The Project Gutenberg EBook of The History of Sabatai Sevi, by John Evelyn This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at Title: The History of Sabatai Sevi The Suppos'd Messiah of the Jews Author: John Evelyn Editor: Christopher W. Grose Release Date: December 17, 2011 [EBook #38327] Language: English Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1 *** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK THE HISTORY OF SABATAI SEVI *** Produced by Chris Curnow, Joseph Cooper, Moti Ben-Ari and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at [Illustration: Cover] THE AUGUSTAN REPRINT SOCIETY JOHN EVELYN THE HISTORY OF SABATAI SEVI, _The Suppos'd Messiah_ OF THE JEWS. (1669) _Introduction by_ CHRISTOPHER W. GROSE PUBLICATION NUMBER 131 WILLIAM ANDREWS CLARK MEMORIAL LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES 1968 GENERAL EDITORS George Robert Guffey, _University of California, Los Angeles_ Maximillian E. Novak, _University of California, Los Angeles_ Robert Vosper, _William Andrews Clark Memorial Library_ ADVISORY EDITORS Richard C. Boys, _University of Michigan_ James L. Clifford, _Columbia University_ Ralph Cohen, _University of Virginia_ Vinton A. Dearing, _University of California, Los Angeles_ Arthur Friedman, _University of Chicago_ Louis A. Landa, _Princeton University_ Earl Miner, _University of California, Los Angeles_ Samuel H. Monk, _University of Minnesota_ Everett T. Moore, _University of California, Los Angeles_ Lawrence Clark Powell, _William Andrews Clark Memorial Library_ James Sutherland, _University College, London_ H. T. Swedenberg, Jr., _University of California, Los Angeles_ CORRESPONDING SECRETARY Edna C. Davis, _William Andrews Clark Memorial Library_ INTRODUCTION _And you should if you please refuse Till the conversion of the Jews._ The reader of John Evelyn's _History of Sabatai Sevi, The Pretended Messiah of the Jewes_ or of the _History of the Three Late Famous Impostors_ (1669) in which it is the most significant part, discovers a fascinating, if unoriginal, addition to the work of the great diarist and dilettante, the amateur student of engraving and trees--and smoke. Evelyn's work was almost totally derived from the account of Sir Paul Rycaut, who was from 1661 secretary (and later consul) for the Levant mercantile company in Smyrna. Rycaut was in fact responsible for what first-hand reporting there is in the _History_, and Evelyn's book preceded by only eleven years Rycaut's _History of the Turkish Empire 1623-1677_, where the story first appeared under the author's own name. What gives Evelyn's _Pretended Messiah_ its own interest is partly the immediacy of the news of Sabatai Sevi, and partly the context in which Evelyn places the story, a context to some extent indicated in the title, _History of the Three Late Famous Impostors_. When the work was published in 1669, Sevi was neither the amusing curiosity he is likely to be for the modern reader, nor the impertinent confidence man suggested by Evelyn's "impostor." Evelyn was reviewing for an English audience one of the great crises in Jewish history, the career of the man who has been called Judaism's "most notorious messianic claimant."[1] That career was not entirely past history in 1669. Sevi lived until 1675, and even after his humiliation and final banishment in 1673 he could write to his father-in-law in Salonica that men would see in his lifetime the day of redemption and the return of the Jews to Zion; "For God hath appointed me Lord of all Mizrayim."[2] Indeed, a remnant of Judaeo-Turkish Shabbethaians called Dönmehs apparently exists in Salonica to the present day. Whatever the appeal of Sevi's story may be for modern readers--as a mode of fiction, perhaps, or an instance of mass hysteria--Evelyn's discovery of an exemplum for religious and political enthusiasts may seem forced or reductive. In 1669, however, the interest of Englishmen in Jewish affairs was by no means merely academic--or narrowly commercial. There were, it is true, English sportsmen in 1666 who were actually betting on the Sevi career--ten to one that the "Messiah of Ismir" would be crowned King of Jerusalem within two years. And what was most disturbing about Sevi to the English nation as a whole was perhaps the disruption of trade, in which Sevi's father was intimately involved, as the agent of an English mercantile house. At the height of the furor, Jewish merchants were dissolving businesses as well as unroofing their houses in preparation for the return to Jerusalem. But the prime significance for Evelyn--perhaps more than for Rycaut--is revealed in the instinctive mental connection between Jewish and Christian history, or ways of thinking about history, on the one hand, and political realities in England on the other. Only nine years had passed since the return of Charles II and the displacement of the Protectorate, with its remarkable Jewish elements. As for the return of the Christian Messiah and an imminent reign of the saints, Sevi might well have reminded Evelyn of the English "impostor," the Quaker Jacob Naylor, whose messianic claims were publicly examined at Bristol in 1657. Far more important to Englishmen of the period, however, was the episode involving the mission of the Amsterdam rabbi Menasseh ben Israel to Cromwell's England in 1655, a year after Naylor's first appearance. For two centuries after their expulsion from England by Edward I--that is, until the seventeenth century--Jews either avoided England entirely or lived there in deliberate obscurity. Some Spanish and Portuguese Jewish refugees from the Inquisition did arrive in England; but particularly after the execution for treason of Elizabeth's physician Roderigo Lopez in 1594, they could remain only as "Crypto-Jews." It was during the Puritan regime that the Jewish position in England really improved, and the removal of the legal bar dates from the conference summoned by Cromwell in response to the demands of Menasseh.[3] The interest in Rabbinical literature displayed by learned men like Joseph Scaliger, Johann Buxtorf, Hugo Grotius, and John Selden, together with a general Old Testament emphasis in Protestant scriptural study, made Judaism a more fashionable interest than it had been in previous years. Cromwell's own encouragement of Menasseh is usually viewed as an expression of his tolerationist principles and the hope that the return of Jews to England would aid in extending trade with Spain and Portugal, and even with the Levant. An additional facet of his general reception of Menasseh is relevant to Evelyn's _Pretended Messiah_. A chief argument in _The Humble Address of Menasseh ben Israel_ (November 5, 1655) was the Amsterdam rabbi's belief that since England was the only country rejecting the Jews, their readmittance would be the signal for the coming of the Messiah. Fifth-Monarchy enthusiasts recalled the prophecies of _Daniel_ and _Revelations_ and linked them with the relatively immediate experience of the Thirty Years' War; motives of mercantile jealousy were to some extent offset by millenarian anxiety. Indeed, the possibility of an imminent millennial reign of the saints could be the strongest kind of argument for showing favor to the Jews. Cromwell all but proselytized at the meetings of the conference; ultimately, because of the opposition of commercial interests, he was forced to dissolve it. We can perhaps best understand Evelyn's account of Sabatai Sevi, "the Messiah of Ismir," against this background of English Protestant millennial thinking, admirably summarized in Michael Fixler's recent study.[4] As Fixler suggests, it was possibly to discredit the Fifth-Monarchy men that Rycaut first included the account in what was to become his _History of the Turkish Empire_. At any rate, Sevi himself was hardly the mere con-man Rycaut and Evelyn portray; the mask, indeed, is _erepta_ only with the greatest of difficulty. Because Rycaut was interested in trade and cultural _mores_, his (and consequently, Evelyn's) account neglects features of the story which are of primary interest to more psychologically inclined readers. We are told almost nothing, for example, of the details of Sevi's solitary youth; his physical attractiveness; his clear voice as well suited to lascivious Spanish love-songs (interpreted mystically) as to Psalms; and his early rejection of the Talmud for the practical Cabala, with its strenuous, self-mortifying asceticism. One would gather from Evelyn that only the deluded followers of the "impostor" and not Sevi himself imposed such punishments as self-burial, and bathing in the sea, even in midwinter. More surprising, perhaps, is the almost total neglect of Sarah, Sevi's third wife, mentioned in the _Pretended Messiah_ only as the "Ligornese Lady" whom Sevi acquired after freeing himself "from the Incumbrances of a Family." In fact, the beautiful and engaging Sarah seems to have become an integral part of the movement, a movement which in its early stages was all-male. A prostitute notorious in her own right, primarily for her claims to be the destined bride of the Messiah, Sarah apparently escaped miraculously from a Christian convent after being cared for as an orphan of the savage Chmielnicki massacres in Poland. As he was later to do with a more formidable rival to his exclusive claims (Nehemiah ha-Kohen, who ultimately exposed him as a fraud) Sevi called Sarah to Cairo in 1664, claiming to have dreamed of her as _his_ future bride. Eventually, after his "conversion," she followed him even into the Turkish seraglio where he bore the title Mahmed Effendi. Other details are missing from Evelyn's _Pretended Messiah_; the interested reader may pursue the strange tale in Graetz's _History of the Jews_ or the partly fictionalized biography by Joseph Kastein, _The Messiah of Ismir_.[5] We may note in passing one additional incident. After his first banishment from Smyrna (as a result of pronouncing the sacred tetragrammaton in Hebrew), Sevi met the mystic Abraham ha-Yakini, who subsequently forged in archaic characters and style a document entitled "The Great Wisdom of Solomon"--a document accepted by Sevi as an authentic "archeological" revelation. The event was shortly followed by a bizarre celebration of Sevi's marriage as the Son of God ("En Sof") with the Torah, and may have provided climactic metaphysical confirmation of Sevi's hopes. In the manner of the old apocalypses, it pronounced Sevi the "saviour of My people, Israel," one who in time "shall overthrow the great dragon and kill the serpent."[6] Good as Evelyn's _Pretended Messiah_ may have been for contemporaries as a review of recent "news," and we must not underestimate this function, to the modern reader it seems closer to fiction, of a peculiarly propagandistic and ironic kind. Aside from omissions from the story--partly a matter of ignorance or failure in perception, and partly deliberate exclusion of inconvenient material--Evelyn's enthusiastic acceptance of his source's frequent theatrical metaphors is one measure of the distance from history of the _Pretended Messiah_. When Evelyn's Sevi is grave, it is a "formal and pharisaical gravitie" which is "starcht on." His motives in general seem highly conscious, even deliberate; and despite a certain doubleness in the point of view of the _Pretended Messiah_, the reason for Sevi's comic simplicity is not difficult to discover. Sir Paul Rycaut, as I have suggested, seems primarily interested in the effects of the movement on trade. The most vehement thinking of the book, though ascribed to an unnamed opponent of Sevi, could well be that of Rycaut himself: [The opponent observed] in what a wilde manner the whole People of the Jewes was transported, with the groundless beliefe of a _Messiah_, leaving not onely their Trade, and course of living, but publishing Prophesies of a speedy Kingdome, of rescue from the Tyranny of the Turk, and leading the Grand Signior himself Captive in Chaines; matters so dangerous and obnoxious to the State wherein they lived, as might justly convict them of Treason and Rebellion, and leave them to the Mercy of that Justice, which on the least jealousie and suspicion of Matters of this nature uses to extirpate Families, and subvert the Mansion-houses of their own People, much rather of the Jewes, on whom the Turkes would gladly take occasion to dispoile them of their Estates, and condemn the whole Nation to perpetual slavery. (pp. 78-79) Evelyn retains this and similar material, apparently never suspecting that the Turks may well have been hesitant from real fear; but the burden of his emphasis is more overtly political and religious. Evelyn is less than ingenuous, perhaps, in associating Sevi with Peter Serini's fake brother, or even with Mahomed Bei--another of the "late famous impostors." But the connection does have the effect of putting Sevi in an imaginary world where all masks will be discovered and the truth known. Ultimately, Evelyn's Jews, like Dryden's and Milton's, are English--"_our_ modern Enthusiasts and other prodigious Sects amongst us, who Dreame of the like Carnal Expectations, and a Temporal Monarchy" (sig. A8; italics mine). One hardly needs to fill out the reading. With a traditional reminder that "the Time is not yet Accomplished," Evelyn warns English sectarians to beware of misleading fictions--"to weigh how nearly their Characters approach the Style and Design of those deluded wretches." Evelyn's words here suggest something of the wider interest of the _Pretended Messiah_. For in threatening the modern enthusiasts, as it were, with the status of comic fiction, he also hinted at the literal immediacy of such explicitly imaginative works as _Absalom and Achitophel_, _Paradise Regained_, and _Samson Agonistes_. What Evelyn's _Pretended Messiah_ helps to reveal, then, is not only the potential metaphoric value of news itself, but also the peculiar proximity of poetry to "history" in a period when historical thought was inseparable from apocalyptic myth.[7] University of California, Los Angeles NOTES TO THE INTRODUCTION [1] Michael Fixler, _Milton and the Kingdoms of God_ (London, 1964), p. 244. [2] Joseph Kastein, _The Messiah of Ismir_, trans. Huntley Paterson (New York, 1931), p. 323. [3] For an account of the events leading to the extra-judicial opinion of Glyn and Steele, see Samuel R. Gardiner, _History of the Commonwealth and Protectorate, 1649-1660_, III (London, 1901), 216-222. [4] _Milton and the Kingdoms of God_ (London, 1964), especially pp. 237-249. [5] Heinrich Graetz, _History of the Jews_, V (Philadelphia, 1895), 118-167. See also Henry Malter, "Shabetai Zebi B. Mordecai," _The Jewish Encyclopedia_, X (1905). [6] Kastein, p. 77. [7] For a provocative study of apocalypse in fiction, see Frank Kermode, _The Sense of An Ending_ (Oxford, 1966). BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTE The text of this edition is reproduced from a copy in the William Andrews Clark Memorial Library. THE HISTORY Of the THREE late famous IMPOSTORS, {_Padre Ottomano_, viz. {_Mahomed Bei_, and {_Sabatai Sevi_. The _One_, pretended _Son_ and _Heir_ to the late _Grand Signior_; The _Other_, a _Prince_ of the _Ottoman_ Family, but in _truth_, a _Valachian Counterfeit_. And the Last, The Suppos'd _MESSIAH_ of the _Jews_, in the _Year_ of the true _Messiah_, 1666. With a brief _Account_ of the _Ground_, and _Occasion_ of the present _War_ between the _TURK_ and the _VENETIAN_. Together with the _Cause_ of the final _Extirpation_, _Destruction_ and _Exile_ of the _JEWS_ out of the EMPIRE of PERSIA. * * * * * In the _SAVOY_, Printed for _Henry Herringman_ at the Sign of the _Anchor_ in the Lower-Walk of the _New-Exchange_. 1669. [Illustration: Title decoration] To the READER. _The Great_ Scaliger _was wont commonly to say_, Omnis Historia bona, _that all_ History _was_ good; _meaning, that it was_ worthy _of_ notice, _so it were_ true, _and_ matter _of_ fact, _though the_ Subject _of it were never so_ trivial. This, _though but a_ Pamphlet _in bulke, is very_ considerable _for the_ Matters _it containes, and for that it endeavours to informe, and disabuse_ _the_ World _of a current_ Error, _which has mingled, and spread it selfe into divers grave_ Relations _that have been_ Printed, _and confidently published many Yeares without Suspition._ _How I came to be enlightned for these_ Pieces, _I have in part declar'd in my_ Dedicatory _Addresses; and if I forbear to publish the_ Name _of that Intelligent_ Stranger, _and that other_ Person, _from whom I received my_ Informations; _You are to know, that it is not out of fear of being detected of_ Imposture, _whil'st we declare against it, and which cannot serve any_ Interest _of the_ Relators; _but because, being_ Strangers, _or_ Itinerants, _and one of them upon his return into his_ _Native_ Country _(which may possibly engage them to passe by_ Malta, _and other_ Levantine _parts obnoxious to these_ Discourses) _it would appear but ingrateful in us to expose them to an_ Inconvenience. _Let it suffice to assure you, that they are_ Persons _of no mean_ Parts, Ingenuity _and_ Candor; _well acquainted with the_ Eastern Countreys _and_ Affaires, _and that have themselves been witnesses of most of these Transactions._ _It were to be wish'd that our_ Christian Monarchs _had alwayes near them some dextrous_ Person _of this_ Gentlemans _abilites; were it but to_ Discover _such_ Cheates _as frequently appearing under the Disguise of Distressed_ Princes, Merchants, _&c. are, to truth, but_ Spies, _and bold_ Impostors, _and whom otherwise 'tis almost impossible to_ detect; _not to suggest the many other good_ Offices, _as to the_ Eastern Commerce _and_ Affaires, _they might be_ useful _in. But this is more than I have_ Commission _to say from those who have no other design in what they_ Relate, _than their_ Affection _to_ Truth. _It is not yet a full_ Year _since there went a Crafty_ Varlet _about the_ Countrey, _who pretended himself to be the_ Brother _of the famous_ Peter Serini _(whose brave and_ Heroick Actions _had so celebrated him against the_ Turkes) _and related a_ Story _by his feign'd_ Interpreter, _how he fortun'd to be cast on shore on the_ West _of_ England, _as he was conducting_ Supplies _from abroad._ This _he perform'd with a confidence and success so happily, as caus'd him to be_ receiv'd, presented, _and_ assisted (_like another_ Mahomed Bei) _by divers_ Persons _of_ Quality, _and some of them my nearest_ Acquaintance, _in his Pretended Journey to_ Court; _But being at last discover'd in a_ Tipling-house _on the_ Rode, _where un-mindful of his_ Part _and_ Character, _he call'd for a_ Pot _of_ Ale _in too good_ English, _and a more natural_ Tone _than became so great a_ Stranger, _and the_ Person _he put on, we heard no more of the_ Gamester: _I wish our_ Fin-land Spirit, _who is of late dropt out of the_ Clouds _amongst us, prove not one of his_ Disciples; _for the_ Age _is very fertile; and I am told, that our_ Mahomed _having receiv'd his_ Ajuda de Costo _from the Bounty and Charity of a great_ Person _of more easie_ Beliefe, _is slipt aside for fear of the_ Porters-Lodge, _and yet 'tis_ possible _you may hear more of him before his_ Ramble _be quite at a period._ _You have at the end of the last_ Impostor _an_ Account _of the_ Jews _Exile out of that Vast_ Empire _of_ Persia, _happening but the other day; which, together with the miscarriage of their late_ Messiah (_the_ Twenty-Fifth _Pretender to it as I am credibly inform'd, it stands in their own_ Records) _might, one would think, at last open the_ Eyes, _and turne the_ hearts _of that_ obstinate _and miserable_ People: _But whil'st the_ Time _not yet_ Accomplish'd, _I could_ _wish our modern_ Enthusiasts, _and other prodigious_ Sects _amongst us, who Dreame of the like Carnal_ Expectations, _and a_ Temporal Monarchy, _might seriously weigh how nearly their_ Characters _approach the_ Style _and_ Design _of these Deluded_ Wretches, _least they fall into the same_ Condemnation, _and the Snare of the_ Devil. * * * * * ERRATA. _PAge 15, Line 17, Read_ deside. _l. 28 r. dignità, 18. 6. r. Spina Longa, 21 l. 12. r._ DETECTED. _24 l. 23, r. It'aser. 30. 14. dele and. 58. l. 17. Essendo. l. 21. promessa per gli suoi Profeti e padri nostri. 59. l. 2. r. digjuni. 66. 11. r._ should be wrought. _77. l. 18. r._ not onely. _85. 22. r._ one that (as it was said). _93. l. 22. r._ tenor. _97.15. dele_ which, and read _it. 99. 7. r._ As that. _110. l. 12. r. Cymeterie._ * * * * * THE END [Illustration: Title decoration] THE HISTORY OF _SABATAI SEVI_, The Pretended _Messiah_ of the _Jewes_, In the Year of our _Lord_, 1666. The _Third Impostor_. According to the Predictions of several _Christian_ Writers, especially of such who Comment on the _Apocalyps_, or Revelations, this Year of 1666 was to prove a Year of Wonders, of strange Revolutions in the World, and particularly of Blessing to the _Jewes_, either in respect of their Conversion to the _Christian_ Faith, or of their Restoration to their Temporal Kingdome: This Opinion was so dilated, and fixt in the Countreys of the Reformed Religion, and in the Heads of Phanatical _Enthusiasts_, who Dreamed of a Fift Monarchy, the downfall of the _Pope_, and _Antichrist_, and the Greatness of the _Jewes_: In so much, that this subtile People judged this Year the time to stir, and to fit their Motion according to the season of the Modern Prophesies; whereupon strange Reports flew from place to place, of the March of Multitudes of People from unknown parts into the remote Desarts of _Arabia_, supposed to be the _Ten Tribes_ and _halfe_, lost for so many Ages. That a Ship was arrived in the Northern parts of _Scotland_ with her Sailes and Cordage of Silke, Navigated by Mariners who spake nothing but _Hebrew_; with this Motto on their Sailes, _The Twelve Tribes of Israel_. These Reportes agreeing thus near to former Predictions, put the wild sort of the World into an expectation of strange Accidents, this year should produce in reference to the _Jewish_ Monarchy. In this manner Millions of People were possessed, when _Sabatai Sevi_ first appear'd at _Smyrna_, and published himself to the _Jewes_ for their _Messiah_, relating the greatness of their approaching Kingdome, the strong hand whereby God was about to deliver them from Bondage, and gather them from all partes of the World. It was strange to see how the fancy took, and how fast the report of _Sabatai_ and his Doctrine flew through all partes where _Turkes_ and _Jews_ inhabited; the latter of which were so deeply possessed with a beliefe of their new Kingdome, and Riches, and many of them with promotion to Offices of Government, Renown, and Greatness, that in all parts from _Constantinople_ to _Buda_ (which it was my fortune that year to Travel) I perceiv'd a strange transport in the _Jewes_, none of them attending to any business unless to winde up former negotiations, and to prepare themselves and Families for a Journey to _Jerusalem_: All their Discourses, their Dreames, and disposal of their Affaires tended to no other Design but a re-establishment in the Land of Promise, to Greatness, Glory, Wisdome, and Doctrine of the _Messiah_, whose Original, Birth, and Education are first to be recounted. _Sabatai Sevi_ was Son of _Mordechai Sevi_, an Inhabitant, and Natural of _Smyrna_, who gained his Livelihood by being _Broaker_ to an _English_ Marchant in that place; a person, who before his death was very decrepit in his Body, and full of the Goute, and other Infirmities, but his Son _Sabatai Sevi_ addicting himself to Study, became a notable Proficient in the _Hebrew_ and _Metaphysicks_; and arrived to that point of _Sophistry_ in _Divinity_ and _Metaphysicks_, that he vented a New Doctrine in their Law, drawing to the Profession of it so many Disciples, as raised one day a Tumult in the _Synagogue_; for which afterwards he was by a Censure of the _Chochams_ (who are Expounders of the Law) banished the City. During the time of his Exile, he Travelled to _Thessalonica_, now called _Salonica_, where he Marryed a very handsome Woman; but either not having that part of Oeconomy as to govern a Wife, or being Impotent towards Women, as was pretended, or that she found not favour in his Eyes, she was divorced from him: Again, he took a second Wife, more beautiful then the former, but the same causes of discontent raising a difference between them, he obtained another Divorce from this Wife also. And being now free from the Incumbrances of a Family, his wandring Head mov'd him to Travel through the _Morea_, thence to _Tripoli_ in _Syria_, _Gaza_, and _Jerusalem_; and by the way picked up a _Ligornese_ Lady, whom he made his third Wife, the Daughter of some _Polonian_ or _German_, her Original and Parentage not being very well known. And being now at _Jerusalem_ he began to Reforme the _Law_ of the _Jewes_, and Abolish the _Fast_ of _Tamuz_ (which they keep in the Moneth of _June_) and there meeting with a certain _Jew_ called _Nathan_, a proper Instrument to promote his Design; he communicated to him his Condition, his Course of Life, and Intentions, to Proclaime himself _Messiah_ of the World, so long expected and desired by the _Jewes_. This Design took wonderfully with _Nathan_; and because it was thought necessary according to _Scripture_, and Antient _Prophesies_, that _Elias_ was to precede the _Messiah_, as St. _John Baptist_ was the fore-runner of _Christ_: _Nathan_ thought no man so proper to Act the Part of the _Prophet_ as himself; and so no sooner had _Sabatai_ declared himself the _Messiah_, but _Nathan_ discovers himself to be his Prophet, forbiding all the Fasts of the _Jewes_ in _Jerusalem_; and declaring, that the Bridegroom being come, nothing but Joy, and Triumph ought to dwell in their Habitations; Writing to all the Assemblies of the _Jewes_, to perswade them to the same beliefe. And now the Schisme being begun, and many _Jewes_ really believing what they so much desired, _Nathan_ took the courage and boldness to Prophesie, That one Year from the 27th of _Kislev_, (which is the moneth of _June_) the _Messiah_ shall appear before the _Grand Signor_, & take from him his Crown and lead him in Chaines like a Captive. _Sabatai_ also at _Gaza_ Preached Repentance to the _Jewes_, and Obedience to Himself and Doctrine, for that the coming of the _Messiah_ was at hand: which Novelties so Affected the _Jewish_ Inhabitants of those partes, that they gave up themselves wholly to their Prayers, Almes, and Devotions; and to confirme this beliefe the more, it hapned, that at the same time that Newes hereof, with all perticulars were dispatched from _Gaza_, to acquaint the Brethren in Forrain Partes: The Rumour of the _Messiah_ hath flown so swift, and gained such reception, that Intelligence came from all Partes and Countreys where the _Jewes_ inhabit, by Letters to _Gaza_, and _Jerusalem_, Congratulating the happiness of their Deliverance, and expiration of the time of their Servitude, by the Appearance of the _Messiah_. To which they adjoyned other Prophesies, relating to that Dominion the _Messiah_ was to have over all the World: that for Nine Moneths after he was to disappeare; during which time the _Jewes_ were to suffer, and many of them to undergoe Martyrdom: but then returning again Mounted on a Coelestial _Lyon_, with his Bridle made of _Serpents_ with seven heads, accompanyed with his Brethren the _Jewes_, who Inhabited on the other side of the River _Sabation_, he should be acknowledged for the Sole Monarch of the Universe; and then the _Holy Temple_ should descend from Heaven already built, framed, and beautified, wherein they should offer Sacrifice for ever. And here I leave you to consider, how strangely this Deceived People was Amused, when these Confident, and vain Reports, and Dreams of Power, and Kingdomes, had wholly transported them from the ordinary course of their Trade, and Interest. This noise and rumour of the _Messiah_, having begun to fill all places, _Sabatai Sevi_ resolved to Travel towards _Smyrna_, the Country of his Nativity; and thence to _Constantinople_ the Capital City, where the principal Work of Preaching was to have been performed: _Nathan_ thought it not fit to be long after him, and therefore Travels by the way of _Damascus_, where resolving to continue some time for better Propagation of this New Doctrine; in the meane while Writes this Letter to _Sabatai Sevi_, as followeth. 22. _Kesvan_ of this YEAR. T_o the_ King, _our_ King, Lord _of our_ Lords, _who gathers the Dispersed of_ Israel, _who Redeems our_ Captivity, _the Man elevated to the height of all sublimity, the_ Messiah _of the_ God _of_ Jacob, _the true_ Messiah, _the_ Coelestial Lyon, Sabatai Sevi, _whose Honour be exalted, and his Dominion raised in a short time, and for ever_, Amen. _After having kissed your hands, and swept the Dust from your Feet, as my Duty is to the_ King _of_ Kings, _whose Majesty be exalted, and his Empire enlarged. These are to make known to the Supreme Excellency of that Place, which is adorned with the Beauty of your Sanctity, that the Word of the_ King, _and of his Law, hath enlightned our Faces: that day hath been a solemn day unto_ Israel, _and a day of light unto our Rulers, for immediately we applyed our selves to performe your Commands, as our duty is. And though we have heard of many strange things,_ _yet we are couragious, and our heart is as the heart of a Lyon; nor ought we to enquire a reason of your Doings, for your Workes are Marvellous, and past finding out: And we are Confirmed in our Fidelity without all exception, resigning up our very Souls for the holiness of your Name: And now we are come as far as_ Damascus, _intending shortly to proceed in our Journey to_ Scanderone, _according as you have commanded us; that so we may ascend, and see the Face of God in light, as the light of the Face of the King of Life: And we, servants of your servants shall cleanse the dust from your Feet, beseeching the Majesty of your Excellency and Glory to vouchsafe from your habitation to have a care of us, and help us with the Force of your Right Hand of Strength, and shorten our way which is before us: And we have our Eyes towards_ Jah, Jah, _who will make hast to help us, and save us, that the Children of Iniquity shall not hurt us; and towards whom our hearts pant, and are consumed within us: who shall give us Tallons of Iron to be worthy to stand under the shadow of your_ Asse. _These are the Words of the Servant of your servants, who prostrates himself to be trod on by the soles of your feet,_ Nathan Benjamine. And that he might Publish this Doctrine of himself, and the _Messiah_ more plainly, he Wrote from _Damascus_ this following Letter, to the _Jewes_ at _Aleppo_, and parts thereabouts. To the Residue or Remnant of the _Israelites_, Peace without end. [Sidenote: Sabatai _Wrote a Letter to Elect one Man out of every Tribe_.] _These my words are, to give you notice, how that I am Arrived in Peace at_ Damascus, _and behold I go to meet the Face of our Lord, whose Majesty be exalted, for he is the Soveraign of the King of Kings, whose Empire be enlarged. According as he hath Commanded us and the_ 12 Tribes _to elect unto Him_ 12 _Men, so have we done: And we now go to_ Scanderone _by his command, to shew our faces together, with part of the principal of those particular Friends to whom he hath given Licence to assemble in that same place. And now I come to make known unto you, that though you have heard strange things of our Lord, yet let not your hearts faint, or fear, but rather fortifie your selves in your Faith, because all his Actions are Miraculous, and Secret, which Humane understanding cannot comprehend, and who can penetrate into the depth of them. In a short time all things shall be Manifested to you clearly in their Purity: and you shall know, and consider, and be instructed by the Inventor himself; Blessed is he who can expect, and arrive to the Salvation of the true_ Messiah, _who will speedily publish his Authority and Empire over us now, and for ever._ _Nathan._ And now all the _Cities_ of _Turky_ where the _Jewes_ Inhabited were full of the expectation of the _Messiah_; no Trade, nor course of Gaine was followed: every one imagin'd that dayly Provisions, Riches, Honours, and Government, were to descend upon them by some unknown and Miraculous manner: an example of which is most observable in the _Jewes_ at _Thessalonica_, who now full of Assurance that the Restoration of their Kingdome, and the Accomplishment of the time for the coming of the _Messiah_ was at hand, judged themselves obliged to double their Devotions, and Purifie their Consciences from all Sins and Enormities which might be obvious to the scrutiny of him who was now come to Penetrate into the very Thoughts and Imaginations of Mankinde. In which Work certain _Chochams_ were appointed to direct the People how to Regulate their Prayers, Fasts, and other Acts of Devotion. But so forward was every one now in his Acts of Penance, that they stay'd not for the Sentence of the _Chocham_, or prescription of any Rules, but apply'd themselves immediately to Fasting: And some in that manner beyond the abilities of Nature, that having for the space of seven dayes taken no sustenance, were famished to death. Others buryed themselves in their Gardens, covering their naked Bodies with Earth, their heads onely excepted, remained in their Beds of dirt until their Bodies were stifned with the cold and moisture: others would indure to have melted Wax dropt upon their shoulders, others to rowle themselves in Snow, and throw their Bodies in the Coldest season of Winter Into the Sea, or Frozen Waters. But the most common way of Mortification was first to prick their Backs and Sides with Thornes, and then to give themselves thirty nine Lashes. All Business was laid aside, none Worked, or opened Shop, unless to clear his Warehouse of Merchandize at any Price: who had superfluity in Houshold-stuffe, sold it for what he could; but yet not to _Iewes_, for they were Interdicted from Bargaines or Sales, on the pain of Excommunication, Pecuniary Mulcts, or Corporal Punishments; for all Business and Imployment was esteemed the Test, and Touchstone of their Faith. It being the general Tenent, that in the dayes that the _Messiah_ appeares, the _Iewes_ shall become Masters of the Estates and Inheritance of _Infidels_; until when they are to content themselves with Matters onely necessary to maintain and support Life. But because every one was not Master of so much Fortune and Provision, as to live without dayly Labour, therefore to quiet the Clamours of the Poor, and prevent the Enormous lives of some, who upon these occasions would become Vagabonds, and desert their _Cities_, due order was taken to make Collections, which were so liberally bestow'd, that in _Thessalonica_ onely 400 Poore were supported by the meer charity of the Richer. And as they indeavour'd to purge their _Consciences_ of Sin, and to apply themselves to good Workes, that the _Messiah_ might find the City prepared for his Reception; so, least he should accuse them of any omission in the Law, and particularly in their neglect of that Antient Precept of Increase and Multiply; they marryed together Children of ten yeares of age, and some under, without respect to Riches, or Poverty, Condition or Quality: But, being promiscuously joyned, to the number of 6 or 700 Couple, upon better and cooler thoughts, after the deceipt of the false _Messiah_ was discover'd, or the expectation of his Coming grew cold, were Divorced, or by Consent separated from each other. In the heat of all this Talk and Rumor, comes _Sabatai Sevi_ to _Smyrna_, the City of his Nativity, infinitely desir'd there by the common _Iewes_; but by the _Chochams_, or _Doctors_ of their _Law_, who gave little or no credence to what he pretended, was ill receiv'd, not knowing what mischief or ruine this Doctrine and Prophesie of a New Kingdome might produce. Yet _Sabatai_ bringing with him testimonials of his Sanctity, Holy Life, Wisdom, and Gift of Prophesie, so deeply fixed himself in the heart of the Generality, both as being Holy and Wise, that thereupon he took courage and boldness to enter into Dispute with the Grand _Chocham_ (who is the Head, and Chief Expositer of the _Law_ and superintendent of their will and Government) between whom the Arguments grew so high, and Language so hot, that the _Iewes_ who favoured the Doctrine of _Sabatai_, and feared the Authority of the _Chocham_, doubtful what might be the issue of the Contest, appear'd in great numbers before the _Cadi_ of _Smyrna_, in justification of their New Prophet, before so much as any Accusation came against him: The _Cadi_ (according to the Custome of the _Turkes_,) swallows Mony on both sides, and afterwards remits them to the determination of their own Justice. In this manner _Sabatai_ gaines ground dayly; and the Grand _Chocham_ with his Party, losing both the affection and obedience of his People, is displaced from his Office, and another Constituted, more affectionate, and agreeable to the New Prophet, whose power daily increased by those confident Reports. That his Enemies were struck with Phrensies and Madness, until being restor'd to their former temper and wits by him, became his Friends, Admirers, and Disciples. No Invitation was now made in _Smyrna_ by the _Iewes_, nor Marriage, or Circumcision solemnized, where _Sabatai_ was not present, accompanyed with a multitude of his Followers, and the Streets cover'd with Carpits, or fine Cloath for him to tread on; but the Humility of this _Pharisee_ appear'd such, that he would stoop and turne them aside, and so pass. And having thus fixed himself in the Opinion and Admiration of the People, he began to take on himself the Title of _Messiah_, and the _Son_ of _God_; and to make this following Declaration to all the Nation of the _Iewes_, which being wrote Originally in _Hebrew_, was Translated for me faithfully into _Italian_, in this manner. _L'unico figliolo, e primogenito d' dio_, Sabatai Sevi, _il_ Messiah, _e_ Salvatore _d'_ Israel _eletti di_ dio _pace bessendo che sete fatti degni di veder quel grangiorno della deliberatione e Salvatione d'_ Israel, _e consummatione delle parole di_ dio, _promess per li sua Profeti, e padri notri, per il suo diletto figlio d'_ Israel, _ogni vestra amaritudine si converta in allegrezza, e li vestri diginguiti facino feste, per che non piangerete O miei figliole d'_Israel _havendovi dati_ iddio _la consolatione inenarrabile, festegiate contimpani e musiche, ringratiando quello chi ha adempito il promesso dalli secoli, facendo ogni giorno quelle cose che solete fare nelle callende, e quel giorno dedicato ali' afflictione e mestitia, convertite lo in giorno giocondo per la mia comparsa, e non spaventate niente, per che haverete Dominio sopra, le genti, non solamente di quelle, che si vedodono in terra, ma quelle che sono in fondi del mare, il tutto pro vestra consolatione & allegrezza._ Which Translated into _English_, runs thus; The Onely, and First-borne Son of _God_, _Sabatai Sevi_, the _Messiah_ and _Saviour_ of _Israel_, to all the Sons of _Israel_, peace. Since that you are made worthy to see that great Day of Deliverance, and Salvation unto _Israel_, and Accomplishment of the Word of God, Promised by his Prophets, and our forefathers, and by his Beloved Son of _Israel_: let your bitter sorrowes be turned into Joy, and your Fasts into festivals, for you shall weep no more, O my sons of _Israel_, for God having given you this unspeakable Comfort, rejoyce with _Drums_, _Organs_, and _Musick_, giving thanks to him for performing his Promise from all Ages; doing that every day, which is usual for you to do upon the _New-Moons_; and, that Day Dedicated to affliction and sorrow convert you into a Day of Mirth for my appearance: and fear you nothing, for you shall have Dominion over the Nations, and not onely over those who are on Earth, but over those Creatures also which are in the depth of the Sea. All which is for your Consolation and Rejoycing. _Sabatai Sevi._ Notwithstanding the Disciples of _Sabatai Sevi_ were not so numerous, but many opposed his doctrine, publiquely avouching that he was an _Impostor_, and Deceiver of the people, amongst which was one _Samuel Pennia_, a man of a good estate and reputation in _Smyrna_, who arguing in the _Synagogue_, that the present signs of the coming of the _Messiah_ were not apparent, either according to Scripture, or the doctrine of the _Rabbins_, raised such a sedition and tumult amongst the _Jews_, as not onely prevailed against arguments, but had also against his life, had he not timely conveyed himself out of the _Synagogue_, and thereby escaped the hands of the multitude, who now could more easily endure blasphemy against the _Law_ of _Moses_, and the prophanation of the _Sanctuary_, than contradiction, or misbelief of the doctrine of _Sabatai_. But howsoever it fell out, _Pennia_ in short time becomes a convert, and preaches up _Sabatai_ for the _Son_ of _God_, and _deliverer_ of the _Jews_: and not onely he, but his whole family; his daughters prophesie, and fall into strange extasies; and not onely his house, but four hundred men and women prophesie of the growing kingdom of _Sabatai_, and young infants who could yet scarce stammer out a syllable to their mothers, repeat, and pronounce plainly the name of _Sabatai_ the _Messiah_, and Son of God. For thus farr had God permitted the devil to delude this people, that their very children were for a time possessed, and voices heard to sound from their stomacks, and intrails: those of riper years fell first into a trance, foamed at the mouth, and recounted the future prosperitie, and deliverance of the _Israelites_, their visions of the _Lion_ of _Judah_, and the triumphs of _Sabatai_, all which were certainly true, being effects of _Diabolical_ delusions: as the _Jews_ themselves since have confessed unto me. With these concomitant accidents, and successes, _Sabatai Sevi_ growing more presumptuous, that he might correspond with the Prophesies of greatness, and dominion of the _Messiah_, proceeds to an election of those Princes which were to govern the _Israelites_ in their march towards the _Holy-Land_, and to dispence Judgement and Justice after their Restoration. The names of them were these which follow, men well known at _Smyrna_, who never (God knows) had ambition to aspire to the title of Princes, until a strange spirit of deceit and delusion had moved them, not onely to hope for it as possible, but to expect it as certain. _Isaac Silvera._ King _David._ _Salomon Lagnado._ was _Salomon._ _Salom Lagnado_ jun. named _Zovah._ _Joseph Cohen._ _Uzziah._ _Moses Galente._ _Josaphat._ _Daniel Pinto._ _Hilkiah._ _Abraham Scandale._ _Jotham._ _Mokiah Gaspar._ _Zedekiah._ _Abraham Leon._ _Achas._ _Ephraim Arditi._ _Joram._ _Salom Carmona._ _Achab._ _Matassia Aschenesi._ _Asa._ _Meir Alcaira._ _Rehoboam._ _Jacob Loxas._ _Ammon._ _Mordecai Jesserun._ _Jehoachim._ _Chaim Inegna._ _Jeroboam._ _Joseph Scavillo._ _Abia._ _Conor Nehemias._ was _Zarobabel._ _Joseph del Caire._ named _Joas._ _Elcukin Schavit._ _Amasia._ _Abraham Rubio._ _Josiah._ _Elias Sevi_ had the title of the _King_ of the _king_ of _kings_. _Elias Azar_ his _Vice-king_, or _Vizier._ _Joseph Sevi_, the _king_ of the _kings_ of _Judah_. _Joseph Inernuch_ his _vice-king_. In this manner things ran to a strange height of madness amongst the _Jews_ at _Smyrna_, where appear'd such pageantry of greatness, that no Comedy could equal the mock-shews they represented, and though none durst openly profess any scruple, or doubt of this common received belief, yet for confirmation of the _Jews_ in their Faith, and astonishment of the _Gentiles_, it was judged no less than necessary that _Sabatai_ should shew some miracles, whereby to evince to all the World that he was the true _Messiah_: and as the present occasion seemed to require an evidence infallible of this truth, so it was daily expected by the vulgar, with an impatience sutable to humors disposed to Noveltie; who out of every action and motion of their Prophet began to fancy something extraordinary and supernatural. _Sabatai_ was now horribly puzzled for a Miracle, though the imagination of the people was so vitiated that any _legerdemaine_, or slight of hand would have passed more easily with them for a wonder than _Moses_ striking the rock for water, or dividing the _red sea_. And occasion happening that _Sabatai_ was, in behalf of his Subjects, to appear before the _Cadi_, or judge of the Citie to demand ease, and relief of some oppressions which aggrieved them: It was thought necessary a Miracle should now or never, when _Sabatai_ appearing with a formal and _pharisaical_ gravitie, which he had starcht on: Some on a sudden avouched to see a pillar of fire between him and the _Cadi_, which report presently was heard through the whole room, filled with _Jews_ that accompanied _Sabatai_, some of whom, who strongly fancied it, vow'd, and swore they saw it; others in the outward yard, or that could not come near to hear, or see for the crowd, as speedily took the alarm, and the rumour ran, and belief receiv'd by the Women and Children at home in a moment, so that _Sabatai Sevi_ returned to his house triumphant, fixed in the hearts of his people, who now needed no further Miracles to confirm them in their faith. And thus was _Sabatai_ exalted, when no man was thought worthy of communication who did not believe him to be the _Messiah_: others were called _Kophrim_, infidels or hereticks, liable to the censure of excommunication, with whom it was not lawful so much as to eat: every man produc'd his treasure, his Gold and Jewels, offering them at the feet of _Sabatai_; so that he could have commanded all the wealth of _Smyrna_, but he was too subtil to accept their money, least he should render his design suspected by any act of covetousness. _Sabatai Sevi_ having thus fully fixed himself in _Smyrna_, and filled other places with rumors of his fame; declared that he was called by God to visit _Constantinople_, where the greatest part of his work was to be accomplisht; in order whereunto he privately ships himself, with some few attendants in a _Turkish Saick_, in the Moneth of _January_ 1666. least the crowd of his disciples, and such who would press to follow him, should endanger him in the Eyes of the _Turks_, who already began to be scandalized at the reports and prophesies concerning his person. But though _Sabatai_ took few into the Vessel to him, yet a multitude of _Jews_ travell'd over land to meet him again at _Constantinople_, on whom all their Eyes and Expectations were intent. The wind proving northernly, as commonly it is in the _Helespont_ and _Propontis_; _Sabatai_ was thirtie nine days in his voyage, and yet the Vessel not arriv'd, so little power had this _Messiah_ over the Sea and Winds, in which time news being come to _Constantinople_ that the _Jews Messiah_ was near, all that people prepared to receive him with the same Joy and Impatience as was exprest in other parts where he arrived; the great _Vizier_ (then also at _Constantinople_, being not yet departed on his expedition for _Candia_) having heard some rumors of this man, and the disorder and madness he had raised amongst the _Jews_; sent two Boats, whil'st the _Saick_ was detained by contrary winds, with commands to bring him up Prisoner to the Port, where accordingly _Sabatai_ being come, was committed to the most loathsom and darkest Dungeon in the Town, there to remain in farther expectation of the _Viziers_ sentence: The _Jews_ were not at all discouraged at this ill treatment of their prophet, but rather confirmed in their belief of him, as being the accomplishment of the prophesie of those things which ought to precede his glory and dominion; which consideration induc'd the chiefest persons amongst the _Jews_ to make their visits and addresses to him with the same ceremony and respect in the Dungeon as they would have done had he then sat exalted on the throne of _Israel_: several of them, with one _Anacago_, by name, a man of great esteem amongst the _Jews_, attended a whole day before him, with their Eyes cast down, their bodies bending forward, and hands crost before them (which are postures of humility, and service in the Eastern Countreys) the undecency of the place, and present subjection, not having in the least abated their high thoughts, and reverence towards his person. The _Jews_ in _Constantinople_ were now become as mad and distracted as they were in other places, all trade and trafficque forbidden, and those who owed money, in no manner careful how to satisfie it: amongst which wild crew some were indebted to our Merchants at _Galata_, who not knowing the way to receive their money, partly for their interest, and partly for curiosity thought fit to visit this _Sabatai_, complayning that such particular _Jews_, upon his coming, took upon them the boldness to defraud them of their right, desired he would be pleased to signifie to these his Subjects, his pleasure to have satisfaction given: whereupon _Sabatai_ with much affectation took Pen and Paper, and wrote to this effect. To you of the Nation of the _Jews_, who expect the appearance of the _Messiah_, and the Salvation of _Israel_, Peace without end. Whereas we are informed that you are indebted to several of the _English_ Nation: It seemeth right unto us to enorder you to make satisfaction to these your just debts: which if you refuse to do, and not obey us herein: Know you, that then you are not to enter with us into our Joys and Dominions. In this manner _Sabatai Sevi_ remained a Prisoner at _Constantinople_ for the space of two Moneths; at the end of which, the _Vizier_ having designed his expedition for _Candia_; and considering the rumor and disturbance the presence of _Sabatai_ had made already at _Constantinople_, thought it not secure to suffer him to remain in the Imperial Citie, whil'st both the _Grand Signior_ and himself were absent: and therefore changes his prison to the _Dardanelli_, otherwise called the _Castle_ of _Abydos_, being on the _Europe_ side of the _Helespont_, opposite to _Sestos_, places famous in _Greek_ Poetrie. This removal of _Sabatai_ from a worse Prison to one of a better air; confirmed the _Jews_ with greater confidence of his being the _Messiah_, supposing that had it been in the power of the _Vizier_, or other Officers of the _Turks_, to have destroyed his person, they would never have permitted him to have lived to that time, in regard their _Maximes_ enforce them to quit all jealousies and suspitions of ruine to their state by the death of the party feared, which much rather they ought to execute on _Sabatai_, who had not onely declared himself the _King_ of _Israel_, but also published Prophesies fatal to the _Grand Signior_ and his Kingdoms. With this consideration, and others preceding, the _Jews_ flock in great numbers to the _Castle_, where he was imprisoned, not onely from the neighbouring parts, but also from _Poland_, _Germanie_, _Legorne_, _Venice_, _Amsterdam_, and other places where the _Jews_ reside: on all whom, as a reward of the expence, and labours of their pilgrimage, _Sabatai_ bestowed plenty of his benedictions, promising encrease of their store, and enlargement of their Possessions in the _Holy-Land_. And so great was the confluence of the _Jews_ to this place, that the _Turks_ thought it requisite to make their advantage thereof, and so not onely raised the price of their Provision, Lodgings, and other Necessaries, but also denied to admit any to the presence of _Sabatai_, unless for money, setting the price, sometimes at five, sometimes at ten _Dollers_, or more or less, according as they guessed at their abilities, or zeal of the person, by which gain and advantage to the _Turks_ no complaints or advices were carried to _Adrianople_, either of the concourse of people, or arguments amongst the _Jews_ in that place; but rather all civilities, and libertie indulged unto them, which served as a farther argument to ensnare this poor people in the belief of their _Messiah_. During this time of confinement, _Sabatai_ had leisure to compose and institute a new method of Worship for the _Jews_, and principally the manner of the celebration of the day of his _Nativity_, which he prescribed in this manner. Brethren, and my People, men of _Religion_ inhabiting the _City_ of _Smyrna_ the renowned, where live men, and women, and families; Peace be unto you from the Lord of Peace, and from me his beloved son, King _Salomon_. I command you that the ninth day of the Moneth of _Ab_ (which according to our account answered that year to the Moneth of _June_) next to come, you make a day of Invitation, and of great Joy, celebrating it with choice meats and pleasing drinks, with many Candles and Lamps, with Musick and Songs, because it is the day of the Birth of _Sabatai Sevi_, the high King above all kings of the Earth. And as to matters of labour, and other things of like nature, do, as becomes you, upon a day of Festival, adorned with your finest garments. As to your Prayers, let the same order be used as upon Festivals. To converse with _Christians_ on that day is unlawful, though your Discourse be of matters indifferent, all labour is forbidden, but to sound instruments is lawful. This shall be the method and substance of your Prayers on this day of Festival: After you have said, Blessed be thou, O holy God! then proceed and say, Thou hast chosen us before all people, and hast loved us, and hast been delighted with us, and hast humbled us more than all other Nations, and hast sanctified us with thy Precepts, and hast brought us near to thy service, and the service of our King. Thy holy, great, and terrible Name thou hast published amongst us: and hast given us, O Lord God, according to thy love, time of Joy, of Festivals, and times of Mirth, and this day of Consolation for a solemn Convocation of Holiness, for the Birth of our King the _Messiah, Sabatai Sevi_ thy servant, and first-born son in love, through whom we commemorate our coming out of _Egypt_. And then you shall read for your Lesson the 1, 2, and 3 Chapters of _Deut._ to the 17 verse, appointing for the reading thereof five men, in a perfect and uncorrupted Bible, adding thereunto the Blessings of the Morning, as are prescribed for days of Festival: and for the Lesson out of the Prophets usually read in the _Synagogue_ every _Sabbath_: you shall read the 31 Chapt. of _Jeremiah_. To your Prayer called _Mussaf_ (used in the _Synagogue_ every _Sabbath_ and solemn Festival) you shall adjoyn that of the present Festival; In stead of the sacrifice of Addition, of the returning of the _Bible_ to its place, you shall read with an Audible Voice, Clear Sound, the _Psalm_ 95. And at the first Praises in the Morning, after you have Sang _Psalm_ 91, and just before you Sing _Psalm_ 98, you shall repeate _Psalm_ 132 but in the last Verse, where it is said, _As for his Enemies I shall cloath them with shame, but upon himself shall his Crown flourish_; in the place of (_upon himself_) you shall read _upon the most High_: after which shall follow the 126 _Psalm_, and then the 113 to the 119. At the Consecration of the Wine upon the Vigil, or Even, you shall make mention of the Feast of Consolation, which is the day of the Birth of our King the Messiah _Sabatai Sevi_ thy Servant, and First-born Son, giving the Blessing as followeth: Blessed be thou our God, King of the World, who hast made us to live, and hast maintain'd us, and hast kept us alive unto this time. Upon the Eve of this day you shall Read also the 81 _Psalm_, as also the 132 and 126 _Psalmes_, which are appointed for the Morning Praises. And this day shall be unto you for a Remembrance of a Solemn Day unto eternal Ages, and a perpetual testimony between me, and the Sons of _Israel_. _Audite Audiendo & manducate bonam._ Besides which Order, and Method of Prayers for Solemnization of his Birth, he prescribed other Rules for Divine Service, and particularly published the same Indulgence and Priviledge to every one who should Pray at the Tomb of his Mother; as if he had taken on him a Pilgrimage to Pray, and Sacrifice at _Jerusalem_. The Devotion of the _Jewes_ toward this pretended _Messiah_ increased still more and more, so that onely the Chief of the City went to attend, and proffer their service toward him in the time of his Imprisonment, but likewise decked their _Synagogue_ with _S. S._ in Letters of Gold, making for him on the Wall a Crown, in the Circle of which was wrote the 91 _Psalm_ at length, in faire and legible Characters; attributing the same titles to _Sabatai_, and Expounding the _Scriptures_ in the same manner in favour of his Appearance, as we do of our _Saviour_. However some of the _Jewes_ remain'd in their Wits all this time, amongst which was a certain _Chocham_ at _Smyrna_, one zealous of his Law, and of the good and safety of his Nation: and observing in what a wilde manner the whole People of the _Jewes_ was transported, with the groundless beliefe of a _Messiah_, leaving not onely their Trade, and course of living, but publishing Prophesies of a speedy Kingdome, of rescue from the Tyranny of the _Turk_, and leading the Grand _Signior_ himself Captive in Chaines; matters so dangerous and obnoxious to the State wherein they lived, as might justly convict them of Treason and Rebellion, and leave them to the Mercy of that Justice, which on the least jealousie and suspicion of Matters of this nature, uses to extirpate Families, and subvert the Mansion-houses of their own People, much rather of the _Jewes_, on whom the _Turkes_ would gladly take occasion to dispoile them of their Estates, and condemn the whole Nation to perpetual slavery. And indeed it would have been a greater wonder then ever _Sabatai_ shewed, that the _Turkes_ took no advantage from all these extravagances, to dreine the _Jewes_ of a considerable Sum of Money, and set their whole Race in _Turky_ at a Ransome, had not these Passages yielded them matter of Pastime, and been the Subject of the _Turkes_ Laughter and Scorne; supposing it a Disparagement to the greatness of the _Ottoman_ Empire, to be concerned for the Rumors and Combustions of this Dispersed People. With these considerations this _Chocham_, that he might clear himself of the blood and guilt of his Countrey-men, and concern'd in the common destruction, goes before the _Cadi_, and there protests against the present Doctrine; Declaring, that he had no hand in setting up of _Sabatai_, but was an Enemy both to him and to his whole Sect. This freedome of the _Chocham_ so enraged and scandalized the _Jewes_, that they judged no Condemnation or Punishment too severe against such an Offender and Blasphemer of their Law, and Holiness of the _Messiah_; and therefore with Money and Presents to the _Cadi_, accusing him as Disobedient in a Capital nature to their Government, obtain'd sentence against him, to have his Beard shaved, and to be condemn'd to the _Gallies_. There wanted nothing now to the appearance of the _Messiah_, and the solemnity of his coming, but the presence of _Elias_, whom the _Jewes_ began to expect hourely, and with that attention and earnestness, that every Dreame, or Phantasme to a weak head was judged to be _Elias_; it being taught, and averred, that he was seen in divers formes and shapes, not to be certainly discovered or known, before the coming of the _Messiah_; for this superstition is so far fixed amongst them, that generally in their Families they spread a Table for _Elias_ the Prophet, to which they make an Invitation of Poor people, leaving the chief place for the Lord _Elias_, whom they believe to be invisibly present at the entertainment, and there to Eate, and Drink, without dimunition, either of the Dishes, or of the Cup. One person amongst the _Jewes_ commanded his Wife after a supper of this kind, to leave the Cup filled with Wine, and the Meat standing all night, for _Elias_ to Feast, and Rejoyce alone; And in the morning arising early, affirmed, that _Elias_ took this Banquet so kindly, that in token of gratitude, and acceptance, he had replenish'd the Cup with Oyle, in stead of Wine. It is a certain Custome amongst the _Jewes_ on the Evening of the _Sabbath_, to repeate certain Praises of God (called _Havdila_) which signifies a distinction, or separation of the Sabbath from the prophane dayes (as they call them) which Praises they observe to performe in this manner. One takes a Cup filled with Wine, and drops it through the whole House, saying, _Elias_ the Prophet, _Elias_ the Prophet, _Elias_ the Prophet, come quickly to us with the _Messiah_, the _Son_ of _God_, and _David_; and this they affirme to be so acceptable to _Elias_, that he never failes to preserve that family, so devoted to him, and augment it with the blessings of Increase. Many other things the _Jewes_ avouch of _Elias_, so ridiculous, as are not fit to be declar'd, amongst which this one is not far from our purpose, that at the Circumcision there is alwayes a Chair set for _Elias_: And _Sabatai Sevi_ being once Invited at _Smyrna_ to the Circumcision of the First-borne Son of one _Abraham Gutiere_, a Kinsman of _Sabatai_, and all things ready for the Ceremony, _Sabatai Sevi_ exhorted the Parents of the Child to expect a while until his farther Order: After a good halfe hour, _Sabatai_ order'd them to proceed and cut the _Prepuce_ of the Child, which was instantly perform'd with all joy and satisfaction to the Parents: and being afterwards demanded the reason why he retarded the performance of that Function, his answer was, That _Elias_ had not as yet taken his Seat, whom, as soon as he saw placed, he ordered them to proceed; and that now shortly _Elias_ would discover himself openly, and proclaime the newes of the general Redemption. This being the common Opinion amongst the _Jewes_, and that _Sabatai Sevi_ was the _Messiah_, being become an Article of Faith, it was not hard to perswade them, that _Elias_ was come already, that they met him in their Dishes, in the darke, in their Bed chambers, or any where else invisible, in the same manner as our common People in _England_ believe of _Hobgoblins_, and _Fairies_. For so it was, when _Solomon Cremona_, an Inhabitant of _Smyrna_, making a great Feast, to which the Principal _Jewes_ of the _City_ were Invited, after they had eaten and drank freely, one starts from his Seat, and avouches, that he saw _Elias_ upon the Wall, and with that bowes to him, and Complements him with all Reverence and humility: Some others having in like manner their Fancies prepossessed, and their Eyes with the Fume of Wine ill prepared to distinguish shadowes, immediately agreed upon the Object, and then there was not one in the Company who would say he did not see him: at which surprize every one was struck with reverence and awe; and the most Eloquent amongst them, having their Tongues loosed with Joy, and Wine, directed _Orations_, _Encomiums_, and acts of Thankfulness to _Elias_, courting and complementing him, as distracted Lovers doe the supposed presence of their Mistresses. Another _Jew_ at _Constantinople_ reported, that he met _Elias_ in the Streets, habited like a _Turke_, with whom he had a long Communication; and that he enjoyn'd the Observation of many neglected Ceremonies, and particularly the _Zezit_, _Numb._ 15. _v._ 38. _Speak unto the children of_ Israel, _and bid them that they make_ Fringes _in the Borders of their Garments, throughout their Generations, and that they put upon the Fringe of the Border a_ Ribbon _of blue_. Also the _Peos_, Levit. 19. v. 27. _Ye shall not round the corners of your Head, nor marr the corners of your Beard_: This Apparition of _Elias_ being believed as soon as Published, every one began to obey the Vision, by Fringing their Garments; and for their Heads, though alwayes shaved, according to the _Turkish_ and Eastern Fashion, and that the suffering Hair to grow, to men not accustomed, was heavy, and incommodious to their healths and heads; yet to begin again to renew, as far as was possible, the antient Ceremonies, every one nourished a lock of hair on each side, which might be visible beneath their Caps; which soon after began to be a Sign of distinction between the _Believers_ and _Kophrims_, a name of dishonour, signifying as much as _Unbelievers_; or _Hereticks_, given to those who confessed not _Sabatai_ to be the _Messiah_; which particulars, if not observed, it was declared, as a Menace of _Elias_, that the People of the _Jewes_, who come from the River _Sabation_ as is specifyed in the second _Esdras_, Chap. 13. shall take vengeance of those who are guilty of these Omissions. But to return again to _Sabatai Sevi_ himself, we find him still remaining a Prisoner in the _Castle_ of _Abydos_ upon the _Hellespont_, admir'd and ador'd by his Brethren, with more honor then before, and visited by Pilgrimes from all parts where the fame of the coming of the _Messiah_ had arriv'd; amongst which one from _Poland_, named _Nehemiah Cohen_, was of special note, and renown, learned in the _Hebrew_, _Syriack_, and _Chaldee_, and versed in the Doctrine and _Kabala_ of the _Rabines_, as well as _Sabatai_ himself, one (of whom it was said) had not this _Sevi_ anticipated the Design, esteemed himself as able a Fellow to Act the Part of a _Messiah_ as the other: Howsoever, it being now too late to publish any such Pretence, _Sabatai_ having now eleven Points of the Law by Possession of the Office, and with that the Hearts and Belief of the _Jewes_: _Nehemiah_ was contented with some small appendage, or Relation to a _Messiah_; and therefore to lay his Design the better, desired a Private Conference with _Sabatai_: These two great Rabbines being together, a hot Dispute arose between them; For _Cohen_ alleadged that according to Scripture, and Exposition of the Learned thereupon, there were to be two _Messiahs_, one called _Ben Ephraim_, and the other _Ben David_: the first was to be a Preacher of the _Law_, poor, and despised, and a Servant of the Second, and his Fore-runner; the other was to be great and rich, to restore the _Jewes_ to _Jerusalem_, to sit upon the Throne of _David_, and to performe and act all those Triumphs and Conquests which were expected from _Sabatai_. _Nehemiah_ was contented to be _Ben Ephraim_, the afflicted and poor _Messiah_; And _Sabatai_ (for any thing I hear) was well enough contented he should be so: but that _Nehemiah_ accused him for being too forward in publishing himself the latter _Messiah_, before _Ben Ephraim_ had first been known unto the World. _Sabatai_ took this reprehension so ill, either out of pride, and thoughts of his own infallibility, or that he suspected _Nehemiah_, being once admitted for _Ben Ephraim_, would quickly (being a subtile and learned person) perswade the World that he was _Ben David_, would by no means understand, or admit of this Doctrine, or of _Ben Ephraim_ for a necessary Officer: And thereupon the Dispute grew so hot, and the Controversie so irreconcileable, as was taken notice of by the _Jewes_, and controverted amongst them, as every one fancy'd: But _Sabatai_ being of greater Authority, his Sentence prevail'd, and _Nehemiah_ was rejected, as _Schismatical_, and an Enemy to the _Messiah_, which afterward proved the ruine and downfal of this _Impostor_. For _Nehemiah_ being thus baffled, and being a person of Authority, and a haughty Spirit, meditated nothing but revenge; to execute which to the full, he takes a Journey to _Adrianople_, and there informes the Chief Ministers of State, and Officers of the Court, who (by reason of the gain the _Turks_ made of their Prisoner at the _Castle_ on the _Hellespont_) heard nothing of all this Concourse of People, and Prophesies of the Revolt of the _Jews_ from their Obedience to the _Grand Signior_; and taking likewise to his _Counsel_ some certain discontented and unbelieving _Chochams_, who being zealous for their Nation, and jealous of the ill-consequences of this long-continued, and increasing Madness, took liberty to informe the _Chimacham_ (who was Deputy of the Great _Vizier_ then at _Candia_) that the _Jew_, Prisoner at the _Castle_, called _Sabatai Sevi_, was a Lewd Person, and one who indeavoured to debauch the mindes of the _Jewes_, and divert them from their honest course of livelihood, and Obedience to the _Grand Signior_; and that therefore it was necessary to clear the World of so Factious and dangerous a Spirit: The _Chimacham_ being thus informed, could do no less then acquaint the _Grand Signior_ with all the particulars of this Mans Condition, Course of Life, and Doctrine; which were no sooner understood, but a _Chiaux_, or _Messenger_, was immediately dispatched, to bring up _Sabatai Sevi_ to _Adrianople_. The _Chiaux_ executed his Commission after the _Turkish_ fashion in hast, and brought _Sabatai_ in a few days to _Adrianople_, without further excuse or ceremony; not affording him an hours space to take a solemn farewel of his Friends, his Followers and Adorers; who now were come to the vertical point of all their hopes and expectations. The _Grand Signior_ having by this time received divers informations of the madness of the _Jews_, and the pretences of _Sabatai_; grew big with desire and expectation to see him: so that he no sooner arrived at _Adrianople_, but the same hour he was brought before the _Grand Signior_: _Sabatai_ appeared much dejected, and failing of that courage which he shewed in the _Synagogue_; and being demanded several Questions in _Turkish_ by the _Grand Signior_, he would not trust so farr to the vertue of his _Messiahship_, as to deliver himself in the _Turkish Language_; but desired a _Doctor_ of _Physick_, (who had from a _Jew_ turned _Turk_,) to be his interpreter, which was granted to him; but not without reflection of the standers by; that had he been the _Messiah_, and _Son of God_, as he formerly pretended, his tongue would have flown with varietie, as well as with the perfection of Languages. But the _Grand Signior_ would not be put off without a _Miracle_, and it must be one of his own choice: which was, that _Sabatai_ should be stript naked, and set as a mark to his dexterous Archers: if the Arrows passed not his body, but that his flesh and skin was proof like armour, then he would believe him to be the _Messiah_, and the person whom God had design'd to those Dominions, and Greatnesses, he pretended. But now _Sabatai_ not having faith enough to stand to so sharp a trial, renounced all his title to Kingdoms and Governments, alledging that he was an ordinary _Chocham_, and a poor _Jew_, as others were, and had nothing of Priviledge, or Vertue above the rest. The _Grand Signior_ notwithstanding, not wholly satisfied with this plain confession, declared, that having given publique scandal to the Professors of the _Mahometan_ religion, and done dishonour to his Soveraign authoritie, by pretending to draw such a considerable portion from him, as the Land of _Palestine_; his treason and crime was not to be expiated by any other means then by a conversion to the _Mahometan_ faith, which if he refus'd to do, the stake was ready at the gate of the _Seraglio_ to empale him. _Sabatai_ being now reduced to extremitie of his latter game; not being the least doubtful what to do; for to die for what he was assured was false, was against nature, and the death of a mad man: replyed with much chearfulness, that he was contented to turn _Turk_, and that it was not of force, but of choice, having been a long time desirous of so glorious a Profession, he esteemed himself much honored, that he had opportunity to own it; first in the presence of the _Grand Signior_. And here was the _non plus ultra_ of all the bluster and noise of this vain Impostor. And now the _Reader_ may be pleased to pause a while and contemplate the strange point of consternation, shame, and silence, to which the _Jews_ were reduc't, when they understood how speedily their hopes were vanished, and how poorly and ignominiously all their fancies and promises of a new Kingdom, their _Pageantry_, and Offices of Devotion, were past like a tale, or a midnights dream: And as this was concluded, and the _Jews_ sunk on a sudden, and fallen flat in their hopes, without so much as a line of comfort, or excuse from _Sabatai_; more than in general, to all the brethren. That now they should apply themselves to their Callings and services of God, as formerly, for that matters relating unto him were finished and the sentence past. The news that _Sabatai_ was turned _Turk_, and the _Messiah_ to a _Mahumetan_, quickly filled all parts of _Turky_. The _Jews_ were strangely surprized at it, and ashamed of their easie belief, of the arguments with which they had perswaded one the other, and of the Proselytes they had made in their own families. Abroad they became the common derision of the Towns where they inhabited: the Boys shouted after them, coyning a new word at _Smyrna_ (_Ponftai_) which every one seeing a _Jew_, with a finger pointed out, would pronounce with scorn and contempt: so that this deceived people for a long time after remained with confusion, silence, and dejection of spirit. And yet most of them affirm that _Sabatai_ is not turned _Turk_, but his shadow onely remains on earth, and walks with a white head, and in the habit of a _Mahumetan_: but that his natural body and soul are taken into heaven, there to reside until the time appointed for accomplishment of these wonders: and this opinion began so commonly to take place, as if this people resolved never to be undeceived, using the forms and rules for Devotion prescribed them by their _Mahumetan Messiah_: Insomuch that the _Chochams_ of _Constantinople_, fearing the danger of this error might creep up, and equal the former, condemned the belief of _Sabatai_ being _Messiah_, as damnable, and enjoyned them to return to the antient Method and Service of God upon pain of _Excommunication_. The style and tenure of them was as followeth. _To you who have the power of Priesthood, and are the knowing, learned, and magnanimous Governours and Princes, residing in the Citie of_ Smyrna, _may the Almighty God protect you_, Amen: _for so is his will_. These our Letters, which we send in the midst of your habitations, are upon occasion of certain rumors and tumults come to our ears from that Citie of your Holiness. For there is a sort of men amongst you, who fortifie themselves in their error, and say, let such a one our King, live, and bless him in their publique _Synagogues_ every _Sabbath day_: [Sidenote: The _Jews_ scruple to say, the _head_ of _Israel_.] And also adjoyn Psalms and Hymns, invented by that man, for certain days, with Rules and Methods for Prayer, which ought not to be done, and yet they will still remain obstinate therein; and now behold it is known unto you, how many swelling Waters have passed over our Souls, for his sake, for had it not been for the Mercies of God, which are without end, and the merit of our forefathers, which hath assisted us; the _foot_ of _Israel_ had been razed out by their enemies. And yet you continue obstinate in things which do not help, but rather do mischief, which God avert. Turn you therefore, for this is not the true way, but restore the Crown to the antient custom and use of your forefathers, and the law, and from thence do not move; We command you that with your authoritie, under pain of _Excommunication_, and other penalties, that all those Ordinances and Prayers, as well those delivered by the mouth of that man, as those which he enjoyned by the mouth of others, be all abolished and made void, and to be found no more, and that they never enter more into your hearts, but judge according to the antient commandment of your Forefathers, repeating the same Lessons and Prayers every _Sabbath_, as hath been accustomary, as also _Collects_ for Kings, Potentates, and anointed, &c. And bless the King, _Sultan Mahomet_, for in his days hath great Salvation been wrought for _Israel_, and become not Rebels to his Kingdom, which God forbid. For after all this, which is past, the least motion will be a cause of jealousie, and you will bring ruine upon your own persons, and upon all which is near and dear to you, wherefore abstain from the thoughts of this man, and let not so much as his name proceed out of your mouths. For know, if you will not obey us herein, which will be known, who, and what those men are, who refuse to conform unto us, we are resolved to prosecute them, as our duty is. He that doth hear, and obey us, may the Blessing of God rest upon him. These are the words of those who seek your Peace and Good, having in _Constantinople_, on _Sunday_ the fifth of the Moneth _Sevat_, underwrot their names. _Joam Tob_ son of _Chananiah Ben-Jacar_. _Isaac Alnacagna._ _Joseph Kazabi._ _Manasseh Barndo._ _Kalib_ son of _Samuel_. _Eliezer Castie._ _Eliezer Gherson._ _Joseph Accohen._ _Eliezer Aluff._ During the time of all these transactions and passages at _Constantinople_, _Smyrna_, _Abydos_, upon the _Helespont_, and _Adrianople_, the _Jews_ leaving their Merchantile course, and advices, what prizes commodities bear and matters of Traffique, stuffed their Letters for _Italy_ and other parts, with nothing but wonders and miracles wrought by their false _Messiah_. As then when the _Grand Signior_ sent to take him, he caused all the Messengers immediately to die, upon which other _Janizaries_ being again sent, they all fell dead with a word only from his mouth; and being desired to revive them again, he immediately recall'd them to life; but of them onely such who were true _Turks_, and not those who had denied that faith in which they were born, and had profest. After this they added, that he went voluntarily to prison, and though the gates were barr'd and shut with strong Locks of Iron, yet that _Sabatai_ was seen to walk through the streets with a numerous attendance, and when they laid Shackles on his neck and feet, they not onely fell from him, but were converted into Gold, with which he gratified his true and faithful believers and disciples. Some Miracles also were reported of _Nathan_, that onely at reading the name of any particular man, or woman, he would immediately recount the Story of his, or her life, their sins or defaults, and accordingly impose just correction and penance for them. These strong reports coming thus confidently into _Italy_ and all parts, the _Jews_ of _Casel di Monferrato_ resolved to send three persons in behalf of their society, in the nature of extraordinary _Legates_, to _Smyrna_, to make inquiry after the truth of all these rumors, who accordingly arriving in _Smyrna_, full of expectation and hopes, intending to present themselves with great Humility and Submission before their _Messiah_ and his Prophet _Nathan_, were entertain'd with the sad news, that _Sabatai_ was turned _Turk_, by which information the Character of their _Embassy_ in a manner ceasing, every one of them laying aside the formalitie of his function, endeavoured to lodge himself best to his own convenience. But that they might return to their brethren at home, with the certain particulars of the Success of the affairs, they made a visit to the brother of _Sabatai_; who still continued to perswade them, that _Sabatai_ was notwithstanding the true _Messiah_, that it was not he who had taken on him the habit and form of a _Turk_, but his _Angel_ or _Spirit_, his body being ascended into Heaven, until God shall again see the season, and time to restore it, adding further, that an effect hereof they should see by the prophet _Nathan_, certified, now every day expected, who having wrought _Miracles_ in many places, would also for their Consolation, reveal hidden secrets unto them, with which they should not onely remain satisfied, but astonished. With this onely hope of _Nathan_, these _Legates_ were a little comforted, resolving to attend his arrival, in regard they had a Letter to consign into his hands, and according to their instructions, were to demand of him the grounds he had for his Prophesies, and what assurance he had, that he was divinely inspir'd, and how these things were reveal'd unto him, which he had committed to Paper, and dispersed to all parts of the World. At length _Nathan_ arrives near _Smyrna_, on Friday the third of _March_, towards the Evening, and on _Sunday_ these _Legates_ made their visit to him: But _Nathan_, upon news of the success of his beloved _Messiah_, began to grow sullen and reserved; So that the _Legates_ could scarce procure admittance to him; all that they could do was to inform him, that they had a Letter to him from the brother-hood of _Italy_, and commission to conferr with him concerning the foundation and authority he had for his prophesies; but _Nathan_ refused to take the Letter, ordering _Kain Abolafio_ a _Chocham_ of the City of _Smyrna_ to receive it; so that the _Legates_ returned ill contented, but yet with hopes at _Nathan_'s arrival at _Smyrna_ to receive better satisfaction. But whilst _Nathan_ intended to enter into _Smyrna_, the _Chochams_ of _Constantinople_, being before advised of his resolution to take a Journey into their parts, not knowing by which way he might come, sent their Letters and Orders to _Smyrna_, _Prussia_, and every way round, to hinder his passage, and interrupt his journey; fearing that things beginning now to compose, the _Turks_ appeas'd for the former disorders, and the minds of the _Jews_ in some manner setled, might be moved, and combustions burst out afresh, by the appearance of this new _Impostor_; And therefore dispatched this Letter as followeth. _To you who are the Shepherds of Israel, and Rulers, who reside for the great God of the whole World, in the_ Citie _of_ Smyrna, _which is_ Mother _in_ Israel, _to her Princes, her Priests, her Judges, and especially to the perfect wise men, and of great experience, may the Lord God cause you to live before him, and delight in the multitude of Peace_, Amen, _so be the will of the Lord_. These our Letters are dispatched unto you, to let you understand, that in the place of your Holiness, we have heard that the learned man, which was in _Gaza_, called _Nathan_, _Benjamin_, hath published Vaine Doctrines, and made the World Tremble at his Words and Inventions; And that at this time we have receiv'd Advice, that this man some dayes since, departed from _Gaza_, and took his Journey by the way of _Scanderone_, intending there to Imbarke for _Smyrna_, and thence to go to _Constantinople_, or _Adrianople_: And though it seem a strange thing unto us, that any Man should have a desire to throw himself into a place of Flames, and Fire, and into the Sparkes of _Hell_; notwithstanding we ought to fear, and suspect it; _For the Feet of Man alwayes guide him to the worst_: Wherefore we Under-written do Advertise you, that this Man coming within the compass of your Jurisdiction, you give a stop to his Journey, and not suffer him to proceed farther, but presently to return back. For we would have you know, that at his coming, he will again begin to move those Tumults, which have been caused through the Imaginations of a New Kingdome; _And that Miracles are not to be Wrought every day_. God forbid that by his coming the People of God should be destroy'd in all places where they are, of which he will be the first, whose Blood be upon his own Head: For in this Conjuncture, every little Error or Fault is made Capital. You may remember the Danger of the first Combustion: And it is very probable that he will be an occasion of greater, which the Tongue is not able to express with Words. And therefore by Vertue of Ours, and Your own Authority, you are to hinder him from proceeding farther in his Journey, upon paine of all those Excommunications which Our _Law_ can Impose, and to force him to return back again, both he, and his Company. But if he shall in any manner Oppose you, and Rebel against your Word, your Indeavours and Law are sufficient to hinder him, for it will be well for him and all _Israel_. For the Love of God, let these Words enter into your Eares, since they are not vain things; for the Lives of all the _Jewes_, and his also, consist therein. And the Lord God behold from Heaven, and have pitty upon his People _Israel_, Amen. So be his holy Will: Written by those who seek your Peace. _Joam Tob_, Son of _Chanania Jacar_. _Moise Benveniste._ _Caleb_ Son of _Chocham, Samuel_ deceased. _Isaac Aloenacagne._ _Joseph Kazabi._ _Samuel Acazsine._ _Moise Barndo._ _Elihezer Aluff._ _Jehoshuah Raphael Benveniste._ By these meanes _Nathan_ being disappointed of his Wandring Progress, and partly ashamed of the event of Things contrary to his Prophesie, was resolved, without entring _Smyrna_, to returne again: Howsoever he obtained leave to visit the _Sepulcher_ of his _Mother_, and there to receive Pardon of his Sins (according to the Institution of _Sabatai_ before mentioned) but first washed himself in the Sea, in manner of Purification, and said his _Tephilla_, or _Prayers_, at the Fountain, called by us the Fountain _Sancta Veneranda_, which is near to the _Cymetry_ of the _Jewes_, and then departed for _Zion_ with two Companions, a Servant, and three _Turks_, to conduct him, without admitting the _Legates_ to Audience, or answering the Letter which was sent him, from all the Communities of the _Jewes_ in _Italy_. And thus the Embassy of these Legates was concluded, and they returned from the place from whence they came, and the _Iewes_ again to their Wits, following their Trade of Merchandize and Brokage as formerly, with more quiet, and advantage, then the meanes of regaining their Possessions in the Land of Promise. And thus ended this mad _Phrensie_ amongst the _Iewes_, which might have cost them dear, had not _Sabatai_ Renounce't his _Messiaship_ at the Feet of _Mahomet_. THE END THE AUGUSTAN REPRINT SOCIETY WILLIAM ANDREWS CLARK MEMORIAL LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. LOS ANGELES PUBLICATIONS IN PRINT [Illustration: Decoration] 1948-1949 16. Henry Nevil Payne, _The Fatal Jealousie_ (1673). 18. Anonymous, "Of Genius," in _The Occasional Paper_, Vol. III, No. 10 (1719), and Aaron Hill, Preface to _The Creation_ (1720). 1949-1950 19. Susanna Centlivre, _The Busie Body_ (1709). 20. Lewis Theobald, _Preface to the Works of Shakespeare_ (1734). 22. Samuel Johnson, _The Vanity of Human Wishes_ (1749), and two _Rambler_ papers (1750). 23. John Dryden, _His Majesties Declaration Defended_ (1681). 1950-1951 26. Charles Macklin, _The Man of the World_ (1792). 1951-1952 31. Thomas Gray, _An Elegy Wrote in a Country Churchyard_ (1751), and _The Eton College Manuscript_. 1952-1953 41. Bernard Mandeville, _A Letter to Dion_ (1732). 1962-1963 98. _Select Hymns Taken Out of Mr. Herbert's Temple_ (1697). 1963-1964 104. Thomas D'Urfey, _Wonders in the Sun_; or, _The Kingdom of the Birds_ (1706). 1964-1965 110. John Tutchin, _Selected Poems_ (1685-1700). 111. Anonymous, _Political Justice_ (1736). 112. Robert Dodsley, _An Essay on Fable_ (1764). 113. T. R., _An Essay Concerning Critical and Curious Learning_ (1698). 114. _Two Poems Against Pope_: Leonard Welsted, _One Epistle to Mr. A. Pope_ (1730), and Anonymous, _The Blatant Beast_ (1742). 1965-1966 115. Daniel Defoe and others, _Accounts of the Apparition of Mrs. Veal_. 116. Charles Macklin, _The Covent Garden Theatre_ (1752). 117. Sir George L'Estrange, _Citt and Bumpkin_ (1680). 118. Henry More, _Enthusiasmus Triumphatus_ (1662). 119. Thomas Traherne, _Meditations on the Six Days of the Creation_ (1717). 120. Bernard Mandeville, _Aesop Dress'd or a Collection of Fables_ (1704). 1966-1967 122. James MacPherson, _Fragments of Ancient Poetry_ (1760). 123. Edmond Malone, _Cursory Observations on the Poems Attributed to Mr. Thomas Rowley_ (1782). 124. Anonymous, _The Female Wits_ (1704). 125. Anonymous, _The Scribleriad_ (1742). Lord Hervey, _The Difference Between Verbal and Practical Virtue_ (1742). 126. _Le Lutrin: an Heroick Poem, Written Originally in French by Monsieur Boileau: Made English by N. O._ (1682). * * * * * Subsequent publications may be checked in the annual prospectus. Publications #1 through 90, of the first fifteen years of Augustan Reprint Society, are available in bound units at $14.00 per unit of six from: KRAUS REPRINT CORPORATION 16 East 46th Street New York, N.Y. 10017 Publications in print are available at the regular membership rate of $5.00 yearly. Prices of single issues may be obtained upon request. William Andrews Clark Memorial Library: University of California, Los Angeles THE AUGUSTAN REPRINT SOCIETY _General Editors_: George Robert Guffey, University of California, Los Angeles; Maximillian E. Novak, University of California, Los Angeles; Robert Vosper, William Andrews Clark Memorial Library. _Corresponding Secretary_: Mrs. Edna C. Davis, William Andrews Clark Memorial Library. The Society's purpose is to publish reprints (usually facsimile reproductions) of rare seventeenth and eighteenth century works. All income of the Society is devoted to defraying costs of publication and mailing. Correspondence concerning memberships in the United States and Canada should be addressed to the William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, 2520 Cimarron St., Los Angeles, California. Correspondence concerning editorial matters may be addressed to any of the general editors at the same address. Manuscripts of introductions should conform to the recommendations of the MLA _Style Sheet_. The membership fee is $5.00 a year in the United States and Canada and 30/- in Great Britain and Europe. British and European prospective members should address B. H. Blackwell, Broad Street, Oxford, England. Copies of back issues in print may be obtained from the Corresponding Secretary. PUBLICATIONS FOR 1967-1968 127-128. Charles Macklin, _A Will and No Will, or a Bone for the Lawyers_ (1746). _The New Play Criticiz'd, or The Plague of Envy_ (1747). Introduction by Jean B. Kern. 129. Lawrence Echard, Prefaces to _Terence's Comedies_ (1694) and _Plautus's Comedies_ (1694). Introduction by John Barnard. 130. Henry More, _Democritus Platonissans_ (1646). Introduction by P. G. Stanwood. 131. John Evelyn, _The History of ... Sabatai Sevi ... The Suppos'd Messiah of the Jews_ (1669). Introduction by Christopher W. Grose. 132. Walter Harte, _An Essay on Satire, Particularly on the Dunciad_ (1730). Introduction by Thomas B. Gilmore. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Next in the series of special publications by the Society will be a volume including Elkanah Settle's _The Empress of Morocco_ (1673) with six plates; _Notes and Observations on the Empress of Morocco_ (1674) by John Dryden, John Crowne and Thomas Shadwell; _Notes and Observations on the Empress of Morocco Revised_ (1674) by Elkanah Settle; and _The Empress of Morocco. A Farce_ (1674) by Thomas Duffet, with an Introduction by Maximillian E. Novak. Already published in this series are reprints of John Ogilby's _The Fables of Aesop Paraphras'd in Verse_ (1668), with an Introduction by Earl Miner and John Gay's _Fables_ (1727, 1738), with an Introduction by Vinton A. Dearing. Publication is assisted by funds from the Chancellor of the University of California, Los Angeles. Price to members of the Society, $2.50 for the first copy and $3.25 for additional copies. Price to non-members, $4.00. THE AUGUSTAN REPRINT SOCIETY William Andrews Clark Memorial Library 2520 CIMARRON STREET AT WEST ADAMS BOULEVARD, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90018 Make check or money order payable to THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. * * * * * Transcriber's Notes Obvious punctuation errors repaired. Illegible and missing letters repaired from the context. Third page of "To the Reader": "Transastions" changed to "Transactions" (most of these Transactions). Hyphen removed: "fore[-]fathers" (p. 60). Page 45: "Tamnz" changed to "Tamuz". Page 46: "Kislen" changed to "Kislev". Page 47: "Cælestial" changed to "Coelestial". Page 66: duplicate "with" deleted (passed more easily with them). Page 72: "Jewt" changed to "Jews" (where the Jews reside). Page 78: "Chochan" changed to "Chocham". Page 79: "Cocham" changed to "Chocham". Page 82: "assoon" changed to "as soon" (as soon as he saw placed). Page 99: "Merchantlie" changed to "Merchantile" (leaving their Merchantile course). Page 110: "Xio" changed to "Zion", although this is far from certain. Page 110: "rerurned" changed to "returned" (they returned from the place). 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