Project Gutenberg's Montgomery, the Capital City of Alabama, by Anonymous This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at Title: Montgomery, the Capital City of Alabama Her Resources and Advantages Author: Anonymous Release Date: January 21, 2012 [EBook #38634] Language: English Character set encoding: ASCII *** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK MONTGOMERY--CAPITAL CITY--ALABAMA *** Produced by The Online Distributed Proofreading Team at (This file was produced from images generously made available by The Internet Archive.) MONTGOMERY, THE CAPITAL CITY OF ALABAMA. HER RESOURCES AND ADVANTAGES. Issued under the Auspices of the Montgomery Real Estate Agents' Association, Composed of the following Firms, KNABE & SCOTT, J. B. TRIMBLE & CO., R. P. DEXTER & CO., MOSES BROS. & CO., AGEE & LE BRON, DAVIDSON & JOSEPH, CHANDLER BROS., RAMSEY & CO., HILL & McMASTER, UHLFELDER BROS., J. T. ROBERTS & CO. OFFICERS: W. T. CHANDLER, Pres., W. C. BIBB, Jr., Sec. and Treas., W. B. DAVIDSON, Vice-Pres. 1888. ILLUSTRATED AND PRINTED BY THE SOUTH PUBLISHING COMPANY, 76 PARK PLACE, N. Y. [Illustration: STATE CAPITOL AND SOLDIERS' MONUMENT] MONTGOMERY, ALABAMA. The year 1865 saw Montgomery an utterly exhausted little town of some six thousand people, with three broken-down railroads. The year 1888 finds her a city of 30,000 people, with six well-equipped railroads. Her sole resource was trade with the cotton planters of the surrounding country, and such enterprise as men might exhibit who started life over without a dollar. This difference between 1865 and 1888 is stated to show the discerning reader that there is a source of wealth here, and that the people have utilized it as fast as they could accumulate capital to develop it. [Illustration: Residence of W. B. Davidson] Unaided by the influx of capital and enterprise from the East and from Europe, that has so rapidly built other sections of the country, she accomplished so much. What could be done with that aid need not be written to be appreciated. Both enterprise and capital are turning to the South now, and both have found Alabama their best field of operation. It is the purpose of this little pamphlet to show that Montgomery is the place of places for the enterprise that seeks a field for development, for the capital that seeks investment, and for the citizen of a more northern latitude who desires a change of residence to a prosperous city in a more genial clime. [Illustration: Government Building] [Illustration: Court House] Montgomery is the capital of Alabama, a State whose area is more than fifty thousand square miles, and whose population is nearly or quite one million and a half. She is near the geographical center of the State, exactly in the center of the three great sources of wealth that are giving such an impetus to Alabama's development, and has such close connection with every part of the State that, leaving her depot in the morning, every station on Alabama's nearly 3,000 miles of railroad may be reached before night. When it is added that the Alabama river, navigable all the year round, connects her with the Gulf of Mexico, it will be seen that her facilities as a trade and business center leave little to be desired. [Illustration: Jos. Goetter's Residence] [Illustration: I. Pollak's Residence] No city is more completely equipped with all the conveniences that make the modern city than Montgomery. Her water works supply her with 5,000,000 gallons of pure artesian water daily. Her streets are lighted by the Brush electric light, and her dwellings and business houses by the incandescent electric light and gas. She has a complete system of street railway, and is just completing a thorough system of sanitary sewerage. That such a city should have good hotels, churches, free public schools, theatres, telephones, etc., etc., goes without the saying. [Illustration: City Hall] [Illustration: County Jail] That Montgomery does an annual business of over $30,000,000; that her manufactures are rapidly becoming an important element of her wealth; that she has recently expended millions in improvements, and that she offers the lowest death rate of any city on this continent, is all hereafter set out in detail. She here invites attention to the claim that she offers the best location for purposes of business, commercial or manufacturing, that the developing South affords. Alabama has three sources of wealth--agricultural, mineral and timber. The Mineral belt lies across the Northern third of the State, and there more than a hundred million of dollars have been expended within the last five years in opening coal and iron deposits that surpass those of Pennsylvania. The Timber belt lies across the Southern third of the State, and there billions of feet of yellow pine stand untouched in the virgin forest, while a hundred saw mills are humming along the railroads and rivers. The Agricultural belt lies across the center of the State from East to West. A belt of prairie, fertile as that of Illinois, is separated from the Timber belt on the south and the Mineral belt on the north, by wide stretches of fertile uplands. Along the streams and in the uncleared forests of this central belt are vast quantities of hard woods, suited to every purpose of manufacture. [Illustration: J. W. Dimmick's Residence] In the heart of this Agricultural belt, sits Montgomery, with her river and six railroads. She is the commercial emporium of this farming region, while a few miles north or south brings her to the cheap fuel and the cheap lumber of the Mineral and Timber regions of a State more richly endowed in these respects than any State in the American Union. These rich farming lands, already recovered from the revolution in the labor system, are still to be had for from $3 to $15 per acre, while vast bodies of timber lands are still in the hands of the government, at $1.25 per acre. [Illustration: Residence of O. O. Nelson] Montgomery only asks that the man of enterprise and the man of capital shall come and see for himself. Cheap iron, cheap fuel, cheap cotton, cheap lumber and a consuming population of 500,000 farmers hold out inducements to the manufacturer, unsurpassed on the American continent. MONTGOMERY AS A HEALTH RESORT. We have long believed, and are now prepared to show by facts, figures and an experience of twenty-one years in the Health Department of Montgomery, that it is entitled to rank amongst the healthiest cities in America. We make this assertion in no boastful spirit, but with security born of experience, and sustained by the following carefully prepared statistical tables, compiled from data furnished by a number of American and foreign cities: | | ANNUAL DEATH AMERICA. | POPULATION. | RATE PER 1,000. -----------------------|-------------|---------------- Baltimore, Md. | 400,000 | 19.63 Brooklyn, N. Y. | 600,000 | 20.46 Boston, Mass. | 375,000 | 19.46 Buffalo, N. Y. | 150,000 | 16.52 Cambridge, Mass. | 60,000 | 23.51 Charleston, S. C. | 60,000 | 28.68 Chicago, Illinois | 500,000 | 14.19 Cincinnati, Ohio | 300,000 | 12.84 Cleveland, Ohio | 170,000 | 21.50 Elmira, N. Y. | 20,583 | 18.69 Erie, Penn. | 200,000 | 13.35 Fall River, Mass. | 50,000 | 20.39 Lawrence, Mass. | 40,000 | 23.80 Lowell, Mass. | 60,000 | 16.73 Lynn, Mass. | 35,000 | 18.96 Memphis, Tenn. | 80,000 | 16.08 Milwaukee, Wis. | 150,000 | 21.55 New Haven, Conn. | 80,000 | 15.50 Norfolk, Va. | 25,000 | 19.82 New Orleans, La. | 220,000 | 22.78 New York City | 2,500,000 | 22.74 Philadelphia, Pa. | 100,000 | 19.37 Providence, R. I. | 105,000 | 21.20 Richmond, Va. | 100,000 | 18.11 San Francisco, Cal. | 350,000 | 16.04 St. Louis, Mo. | 600,000 | 18.94 Washington, D. C. | 175,000 | 31.12 Worcester, Mass. | 55,000 | 22.07 Yonkers, N. Y. | 20,000 | 15.33 MONTGOMERY, ALA. | 30,000 |White 9.50 " " | |Col'd. 18.00 " " | |Total 13.00 | | FOREIGN. | | Amsterdam, Holland | 289,982 | 33.01 Antwerp, Belgium | 150,000 | 19.07 Basle, Switzerland | 49,158 | 17. Belfast, Ireland | 180,412 | 28. Berlin, Germany | 200,000 | 23.9 Berne, Switzerland | 40,168 | 20.2 Birmingham, England | 400,436 | 28.5 Bombay, India | | 42.7 Breslau, Germany | 260,000 | 25.9 Brussels, Belgium | 173,000 | 20.2 Buda Pesth, Hungary | 60,000 | 39.6 Calcutta, India | 892,000 | 49.4 Christiana, Norway | 80,000 | 21.4 Copenhagen, Denmark | 200,500 | 24.6 Cork, Ireland | 580,076 | 41.6 Dublin, Ireland | 334,666 | 31.7 Dundee, Scotland | 145,600 | 31.5 Edingburgh, Scotland | 220,729 | 28. Geneva, Switzerland | 46,783 | 19. Ghent, Belgium | 127,653 | 32.6 Glasgow, Scotland | 560,933 | 24. Liverpool, England | 600,000 | 32.6 London, England | 3,560,802 | 25.7 Madras, India | 397,352 | 98.6 Manchester, England | 360,212 | 19.8 Messina, Italy | 80,136 | 16.8 Munich, Bavaria | 200,000 | 32. Naples, Italy | 907,000 | 25.7 Paris, France | 2,500,000 | 25.4 Rome, Italy | 286,000 | 21.3 Rotterdam, Holland | 125,097 | 28.2 Sidney, Australia | 60,079 | 25.5 St. Petersburg, Russia | 210,000 | 45.80 Stockholm, Sweden | 165,677 | 27.2 The Hague, Holland | 105,000 | 29.5 Treiste, Austria | 127,936 | 41.1 Turin, Italy | 225,488 | 32.2 Valparaiso, Chili | 111,500 | 44.3 Venice, Italy | 140,796 | 29.8 Vienna, Austria | 1,500,000 | 32.24 Warsaw, Poland | 300,000 | 21.58 [Illustration: Synagogue] [Illustration: St. Peters Catholic Church] It will be seen from the foregoing tables that Montgomery stands first in the list, the annual death rate being only 9.50 per 1,000 of the white population, 18 per 1,000 of the colored population, and 13 per 1,000 of both races. It is from these facts, representing as they do, the vital changes of a people, that values of health are obtained. Hence they are not only priceless to us as citizens, but to representatives of our own and of foreign countries, who, with their families, design making this city their home. These ask and expect what we hope to give them, namely, immunity and protection from all influences prejudicial to health. [Illustration: M. I. Moses' Residence] It would be well, just here, perhaps, to answer the many questions put to us about the location, general appearance and sanitary advantages claimed for Montgomery. This may be done by the following simple illustration. Take an ordinary soup dish. Cut out one third of the rim, and place the cut surface due north, and you have the city in miniature. Explanation: The bottom of the dish represents the business or commercial center; the rim the hills. From this flat, containing about eighty acres, the ascent is gradual to the crest or water shed. Back of this is a sweep of green, undulating country, which Nature seems wisely to have placed there for the free and unobstructed outlet of storm waste and surface accumulations. Extending from this water shed to the river, is a net-work of large underground water mains and conduits, of sufficient capacity and strength to resist the pressure of the tons of water that flow through them at every heavy rain fall, thus carrying off the debris, closet refuse and other matters to be wasted in the Alabama river. The Waring system of sewerage is now being added to that already in operation. When completed, the drainage of our city will be as perfect as human ingenuity can make it. These natural advantages, aided and controlled by a liberal government and a wise, energetic Health Board, will ever render Montgomery a charming and safe resort for the tourist, and a home for the invalid. How can this be otherwise when Nature has bestowed upon us this gift of position, and invested our city with broad avenues, shaded by endless lines of the water oak, elm and maple. These give charm to our parks and add beauty and attractiveness to the many handsome public buildings and private residences to be seen on every hand. Apart from these attractive features, and above price, is our exhaustless supply of pure artesian water. Its constitution, source and chemically pure composition bear directly and remotely upon the sickness and death rate of our people. That many disorders, some of grave character, are justly due to contagion contained in the water we drink, is an established fact; and we should know this when the question of choosing a home is under consideration. Again, Montgomery is wholly exempt from those wasting blizzards, cyclones and storms so destructive to life and property in other sections of the country. Such are unknown here, whilst around us, yearly visitations of wind storms are common. No disease, especially of epidemic kind, as small-pox, cholera, diphtheria, etc., takes hold here, and we do not dread them. As a WINTER RESORT, Montgomery has superior advantages. Our mild winter, our clean bills of health, hotel accommodations, churches, schools, and domestic help--the least annoying of any in the world--are some of the many advantages offered to those in quest of health and homes. WATER. The city is supplied with water, both for domestic consumption and fire purposes, by "The Capital City Water Co.," with whom a contract was made for twenty years, late in 1885. The company completed the construction of this system in June, 1886, and the same was tested to the satisfaction of all in July. The supply, which appears to be ample for all the wants of the city for years to come, is obtained from five artesian wells, which flow into three reservoirs of 4,000,000 gallons capacity. Two of these reservoirs are kept full of water at all times as a reserve, and in case of fire. The pumping plant consists of two duplex pumping engines, having a capacity of 5,000,000 gallons in twenty-four hours, and a battery of six ninety horse power boilers, together with all the necessary feed pumps, condensers, etc. [Illustration: St. Johns Episcopal Church] [Illustration: Presbyterian Church] [Illustration: First Baptist Church] [Illustration: Court St. M. E. Church] [Illustration: Residence of J. B. Nicrosi] The water is pumped from the reservoirs to a stand pipe twenty-six feet in diameter and 105 feet high, holding 417,000 gallons; this is located at a point where a top elevation of 245 feet above the business portion of the city is obtained, and an average pressure of 110 pounds per square inch. The system of pipes ordered laid by the city consisted originally of 26 8-10 miles of the various sizes; to this has been added as follows: During 1886, 3,900 feet of six inch pipe and 4,660 feet of four inch pipe. During the year 1887, 8,057 feet of six inch pipe, 1,558 feet of four inch pipe and 2,000 feet of three inch pipe, a total of 3.82 miles. In addition to the above nearly two miles of smaller pipes have been laid in the various streets, to supply isolated places. There are located at the present time nine hydrants on the 3.82 miles of extension. There has been found at all times when wanted an abundance of water, with proper pressure at the various hydrants. WAR DEPARTMENT, SIGNAL SERVICE, U. S. ARMY. DIVISION OF TELEGRAMS AND REPORTS FOR THE BENEFIT OF COMMERCE AND AGRICULTURE. The meteorological data given in the tables is taken from the records of Signal Service kept at Montgomery, Ala., since the establishment of the station in September, 1872. TABLE 1, shows the mean temperature for each month and year. The highest monthly mean temperature, 85 degrees, was July, 1875, and the lowest was 43 degrees in December, 1872, and January, 1873, a range of 42 degrees. The normal temperature for fifteen years is 65 degrees. The highest temperature recorded is 106.9 degrees on July 7, 1881, and the lowest 5.4 degrees, January 9, 1886. From 1874 to 1881 the maximum temperature for the year reached 100 degrees or over, but never more than two or three times in any one year. From 1882 the maximum reached only 98 degrees until June, 1887, it reached 102 degrees. TABLE 2, shows the total rainfall for each month in inches and hundredths of an inch. The normal precipitation for the fifteen years is 4.44 inches. The greatest fall occurs in March and the least in October. Occasionally the rain-belt is late in moving up, and when this is the case, the fall in April is increased above the normal for that month. The greatest fall in any twenty-four hours, has been 5.97 inches, April 2, 1876. TABLE 3, shows the prevailing wind direction and the hourly maximum velocity. The highest velocity reached in fifteen years was 48 miles, November, 1873. These maximum velocities are nearly all connected with thunder storms, which never last more than a few hours. Rarely does a storm center pass over this section, but is located either east or west, and passes by without causing heavy gales. TABLE 4. In this table will be found the dates of first and last frost and other phenomena of interest and value. TABLE NO. 1. MEAN TEMPERATURE ====================================================================== Year.|Jan.|Feb.|Mar.|Apr.|May.|Jun.|Jul.|Aug.|Sep.|Oct.|Nov.|Dec.|Mean -----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|---- 1872 | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 76 | 63 | 48 | 43 | .. 3 | 43 | 53 | 54 | 64 | 74 | 78 | 83 | 80 | 75 | 63 | 54 | 49 | 64 4 | 51 | 54 | 61 | 63 | 73 | 80 | 80 | 82 | 76 | 65 | 58 | 51 | 66 5 | 47 | 49 | 57 | 62 | 74 | 81 | 85 | 78 | 74 | 60 | 59 | 54 | 65 6 | 54 | 54 | 54 | 65 | 73 | 80 | 83 | 80 | 75 | 62 | 53 | 41 | 65 7 | 49 | 52 | 55 | 64 | 72 | 81 | 84 | 81 | 75 | 65 | 54 | 52 | 67 8 | 46 | 50 | 63 | 67 | 75 | 79 | 84 | 84 | 77 | 65 | 56 | 44 | 66 9 | 48 | 49 | 60 | 63 | 74 | 79 | 82 | 77 | 74 | 68 | 58 | 54 | 66 1880 | 58 | 54 | 62 | 67 | 74 | 79 | 81 | 80 | 73 | 65 | 51 | 46 | 66 1 | 44 | 50 | 53 | 64 | 75 | 82 | 84 | 81 | 78 | 71 | 56 | 54 | 66 2 | 55 | 57 | 62 | 68 | 70 | 80 | 78 | 79 | 74 | 70 | 54 | 45 | 66 3 | 50 | 58 | 55 | 66 | 71 | 79 | 82 | 80 | 76 | 71 | 58 | 54 | 67 4 | 40 | 55 | 60 | 63 | 75 | 76 | 81 | 78 | 79 | 72 | 54 | 51 | 65 5 | 46 | 45 | 52 | 66 | 70 | 80 | 80 | 80 | 75 | 61 | 54 | 47 | 63 6 | 42 | 47 | 56 | 64 | 73 | 78 | 80 | 80 | 77 | 66 | 54 | 45 | 63 7 | 45 | 59 | 58 | 66 | 76 | 80 | 80 | 79 | 76 | 64 | 56 | 48 | 66 8 | 51 | 54 | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. -----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|---- Means| 48 | 53 | 57 | 65 | 73 | 79 | 82 | 80 | 76 | 66 | 55 | 49 | 65 ====================================================================== TABLE NO. 2, PRECIPITATION. ======================================================= Year.|Jan.|Feb.|Mar. |Apr. |May. |June.|Jul.|Aug.|Sep.| -----|----|----|-----|-----|-----|-----|----|----|----| 1872 |....|....| ....| ....| ....| ....|....|....|3.38| 3 |4.97|9.97| 4.51| 5.57|10.25|11.08|4.17|2.56|3.05| 4 |3.69|6.57|10.66| 9.45| 2.03| 4.31|3.87|1.25|0.39| 5 |6.71|7.86|11.56| 3.54| 1.67| 1.94|0.99|2.14|8.13| 6 |3.70|5.07| 7.33|10.99| 6.55| 4.85|6.24|3.05|1.61| 7 |6.67|2.68| 7.17|10.36| 0.82| 2.94|3.43|1.07|4.07| 8 |5.39|2.59| 2.64| 5.91| 4.06| 5.85|4.59|7.67|2.55| 9 |2.06|2.14| 2.68| 4.50| 3.90| 3.22|5.21|4.54|1.12| 1880 |1.65|6.11| 9.26| 6.42| 7.07| 0.90|3.17|4.41|2.83| 1 |3.58|7.05| 5.45| 4.52| 1.41| 3.04|2.18|5.06|4.49| 2 |4.54|9.27| 6.92| 5.03| 2.94| 3.98|6.29|3.41|4.18| 3 |7.20|2.00| 3.61| 8.16| 2.62| 5.02|0.87|2.08|0.22| 4 |4.82|4.80| 9.50| 3.08| 1.18|10.26|2.80|3.05|0.58| 5 |9.72|3.68| 2.93| 3.92| 8.92| 4.32|1.54|3.93|4.83| 6 |6.69|4.10| 6.86| 7.38| 2.95| 8.61|3.37|5.37|1.12| 7 |5.08|7.47| 0.72| 1.18| 2.84| 3.31|8.56|2.04|2.03| 8 |4.12|7.67| ....| ....| ....| ....|....|....|....| -----|----|----|-----|-----|-----|-----|----|----|----| Means|5.04|5.56| 6.12| 6.00| 3.95| 4.91|4.22|3.44|2.79| ======================================================= ==================== Oct. |Nov.|Dec.|Mean -----|----|----|---- 0.53|5.73|4.08|.... 0.68|4.58|2.61|5.33 1.97|2.60|5.14|4.33 1.68|5.90|6.04|4.85 0.96|3.42|5.97|4.98 2.51|3.75|4.79|4.19 3.49|3.92|6.74|4.62 10.20|1.47|7.42|4.04 2.66|4.06|5.68|4.52 2.72|4.56|9.75|4.48 2.40|1.91|3.88|4.56 2.00|1.70|4.23|3.31 1.87|2.67|4.00|4.05 2.38|3.59|3.13|4.91 0.03|6.72|3.05|4.69 2.47|0.79|8.25|3.73 ....|....|....|.... -----|----|----|---- 2.41|3.59|5.30|4.44 ==================== TABLE NO. 3, PREVAILING WIND AND MAXIMUM VELOCITY. ==================================================================== Year.|January.|Feb'ary.| March. | April. | May. | June. | July. -----|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|-------- 1872 |.....|..|.....|..|.....|..|.....|..|.....|..|.....|..|.....|.. 3 |N. W.|8 |N. W.|14|N. W.|12|S. |16|S. E.|10|S. E.| 6|S. E.|20 4 |S. E.|20|N. |21|S. |20|N. W.|26|N. W.|18|E. |17|S. E.|14 5 |N. |33|N. |33|S. E.|28|N. W.|24|S. |29|S. |28|S. W.|42 6 |N. |25|N. |33|N. W.|36|S. W.|30|S. E.|30|S. E.|20|S. |36 7 |N. |24|N. W.|24|N. W.|40|N. W.|30|E. |24|S. W.|24|N. |24 8 |W. |35|N. W.|35|S. E.|36|S. E.|27|W. |24|N. W.|24|E. |17 9 |N. W.|30|N. W.|22|W. |30|N. W.|36|S. E.|28|W. |24|W. |36 1880 |S. |20|N. |26|N. |28|S. |28|E. |20|S. |21|S. W.|28 1 |N. |30|E. |32|W. |34|N. W.|28|E. |30|N. |26|E. |24 2 |S. |25|S. W.|34|S. W.|30|S. E.|27|S. E.|28|S. W.|30|S. W.|32 3 |S. E.|23|N. E.|18|S. W.|32|S. E.|26|N. W.|20|S. E.|22|S. W.|22 4 |N. W.|22|S. |32|S. E.|28|N. W.|30|S. W.|20|S. E.|28|S. W.|23 5 |N. |29|N. |27|N. W.|23|N. W.|20|N. W.|23|N. |23|N. E.|28 6 |N. W.|30|W. |22|S. |25|E. |24|S. W.|28|S. E.|32|S. W.|16 7 |S. |31|S. E.|28|S. |24|W. |22|S. E.|40|E. |20|S. W.|28 8 |W. |25|E. |25|.....|..|.....|..|.....|..|.....|..|.....|.. -----|-----|--|-----|--|-----|--|-----|--|-----|--|-----|--|-----|-- Means|N. |35|N. |35|N. W.|40|N. W.|36|S. E.|40|S. E.|32|S. W.|42 ==================================================================== ===================================================== August. | Sept. |October.|Nov'ber.|Dec'ber.| Mean. --------|--------|--------|--------|--------|-------- .....|..|.....|..|N. W.|..|N. W.|..|N. W.|..|.....|.. S. E.|28|W. |16|.....|..|S. E.|48|N. W.|16|S. E.|48 E. |12|E. |18|N. W.|18|E. |25|N. |20|E. |26 S. W.|25|N. E.|27|N. W.|20|E. |25|S. |24|S. |42 S. E.|24|N. |22|N. |30|N. W.|25|N. |36|N. |36 N. E.|24|N. E.|25|E. |25|N. W.|27|E. |28|N. W.|40 S. W.|16|N. E.|18|S. E.|18|N. |20|N. W.|34|N. W.|36 N. |18|E. |22|E. |25|E. |20|S. |17|W. |36 E. |26|E. |25|E. |18|E. |28|N. |24|E. |28 E. |20|E. |18|E. |20|E. |23|E. |28|E. |34 W. |16|N. W.|16|E. |16|N. W.|21|N. W.|19|S. W.|34 N. |26|E. |17|E. |23|S. E.|20|N. W.|22|S. E.|32 N. E.|27|S. E.|16|N. E.|20|N. W.|24|S. E.|22|S. E.|32 N. W.|24|N. E.|22|N. W.|24|N. W.|23|N. W.|32|N. W.|32 S. E.|20|E. |20|E. |24|S. |25|N. W.|25|E. |32 N. E.|24|E. |23|N. E.|24|N. E.|24|E. |24|N. E.|40 .....|..|.....|..|.....|..|.....|..|.....|..|.....|.. -----|--|-----|--|-----|--|-----|--|-----|--|-----|-- N. E.|28|E. |27|E. |30|N. W.|48|N. W.|36|S. E.|48 ===================================================== TABLE NO. 4, MISCELLANEOUS PHENOMENA. ====================================================================== FROST. || THERMOMETER. || PRECIPIT'N. | ---------------------||--------------------------||------------------| Year.|First. | Last. || Max.| Date. |Min.| Date. ||Greatest.| Date. | -----|-------|-------||-----|-------|----|-------||---------|--------| 1872 |Oct. 15| ..... || Observation Commenced Sept. 5th, 1872 | 3 | " 29|Mar. 6|| 97.0|July 5|14.0|Jan. 19|| 3.47 |May 1| 4 |Dec. 15|Feb. 11||103.0|Aug. 13|27.0| " 15|| 4.67 |Mar. 16| 5 |Oct. 8|Apr. 3||102.0|July 16|18.0| " 10|| 3.34 |Sept. 27| 6 |Nov. 10|Mar. 13||100.5| " 11|20.0|Dec. 2|| 5.97 |April 2| 7 | " 14| " 11||102.5| " 4|16.0|Jan. 9|| 4.65 | " 7| 8 |Oct. 19| " 5||100.0| " 22|22.0|Dec. 18|| 4.03 |June 13| 9 | " 24|Apr. 6||101.0| " 13|14.5|Jan. 6|| 3.46 |Oct. 17| 1880 | " 24| " 13||100.0| " 4| 8.0|Dec. 30|| 3.33 |May 27| 1 |Nov. 4|Apr. 15||106.9|July 7|24.0|Jan. 2|| 3.63 |Dec. 14| 2 | " 14|Mar. 23|| 97.6|June 28|19.2|Dec. 8|| 3.13 |Feb. 8| 3 |Oct. 26| " 28|| 98.6|July 17|25.0|Jan. 12|| 3.41 |April 9| 4 | " 17| " 16|| 97.1|Aug. 29| 8.0| " 6|| 3.62 |June 30| 5 | " 14| " 16|| 98.0|July 31|15.5|Feb. 11|| 3.13 |Jan. 23| 6 | " 28|Apr. 6|| 97.8|Aug. 16| 5.4|Jan. 9|| 3.66 |April 28| 7 | " 31| " 6||102.0|June 19|12.9| " 31|| 2.25 |July 27| 8 |.......|.......||.....|.......|....|.......|| .... |........| ====================================================================== ============================ | DAYS. |--------------------------- |Clear. Fair. Cloudy. Rainy. |------|-----|-------|------ | ... | ... | ... | ... | 73 | 132 | 129 | 112 | 104 | 125 | 136 | 115 | 101 | 148 | 116 | 123 | 133 | 125 | 108 | 107 | 117 | 122 | 126 | 105 | 140 | 140 | 85 | 106 | 122 | 151 | 92 | 135 | 75 | 172 | 119 | 132 | 123 | 130 | 112 | 120 | 105 | 179 | 81 | 124 | 137 | 145 | 84 | 112 | 141 | 139 | 86 | 126 | 114 | 153 | 98 | 140 | 125 | 143 | 97 | 99 | 139 | 126 | 100 | 103 | ... | ... | ... | ... ============================ [Illustration: Girl's High School] [Illustration: Swayne College, Colored School] [Illustration: Boy's High School] [Illustration: City Infirmary] [Illustration: Women's Home] [Illustration: Morris Eye Infirmary] FINANCIAL CONDITION OF THE CITY AND COUNTY OF MONTGOMERY. CITY--LIABILITIES. Bonded Indebtedness April 30th, 1888 $ 572,050 Bonds issued since for Sanitary Sewerage 150,000 --------- Total Bonded Indebtedness $722,050 ASSETS. Total Assets April 30th, 1888 $221,745 Assessed value of Real Estate 5,500,000 " " " Personal Property 3,090,000 --------- Total Assessed value of Real and Personal Property $8,590,000 COUNTY--LIABILITIES. Total Bonded Indebtedness $35,000 ASSETS. Total Assets $100,000 Assessed value of Real Estate 10,063,374 " " " Personal Property 5,175,133 --------- Total Assessed value of Real and Personal Property $15,238,507 TAXES. State Tax Rate 50 cts. County Tax Rate 35 cts. City Tax Rate $1.12-1/2 --------- Total Taxes for all purposes $1.97-1/2 INSURANCE. Basis Rate for Standard Store Building 1 per cent. " " " Brick Metal-Roofed Dwelling 50 cents " " " Frame, Shingle-Roofed Dwelling 75 " Industries rated according to the tariff of South Eastern Tariff Association. STATEMENT SHOWING THE AMOUNT OF CAPITAL INVESTED IN MONTGOMERY, AND AMOUNT OF BUSINESS DONE, TOGETHER WITH THE TOTAL OUTBOUND TICKET SALES AND FREIGHT TONNAGE FORWARDED AND RECEIVED FROM JAN. 1, 1887 TO DEC. 31, 1887. CAPITAL. AMT. OF BUS. Cotton Factors and Warehouses $2,490,000 $6,750,000 Cotton Mills and Factories 1,380,000 2,450,000 Groceries 1,680,000 6,900,000 General Stores 440,000 1,200,000 Hardware, China and Glassware 345,000 850,000 Foundries and Machine Shops 120,000 350,000 Plumbing 60,000 150,000 Carriages and Harness 70,000 220,000 Clothing, Hats, Caps, etc. 90,000 320,000 Dry Goods 960,000 2,850,000 Furniture 140,000 350,000 Paper, Twine, etc. 80,000 175,000 Coal, Wood and Lumber 160,000 750,000 Boots, Shoes and Leather 260,000 550,000 Drugs, Paints, etc. 285,000 450,000 Flour and Grist Mills 245,000 1,200,000 Cigars and Tobacco 80,000 450,000 Builders and Building Material 325,000 1,150,000 Printing and Stationery 140,000 270,000 Jewelry 70,000 100,000 Insurance Companies 300,000 250,000 Sundry Establishments, including Theatres, Hotels, Saloons, Auction Houses, Fancy Goods, Bakeries, Pickeries, Junk, Live Stock, etc. 260,000 2,200,000 Fertilizer Works 75,000 250,000 Residences and Business Houses 550,000 Oil Mills 250,000 Street Railroad 130,000 Furnace 175,000 Ochre Mines and Mills 20,000 Highland Park Improvement Co. 600,000 Riverside Improvement Co. 750,000 Banking Capital 2,600,000 Steam Boat Line 50,000 Water Works 450,000 Ice Factories 50,000 ----------- ----------- $15,680,000 $30,185,000 Total Passenger Ticket Sales $272,279.45 " Freight Tonnage forwarded by Rail 151,315 tons. " " " received by Rail 354,570 " " " " " " Trade Co's Boats 16,381 " [Illustration: Capital City Water Works] MONTGOMERY'S TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES. A glance at the State map must convince even the most casual observer that Montgomery possesses rail and water transportation facilities, which not only bring her in easy reach of the varied resources of the State, but also connect her with the large commercial cities of this land, and with foreign ports. The Alabama river, which is navigable from Montgomery the entire year, is her water way to the Gulf, and is an important factor in the question of freights. Connecting her with New York and foreign ports, it is a perpetual check to freight discriminations against her by railroads. When the obstructions to the Coosa river are removed, a matter now engaging the attention of Congress, Montgomery will have water communication as far north as Rome, Ga., which will open up to her a country rich in mineral and agricultural wealth. The great Louisville and Nashville system, which has contributed so largely to the development of the State, reaches out from Montgomery in two directions. It connects her with the markets of the entire country, north, northeast, northwest and south, and supplies her with coal and other products of the mineral districts of the State, and lumber from the timber belts. [Illustration: Residence of John R. Tyson] The Western Railroad of Alabama, from Montgomery to Atlanta, connecting with the Kennesaw and Piedmont Air Lines, is a link in the great line from New York to the Gulf. At Atlanta it connects with the Georgia Railroad, giving it a through line to Charleston, and at Opelika with the Central Railroad system, forming a direct route to Savannah, two of the most important ports on the Atlantic. [Illustration: Opera House] [Illustration: Montgomery Theatre] [Illustration: Views from Highland Park] [Illustration: Club House Montgomery Shooting Club] [Illustration: A Glimpse of Jackson's Lake] [Illustration: Exchange Hotel] [Illustration: Windsor Hotel] The Montgomery and Selma division opens up to her the rich agricultural districts of West Alabama and Mississippi, giving her a valuable trade. The Montgomery and Eufaula Railroad, runs southeast from Montgomery, through rich, black prairie lands to Eufaula, where it connects with steamers on the Chattahoochee river. This road is a part of the Georgia Central system, and forms a direct line from Montgomery to Savannah. It offers unsurpassed facilities to Montgomery shippers, giving through bills of lading over its own rail and steamship lines, to New York and Europe. It is the most popular through route from the West to all Florida resorts. The Florida and Northwest Railroad is being built south from Montgomery, and is now running fifty miles through a rich agricultural section to Luvern. From Luvern it will pass through the finest timber belt in the country, to some point on the Chattahoochee river. While this road will be a great feeder to Montgomery, it will also form the most direct route to Florida. Its extension from Montgomery, northwest to Maplesville, is generally conceded, where it will connect with the East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia system, that great artery of commerce, that stretches its arms of steel from the Atlantic to the lakes, and from the mountains of Virginia to the plains of Texas. This system now enters Montgomery over the track of the Louisville and Nashville road. The above is but a meager statement of Montgomery's transportation facilities. [Illustration: Residence of Judge D. Clopton] PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Our public schools consist of the Boys' High School, the Girls' High School, the Capital Hill Grammar School and the Sayre Street Grammar School for white children, and Swayne College and Cemetery Hill School for colored children. There are employed in the white schools, twenty-six regular teachers and one supernumerary, and in the colored schools, ten teachers. There has been an attendance during this year of about nine hundred and fifty white children, a larger number than ever before, and about four hundred and fifty colored children. The expenditures for the session 1887-8 have been about twenty-three thousand dollars, besides about four thousand dollars for buildings and repairs. The income of the schools is derived from an annual appropriation by the city, an annual appropriation from the State, regulated by the number of school children in this school district, and from the poll tax collected from the citizens in this district. The schools are in a flourishing condition. The Superintendent is a competent, painstaking gentleman, and his assistants are for the most part well adapted and fitted to be his coadjutors in the good work. [Illustration: Residence of A. A. Wiley] The schools begin on the first Monday in October and end on the last Thursday in May, thus having an eight months' session. The children within the district who are able to pay it, are required to pay a fee of two dollars per session of eight months; those who are unable to pay this fee are admitted free. The students in the Boys' High School and in the highest class of the Girls' High School pay a fee of ten dollars per session of eight months, if able to do so. We have every prospect of continued prosperity in the schools. [Illustration: Moses Building] [Illustration: The Adams Cotton Mill OFFICERS ADAMS COTTON MILL: J. R. ADAMS, PRESIDENT; J. B. SHERROD, SECRETARY AND TREASURER; W. L. DOLPHYN, SUPERINTENDENT. CAPACITY 5000 SPINDLES AND 150 LOOMS.] [Illustration: Noble Boykin & Clopton Bldg.] [Illustration: Hobbie Building] [Illustration: Griel Building] INDUSTRIES THAT WILL PAY IN MONTGOMERY. Cotton Mills,--As shown elsewhere. Bagging Factory,--From absence of any here, and the immense trade that Montgomery has in bagging for wrapping cotton, amounting to something like $200,000 per annum. Iron Works of all Kinds,--As a furnace of fifty tons capacity will soon be completed in Montgomery, giving cheap charcoal iron of best grade; and unexcelled transportation facilities to reach the home and foreign markets. Variety Wood Working,--Owing to cheap lumber of every kind, as shown elsewhere. Paper Factory,--Owing to the large amount of cotton seed hulls to be secured from our three large oil mills, which hulls will make a most beautiful white paper; and unexcelled facilities for securing cotton stalks and other good paper stock, and inexhaustible water supply. Tan Yard,--Owing to large number of good hides shipped from this point and towns in easy reach, and ease of securing barks, bitter weed and other material for tanning leather. Plows and Agricultural Implements,--Owing to large home demand and cheapness of raw material, with splendid shipping facilities. [Illustration: Residence of J. C. Hurter] Glass Factory,--Owing to large deposit of excellent sand near Montgomery, and the absence of such a factory in this section. Shoe Factory,--Owing to large trade, amounting to half a million dollars. Cheap Clothing,--Owing to immense wholesale trade, supplying Middle and South Alabama and part of Florida. Terra Cotta and Tiles,--Owing to large deposits of fine clays suitable for making such articles. Flouring Mill,--As this is a large wholesale market for flour, and there is a good opening, with promise of large return, for such an enterprise. [Illustration: Brewery] [Illustration: The Montgomery Iron Works] Paint Factory,--Owing to the large beds of fine ochre within ten miles of the city, which ochre is now being shipped in the raw state to other points. Paper Box Factory, Wool Factory, Hat Factory and Knitting Factory. The above-mentioned enterprises are only named to suggest to the minds of business men a few of the manufacturing establishments that will pay a large profit on capital invested in Montgomery, while the field is open for sundry others that are two numerous to give in detail. Montgomery stands at the head of commercial cities of the South, with almost undisputed control of a large territory occupied by half a million consumers, and unequaled railroad and river transportation facilities for collecting all raw material to this point and delivery of manufactured articles to foreign and domestic markets. For further information as to facts in detail in regard to the above manufacturing enterprises, write to any member of the Montgomery Real Estate Agents' Association, who will take pleasure in furnishing information and will secure donation of site for plant. MONTGOMERY'S AGRICULTURAL ADVANTAGES. The City of Montgomery is surrounded by a greater variety of valuable agricultural lands than any city in the South, being situated on the south bank of the Alabama river, just below the confluence of the Coosa and Talapoosa rivers, all of which streams are bordered by very rich farming lands. Some of the alluvial bottoms are subject to occasional overflows, but the second bottoms are above the effects of freshets and form beautiful flats, in some places several miles wide, of sandy loam with clay subsoil, making a most valuable land for general farm purposes, as it is easily tilled and susceptible of great improvement by manuring and a good system of farming. The rich black prairie belt touches us on the south and certainly contains some of the finest and most productive lands in the Union. It is just undulating enough to afford good drainage. The prairie soil is naturally so rich that fertilizers have been used very little, and the all-cotton system of farming which has been practiced almost to the exclusion of every other crop since 1865, has impoverished the farmers to such an extent that large prairie farms have been turned over entirely to negro tenants. This has resulted in a complete failure as a system, as the negro without a white man for a director, is not capable of making a living for himself or rents for his landlord. These magnificent lands can now be bought for about $10 to $15 per acre, and are certainly better adapted to stock raising than any other section of the continent, being splendid grain lands for such crops as oats and corn, yielding from twenty-five to 100 bushels per acre. [Illustration: Alabama Oil Mill] [Illustration: Montgomery Oil Mill] Johnson grass flourishes here as a hay grass, yielding from one and a half to two tons per acre, without any trouble of re-seeding, and sells in home market for $15 per ton. Bermuda grass for pasturage is unsurpassed by any grass in the world, as it affords good grazing for eight months in the year, and will keep fat one horse or cow per acre for that length of time. Another valuable characteristic of the Bermuda grass is that it never runs out as a pasture. Some pastures are now in fine condition that were sodded thirty years ago. Another important advantage of this section, for stock raising, is that our winters are so mild that stock does not need housing, except that it is better to provide open sheds for protection from rain, and they feed on the cane which grows on all branches and streams, staying green all the year. When a specialty is made of stock raising it is well to provide some ensilage to feed at night through the winter, in connection with the cane pasturage. While some of our farmers are paying more attention each year to stock raising, as a general thing the prairie farms are rented to negro tenents, and now is a splendid opportunity to buy them cheap and devote to grass and stock. [Illustration: The Southern Cotton Oil Co.'s Mill at Riverside Park. HENRY C. BUTCHER, Pres.; JOHN OLIVER, Sec. and Treas., of Philadelphia; E. W. THOMPSON, Local Manager. Capacity, 150 tons cotton seed daily.] [Illustration: Old Compress] [Illustration: Hurter & Co's New Compress] While 250 pounds of lint cotton, twenty bushels of corn and thirty bushels of oats per acre are considered fair crops for our white farmers, below will be shown what can be done with our lands under the intensive system of farming. The figures show the results on a four mule farm of 320 acres of our good land. DR. CR. Wear and tear of mules, tools, etc., $200 00 Feed of mules, 200 00 Wages and rations 10 hands, 1,250 00 Extra labor during harvest, 200 00 Fertilizers, cotton seed meal and acid phosphate as adjunct to home manure, 2,000 00 Yield of 80 acres of cotton, 160 bales at $40 $6,400 00 Yield of 60 acres of corn, 3,000 bushels at 50 cents, 1,500 00 Yield of 80 acres of oats, 4,000 bushels at 40 cents, 1,600 00 Yield of 5 acres of cane, 2,000 gallons syrup at 35 cts., 700 00 Showing net profit of, 6,350 00 ---------- ---------- $10,200 00 $10,200 00 The above estimate shows the possibilities of good farming. It is not overdrawn, as five bales of cotton and one hundred bushels of corn and oats, respectively, have been grown on single acres. These figures show 225 acres under cultivation, leaving ninety-five acres of the farm to be devoted to pasture, orchards, etc. [Illustration: Residence of W. H. Graves] MARKET GARDENING. Market gardening, or truck farming, around Montgomery, offers a number of advantages over other sections. As stated elsewhere, we have a great variety of soils that are suited to growing fruits and vegetables, while our climate is all that could be asked, with a mean annual temperature of 64 degrees, the last frost occurring from the 5th to the 25th of April, and earliest killing frost in the fall, in November, with an annual mean precipitation of rain of 55 inches. The conditions are therefore favorable for growing all fruits and vegetables not natives of extreme northern or tropical climates, and we can have some crop growing all the year round for marketing. [Illustration: Charcoal Furnaces & Chemical Works] [Illustration: Masonic Temple] [Illustration: Liverpool & London & Glob and A. P. Tyson Buildings] [Illustration: Alabama State Fair Grounds] With the good railroad connections that we have with such points as Louisville, Cincinnati and Chicago, and advantage in rates by being two hundred miles nearer to these markets than the Gulf coast, the Montgomery gardener is favorably situated to make his business successful. LUMBER AND TIMBER TRADE OF MONTGOMERY. Montgomery is favorably located for being one of the largest lumber marts in the South, owing to her close proximity to the immense body of long leaf pine in South Alabama, which, with good rail connections in operation and in course of construction, will enable her to control any amount of splendid yellow pine lumber for manufacturing into sash, doors, blinds, etc. On all the rivers and streams in this section abound hard woods of every kind, suitable for manufacture into furniture, wagons, tool handles and for every variety of wood working. These can be laid down in Montgomery at such a low cost that she is destined to become a great center for wood working establishments. COTTON FACTORIES. As a financial investment, cotton mills in the South, under proper management, offer as good promise of dividends on capital invested as any industry or branch of business. The average profits from cotton mills South, for years have been fully equal to those of other business, and in many instances, far greater. In selecting a site for a mill, there are localities that offer greater inducements for such an enterprise than others, and among those cities that offer the greatest attractions is Montgomery. We believe a careful review of her facilities will convince capitalists that she is the most available city in the South for operating a cotton mill, and that she must become sooner or later the center for cotton manufacture. In counting the cost of a plant, the question of a site would not have to be considered, as a good railroad site will be donated by either the Riverside or the Highland Park Company. Building material, and skilled and unskilled labor required to convert it into mill buildings, can be secured at a very reasonable rate. The proximity of the city to the Alabama coal fields settles all questions as to the cost of fuel for power. Coal at a little over $2 per ton affords power to propel a cotton mill, which under the ordinary natural conditions attached to water power, makes it impossible to compete with steam. The city is a trade center for the distribution of large quantities of staple goods of every kind over a large territory, which in turn supplies her with the raw material, and in such quantities that she enjoys great prominence as a cotton market. The supply of cotton for the mills could be readily obtained, and many of the goods produced would find a ready home market, while the competing lines of railway and the Alabama river insure low freight rates for the products and for all material and supplies used in building and running a mill. [Illustration: Residence of H. C. Moses] Fully 80 per cent. of the operatives of a cotton mill are females and minors, and Montgomery has a large class of this population who are now practically without employment, the majority of the industries now in operation here being unsuitable for such labor. In many families the adult males are compelled to support by their labors the remaining members of their households, owing to the difficulty of the class mentioned above finding suitable and profitable employment. For this, at present, surplus labor, there is no fixed value. It seeks employment wherever there is an opportunity, and is satisfied with very moderate pay. Should a cotton mill be built in Montgomery, an ample supply of this labor would be certain to volunteer before the completion of the building. [Illustration: Carr's Cracker Factory] [Illustration: Standard Club Building] The South is the field for the manufacture of coarse cotton goods, and no other section of the country can compete with it on these products. This has been fully determined, and is no longer an open question. These goods are standard and the demand for them world wide. Thousands of bales of domestic goods have been shipped during the year from Southern mills to China and Japan. As stated above, the South is the field for cotton mills, and Montgomery is the most available point in the South for the establishment of such industries. TALLASSEE FALLS MANUFACTURING COMPANY. The Tallassee Falls Manufacturing Co's Cotton Mills are situated at Tallassee, a small town contiguous to and contributory to Montgomery. The main building, of stone, is 220 feet long by 50 feet wide, five stories, with an L 60 feet, six stories, and a wing 116 feet by 60 feet, four stories high, containing about 20,000 spindles and 330 looms. These mills manufacture cotton brown goods, consuming 7,500 to 8,000 bales cotton annually. The officers of the company are, John W. Durr, President; James A. Farley, Treasurer, and Wm. H. Micou, Jr., Secretary. Their residences are at Montgomery, where the principal office of the company is located. The officers at the mills are, A. J. Milstead, Superintendent; A. J. Noble, Assistant Treasurer, Tallassee, Ala. The mills are run by water-power, are equipped with the latest improved machinery, and lighted by an 800 light Edison electric light plant. [Illustration: Cotton Mills of the Tallassee Falls Manufacturing Co.] [Illustration: Montgomery Ala. and Its Surroundings] End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of Montgomery, the Capital City of Alabama, by Anonymous *** END OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK MONTGOMERY--CAPITAL CITY--ALABAMA *** ***** This file should be named 38634.txt or ***** This and all associated files of various formats will be found in: Produced by The Online Distributed Proofreading Team at (This file was produced from images generously made available by The Internet Archive.) Updated editions will replace the previous one--the old editions will be renamed. Creating the works from public domain print editions means that no one owns a United States copyright in these works, so the Foundation (and you!) can copy and distribute it in the United States without permission and without paying copyright royalties. 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