 500 pages, and 200 plates, comprising nearly 700 separate illustrations. Being the only complete system of Anatomical Plates, on a large scale, ever published in America._ Price only $15, cloth gilt, or $30 colored after nature. II. OPERATIVE SURGERY; OR, A DESCRIPTION AND DEMONSTRATION OF THE VARIOUS PROCESSES OF THE ART; INCLUDING ALL THE NEW OPERATIONS, AND EXHIBITING THE STATE OF SURGICAL SCIENCE IN ITS PRESENT ADVANCED CONDITION. BY JOSEPH PANCOAST, M. D., Professor of General, Descriptive and Surgical Anatomy in Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia. _Complete in One Royal 4to. Volume of 380 pages of letterpress description and eighty large 4to. plates, comprising 486 Illustrations, and being the only complete work on the subject in the English Language. Price, full bound in cloth, only $10._ Second Edition, Improved. "This excellent work is constructed on The model of the French Surgical Works by Velpeau and Malgaigne; and, so far as the English language is concerned, we are proud as an American to say that, OF ITS KIND IT HAS NO SUPERIOR."--_New York Journal of Medicine._ "For this beautiful volume, the student and practitioner of Surgery will feel grateful to the ability and industry of Prof. Pancoast. The drawing and execution of the plates are splendid examples of American art, and do credit to Messrs. Cichowski and Duval, while the description is no less creditable to the author. We have examined the book with care, and feel great pleasure in declaring that, in our opinion, it is a most valuable addition to the surgical literature of the United States. It was a happy idea to illustrate this department of surgery, as it renders perfectly clear what the very best verbal description often leaves obscure, and is, to some extent, a substitute for witnessing operations. To those practitioners especially, who are called upon occasionally, only, to perform operations, we are not acquainted with any volume better calculated for reference prior to using the knife. There are similar works published in Europe, but they are much more expensive, without being superior in point of usefulness to the very cheap volume before us. "All the modern operations for the cure of squinting, club-foot, and the replacing lost parts and repairing deformities from partial destruction of the nose, &c., are very clearly explained and prettily illustrated. It is questionable whether anything on this subject can be better adapted to its purpose, than Pancoast's Operative Surgery."--_Saturday Courier._ III. GODDARD ON THE TEETH. THE ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, AND DISEASES OF THE TEETH AND GUMS, WITH THE MOST APPROVED METHODS OF TREATMENT, INCLUDING OPERATIONS, AND A GENERAL ACCOUNT OF THE METHOD OF MAKING AND SETTING Artificial Teeth. BY PAUL BECK GODDARD, M. D., Professor of Anatomy and Histology in the Franklin College of Philadelphia. In One 4to. Volume, illustrated by 30 beautifully executed Plates, each containing Numerous Figures, handsomely bound in cloth. Price Six Dollars. _Uniform with "Quain's Anatomy," "Pancoast's Surgery," and "Moreau's Midwifery."_ "We do not possess a modern work on Dental Surgery, written by a British Author, which equals that of Dr. Goddard.--One reason for this may arise from the circumstance, that the learned author is a practical anatomist, whose knowledge is on a level with the modern discoveries, and who has himself authenticated the latest researches into the minute anatomy of the dental structure. It is quite apparent that such knowledge must prove of immense value in enabling any one to arrive at just conclusions relative to the diseases of the teeth; and it is chiefly to be attributed to the want of such knowledge that most writers on Dental Surgery have erred so much relative to the causes and nature of these diseases. The work may confidently be recommended, as containing the _best and most approved methods of performing all the operations connected with Dental Surgery_. "We cannot close our remarks without adverting to the thirty very beautiful lithographs which illustrate the text. They render it quite impossible to misunderstand the author, and afford a very favorable example of the advanced state of the Art on the American Continent."--_Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal_, 1844. IV. MOREAU'S Great Work on Midwifery A PRACTICAL TREATISE EXHIBITING THE PRESENT ADVANCED STATE OF THE SCIENCE. BY F. G. MOREAU. Translated from the French BY T. FOREST BETTON, M. D., AND EDITED BY PAUL BECK GODDARD, M. D. The whole illustrated by _Eighty Splendid Quarto Plates_, WHICH ARE EITHER The Size of Life, OR EXACTLY HALF THE SIZE. Upon which the first artists have been employed, and which are fully equal, if not superior, to the original, and the publishers can safely pronounce it THE MOST SPLENDID WORK ON MIDWIFERY EVER PUBLISHED. _Now complete in one large 4to. volume of the size of "Quain's Anatomy," "Pancoast's Surgery," and "Goddard on the Teeth."_ Price TEN DOLLARS, full bound in cloth "The work of Professor Moreau is a treasure of Obstetrical Science and Practice, and the American edition of it an elegant specimen of the arts."--_Medical Examiner, August, 1844._ "A splendid quarto, containing eighty lithographic plates, true to the life has been some weeks before us--but we are groping our way through a mass of new works, with a full expectation of soon doing justice to the merits of this elaborate and truly beautiful work."--_Boston Med. and Surg. Journal._ "Moreau's treatise is another valuable work upon the science of Midwifery, with eighty of the most splendid lithographic plates we have ever seen. THESE ILLUSTRATIONS ARE ENGRAVED WITH SO MUCH BEAUTY AND ACCURACY, AND UPON SO LARGE A SCALE, that they cannot fail to present to the eye the precise relation of the foetus and of the parts engaged in labor, under every condition and circumstance, from the commencement of the state of natural parturition, to the most difficult and complicated labor. The profession are greatly indebted to French industry in pathological and special anatomy for the continued advance in the science of Obstetrics; and the work before us may be regarded as the completion of all that has accumulated in this department of medical science, greatly enhanced in value by many valuable original suggestions, to the proper arrangement of which the author has devoted a great amount of labor. The translation is faithfully and elegantly done, and the work will be a valuable addition to the medical literature of our country."--_New York Journal of Medicine._ V. A THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL TREATISE ON THE DISEASES OF THE SKIN, BY P. RAYER, M. D. Physician to La Charité Hospital. From the Second Edition, entirely remodeled. With Notes and other Additions, BY JOHN BELL, M. D. Fellow of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia, Member of the American Philosophical Society, and of the Gengofili Society of Florence, and Editor of Bell and Stokes' Practice of Medicine, &c. &c. _In One Royal 4to. Volume._ With Forty Beautifully Colored Plates, COMPRISING FOUR HUNDRED SEPARATE ILLUSTRATIONS, Carefully Colored from Nature, and 450 pages of Letterpress. Handsomely bound in Cloth Gilt. Price $15 00 _Opinions of the Press._ "We take leave of our author with the declaration that his work is a monument of the most extraordinary industry. We have no hesitation in adding that it is the best book we possess in any language on the subject; and that should any of our readers desire to sail over the unbounded sea of letterpress formed of the history and pathology of the diseases of the cutaneous surface, M. Rayer should be his pilot." OF THE PLATES.--"Considered in this respect, but more especially in reference to the number of illustrations of the general species and varieties of such order which it contains, this Atlas far surpasses any that has yet appeared. _ON THE WHOLE RAYER'S ATLAS MAY CONSCIENTIOUSLY BE SAID TO CONTAIN THE MOST COMPLETE SERIES OF ILLUSTRATIONS OF CUTANEOUS DISEASES HITHERTO PUBLISHED, AND IS, BESIDES,_ not only cheaper than any other, but well worth the sum for which it is offered to the profession"--_British and Foreign Medical Review._ RICORD ON EXTREME CASES OF VENEREAL DISEASES _Cured at the Venereal Hospital at Paris_. Under the direction of DR. PH. RICORD, with 276 elegantly coloured engravings, in one volume quarto, uniform with "Quain's Anatomical Plates," "Pancoast's Operative Surgery," &c. _Price $15, cloth, gilt._ "This truly great work of M. Ricord, who is an American and a native, we believe, of Baltimore, though now the eminent hospital surgeon of Paris, has long been a desideratum in the English language. The immense expense of its publication, and especially the cost of the richly coloured engravings, which are an indispensable accompaniment of the text, has hitherto deterred publishers at home and abroad from its issue. The profession are largely indebted to Dr. Betton, the translator, and Dr. Goddard, who has prepared the work for the press, as also the enterprising publisher, who has brought out this magnificent book, in royal quarto, with its multiplied illustrations, in a style of excellence as respects typography, engraving, and colouring, which will do honour to American art. Of the value of this work it is unnecessary to say more than that it is and must continue to be a standard authority on a most important subject involving the interests of both science and humanity. The publisher deserves the patronage of the whole profession, for placing within the reach of all this noble contribution to our libraries."--_N. Y. Medical Gazette._ THE AMERICAN COTTON SPINNER, AND MANAGERS' AND CARDERS' GUIDE: A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON COTTON SPINNING. Compiled from the Papers of the late Robert H. Baird. In One Volume, Cloth Gilt, Price $1. "This is a practical age, and it demands practical books. Of this class is the manual before us, addressing itself to a rapidly growing interest among us, and one, upon the prosperity of which depends, in a great measure, the destiny of the South. We have too long committed the fatal error of allowing Northern manufactories to convert our staple into the fabrics we require for use, losing by the process all the expenses of a double transportation, the profits of manufacturing, and sundry incidental costs of interest and exchange. With the increasing attention to manufactures in the South, arises the need of information upon all their appliances and workings, and much that is valuable of this nature is found in the book before us. Mr. Baird was an expert and successful cotton-spinner. His experience and observations are here afforded to his fellow-operatives, combined with the modern improvements in mechanics and methods. No intelligent man at the present day builds without 'counting the cost,' or enters upon a field of labour without a comprehensive knowledge of its capabilities and requirements. To those proposing to erect small factories, or now conducting them, the treatise before us could not fail to be of service, if well studied, and to such we commend it."--_Southern Literary Gazette._ "Had we space we might go on to state a number of other equally interesting and important facts. The work from which much of the foregoing is taken, is published by Mr. A. Hart, and was compiled chiefly from the papers of the late Robert H. Baird, well known as an expert cotton-spinner. It is gratifying to see that so respectable a house as that of Mr. Hart has undertaken the publication of books of this kind, for we believe that our operatives should possess a theoretical as well as practical knowledge of their several trades. This work gives the dimensions and speed of machinery, draught and twist calculations, with notices of the most recent improvements. It must prove an invaluable hand-book to the manufacturer."--_Germantown Telegraph._ "As the treatise now stands, it is a most complete and practical guide in the spinning of cotton. It gives the dimensions and speed of machinery, draught and twist calculations; together with rules and examples for making changes in the size and number of roving yarn. The work will be found of value, equally by operatives and mill-owners. It is issued in a very neat style."--_Arthur's Home Gazette._ "'The American Cotton Spinner and Managers' and Carders' Guide,' a practical treatise on cotton-spinning, giving the dimensions and speed of machinery, draught and twist calculations, &c., with notices of recent improvements, together with rules and examples for making changes in the size of roving and yarn. This work is compiled from papers of the late Robert H. Baird, well known as an expert cotton-spinner, and will prove of great service to cotton-growers, mill-owners, and cotton-spinners. This book will undoubtedly meet with an extensive sale in the South, where attention is beginning to be turned in earnest to manufacturing as well as growing cotton."--_Drawing-room Journal._ "This is one of the most interesting and valuable of the many excellent little treatises on mechanical and manufacturing pursuits which have been published by Mr. Hart. The construction and working of a cotton-factory are thoroughly explained. Buildings, main gearing, water-wheels, picking and spreading machines, cards and carding, drawing-frames, speeders, throstles and mule spinning, are elaborately discussed, and to those engaged in the production of cotton goods, the volume must be exceedingly useful. To political economists and others, who feel an interest in the great progress of our country, the historical and statistical portions of the book will also be of value. "'In 1770, there were exported to Liverpool from New York three bags of cotton wool; from Virginia and Maryland, four bags; and from North Carolina, three barrels. Last year England paid $71,984,616 to the United States for raw cotton, which sum is exclusive of that paid to other cotton-growing nations. In 1790 the first cotton-mill was erected in Pawtucket, Rhode Island. In 1850 the number of spindles in operation was computed at 2,500,000.' These facts are among the most signal evidences of the unexampled progress and prosperity of the country, and cannot be considered without emotions of pride and gratification."--_N. Y. Commercial Advertiser._ "It is compiled from the papers of the late Robert H. Baird, well known as an expert cotton-spinner, and forms a practical treatise relative to spinning in all its departments and relations, the dimensions and speed of machinery, draught and twist calculations, &c. &c., which cannot but commend itself to the favourable attention of all connected with this important manufacturing interest."--_North American._ MANUFACTURE OF STEEL, _Containing the Practice and Principles of Working and Making Steel_. BY FREDERICK OVERMAN, MINING ENGINEER. Author of "Manufacture of Iron," &c. COMPLETE IN ONE VOLUME. _With Engravings, cloth gilt. Price 75 cents._ "The author of this book is a practical mining engineer, and what he has to say on the subject of which he treats, is therefore entitled to consideration."--_Com. Advertiser._ "A valuable and almost indispensable hand-book for all workers in steel and iron, such as blacksmiths, cutlers, die sinkers, and manufacturers of various kinds of hardware. The man of science, as well as the artisan, will find much valuable information in Mr. Overman's Book."--_Arthur's Home Gazette._ "Carefully prepared, and therefore well adapted for the purpose. It is illustrated by figures explanatory of apparatus and machinery."--_North American._ "A. Hart, Philadelphia, has published 'The Manufacture of Steel,' by Frederick Overman. This work is not only of interest to blacksmiths and workers in steel and iron, but to men of science and art. It is a most thorough book, commencing with forging, and treating the subject throughout in an able manner."--_Boston Evening Gazette._ THE MOULDER'S AND FOUNDER'S POCKET GUIDE. By Frederick Overman, MINING ENGINEER. WITH FORTY-TWO WOOD ENGRAVINGS. _12mo, 252 pages, cloth gilt. Price 88 cents._ "The moulding of iron for useful purposes is one of the most extensive pursuits of society. 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