The Project Gutenberg EBook of The Letters of the Duke of Wellington to Miss J. 1834-1851, by Duke of Wellington This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at Title: The Letters of the Duke of Wellington to Miss J. 1834-1851 Edited by Extracts from the Diary of the Latter Author: Duke of Wellington Editor: Christine Terhune Herrick Release Date: March 9, 2011 [EBook #35532] Language: English Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1 *** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK LETTERS OF DUKE OF WELLINGTON *** Produced by Steven Gibbs and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at THE LETTERS OF THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON TO MISS J. 1834-1851 EDITED, WITH EXTRACTS FROM THE DIARY OF THE LATTER, BY CHRISTINE TERHUNE HERRICK LONDON T. FISHER UNWIN 26 PATERNOSTER SQUARE University Press: JOHN WILSON AND SON, CAMBRIDGE, U.S.A. Transcriber's Note: In this e-text, superscripted characters are represented by being preceded by a carat, e.g., D^r and 13^th. PREFACE. The effort of the Editor throughout this volume has been to repress fancy rather than to exercise it. There has not been a word added to or taken from the letters of the Duke, even the occasional eccentricities of orthography and punctuation having been preserved. The editing that was absolutely necessary to render coherent some of Miss J.'s lucubrations has been restricted to the excision of superfluous passages of Scripture that added nothing to the sense of the text, and the correction of the very erratic punctuation both of her diary and of the copies she has left of her own letters. Miss J.'s copies of the Duke's epistles have been verified by comparison with the originals. In every case where the needful books and journals of reference were attainable, the Duke's statements in the letters of his comings and goings and occupations have been corroborated by contemporary data. The particulars of Miss J.'s personal history have been derived from private family sources. CHRISTINE TERHUNE HERRICK. BROOKLYN, March 18, 1889. CONTENTS. CHAP. PAGE I. INTRODUCTION 1 II. FIRST INTERVIEWS 10 III. THE FIRST DISCORD 21 IV. SMOOTH WATERS 39 V. FRESH DIFFICULTIES 55 VI. COMPARATIVE CALM 79 VII. ASPIRATIONS AND REBUFFS 98 VIII. A PEACEFUL PERIOD 120 IX. MISUNDERSTANDINGS 149 X. A BREATHING SPACE 166 XI. THE FINAL RUPTURE 183 XII. CONCLUSION 210 APPENDIX 221 THE LETTERS OF WELLINGTON. CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION. These hitherto unpublished Letters from the Duke of Wellington to Miss J., and the Diary of the latter, have lain for years in a trunk in the attic of a country-house within thirty miles of New York city. Their publication is permitted through the kindness of a friend with whose family Miss J. was remotely connected. The facts with regard to Miss J.'s life and character have been in part obtained through those who knew her personally, but mainly through her own Diary,--a worn volume once handsome, that at the first glance would be taken for a Bible. This book is supplied with a spring-lock. Its hundreds of pages are closely covered with a minute handwriting, and the ink with which they were traced has faded to a yellowish brown, indistinct in places, but never quite undecipherable. The Duke's letters are written in a peculiar, irregular hand, very difficult to read, and becoming more crabbed as he advanced in years. While the spelling is almost invariably correct, the construction of the sentences is often involved, and the punctuation follows no known method. At the time Miss J.'s correspondence with the Duke of Wellington opened, she was a very beautiful woman about twenty years of age. Her parents were from among the smaller English gentry, and in her girlhood she, with her elder sister, attended one of the best schools in England. Many of her companions were of noble birth, and the associations then formed were continued in later years. Miss J.'s father died while she was little more than a child, and not long after the mother followed. At her death the daughter writes that a vision was vouchsafed to her of the heaven her mother was entering. The elder sister married an American physician and came with him to this country, leaving Miss J. with a companion and in the nominal care of her guardian, who seems to have confined himself to supplying her with the funds accruing from the investments made of the property left by her mother. Miss J. lived now in lodgings, now in a rented house, in company with a devoted elderly friend to whom she constantly alludes in her Diary, and made many visits to the country-houses of former schoolmates. She appears never to have had any taste for general society. A woman of deeply devotional nature, her fervor in spiritual matters had been heightened by associations into which she had been thrown soon after quitting school, and further strengthened by the example and precepts of her bosom companion, Mrs. L. But while the latter evidently possessed strong common-sense and a well-balanced mind, Miss J. was impulsive, enthusiastic, undisciplined. Whatever she did was done with all her might. In her sight there could be no middle course, no half-way measures. By much introspection and pondering of the Scriptures she developed into a religious zealot, fanatically anxious for the conversion of those about her. And this conversion was in her mind nothing less than the turning aside from all worldly pursuits, and the entire dedication of time and self to religious avocations. She shrank with horror from what she called "The World," and interpreted this to mean public offices, wealth, and honors conferred by the State. All these she considered as snares to draw the soul from the contemplation of God and eternity, and bind it down to the things of time and sense. While little more than a girl, she had had a love-affair with a young man, of whom she writes as "Henry," or "H." Although attached to him, he fell short of her standard in matters spiritual, and she therefore gave him up. She describes with feeling her deep anxiety for his salvation, the prayers she offered for him, and her trembling hope that he might become converted and they might yet be happy together. As the young man still clung to "The World," she nerved herself to break the bond between them and to crush down her affection for him. For a while she seemed to succeed; but the victory over herself was not complete. In her Diary she writes:-- "A few days ago, while Mary was at the harp, in a moment a feeling of tenderness seemed to return towards H.; but I could not certainly say it _was_ so until two days after, when Mary returned from her visit and alluded to him, adding she had looked at Selby and prayed it may become an abode of _righteousness_, or words to this effect,--when I was at once overcome, and burst into tears. This, indeed, verified my suspicion; and what could I say to such things but this: 'Thy will, O God, be done!'" Resolved that she would not let her mind dwell upon one who had "never known a new _birth_ unto _righteousness_," she devoted herself to good works, to instructing the school-children in the village, visiting the poor and afflicted, teaching two gypsy boys, in whom she was much interested, to read and to pray, writing letters on religious topics to her friends, and adapting hymns for the harp. She was an earnest student of the Bible, and held firm faith in the doctrine that even the most trivial events in one's life are directed by an overruling Providence. She carried this belief so far that when in doubt as to what to do in any matter, she would open her Bible at random, read the first text that caught her eye, and shape her course by the direction she found there. That her friends deprecated such fanaticism--for it really amounted to that--in so young and beautiful a girl, is apparent from passages in her Diary, where she states, with evident enjoyment, that she had undergone "persecution for righteousness' sake," and laments that certain friends should so evidently be "laboring under the power of Satan." During the month of June, 1833, while staying with a friend, of whom she speaks as "Mary," in the village of S., intelligence was brought to Miss J. of a hardened criminal who was confined in the county jail. He had been convicted of murder, and was to be executed shortly. Both Catholic and Protestant clergymen had been with him, and had endeavored in vain to make some impression upon him by prayers and exhortation. Here was Miss J.'s opportunity. She and her friend Mary went to the prisoner, and by their ministrations produced such an effect that he made full confession of his guilt and professed repentance and conversion. In her Diary Miss J. tells how she dreaded her first expedition to the jail, the prayers she uttered for strength, and the direct answers she received. Of a later visit to "poor Cook" she writes: "Oh, what a glorious change was there! The stony heart become a heart of flesh! Great God, thy mercies are indeed infinite, and thy ways past finding out!" A few days later she says: "Went again to S.; found poor Cook rapidly ripening for that eternal kingdom into which through his Saviour's righteousness he will soon be gloriously received." The two girls kept up their visits, in face of a command to discontinue them from Mary's parents. "Mary received such an angry letter, prohibiting her visiting poor Cook,--to whom, notwithstanding, we of _course_ went, saw him, and the next day were at chapel with him (being Sunday); after which he said he would like _then_ to fall asleep in the Lord, etc. On Monday evening we had singing and prayers with him. On Tuesday saw his chains taken off, and remained with him until he left the prison. On Wednesday were at court, and left S., feeling our work was done,--grateful, I trust, for such manifold mercies, and more anxious than ever to glorify our heavenly Lord. Today, the 10th, poor Cook suffered; and I can now fancy him a glorious spirit, hovering near, ministering to those that are to be heirs of salvation." The result of Miss J.'s success with this unfortunate man naturally strengthened her in her devotion to a religious life; and the effect was deepened by the commendations of her pious friends. It was not so common then as now to make pets of condemned criminals; and the success of this young girl in subduing a man with whom priests and parsons had hopelessly labored, created a sensation and called forth comment from the press. It would have been almost phenomenal had the girl's head not been turned. Her devotion to the advancement of the cause of Christ as she understood it, was strong and genuine. Surrounded by judicious advisers, she might have manifested her zeal in a different fashion. As it was, she now felt she had been especially called of God to do a great work. Looking around her for an object, her attention was drawn to the Duke of Wellington. She seemed to have known more of him as the public man than as the soldier; for she expressly states at a later period that when she first wrote to him she was not aware that he was the conqueror of Bonaparte, and did not even know when the Battle of Waterloo took place,--a statement that leads to the inference that instruction in the fashionable schools of that day dealt more with playing on the harp and similar showy accomplishments than with a knowledge of English history. Miss J. leaves in her Diary a list of the letters received from the Duke, prefacing them with the following introduction:-- "Seeing that I have adverted in the former part of this book to the feelings experienced on our return from poor Cook, which induced me to look up to the Lord, enquiring what next HE would have me to do, receiving this precious reply, 'Greater things than these, that they may marvel;' and considering such words must have had a reference to his condescending dealings a few months afterwards in influencing me to write to the Duke upon the necessity of a new _birth_ unto righteousness,--I am solicitous to devote a portion of this book to his letters, remarking thereon as the list thereof proceeds: May the Lord be with me, inclining my heart and pen to perform all his good will and pleasure, be that whatever it may, for his holy name' sake. Amen." The Duke of Wellington was at this time (1834) a man sixty-five years old. He was in the prime of strength and health, with a capacity for work which the roughing and the hard service he had undergone in earlier life had not in the least impaired. In spite of the passing unpopularity due to his opposition to the Reform Bill, that led to his being publicly hooted in 1832, he had had many high offices bestowed upon him. He had now been a widower for three years. CHAPTER II. FIRST INTERVIEWS. Miss J.'s first letter to the duke was written on the 15th of January, 1834, from Devonshire, where she was spending several months. She was greatly encouraged by receiving an answer from the duke by return post. This letter is unfortunately missing, nor does Miss J. give extracts from it, as from many others, but she indulges in a few comments upon it. "It was," she says, "dated from Hartford Bridge, Jan. 18, 1833, instead of 1834,--a remarkable circumstance for one so accurate in such particulars. It had also a mistake in one place and a blot in two,--betraying consequently, I should imagine, feelings which overwhelmed him on the receipt of my Epistle; and since it is not at all unlikely that the same Lord who worked in me to write may ('His eyes being in every place') have allowed him to participate in the same in some way known only to Himself, in order to effect His purposes." Stimulated by this reception of her first venture, Miss J. proceeded further, and on the 24th of April carried a Bible to the town-house of the Duke, and with her own hand gave it into the charge of the servant. She writes a minute account of this occurrence:-- "After earnest prayer the Bible was taken by me, with a fluttering, agitated feeling, to the Duke's gates and delivered into the porter's hands, after asking him if the Duke were at home. He replied, 'Yes, ma'am.' I then asked, 'Is he engaged?' He told me Lord--I forget his name--and Sir Thomas Somebody were with him. I then inquired, 'Who delivers parcels into His Grace's hands?' He respectfully said, 'I do, ma'am.' I rejoined, 'Then you will deliver that,'--returning home, marvelling wherefore such things were permitted, and what the end thereof would be. Of course a suitable note accompanied The Bible." The Duke was not as prompt in acknowledging "The Bible" as he had been in replying to the first note, for he did not write until the 27th of August. Even then the letter was delayed by a mistake he made in the address, directing the envelope to Mrs., instead of Miss J. She says, "I presume he was in doubt on the subject whether I was a married or single lady, as my signature could not decide on that point." In this note the Duke asks if he may not have the pleasure of meeting her; and Miss J., acting under the advice of her friend Mrs. L., grants his request and expresses her own desire to know him,--"considering it may be The Lord's will to permit personal interviews, proposing under such circumstances to use my influence with him; accordingly craving the Divine blessing thereon." From the Duke's reply, which follows, it is evident that she had corrected his uncertainty as to whether she was married or single: WALMER CASTLE, Oct. 24, 1834. The Duke of Wellington presents his compliments to Miss J. The Duke has received her Letter in which she expresses a desire to see the Duke and that he should call upon her. The Duke has certainly received one, if not more, letters from Miss J., all written upon the same important subject and with the same beneficent object in view, although the desire to see the Duke was not expressed in them; and the Duke lately acknowledged the receipt of one, and of the book, etc., accompanying it. Although the Duke is not in the habit of visiting young unmarried ladies with whom he is not acquainted, he will not decline to attend Miss J. He is at present at a distance from London, and he will be detained at Walmer Castle by business in this part of the county for more than a fortnight. Miss J. will probably write to the Duke again, and will let him know whether she will be in London in a fortnight or three weeks from this time. This was followed by a note, dated November 8, renewing the expressions of the Duke's desire to meet one who took such an interest in his welfare, and informing Miss J. of his intention to call upon her the twelfth of the month. She was then with her friend Mrs. L. in lodgings in London, and here the Duke presented himself. The interview was most curious, and is fully described in Miss J.'s Diary. It seems to furnish the key to this correspondence, that lasted over seventeen years. Even the pietistic phrases with which Miss J.'s account is thickly interspersed are of value as demonstrating the woman's real character, and making plain how completely all that concerned her was subordinated to her conception of what constituted the glory of God. The full statement was not written immediately after the Duke's visit, although the main facts were noted in her Diary. The following narrative was committed to paper some years after the occurrence it reports. Her motive in giving particulars is, as she herself states, to protect herself, lest at her death some question might arise as to the precise relations that had existed between the Duke and herself. She writes:-- "I was about to enter further into a copy of the list of the Duke's letters, in the book with the lock and key, without comment on the past; but I am not permitted to do so, considering the Lord is too jealous for his holy name to suffer me to be exposed to censure which a full knowledge of circumstances would explain and prevent. Consequently, however reluctant (_recoiling from the_ TASK _as I do_) to enter into such, the honor due to the holy name so justly declared to be above every name demands the _effort_; and may _HE_, as I have upon my knees especially implored him, be with my pen accordingly, influencing it to write only what is agreeable to his unerring will, and likely to obtain the end in view above alluded to, for his holy _name's_ sake! Since he must have influenced the Duke of Wellington to love me above every other lady upon earth from the first moment he beheld me, I am not afraid, as in his sight, to imply such feelings were permitted to exist towards one, through the workings of his power, for the accomplishment of his own ends, be they _whatever_ they may,--_which_ ends, _however_ varying from those I had naturally anticipated, will, I trust, redound far more to _His Glory_ than my anticipations, if realized, could possibly have done. "I say _naturally anticipated!_ And who can presume to think such were not _justifiable_ when the individual _thus_ brought into my presence by 'the Lord of Lords' for the purpose of receiving instruction from his holy word, never spoke, all power of speech seeming to be withdrawn, until he was compelled to exclaim: 'Oh, _how_ I _love_ you! _how_ I _love_ you!' repeating the same over and over and over again with increasing energy. "I will proceed to describe this visit, which took place through a declaration on _his part_ in a former letter that the desire to see me sprang from the consideration evinced _by me_ concerning his _everlasting welfare_. This induced me to receive him accordingly, praying to God to be with me every moment of the time, directing even my dress. This He did, letting me be dressed on the occasion as HE pleased, which, as my Diary relates, was in my old _turned_ dark green merino gown, _daily_ worn,--not permitting me to be decorated in any way likely to attract notice, which, as the employment in view was of so sacred a nature, was neither required nor obtained. "Having committed myself on my knees into his gracious hand, 'whose I am and whom I serve,' to do with me whatever seemed agreeable to His unerring will, I descended the stairs after the Duke was announced, with these words from dear Mrs. L. following me: 'Now if the Lord should send his arrow into his soul!' (She had fancied from the commencement that God intended to exalt me for the purpose of showing forth _his_ praise, so that this impression must necessarily have been powerfully strengthened by what followed.) "I entered the Parlour, where, standing before the fire, I beheld anything but the kind of individual personally imagined. I had not had the slightest idea that the Duke has such a beautiful, silver head, such as I always from my childhood admired, inducing me as I approached to offer my hand with additional pleasure, saying, 'This is very kind of Your Grace!' He received my hand graciously and respectfully,--but spoke not a word. I then requested him to be seated, two chairs having been placed for that purpose each side of the fire,--and occupied one of them myself; when recollecting the purport of his visit, I immediately rose, saying, 'I will show you _my Treasure_!' He also rose, standing until I re-seated myself with this _large_ beautiful Bible in my arms. I placed it upon the table between us, opening it at the Third Chapter of Saint John's Gospel, announcing the same. On arriving at the seventh verse thereof, containing this MOMENTOUS passage, flowing from the divine lips of him who spoke as never man spake, '_Ye_ MUST _be born again_,' I, as is usual with me, raised my hand, pointing my finger emphatically, with the solemnity so important an occasion demanded, being desirous to impress the same on his mind, when to my astonishment he eagerly _seized_ my hand, exclaiming, as before described: 'Oh, _how_ I _love_ you!' This was his first utterance!... "Should any one consider strange the expression of _agonizing_ applied to the Duke's feelings at the time he seized my hand, and exclaimed as written, I can only say that such an expression seems hardly doing justice thereto in my estimation. Nor can I find _any_ language adequate to display the same, for God appeared to have struck the Duke dumb on beholding me, giving him no power of speech until he _betrayed_ the effect such had on him. He seemed determined from first to last to overcome or conceal these feelings; yet on one occasion, with great solemnity of voice and manner, on my questioning him concerning who caused him to feel thus towards me, he replied, "'GOD ALMIGHTY.'" One hesitates how to comment upon this singular interview. As has been said, the Duke was at the time of its occurrence sixty-five years old, a father and a grandfather. Under no circumstances was he a man likely to fall in love at first sight, even with so beautiful and interesting a woman as Miss J. Yet the length of time that the correspondence endured, as well as the tone he generally observed of interest in her plans, of solicitude for her health, and the readiness with which he renewed his letters when some misunderstanding had for a while interrupted them, all go to prove that he must have had a feeling for her of more than common interest. Miss J. does not demur at avowing her affection for him again and again. In later years, when there had been a decided break between them, she writes of him constantly as "my still-loved, precious Duke." That the Duke did not have a general reputation for softness of heart, even among those who knew him well, may be gathered from Greville's comments. He styles the Duke:-- "A man of great energy, decision, and authority. The Duke is a very _hard_ man; he takes no notice of any of his family, he never sees his mother, has only visited her two or three times in the last few years, and has not now been to see Lady Anne, though she has been in such affliction for the death of her only son, and he passes her door every time he goes to Strathfieldsaye.... He is a very extraordinary man certainly, and with many contradictions in his character.... He will not endure any one who will not be subservient to him." Several passages in the Duke's letters to Miss J. written when there had been deaths among his friends or in his family, lead one to modify the estimate made of him by Greville, who was always too apt to let his personal prejudices color his statements. M'Carthy declares that while the Duke was cold and brusque in manner, his affections were warm and enduring. This softer side of his nature was evidently that shown to Miss J. The oddest part of the affair was that he should have betrayed it on such short acquaintance. On parting from Miss J. the Duke told her he should be absent from town for several days, but would call upon her on his return. At his request she promised to write to him. This she afterwards found "the Lord of Lords" would not permit. "I attempted to fulfil my promise repeatedly; but felt so restrained that I was obliged at length to relinquish all thought of doing so, considering such was not the will of God." A letter from the Duke dated December 5 inquires the reason of this silence, and proposes calling again. To this Miss J. sent no answer; but in spite of her silence she received another note, dated London, December 22, announcing the Duke's return, and informing her that he would wait upon her the next day at three o'clock. The following account of this call is from Miss J.'s Diary:-- "During the next visit from the Duke he exclaimed, speaking of his feeling for me, 'This must be for life!' twice over successively. He then asked me if I felt sufficient for him to be with him a whole life, to which I replied: '_If it be the will of God_.' I observed much excitement about him, and he in a very hurried manner told me that he was going on a visit to the King. This led me to reply, 'I wish you were going on a visit to _The King_,' which he evidently interpreted to mean The King of kings. He left me hastily, saying he purposed returning in a short time. In the interim I locked my door and knelt down, beseeching God to be with me and protect me, showing me what he would have me do under such marvellous circumstances. Forgetting that the door was fastened, I was obliged on the Duke's return to explain wherefore, stating that it is written, 'When thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret, and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly;' adding, '_Therefore_ I locked the door when you were gone, Your Grace, to kneel down and ask God to take care of me.' On hearing this his eyes dropped, but he said nothing. On his asking me why I had not written to him during his absence from town, I replied, 'Because _God_ would not let me;' when his eyes again fell, and he was silent." CHAPTER III. THE FIRST DISCORD. The Duke was again summoned out of town before he had the opportunity to repeat his call. He promised, however, to attend Miss J. upon his return at the end of a week. He was detained longer than he had anticipated, and meanwhile reflection appears to have made Miss J. doubt the propriety of her meeting him again. She writes an account of her meditations upon this subject in her Diary, and follows it with a copy of the letter she wrote to the Duke:-- "It is now this day a fortnight since the Duke paid me the visit attended by the circumstances described, which not only occasioned suffering immediately after his departure of no common nature, but daily brought with it an increasing unwillingness to submit to another interview. As this at _length_ approached I was led to dread it and consequently to meditate on what The Will of the Lord might be. Whilst thus employed and looking up for help and guidance, these blessed promises came, 'In Me is the Help.' '_I will uphold_ _thee_,' after which I slept in peace. The following morning, (yesterday) I rose, much strengthened in spirit and prayed that I might be given grace to fulfil all the good pleasure of God with regard to one inexpressibly dear to my soul. "I then rose from my knees, dressed me, and without the slightest idea what I was about to do descended into the parlor, which I had no sooner entered than a powerful feeling possessed me to write to the Duke, and entreat he would desist visiting me, which accordingly I was compelled to do. In order to know whether he was in town, I sent for a Newspaper, thereby learning that he arrived the day before, consequently that in two hours I could prevent a visit. As the time he mentioned as that of his stay from Town had doubly elapsed I concluded he would in all probability call that day and thus subject me to another trying visit, if immediate measures were not taken to prevent it. Therefore, I wrote on the letter 'Put in before 4 o'clock,' in which case it is to be hoped he would receive it at 6,--or at the furthest 8 o'clock, and I thus feel myself delivered from the anticipation of a visit which under present circumstances could only have been productive of a repetition of feelings I am most anxious to avoid." Saturday, Jan. 10, 1835. MY LORD DUKE,--Finding my peace, that perfect peace which for so many years I have almost uninterruptedly enjoyed interfered with by your visits,--visits which under present circumstances I cannot feel justified in receiving, as they are of so different a nature from those I anticipated when I gave you permission to call upon me,--I think it my DUTY to entreat they should cease. My agitation on Sunday week during and after your departure called forth _reflections_ which actuate my present conduct. I do not consider it right personally to place myself so fully and confidentially in the power of one, who, however honorable and noble, occasionally seems to forget he is confided in by a Being who _feels_ herself entitled even in the sight of God, not only to the appellation of virtuous, in the strictest acceptation of the word,--but RIGHTEOUS. This appellation as far exceeds the former in _value_ as the heavens do the earth, as the one is to be found, I trust, frequently in the unregenerate, whilst the _latter_ springs SOLELY from _above_. Pray do not imagine by the step now taken that I am incapable of duly appreciating your valued affection!--for I hesitate not to declare there breathes not the Being so dear to me as yourself. Yet, whilst I make this declaration and consequently admit that all the world are as nothing in comparison with you,--I consider it equally my duty to _add_ that however dear GOD may have made you to me--(and I feel it is His Work, Why or Wherefore time must explain) _you_ are as nothing in comparison with CHRIST, Whose honor I consider concerned, being, I glory to say His openly acknowledged, however unworthy, servant, And for Whose sake _consequently_ I have come to the determination of exercising the _self denial_ herein required. That you could ever think of ME, notwithstanding your occasional forgetfulness,--with any other than the _most_ honorable of feelings, would of course be as impossible as to imagine you could at pleasure bring the heavens down under your feet or turn the Sun out of his course, since _both_ would be more likely than that I could even for a single moment forget the _high_ END for which I was created, namely, to _glorify His Holy Name Who_ HAS REDEEMED _me with His precious Blood_, and _rather_ than dishonor it I should prefer the sufferings of ETERNAL torments! Trusting that the step thus taken may be received by Your Grace in the light _duty_ both to God and myself demand, I will not intrude upon your time further than to assure you that should any _spiritual_ advice from me be considered needful either in sickness or health, it will _always_ be at your service. With an assurance of remembering you from time to time when I approach _His Throne_ (Who is of purer eyes than to behold iniquity) and Who looketh into the _deepest_ recesses of the _human heart_, I beg to subscribe myself that which in reality I trust you believe I am, namely, Your Grace's Most faithful friend In The Lord. A. J. The Duke's answer was a strong contrast to this effusion. LONDON, Jan. 10, 1835. MY DEAR MISS J.,--I have received your letter and enclosures. I beg to remind you of what I said to you the second day that I saw you; and if you recollect it you will not be surprised at my telling you that I entirely concur in the intention which you have communicated to me. I am obliged to you for what you have sent me; and I am Ever Yours Most Sincerely, WELLINGTON. This note, although courteous in form and substance, brought forth from Miss J. a reply that, beginning mildly, ended in scathing terms. Monday, Jan. 12, 1835. MY LORD DUKE,--I have endeavored in vain to recollect what you allude to as having said on the second visit paid me, remembering nothing but what appeared honorable. I supposed it impossible that there breathed a being who could dare presume to make any profession of affection for me under opposite circumstances, feeling as I do, that I should confer as high an honor on a Prince in bestowing my hand on him as he could on me in receiving it--but if it be really possible that I have mistaken Your Grace's feelings I should only degrade my own by adding more than that I deliver you into His Hands that "judgeth righteously" who declares to His children the following words--"Ye are the temples of the Holy Ghost," to which is immediately added "Whosoever therefore defileth the Temple of God, him will I destroy" again,--"Take heed that ye offend not one of these little ones," "Whoso shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck and that he were drowned in the depths of the sea." Trusting that the Lord will bestow upon you that repentance which is not to be repented of I submit the foregoing scriptures to your prayerful consideration and subscribe myself that which it is the highest honor to be considered, however unworthy of the same I may be and am, A Servant of Christ, A. J. Having on further consideration, I fear found out that to which you have alluded with such cool, insulting, presuming deliberation in your note, as being uttered during your second visit, I have at its remembrance risen in the night with all those indignant feelings insult demands, to assure you that had I understood the motives which actuated you to make such an abhorrent, disgraceful enquiry, one I could not degrade my pen or self by giving place on paper, however Your Grace may and have degraded yourself by utterance of the same, I should at the moment such escaped your lips have spurned you from me as a serpent whose sting was capable of producing not only instantaneous but Eternal death! Such a horror should I have had of one who until now has possessed a share of my affection even surprising to myself--an affection as pure and sincere as it was disinterested, but Alas! under present circumstances with the vail withdrawn from my eyes what a change of feeling exists! such as would incline me if I did not believe that it was the will of God we should have met to mourn deeply at ever having desired it. In again however reluctantly alluding to the hateful enquiry above noticed--one at the bare utterance of which it is a mercy that God "in whose hands your breath is" knowing your despicable motives (since all hearts are open in His sight and from whom no secrets are hid however ignorant I may have been and was of the same) did not in His wrath strike you dead at my feet. I beg to remind you of my answer which ought, yea, must in itself have convinced you at the time of my misunderstanding your meaning--it being in the following words--"_If it be the will of God_;" for surely you could never for a moment suppose it to be His will whose purity is such that he charges even His angels with folly that I, his devoted child and servant, should bring such deep dishonor on His holy name as to--but my pen with every feeling of my offended nature recoils from even _writing_, much less submitting to such abhorrent degradation which none but most polluted lips could ever dare to vent. The answer was given thus hesitatingly although at the time I was laboring under impressions of its being called forth by the highest and most honorable intentions on your part. And why thus hesitatingly? you would ask. Because I was not and am not quite satisfied that under any circumstances the regenerate soul can be justified in the sight of God in uniting itself to the unregenerate, it being written "Be not unequally yoked with unbelievers," also, "How can two walk together unless they be agreed?" Thus you will perceive that when laboring under the most favorable impression of your upright intentions, notwithstanding your rank, etc., all of which with me are beheld in the utter nothingness such empty things deserve, I should have hesitated until I perceived in you that change of heart so necessary to salvation, without which "no man can see the Lord," fearing I ought not to consent even under the most flattering circumstances to partake in any outward honors likely to bring the disapprobation of God. When I reflect on my view of the case and then in a moment the distressing thought of one so sinful on your part darts like a dagger into my offended spirit, I feel that I should not be surprised (although rest assured, I do not desire it,) at any vengeance God saw fit to shower down for such a dreadful intention upon Your Grace's head. Oh may His Holy Spirit convince you of the heinousness of the sin in question, leading you from darkness to light and from "the power of Satan" (under whose influence you so evidently at present are,) "unto God" in order that your transgressions may be blotted out in the Blood of the Lamb--and that consequently the present--and if I mistake not the greatest sin as far as thought may be concerned in God's sight, it being of so aggravated a nature arising from the consideration of the motives which first actuated me to address you and afterwards receive Your Grace--namely, your eternal happiness--may never be laid to your charge. In order that such may not be the case it will be necessary that you should experience that "Repentance unto life not to be repented of" which, if felt, would bring with it an unhesitating desire to apologize with remorse and anguish for the iniquity herein noticed and which can never be erased from my memory until you do, feeling it a respect due to myself and Religion. I deliver you on this second and last occasion,--for of course I here take a final leave of one I can never wish to behold again under present circumstances,--once more into His Hands who "is no respecter of persons," beseeching Him to grant you not only repentance but forgiveness. I subscribe myself by a title as far exceeding any Your Grace can possess as the Heavens do the earth and which I would neither exchange nor resign to become the Empress of a thousand worlds, A Servant of Christ and a Child of God, A. J. "After I had written this letter and was meditating, these precious words came 'FEAR NOT, for I am with thee, be not dismayed, for I am thy God, I will strengthen thee, I will help thee, yea, I will uphold thee with the Right Arm of My Righteousness'--and _thus_ upheld who can faint? _thus_ upheld who can despair? O my Heavenly Father, strengthen me in the 'inner man' more and more, I beseech Thee, to endure this and any other trial Thou in Thine unerring wisdom mayest see fit; anxious for nothing but to fulfil Thy will in all things, knowing that the path of duty is the path of peace: also that it is through 'much tribulation we must enter the Kingdom' that glorious Kingdom where 'the wicked cease from troubling and the weary are at rest.' Sharp as this trial is, I have to repeat my frequently acknowledged experience of finding my strength equal to my day--or in other words the fulfilment of this Scripture 'Thy strength is made perfect in weakness.' "_Tuesday, Jan. 13, 1835._ Last night after experiencing and penning the feelings herein described, I retired to rest and slept sweetly and peacefully until about three o'clock--when I awoke with a disinclination to sleep again--consequently adverted in thought to my late distressing trials and whilst thus occupied felt assured what I had suggested must have been _that_ to which the Duke alludes with such daring effrontery! I then rose, put on my dressing gown and wrote the language of my indignant soul as far as such could be painted! but a faint picture at best! Alas! that one so esteemed should give such cause to show his unworthiness. But it is doubtlessly permitted for some end which poor blind mortals cannot penetrate, therefore let me not murmur, but bless God who has thought me worthy whilst so _un_worthy to rank among that blessed number described by the angel to Saint John as having 'come out of much tribulation and washed their robes and made them white in the Blood of The Lamb.' This may stand as the greatest trial I ever had! Yet I am so wonderfully upheld, agreeably to the gracious promise previously given, that I can hardly believe such degrading circumstances exist! Oh! What an awful thing that one so high in power is afraid to do that which can call forth the gaze and disapprobation of a sinful, dying, misjudging world, yet fearless of committing the most dreadful crime before Him 'Who is of purer eyes than to behold iniquity.' O may the letter just about to be sent be permitted to sink deep into his rebellious soul calling it from darkness to light and from the power of Satan unto God. Then indeed we shall have cause to declare the goodness of God in thus permitting (however revolting and distressing,) late occurrences to take place! And since He can bring good out of evil, I submit all that has transpired to His gracious, condescending and unerring governance for this purpose, knowing that He can bring 'light out of darkness and make crooked things straight.' O I can never be sufficiently grateful for the powerful strength which so powerfully upholds me! and trust the same will be a means among His other innumerable, unmerited blessings of causing me to glorify His Holy Name with the best powers of my soul and body under whatever trials or sorrows may be yet in store for me! Oh may each and all tend to ripen me 'for an inheritance among the saints in light for Christ's sake!' "Since the above was written I have indeed in a few hours had additional cause for gratitude and love to God, having received a letter from the Duke apologizing in every way I could expect, considering all circumstances, for occasioning my displeasure. Oh! how gracious is the Lord of Heaven and Earth thus to undertake for so unworthy a worm! for which I praise Thee, I bless Thee, I magnify Thee to Whom all power, majesty and dominion belong!" The Duke's letter of apology is full of calm dignity, but one regrets that the accusation was not dismissed with a show, at least, of righteous indignation. LONDON, Jan. 13, 1835. MY DEAR MISS J.,--I beg your pardon if I have written a line or used an expression which could annoy you. Believe me; it is the thing of all others that I would wish to avoid! And that there is nobody more strongly impressed than I am with veneration for your Virtues, attainments and Sentiments! Believe me Ever Yours Most sincerely, WELLINGTON. This quarrel is of chief interest as indicating that Miss J.'s anxiety for the Duke's soul was not altogether disinterested. If it had been, her resentment at his gallantry would hardly have been expressed in this manner. It is evident that to her mind, the Duke had been trifling with her. His kindly reception of her efforts to promote his "everlasting welfare" had raised hopes that would have seemed absurd to any one of every-day common-sense. She asserts openly in several places in her Diary that she believed it was the will of God that she should become the wife of the Duke. In this persuasion she was confirmed by her friend Mrs. L.; and to her and to Miss J. there was nothing unreasonable in the expectation. The latter considered herself no whit inferior to the Duke in any respect, as she takes pains to affirm. Instances of this may be given from her Diary. She says:-- "I was impressed throughout my correspondence with and knowledge of the Duke with a feeling that the end God had in view was my exaltation for His Glory, or in other words to show forth His power.... I attach so little importance to rank or worldly grandeur, that I should have considered I conferred as high an honor on the Duke in bestowing my hand as he would in receiving it, of which he was well aware!" Miss J. judged herself to be actuated by no worldly motives in her desire for such promotion. She cleverly concealed the mundane nature of her aspirations even from herself. Throughout, her declaration is that her sole aim in life has invariably been, "Glorify Thyself in Me!" By her elevation to a position where she will be a centre of observation she hopes to influence those ungodly souls by whom she will be surrounded, and to imbue them with true piety. She writes:-- "I in my turn was permitted to love the Duke, but the honor and glory of God were ever my consideration. Consequently such affection of mine being of so opposite a nature to his own was principally displayed in my watchful solicitude for his everlasting welfare, concerning which I was firm and faithful throughout, believing God would convert him _eventually_, causing him to shine forth gloriously in His adorable service. As in that case the erroneous impressions in my mind would in all probability have been verified, I looked forward to becoming as 'a city set on a hill which cannot be hid,' conceiving such exaltation would admit of showing forth _His_ praises _openly_ before men. But I doubt not that I am _far_ happier thus situated, enjoying a lively sense of His Divine, Adorable presence than I could possibly have had under the turmoil attending more exalted circumstances. As the poor Duke evidently did everything in his power to overcome the feelings referred to, I am aware the _World_ could form no idea of the extent or power of the same without this explanation from my pen." The Duke's affection for Miss J. can hardly have been altogether the work of her imagination. Besides the interview copied in her Diary, there is the evidence of the correspondence. True, his epistles are lacking in open protestations of devotion. Miss J. herself remarks that the Duke's letters were always cautiously written. He was too much a man of the world to run the risk of compromising himself in black and white. But the very existence of this correspondence, extending over a period of seventeen years, is a strong argument in favor of his having felt for her a remarkably warm friendship at the least. It can hardly be supposed that the Duke seriously intended to marry Miss J. As he himself writes to her,-- "I should not treat you as I should wish to be treated myself. The commands of all others which we ought to obey are those dictated to us by our social relations. What would be said, if I, a man of seventy years of age, nearly, were to take in marriage a lady young enough to be my Granddaughter?" Upon this Miss J. comments:-- "_Alas! Alas!_ how deceitful is the human heart! For I am convinced that although the Duke _wrote_ thus, there was not a moment during our acquaintance when if I had _not_ been _by the Grace of God_ what I was and am that he would have thought I was too young to bow down before me with the most sinful adulation." What was either a flirtation or a manifestation of fatherly fondness on the part of the Duke was a grand passion to Miss J. Perhaps her vanity was as deeply touched as her heart; but those who knew her best declared that never until the Duke's death did she resign all hope of becoming the Duchess of Wellington. In another part of her Diary she writes, with the diffuseness and reiteration that mark her style:-- "That I loved the Duke I am not ashamed to say, God knows, and that too with the purest affection. Consequently when he asked me if I felt sufficient to be with him a whole life, (which was the question referred to in that odious letter, for odious indeed it still appears in my sight, yea, increasingly so with time, for I recoil with unspeakable horror from the thought that I could be thus enquired of without being clearly comprehended), I replied to the same in the following words, '_If it be the will of God_,' not supposing for a moment, as expressed, that such an enquiry could be made of one with God's Holy Book before me, to which I had been attracting his attention with all the reverence and veneration so holy an employment demanded, except under intentions the most honorable. This idea many would perhaps say must have arisen from my want of knowledge of mankind and the world etc. But in that case how was it that dear Mrs. L----, a perfect woman of the world in her early life, could think the same and consequently encourage such views?" Long after the Duke had wearied of his passing fancy Miss J. clung to the idea that she could yet draw him to her. Her secluded life, given up to good works and pious meditations, and still later her confirmed ill-health, heightened her unworldliness, and rendered it more than ever difficult for her to see the impossibility of what in the eyes of the Duke and his family and friends would have been a misalliance. It is perhaps uncharitable to suppose that Miss J. intended by her assumed reluctance to grant the Duke a third interview to force him to make a formal declaration of his intentions and ask her hand in marriage. If this, however, was her plan, it met with a signal failure. Clearly nothing was farther from the Duke's thoughts than to make himself the butt of popular ridicule by taking a wife forty-five years younger than himself, and of retired even though perfectly respectable social position. Besides that, it can hardly be wondered at if the Duke, a man free from binding domestic ties, were not in a humor to place permanently at his elbow so strict a mentor as Miss J., no matter how pretty she might be. The prudishness and piety that were fascinating in a beautiful woman seldom seen, would wax wearisome in the most charming creature bound to him by indissoluble ties. CHAPTER IV. SMOOTH WATERS. LONDON, June 2, 1835. MY DEAR MISS J.,--I received your Note. We perfectly understand each other; and with your permission I will call upon you to-morrow at three o'clock. There is only one point that I wish to explain in reference to our last meeting. There might have been a difference of Manner. There was none of feeling. You told me that you had written to me; and I certainly was anxious to possess your Letters. You certainly wished to take them out of the Paquet; but if I had thought that your reluctance to give them was deeply felt, you may rely upon it that I would not have pressed to have them. At all events my perusal of them has occasioned an explanation which can do no Harm. Believe me ever Yours most sincerely W. From this it appears that the personal interviews had recommenced. The letters now follow one another closely. LONDON, June 15, 1835. MY DEAR MISS J.,--I have received your Letter of this Day, for which I return many thanks. I was not able to go to see you last week as I intended. I was confined to my Home by Indisposition for some days; and I was much occupied. I am going out of town to-morrow. But I hope to be able to go to see [_sic_] on Saturday at three o'clock if you should not at that time have left town for the Seaside? I will bring with me the Letters and Books which you lent me. I have read that one which you wish that I should return to you. If you should go before I shall see you again I hope that you will let me know where. Believe me Ever Yours most sincerely WELLINGTON. Miss J. states that the book here alluded to was an account of the conversion of the criminal Cook, and touches upon her instrumentality in bringing about this result. LONDON, June 22nd, 1835. MY DEAR MISS J.,--I have read all your Letters since I saw you on Saturday. Why do you not send each of them to me when you write it? I think that you will have perceived on Saturday that you was mistaken in the Notion under which you wrote some of them. We may differ in opinion and I may be in Error. But I assure you that I cannot feel otherwise than grateful to you for your kindness to me; and respect and veneration for the Motives for it. Let me know before you go out of town that I may not misdirect a Letter to you. Believe me Ever Yours most sincerely, WELLINGTON. In the latter part of June Miss J. went to Ramsgate. The Duke's letter of July 1st is directed there:-- LONDON, July 1st, 1835. MY DEAR MISS J.,--I am very sorry if in my Letter of Monday I should have said a Word which could have hurt your feelings. I think that by this time you ought to be convinced that I could not intend to do so. I might have done so erroneously. I might have been misled by circumstances. But I could not willingly hurt the feelings of any body. In this particular case you forget that you asked the Question whether your letters were not overweight. I told you that they were. I likewise informed you of a Rule which we are all under the necessity of adopting; that is of returning Letters over weight; because too many Persons are in the habit of thinking that they may inclose their Letters to a well known Person; and the Charge becomes enormous. Under these circumstances my Porter has the usual order not to take in Letters overweight; which he generally returns; unless I should happen to be in the House when he enquires. I stated the fact very shortly, as I generally do; in answer to a question from yourself; and I pointed out to you that if you desired to write to me more than you could put in two Sheets, you should put your Letter in two or three or more covers. You must not be so susceptible. Rely upon it, that many many Years will pass over your Head; before I shall intentionally offend you. Believe me Ever Yours most sincerely W. July 7, 1835. I have received your two Letters My Dear Miss J., and according to your desire I write immediately. My writing is not very legible by a person not accustomed to it. But I never could have intended to apply the word mistrust to you. You expressed apprehension that your Letters might be seen by a third person; as they might have been returned to the Post Office. I did not write the word _relatives_ but _relations_, and that not in the meaning of relatives. I adverted to your ordinary relations with other persons, which I said must be attended by some observance of their Habits and Customs. However, there is an end of this matter. I hope that your writing to me will never be disturbed again by any checks or difficulties; or expressions which I assure you can never be intended to convey any meaning but one of kindness towards you, and of admiration of your Talents, your character and your Devotion to what is good. Believe me Ever Yours most sincerely W. Of the following letters Miss J. gives extracts in her Diary. There are few of his epistles in which the Duke fails to express his thanks to Miss J. for her kindness in writing to him. However gratifying this may have been to her, the constant repetition becomes monotonous to the indifferent reader. Miss J. writes:-- "The next letter from His Grace is dated July 11th, 1835, in which he writes--'You are mistaken in thinking that I at all disapprove of the independence of character and conduct which I had observed. I hope that you may never feel otherwise towards me than in the State of Independence to say and write to me whatever your mind may suggest.' "In his letter of July 18th the Duke writes--'I thank you for your Letter received this morning. What I meant by reflection was not to call your attention to anything particularly passing in the world, but to the impressions made upon your own mind by any circumstance you might have observed.----You will tell me that God will direct you. So He will. But He has given us a Mind, the power of comparing and reflecting, of deciding what is true and what is false and He requires us to exercise our judgment in Matters on which He has given us the capability of forming judgment. You'll tell me that I am acting your part and teaching you instead of attending to you. But I beg you observe it is only in explanation of what I wrote to you in a former letter upon the subject of your change of opinion respecting an individual at Ramsgate.' "The Duke here refers to a Preacher who had spoken in the open air at Ramsgate of whom I had previously written." "The Duke's next letter implies that he understood I was about to return to Town, inducing him to express an intention of calling on me but such was not the will of The Lord of Lords, therefore I did not accede to it, but proceeded expeditiously from Ramsgate to Harrowgate. Here His Grace's letters followed me." LONDON, July 24th, 1835. MY DEAR MISS J.,--I received your Letter by the Post written on Wednesday; and have this day received that written in London to inform me that you was about to go to Harrowgate. I am much obliged to you for both. It is true that I am in the habit of writing Answers to all Letters. But I feel great satisfaction in writing to some; to those in particular from whom I am desirous of receiving Letters; and who express a Desire to hear from me. I am very glad that you corrected your first Impressions respecting your Preacher. I believe that we cannot too frequently pass in review our opinions upon what passes before us. We shall find ourselves frequently in Error. I sincerely hope that the Waters of Harrowgate, may have the effect of restoring Your Health entirely. Believe me Ever Yours most sincerely W. LONDON, August 3, 1835. MY DEAR MISS J.,--I have received your letter of the 31st and I am really much concerned to learn that I have again created a feeling of displeasure in your Mind by having omitted to notice the Inconvenience which you felt upon your Journey to Harrowgate. There is always Inconvenience in travelling in a Stage Coach. It cannot be otherwise. Indeed it is wonderful that there should be so little; and I must observe that there is less of a physical and personal Nature in travelling in this Manner in England than elsewhere. The Inconvenience felt in England is of a moral and mental description. It is formed of the trash and nonsense which a traveller is condemned to hear in these vehicles; because every body talks; and says not what he thinks but what the fancy of the Moment suggests. For this which was the particular Inconvenience which you suffered upon this Journey, there is no remedy, but _Patience;_ and I would add _Silence_. You would practice neither. You would not sit _patiently_ and hear the stupid Irreligion of the Talker; you would reply to Him; and this occasioned much of the Annoyance which occurred. I find that I am again taking your part, instead of my own. I do so in my own satisfaction. If you are not satisfied with my observations, you will at least perceive that I had read, nay more reflected upon your Letter and the account you gave of yourself. But why should you torment yourself by thinking that I did not read, and did not care for what you represented that you suffered. You must be aware that you are mistaken! Believe me Ever Yours most sincerely W. "I presume from the Duke's next letter that I had given him a description of my interview and acquaintance with Major and Mrs. P. as he therein writes--'I am very happy that you have again seen Major and Mrs. P. I don't wonder that they should have been desirous of finding you.' "In his next, dated the 4th, he writes--'I hope, indeed I am certain that you will not cease to write to me what you feel and that you will excuse me if I sometimes venture to act your part although not exactly in your department. I came down to the house of Lords directly after the Post arrived and I am writing to you from thence.' Judging by the next letter, dated August 6th, I had made some enquiry concerning Major P. as the Duke replies thus, 'I don't recollect Major P. But as nearly every officer in the Army who has served has served with me I don't doubt that he has. Ask him in what regiment he served.'" LONDON, August 7, 1835. MY DEAR MISS J.,--I beg pardon again for having omitted to notice the personal Inconvenience you suffered in your Journey to and your arrival in Harrowgate. I should have thought the impertinent Blasphemy of the Travellers in the Stage Coach would have annoyed you more than any personal inconvenience. I see no chance of my quitting London; or of having one moment's respite from Business. I passed twelve Hours yesterday; and I am going to pass twelve Hours this day in the House of Peers. I hope therefore that I shall see you even though your stay in Harrowgate should be prolonged more than you expect. Believe me Ever Yours most sincerely W. This, with the other letters given entire, is copied from the original MS. in the Duke's handwriting. Miss J. quotes only a line from the above, and goes on to one written the next day:-- "In that dated the 8th of August the Duke writes 'I don't consider with you that it is necessary to enter into a disputation with every wandering Blasphemer--much must depend upon the circumstances. But I must say that the Meekness of the Christian is better displayed by silence on such an occasion, and more good is done by contempt than by any disputation. However I may be wrong and you right and I only suggest my own opinion.' "In the Duke's letter dated August 8th he alludes kindly to my health, adding 'I am very much flattered by your letters but I hope that you will not think it necessary to write when it will produce pain or uneasiness to make such an exertion. As long as your silence will not be attributed to your being offended at anything I may have done or written, or may have omitted I shall regret it as it will prove to me that you are indisposed but I shall not feel that you are displeased.' By the Duke's next letter, dated August 12th, I presume I had referred to his time being so much occupied as he in reply writes 'It is true that I am very much occupied, and cannot tell when I shall be less so. But I am at all times happy to hear from you and to write you an answer in return.' "In the Duke's little lecturing letter of the 13th of August he writes; 'I beg you not to hesitate about writing to me whenever it can be agreeable to you. I am not capable of answering you and quoting Chapter and verse in support of my answer but I take from your own letter a word which I think supports my opinion, "Charity beareth all things." You will quote much to show that you ought to enter the lists upon every occasion that offers or rather that is intruded upon you, etc, etc, etc. You see that I am fast taking your part from you.' "O that you could! for it was my desire that the Duke should become a Paul in his generation, sitting at his feet accordingly. "In the Duke's letter of the 14th of August he writes--'My attendance in the House of Lords is not at this moment so constant as it was some days ago. Yet its business occupies much of my time in the morning but I have some for other purposes.' "By the Duke's letter of the 17th I must have assured him of my intention to return to Town--for he writes--'I shall not have left London when you will return and I will certainly call upon you as soon as I shall have heard where you will be. I shall still be as I am now, much occupied with the Business of Parliament but I don't doubt that I shall be able to find a moment to call upon you either in the morning or the evening.' "In the Duke's letter of the 18th he kindly advises me not to travel at night fearing it may prove injurious adding 'I have more experience than most persons in travelling.' "In the Duke's letter of August 19th he writes as follows--'I write to you constantly in return for your letters and I find time to do so without inconvenience, but I am afraid that I shall not be able to go to see you with so much fidelity. A visit takes time, to write a letter is an affair of a few minutes. I am never in Town excepting during the sitting of Parliament and then only when there is much business to be transacted which occupies my whole time.' "By the Duke's of the 20th I must have complained of the worldliness, etc. around me for he writes after remarking thereon; 'But if you should recover your health there you must not mind the annoyance of the irregularities of what is called the Company.' The Duke kindly says in his next, dated August 21st, 'I hope you are not coming away sooner than is good for you.' "In the Duke's next letter of the 22nd of August he writes--'I shall expect to hear from you when you will arrive and will be settled in London and I will pay you a visit as soon afterwards as it will be in my power.' "The next letter from the Duke is dated August 26th, implying he proposed calling when in his power, but adds 'You arrive at a moment in which I am much occupied. You are at some distance from hence; and I don't think that from nine in the morning till 12 at night I could easily find half an hour which I can call my own and at my disposition.' "In the Duke's letter of the 27th he writes; 'I will endeavor to call upon you this day before three. I cannot afterwards. If I should call when you don't expect me I will send up that I am the Gentleman to whom you wrote; unless I should previously hear from you that I may mention my Name.' "Which of course I did not allow, as it was not my desire to be noticed in the neighborhood, shrinking from it then, as I do now, when it can be avoided. I recollect the Duke's visit well for he had to wait until I was dressed by dear Mrs. L. who was in the house at the time, as usual, for I think he came earlier than I had expected. Consequently in his next of the 29th he writes; 'I don't see why you are to take the trouble of dressing to receive me. But that is your own affair. If you should do so I can wait with Patience.' "This was very pretty in His Grace, but as my dress was always very simple, it did not require any great exercise of that virtue. "By the Duke's next letter of Sept. 1st I fear another letter is missing as he writes therein 'Mine of yesterday morning will have informed you that I was obliged to attend the King at Windsor on Saturday and a part of His family at Kew on Sunday.--I did not say that _all_ my time was passed in the House of Lords. Much of it is certainly passed out of the House, but a great part of it is passed in receiving and talking to the Hundreds, I may say, of the persons who have business in the House and come to converse on the business with me.' "In the Duke's next letter of Sept. 4th he writes; 'I received this morning your letter of yesterday, but have not received the Tract that you mention. It is possibly too heavy for the 2nd Post.' "Perhaps this was the case, as I do not recollect hearing any more of it. The next letter from His Grace is dated the same, Sept. 4th, Noon, in which he writes; 'I will endeavor to fix and let you know the time in which I can wait upon you again.' "The Duke's next is dated Sept. 5th, in which he writes; 'I was in the House of Lords from 5 in the evening till two this morning. I am much obliged to you for the Tract which I will return as soon as I shall have perused it.' I presume this must have been a little book entitled The Joy of Israel as I only _lent_ that to people, its having been a Gift, for it is still in my possession. In the Duke's next, dated Sept. 7th, the Duke writes--'I have received your letter written on Saturday for which I return you many thanks. I am very sorry that I am so much occupied as to be unable to make my acknowledgments in person.' "The Duke's next letter of Sept. 9th acknowledges one from me wherein I presume I have shown submission to the Divine will concerning the difficulty attending his visits for he writes; "'This could not be otherwise. In the mean time be assured that I am anxious to have the pleasure and benefit of conversing with you as often as it may be in my power to see you.'" A few passages taken from Miss J.'s Diary at this time are interesting as displaying the intimate friendship that at this period existed between her and the Duke. On the 6th of September she writes:-- "I have been here (in London,) nearly a fortnight, yet have seen the Duke only twice, but receive letters daily,--and last night a particularly kind one. I have been expecting him, but he comes not, being so occupied with his Parliamentary business. What can I say to such things but this,--'Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?' and, 'Has HE not a right to do what HE will with His own?' "_September 10th._ I wrote to the Duke to-day and hope the Lord will permit him to receive and answer it kindly. The Subject on which I addressed him was on Christ becoming sin for us and bearing the wrath of the Father. O Lord, I pray Thee, have mercy upon his precious soul! "_September 14th._ I shall have been here three weeks to morrow, during which I have seen the Duke four times, and will just allude to the subjects introduced during each visit. "The first brought with it remarks on TRUE Nobility, obliging me to declare it is to be found only in _Christ_ and _His Righteousness_ in man. I mentioned what St. Paul said when contrasting the Bereans with the Thessalonians, namely, 'These were more NOBLE than those _in Thessalonica in that they received the word with all readiness_ of mind, and _searched the Scriptures_ DAILY, _whether these things were so_.' "During the second visit, I read to him the 49th Psalm and particularly called his attention to the last verse thereof thus written--'Man that is in honour and understandeth not, is like the beasts that perish,' reminding him they were GOD'S _Words_. "During his third visit I told him I should like to be hated of all men for Christ's sake! and during his fourth and last that he did not believe Christ to be The Son of God! since which I have written to him daily and the first reply I receive is one calculated to produce another check to my feelings, all of which I give up entirely to the Lord, imploring Him to govern and actuate them just as HE sees His own honor and glory require, causing me to make nothing a consideration in comparison therewith." One can hardly imagine the Iron Duke, the conqueror of Napoleon, the representative of the nation in foreign councils, the ex-Prime Minister, the man upon whom his country delighted to heap honors, hearkening meekly to these homilies from pretty lips upon what constituted true nobility. It is impossible to believe that his secret feelings were not those of amusement, however respectful his outward semblance. Nor is there much room for question as to whether he would have listened with as commendable patience had his lecturer been a man or a plain-faced woman advanced in years. CHAPTER V. FRESH DIFFICULTIES. In spite of the harmonious relations existing between this curious pair of friends, another storm was brewing. The basis of this was a ridiculously slight matter. Miss J. was a stickler for all forms of deference, and carried this weakness to the verge of absurdity. Upon this was founded the quarrel. On the same day with the last entries given from her Diary one finds the following:-- "This morning I received the first letter from the Duke since his departure from Town,--and felt surprised at the alteration in the Seal,--_being plain!_ and unlike any other before received, which I consequently acknowledged with the feeling that a want of apparent respect where the _deepest_ is merited ought to call forth ... My feelings were I not afraid of offending God would incline me to seal up all the Duke's letters and return them, conscious that I merit an increase rather than a diminution of respect. Except such is bestowed the Duke need not be surprised at any step The Lord may incline me to take." One may be pardoned for the suspicion that the feelings attributed to the Lord were in fact derived from quite another source. The next day she continues to harp on the same subject:-- "_September 15th._ I rose this morning with the determination to write to the Duke, and did so before breakfast, when I took it to the Post Office myself, leaving the result with Him Who doeth all things well and leaveth nothing after Him." A copy of the letter is appended:-- Sept. 15th, 1835. MY DEAR DUKE,--As you only acknowledge in yours of the 13th, two letters, I beg to say there were addressed to you by yesterday, three; One, written on Thursday, another on Friday and the last on Saturday. And I take this opportunity of making two enquiries respecting which my mind is not at all satisfied. The first is; Why I am to receive a change of style in the appearance of your letters with regard to the Seal thereof? and the next, _called forth thereby_; _Why_ you _ever_ ceased to sign your _Name_ at the conclusion of your letters? If either of these changes sprang from disrespect or want of confidence in my integrity, confidence, Christianity and friendship, I shall without hesitation or delay return Your Grace every letter I have in my possession, as in _that_ case they will cease to have any value in _my_ estimation. I will also beg to decline all further intercourse, knowing that the sincerity and purity of my friendship merits both consideration and respect. You will perhaps wonder at my noticing your omission with regard to Signature after the receipt of so many letters. I should not have done so, however incomprehensible the same may have been and _was_ to me, had not _this additional_ circumstance tended to _strengthen_ a momentary feeling experienced when your first letter signed W. reached me. But this I overcame, fancying you were in the _habit_ of doing so to all your correspondents of any and every rank, and imagining you superior to the _capability_ of taking advantage of circumstances. If I am mistaken with regard to this being a _general habit_, I am _justified_ in asking--Why such an unwarrantable liberty was taken with me? I assure you that however great my affection may be, it is not of a nature to submit to ANY feeling that is not accompanied with the _deepest respect_ as well as esteem, nor could the latter be either durable or _acceptable_ under OTHER circumstances. Waiting your reply before I can decide what further line of conduct to pursue, praying in the mean time to be directed BY HIM Who knows _all_ the _secret_, hidden motives of the human heart without exception, I inscribe myself, Your sincere Christian friend, A. J. P.S. Since writing the above, my antipathy to the omission of _either_ your NAME OR seal is so _increased_ that I beg to decline receiving _any_ letter which does not bring with it _these_ marks of DUE respect. Not satisfied with sending off this letter, Miss J. followed it with another no less severe. In her Diary she describes the feelings that swayed her while she awaited a reply to her missives: "_September 16th--Morning._ I have risen this morning (my first in this place--Hampstead--) strong in The Lord and in the power of His might. I am prepared to meet whatever HE may see fit, casting my burthen wholly on him and desirous of nothing in comparison with His honor and glory. O may He be magnified powerfully both in my life and death, and may every period of my remaining days be dedicated more devotedly unto Him than any hitherto spent; 'growing up in Him as a tree planted by the waterside' bringing forth fruit plentifully, knowing that 'it is written' 'He that abideth in ME and I in him the same bringeth forth much fruit,'--Be with me graciously and mightily when I hear from the Duke today--if I do--and especially tomorrow when the reply comes to that sent off yesterday, strengthening me 'in the inner man' to treat it as Thou wouldst have me do in every respect, having no will of my own and loving Thine above all things. Thou knowest, O Gracious God, what is in the Duke's heart, and why he has recourse to the ways which have occasioned my displeasure. Therefore I give him up into Thy Hands to deal with accordingly, beseeching Thee to have mercy on his precious Soul, bringing it from darkness to light and from the power of Satan unto Thyself for Christ's sake! "_September 16th 1835.--Evening._ The whole of this day has been marked with such divine strength from Him Who causes me to feel the force of this passage of Holy Writ 'When I am weak then am I strong,' that it is impossible to be sufficiently thankful. No letter has arrived from the Duke. However I suppose tomorrow will bring with it the anticipated answer. O may I be strengthened additionally to bear it if unkind! and prove myself ready to pluck out a right eye or cut off a right arm for Christ's sake! which we may be understood to do when we resign those dearest upon earth at His command. "_Friday September 18th 1835._ It is now between 11 and 12 o'clock and I am sitting at my pretty window with it open, waiting to know whether the Lord sees fit to allow me to receive a letter today from the Duke in reply to my two last which have received no answers yet. O may I be strengthened 'in the inner man' to receive whatever is agreeable to the will of God, as His Child, dependent on Him for all things! "The paragraph noticed in the paper of yesterday was marked with that presumption which is ever more or less perceivable in 'the natural man,' who seems to act without any reference to the will of God whatever, declaring 'I will do this and that,' instead of remembering that their lives are in His Hands and that He can snatch them away at any moment. To see the Duke thus presumptuously reckoning on several weeks to come proves how little what I have written on that subject is alluded to, showing me still further the inefficacy of all man's endeavors until accompanied with the mighty power of God to the soul. The time I trust is at hand for this rebellious one when he will doubtlessly exclaim 'Thy mercies are infinite and Thy ways past finding out,' also 'Lord, what is man that Thou art mindful of him? or the son of man that Thou visitest him?'" The Duke's replies to both Miss J.'s effusions followed one another in rapid succession:-- STRATHFIELDSAYE, Sept. 17, 1835. MY DEAR MISS J.,--I always understood that the important parts of a Letter were its Contents. I never much considered the Signature; provided I knew the handwriting; or the Seal provided it effectually closed the Letter. When I write to a Person with whom I am intimate, who knows my handwriting I generally sign my Initials. I don't always seal my own Letters; they are sometimes sealed by a Secretary, oftener by myself. In any Case as there are generally very many to be sealed; and the Seal frequently becomes heated, it is necessary to change it; and by accident I may have sealed a Letter to you with a blank Seal. But it is very extraordinary if it is so, as I don't believe I have such a thing! You will find this Letter however signed and sealed in what you deem the most respectful manner. And if I should write to you any more; I will take care that they shall be properly signed and sealed to your Satisfaction. I am very glad to learn that you intend to send back all the letters I ever wrote to you. I told you heretofore that I thought you had better burn them all. But if you think proper to send them in a parcel to my House; I will save you the trouble of committing them to the Flames. Believe me Ever Yours most sincerely WELLINGTON. I believe that the letter with the blank seal and signed with my Initials was sent off last Sunday night from Hartford Bridge and was franked by me; I hope that this was not deemed disrespectful. STRATHFIELDSAYE, Sept. 18, 1835. The Duke of Wellington presents his Compliments to Miss J. The Duke wrote an answer to Miss J. as soon as he received her Letter complaining of Disrespect in His having been in the habit of signing the Initials of His Name to the Letters which he had written to her; and in having sealed a letter addressed to her and franked by the Duke, with a plain seal. If Miss J. had waited till she would receive the answer to a letter which she wrote on Tuesday she might have been satisfied with the reasons of the Duke for the Marks of Disrespect of which Miss J. complained. The Duke has to add that since his return here, he has found upon His Table, a plain seal which it is probable was used by accident. He apologizes for having used it. At the same time he assures Miss J. that he could not have intended to be disrespectful. The Duke requests that Miss J. will be so kind as to have a parcel made of the Letters from the Duke; that she will direct it to Him in Piccadilly; and have it booked at Hampstead and sent by any Coach to London. Miss J. resolved to lose no time in returning the Duke's letters, and went so far as to put them up in a parcel preparatory to sending them off by coach. She thus comments:-- "In returning the parcel I send away 60 letters, received in less than 12 months. "_Saturday, Sept. 19, 1835._ I have been to the Post Office with my last letter to the Duke and leave the result thereof with the Lord, 'Whose ways are in the deep waters and whose footsteps are unknown'. I have acknowledged myself thankful for the strength still imparted--thus fulfilling that gracious promise made to me when on my knees before I came to this place 'I will never leave thee nor forsake thee.' I have just risen from my knees, after spreading the Duke's letters before the Lord, beseeching Him to do under present circumstances whatever seemeth good in His sight for Christ's sake. And I feel, as a prayer-hearing God He will--causing even this unkindness to work together for good, since 'His ways are not our ways' but as high above such as the heavens are above the earth--That He moves in a mysterious way His wonders to perform, who can doubt that watches His divine finger in this great work? And since His purposes must stand, all I have to say is, Let them be whatever they may, I desire His Holy Will alone to be done! "My feelings will not allow me to copy this letter of the Duke's; it is so unkind; but as those words were powerfully applied at the commencement of my correspondence, 'The haughtiness of man shall be brought low etc. and the Lord alone shall be exalted in that day.'" Apparently it was not the will of "The Lord" that the letters should be returned, for Providence interposed in the shape of Miss J.'s friend, Mrs. L. Miss J. writes:-- "_Saturday Night._ Just as my day had been filled with all the duties my God had graciously permitted and I was about to take a walk, dear Mrs. L. arrived, and on my telling her all strongly advised my _not_ returning the Duke his letters--which struck me forcibly, as I had asked the Lord to put it into her heart to advise me agreeably to His will. "On my return home I found a note from the Duke addressed to me in the third person, like the last, but thanking me for the trouble I had taken respecting his Men's Book Bill. Thank God my feelings are so subdued as to be resigned to His divine Will concerning seeing or hearing from him, and I heartily pray to be directed in every single particular, knowing if left to myself I cannot stand a moment in safety. "The Duke seems more indifferent respecting the return of his letters--consequently as dearest Mrs. L. so strongly advised my retaining them I mean to do so without noticing that formal note received to night, leaving everything as it stands in the Lord's Hands. Having cast my burthen upon the Lord all I now have to do is to dedicate my time more exclusively to my usual daily duties as before intended, endeavoring to recall perfectly to memory all my hymns--360--and the Gospels of St. Matthew and John, with my beautiful Psalms--which latter have been neglected more than either of the former, although none have been allowed so much time as if I had not been so occupied with the Duke. "_Sept. 22nd._ My disinclination to write to the Duke continues. O may the Lord bless him by quickening his dead soul and call him forth to glorify Him mightily for Christ's sake! "_Oct. 1st, 1835._ How wonderful are the dealings of God. Last night I came home fully determined to write and send off a letter to the Duke and this morning, although it is ready for the Post Office, I am restrained from forwarding it. Therefore I keep it until I see why my mind is acted upon thus, feeling 'it is the Lord.' I knelt upon the bed in the night and implored Him to let His honor and glory alone be considered, and before I rose this morning, on again calling upon Him to direct me these words seemed to follow--'Be still and know that I am God, I will be exalted in the heavens, I will be exalted in the earth.' So, as this is the case, it is my duty quietly and patiently to submit to the way He may condescendingly choose for that glorious purpose. In the mean time, in order to satisfy my feelings towards the poor dear Duke I can indulge in writing them at all events and thereby proving it is no want of feeling or friendship for him that keeps me silent, but the consideration due to ONE as far above Himself not only _in reality_ but I trust through the Grace of God in _my_ estimation also as the heavens are above the earth. Nor would I resign one of His gracious glorious smiles to become the Empress of a million worlds, even were my loved precious Duke the chosen individual to participate in such honors. "Perhaps the Duke's conversion is at hand! Lord, if this be the case permit me through Thy Power and Grace to become the source of deep spiritual consolation to his precious soul, by being unto me a mouth and wisdom which all my adversaries shall not be able to gainsay or resist 'for without Thee I can do nothing!'" MY LORD DUKE,--Judging from your silence to my last that all communication between us is about to cease, having written the accompanying Hymn for your acceptance, I take this opportunity of bidding you Farewell! being enabled through God's Grace which is all sufficient! to exclaim in _Scripture_ language, "THE LORD GAVE and The Lord hath taken away _and_ BLESSED BE THE NAME OF THE LORD!" That HE brought you to me in the _first_ place I feel convinced and heartily hope that I have omitted no faithful Christian duty towards you consistent with my "high calling in Christ Jesus," _consequently_ shall not have cause to reproach myself of neglect when _that_ AWFUL period arrives which MUST bring us once more together, however separated on _earth_ by His ALL WISE _decrees_, "Whose paths are in the deep waters and Whose footsteps are not known,"--and Who knoweth FAR _better_ what is GOOD for us than we do for _ourselves_. Consequently it is our duty, and doubtless for our future and eventual happiness under any and all circumstances, however trying and painful such may be, to say THY will, O GOD, NOT MINE BE DONE! Trusting that you will not suppose any unkind feelings are experienced towards you by such DUE resignation to the Divine will or conclude that my future silence renders me forgetful of you _when kneeling_ before Him "Whose eyes are in EVERY place _beholding_ the evil and the good," with Whom the darkness is no darkness at all but the night is as clear as the day, I subscribe myself with much serenity as in His sight Ever My Lord Duke. Your faithful Christian Friend, A. J. The hymn enclosed is entitled-- THE SHORTNESS OF TIME AND FRAILTY OF MAN. ALMIGHTY _Maker_ of my frame! TEACH ME _the number of my days_! TEACH ME _to know how_ FRAIL _I am_ AND SPEND THE REMNANT TO THY PRAISE. My days are shorter than a span, A little point my life appears; How FRAIL at best is DYING MAN; HOW VAIN are ALL _his hopes and fears_! _VAIN his_ AMBITION, NOISE and SHOW! VAIN are the cares Which rack his mind! _He heaps up treasures_ MIXED WITH WOE And dies, and leaves them all behind! Oh be a _NOBLER portion MINE_! _MY GOD_ I bow before Thy Throne; Earth's _fleeting_ treasures I resign And fix my hopes on THEE _ALONE_! "I have underlined all just as forwarded to the Duke." The next letter from the Duke that has been preserved is dated October 5, and contains a reference to a later note from Miss J.:-- WALMER CASTLE, October 5, 1835. The Duke of Wellington presents his Compt^s to Miss J. He has only this morning received her letter without date; in which Miss J. apprizes the Duke that she is about to quit Hampstead; but she does not state where she is about to reside. In respect to Miss J.'s wish that the Duke should write to Her, the Duke assures her that he will receive Her Letters with pleasure; and that he will answer them regularly. But that he must be permitted to do so, in a form, which shall not expose him to the accusation of treating a Lady with disrespect. From the perusal of Miss J.'s Letter the Duke does not exactly understand whether Miss J. did or did not send back the Paquet containing the Duke's Letters to her. As the Duke stated upon a former occasion, it is a matter of Indifference whether Miss J. has burnt the Letters; or kept them; or sent them back. The Duke begs leave to inform her however that if she sent them back he has not yet received them. They may however be in His House in London as he has been absent from there since the 19th of last Month. In Miss J.'s next letter she inquires into the truth of a report of the Duke's indisposition that has appeared in the papers. The reply is decidedly testy. WALMER CASTLE, Nov^r 3, 1835. The Duke of Wellington presents his Compliments to Miss J. He received only this morning Miss J.'s Letters of the 28^th and 31^st October. The Duke returns his thanks to Miss J. for her kind Enquiries about His Health. The Duke was unwell for one day; of which the Newspapers obtained Intelligence; and as usual misrepresented and exaggerated the facts. The Duke is much concerned that Miss J. is not satisfied with the formal style of His Notes. She was not satisfied when he wrote to her in a form more consistent with familiarity. Such form was considered disrespectful. The Duke assures Miss J. that he can reply to any letter which she may think proper to address the Duke as fully in one form as the other. The poor Duke's life was frequently made a burden to him by the comments expressed by the papers upon his health and his conduct. His letters abound in impatient references to the inaccuracies of the daily journals in all that pertained to himself. These finally irritated him to such an extent that, against the advice of wise friends, he sued the "Morning Journal" for libel, and succeeded in obtaining the punishment of the editor and printer by fines and imprisonment. His course in this matter was deprecated by those who thought that a man of his acknowledged character and position could afford to disregard such attacks. Apparently after this time matters returned to their former state, in so far as the frequency of the letters was concerned, although the formal mode of address was still retained, greatly to Miss J.'s dissatisfaction. She continues in her Diary the account of the Duke's letters: "In the Duke's next letter of the 6th of November written in the third person since I wrote to him concerning that plain seal he writes; 'The considerations urged by Miss J. with her usual facility and eloquence are for all times and seasons.' "Thus graciously did he usually receive my letters on religious subjects, which under circumstances of illness were doubtlessly additionally earnest. "In the next of November 6th His Grace writes thus; 'The Duke assures her that he feels the deepest interest in everything that Miss J. writes to him.' The next from the Duke is dated November 10th wherein he writes; 'The Duke will have great pleasure in attending Miss J. when he will be in London if she will permit him and will let him know where she resides.' "In the Duke's next letter of Nov. 11th he writes in allusion to me; 'She is so kind to the Duke; and she writes to him with so much earnestness and feeling that it is impossible that he should not be impressed with a deep sense of His obligation to her for taking so much trouble.' "In his next of the 12th of November he returns me many thanks for my letters. "By the next letter I presume some inconvenience attended my receiving the Duke as he writes--'It appears that for some reason with which Miss J. states it to be her intention at some future time to acquaint the Duke--it will not be in Miss J.'s power to receive the Duke.' "Another letter dated the 16th of November, as was the above, refers to my dating my letters on the outside. He writes 'Franks are dated on the outside because the Law requires the use of that form.' "What I had written to call it forth I cannot remember but the Duke in his next of the 16th of November says 'he has no pretension to superiority,' reminding me of a circumstance which took place at the commencement of our acquaintance when I told him that his being the Duke of Wellington was nothing to me--leading him to reply 'I know it, I know it and I respect you for it.' "Judging by the Duke's next letter of the 16th (being the second of that date) I had formed the wish to have a letter of mine returned--which letter I found with all others had been destroyed. The Duke encloses the succeeding one." MY LORD DUKE,--I once more take up pen, but in all probability for the last time, if I rightly understand you to mean you are capable of receiving my letters in _silence_, to which I decline subjecting myself. I consider a reply and a very different one to those _lately_ received due to me in the sight of _That God_ Who _created_ such an interest in your eternal happiness and I am very much mistaken if he does not make you feel the power of this impression by exercising His ALMIGHTY _power_ in some unforeseen manner. The information that you have destroyed my letters is _any thing_ but gratifying; one and all being more or less marked with _Divine_ Truth, calculated if properly and _seriously_ considered, to benefit your _immortal Soul_. Nor should I imagine myself _justified_ in spending my time in _future_ by penning such to have them committed to the flames. Therefore I shall decline troubling you with a repetition of this kind, until you consider them sufficiently valuable to retain instead of destroy. In the mean time I shall occupy myself with any other work my Heavenly Father may condescendingly point out; it being of very little consequence to me how I am employed so that it is under _His direction_ and in HIS _Service_.... I remain, My Lord Duke, so long as God permits. Your faithful Christian Friend. A. J. "The Duke's next letter is dated Dec. the third followed by one of the 8th which implies I wrote to the Duke on the death of the Countess of S., as he writes 'It is true that a near relation of the Duke's has died a terrible death.' "By the Duke's letter of the 11th of December I presume I continued displeased at his having burnt my letters,--a truth elicited through wishing one of them returned, which consequently it was not in his power to do--considering as I told him that it was a sin in the sight of God to destroy Epistles intended for his everlasting good." The Duke's reply to this is given in full:-- STRATHFIELDSAYE, Dec^r 15, 1835. The Duke of Wellington presents his Comp^ts to Miss J. He has only this day received her Letter commenced on Saturday and finished on Monday. He is much concerned to learn that Miss J. has been indisposed; and he hopes that she will have been relieved by attending to the Advice of the Medical Gentleman for whom she had sent. Nothing will be more satisfactory to the Duke than to put an end to all Dissension upon bygone subjects. He has no feeling upon any of them excepting a desire to avoid to give occasion unknowingly and unwillingly for irritation. The Duke is much obliged to Miss J. for her Letter. He does not entirely concur in all the opinions contained in that Letter. He assures her however that he has perused it as he Does all those received from her, with attention. He will state his objections at some future time. It is quite impossible for the Duke to keep Miss J.'s letters. They are in general long; and they succeed each other rapidly. If the Duke was to keep them, they might be seen by others. He therefore destroys them as soon as he has read, and perfectly understands them. This explanation evidently soothed Miss J.'s ruffled feelings, for she makes no further reference at this time to the "Dissension." The Diary continues:-- "The Duke's next letter expresses concern at my illness, dated Dec. 21, 1835. "The Duke's next letter of the 24th of Dec. implies my account of my health was not satisfactory--which I suppose must have been justifiable as I was then so seriously ill. "Another letter dated the 26th of December kindly expresses anxiety concerning my health also one of the 31st of December. "Letters received from the Duke during the year 1835, SEVENTY-EIGHT." "1836.--The first letter of this year is dated Jan. 2nd wherein the Duke writes 'The Duke is very sensible of the kindness which induces Miss J. to write to him. He would have wished to receive from her some account of Her Health as well as her opinion upon other matters, however important. The Duke will certainly request Miss J.'s permission to pay His Respects to her when he will return to Town.' "The Duke's next letter is dated Jan. 19th, in which he writes--'On his passage through London he has received her letter of the 11th Inst. He sincerely rejoices at and congratulates Miss J. upon the progress which she has made in the recovery of her health.' "I see this is a mistake as the Duke's next letter is dated Jan. 7th in which he thanks me for my account of my health and the next is dated Jan 13th wherein he writes thus; 'He will wait upon her after having notified His intention and received her permission when he will be in London. He rejoices at the improved state of Miss J.'s health.' "'Feb. 3rd he regrets much to learn that she has been again indisposed.' "In the Duke's letter of Feb. 19th he writes; 'He returns his thanks for her note of the 17th received this morning and the printed Enclosures.' What these printed enclosures were I do not now remember but presume they were a tract and handbills. "In his next dated the 25th of February he writes; 'He returns his thanks for her letter, and he is very happy to hear that Miss J. is sufficiently recovered to be able to quit her room and go down stairs.' "In the Duke's next letter dated March 9th 1836, he writes--'The Duke has been out of Town for some time so therefore he did not receive her first note till last night, and this day the second which Miss J. has written to him, enclosing printed tracts; and the latter some Manuscript Lines. The Duke begs leave to return his thanks.' "Again on the 12th of March the Duke writes 'He has received her note and the Tract on one leaf; for which he returns his thanks.' Again on the 19th of March the Duke writes--'The Duke of Wellington presents his Compliments to Miss J. and returns his thanks for the Tract and other papers received from her.' "The Duke's next letter likewise acknowledges--'His thanks for her letter of the 20th and its Enclosures.' To which he adds--'The Duke is happy to learn that Miss J. is sufficiently recovered to be able to walk out.' "In the Duke's next letter dated, March 25th he writes 'The Duke of Wellington presents his Compliments to Miss J. and returns thanks for her Note and the Tract which she enclosed to him.' "Again London, March the 29th, the Duke writes--He 'returns his thanks for her letter of Sunday and the enclosures.' "The next letter from His Grace is dated April 2nd, 1836, thanking me for two letters, one received on Good Friday and the other written on Good Friday,--which last, of course, treated on our Lord's Sufferings for us sinners, as usual on such occasions. "On the 11th of April the Duke again writes 'He has received her Note with some Tracts.' "The next letter from the Duke is dated April 12th, 1836, in which he returns me, as requested, a letter I had sent for his perusal and consideration, addressed to a Minister of the Gospel by my dear friend Mrs. L. "The Duke's next letter is written on and dated June 18th, 1836. 'The Duke of Wellington presents his regards to Miss J. and returns thanks for her letter and its enclosure. The Duke is happy to learn that Miss J. is in good Health. He was apprehensive that she was unwell, and had gone out of Town, as so much time had elapsed since she had written to the Duke.' I need scarcely remark that this was the day on which the Duke gave his yearly Banquet--yet The great Lord of Lords compelled him to find time thereon to write to me, thus verifying His own Divine declaration, 'Them that honor ME I will honor.'" One wonders where the busy statesman could have found time to read not only the letters, but the hymns and tracts Miss J. constantly showered upon him. There seems a tone of resignation, if not actual despair, in the notes wherein he acknowledges the receipt of this flood of pious literature. "In the Duke's next letter of June 21st he writes--'The Duke of Wellington presents his Compliments to Miss J. and he acknowledges the receipt of, and thanks her for her letter of the 19th inst. and enclosures. Miss J. does not advert to the state of her health, but as she says that she walks in the Park, the Duke hopes that she is entirely recovered.' "His Grace's letter of June 23rd returns his thanks, adding: 'When Miss J. mentions her walks in the park The Duke concludes that she means in what is called the Regent's Park, in the neighborhood of the Street in which she lives.' Which was the case yet of which beautiful Park I knew nothing until dearest Mrs. L. took me into it for the benefit of the air, after the illness herein alluded to. "The next letter from the Duke is dated June 27th, 1836, in which he writes--'Miss J. complains of the change of the style of the Duke's letters; although she does not express a wish that the former style should be renewed.' "I certainly had a great objection to the formality attending the Duke's letters when written in the third person, feeling restrained in replying to such in like manner." CHAPTER VI. COMPARATIVE CALM. The next letter is copied from the original: LONDON, June 28, 1836. The Duke of Wellington presents his Comp^s to Miss J. The Duke has this morning received her very kind Letter of yesterday for which he returns His thanks. The Duke begs leave again to assure Miss J. that whatever may be the form in which he writes to her; the motive in doing so is the same as ever; and that he is ever sensible of and grateful for her kindness. The Duke will with the greatest pleasure go to see her whenever it may suit Miss J. to receive him. The Duke did not say anything upon the Letter which Miss J. had written to the Gentleman in question because he was unwilling to obtrude His opinion upon a matter which Miss J. considers one of Duty; in which the Duke is so unfortunate as to differ in opinion with her. Prudence and Discretion would appear to require that Miss J. should not rebuke a Gentleman for words spoken not to Her; not even in Her Presence; but to Her Landlady in the relation of a Lodger in the House. The Duke may be wrong. But he considers the exercise of Prudence and discretion virtues; not unbecoming to any Character however exalted. The Diary continues:-- "Judging by the contents of the Duke's next letter dated June 29th, 1836, I presume I had felt from circumstances under the necessity of putting aside his proposed visit adverted to in his last, as follows 'The Duke will with the greatest pleasure go to see her whenever it may suit Miss J. to receive him'--for in this of the 29th he writes--'I cannot but concur in your decision to postpone to receive my visit. Nothing would distress me more than to give you any pain. I sincerely hope that your journey to the Country will reestablish your health and spirits.' "I perceive by this that the Duke had again commenced addressing me in the first person. "It would appear by the Duke's next, dated July 1st, 1836, that I had changed my intention concerning receiving him, as he wrote--'Since I wrote you this morning I have had a fall by which I have bruised my knee so that Leaches have been applied. I am not otherwise hurt but it is quite obvious that I shall not be able to wait upon you to-morrow. I hope to be able to do so however at the same hour on Monday.' That such was not the will of the Lord of lords I now perfectly recollect proving to the Duke that 'The way of man is not in himself; it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps,' a divine lesson which I was so anxious from time to time, as circumstances permitted, to impress on his mind." The Duke probably had a vivid realization of this truth just at this juncture, although possibly not in the sense intended by Miss J. She seems to have been devoid of any sense of humor, and saw nothing but the spiritual application of this one of her favorite quotations. "In the Duke's next, of the 4th of July, he writes; 'I am much recovered from the accident under which I suffered on Friday--but I am afraid that I shall not be allowed to quit my House this day. Indeed I am convinced that I could not do so without increasing the risk of being confined to my house for weeks or months. I lament this particularly as you are going out of Town early to morrow. I am very sensible of your Confidence in attending to my opinion in sending your letter to Mr. B.' "This was a letter written by me to a Minister of the Gospel whose worldliness was justifiably condemned. It is still I believe in my possession among my papers, the Duke having received it for perusal and at my request returned with advice not to forward it. "In the letter dated the 5th the Duke acknowledges a packet from me to which he adds 'I continue to improve and hope to go out tomorrow or next day.' "I presume this was a very thick letter. In that of the 9th of July, the Duke writes; 'I am better and I am in hopes that on tomorrow I shall be able to put my foot to the ground.' "The Duke's next letter is I see directed to me at Hastings, in which he writes on July 11th, 1836--'I am so much better that I am going to the House of Lords and I hope soon to be able to go about without inconvenience' to which the Duke again refers in his next thus; 'I continue to recover from the effects of the Accident and I hope to be able to go out in a day or two. I am happy to find that you are settled at Hastings to your satisfaction.' "The next of the 13th of July refers to my letters being overweight--apparently, but judging by the letter of the 28th I must have been mistaken, as the Duke writes; "'You did not send me a letter overweight. But I warned you of the necessity of taking care not to do so because I was apprehensive that if I should be absent my servants would decline to receive the letter.' "The next letter from the Duke is dated July 30th wherein he writes; 'I am much better and can walk a little. But my Knee is bandaged up; and some time will elapse before I shall have the use of it as heretofore.' "The next letter from the Duke is dated Aug. 3rd 1836 in which he writes 'I am much flattered by the anxiety which you express respecting the injury which I received in my knee. I am getting the better of it and I hope soon to be quite well.' "Alas! it grieves me as I thus proceed, running my eye over so many references to God's mercies to observe such were not adverted to by the Duke--a subject I did not omit expatiating upon occasionally, however reluctant to irritate whilst laboring under indisposition, as my Diary will doubtlessly imply. "On the 5th of August the Duke writes; 'I am very much obliged to you for your letter and flattered by your desire to see me. I am so far better as to be able to walk and I can go to see you when you will come to Town.' "By that of the 8th of Aug. I presume I had made enquiries concerning his seal as the Duke writes--'I use black wax to seal my letters as a Relation of mine died lately.'" Immediately after the receipt of the last letter quoted, Miss J. left Hastings for Tunbridge Wells. The Duke's letters followed her here. She writes:-- "The Duke's next letter is directed to Tunbridge Wells, thanking me for my letter to him dated Aug. 11th, 1836. In the Duke's next he again adverts to his knee thus--'My knee continues to improve and I hope to walk as well as ever in a few days.' "In the Duke's of Aug. 16th he writes--'I entertain some doubt whether a letter which I wrote to you yesterday was sent to the Post. If not, I laid it by in one of my writing cases and in the uncertainty I think it best to write again. I hope that the waters will prove beneficial to your Health and that you will remain at Tunbridge as long as it may be necessary that you should drink thereof.' "In the Duke's letter of the 20th of Aug. he writes--'I have found in one of my writing cases the letter which I had omitted to send on the day before yesterday. I rejoice to learn that your health improves so much at Tunbridge Wells.' "The Duke's next letter is directed to me at Brighton wherein he writes 'My Knee continues to improve but it has not yet all its strength and elasticity, but I hope that it will soon. I am much obliged to you for enquiring about it.' "Judging by the Duke's next letter, dated Aug. 22nd, I must have requested him to send me the letter he had placed in one of his writing cases, for he replies--'You will have seen that I had destroyed the letter not sent.' "In the Duke's next, dated Aug. 31st, the Duke writes--'I received in due course a letter which you were so kind as to write to me on nineteen sides of paper under three covers.'" One ceases to wonder at the slowness of the poor man's recovery, under such circumstances as these. "Upon the 6th of September a letter arrived from the Duke in which he again refers to his accident as follows--'I am getting better every day--but slowly, as is the case with recovery from such accidents. I hope however to recover entirely and to be quite well.'" Another cause of offence had been found by Miss J. The Duke's letter explains it:-- WALMER CASTLE, Sept. 17, 1836. MY DEAR MISS J.,--I was much surprized at not hearing from you; and I am still more surprized now that I learn the Cause of your Silence. Begging Your Pardon you don't repeat accurately what I wrote respecting Your Hand writing; and you have consequently misrepresented my Meaning; which was however not worth attending to. I totally forgot that your Mind is occupied with affairs of more Importance; the Hand writing in which you convey your thoughts to others, is a matter of but little Importance to you; and that at all events you are seldom in a disposition to allow any body to complain; much less to find fault with you. Accordingly I beg your Pardon for having ventured to tell you that I experienced great Difficulty in reading your Hand writing. I hope that you will not give yourself the trouble of writing to me; if it should be at all irksome or inconvenient to you. Believe me Ever Yours most faithfully WELLINGTON. The unmistakable irony of the above seems to have been quite thrown away upon Miss J., for she placidly remarks:-- "I am well aware that the poor Duke was justified in finding fault with my writing, through finding my pen could not keep pace with my feelings, more especially as I generally sent off whatever I wrote just as it was _thus_ written. "Again I see by the Duke's letter of Sept. 26th that he has returned to the third person in addressing me, which may have been accidental as his next dated Oct. 1st, 1836, is again in the first and on the 11th he writes--'I have received your Note and two Covers containing Tracts, for all of which I return my thanks.' "In the Duke's letter of Oct. 14th he writes--'I am, I assure you, very sensible of the kindness of your motive in writing to me.' "The Duke's next letter is as follows 'I did not arrive in London in time to be able to wait upon you this evening but I will wait upon you to-morrow afternoon as soon after five as it may be in my power.' "On October 19^th the Duke called, after an absence of about two years. So seldom did The Lord of Lords allow personal interviews to take place which doubtlessly was wisely ordered for His Glory Who knows the end from the beginning and is consequently too jealous of His Holy Name to suffer it to be tarnished. Of this holy jealousy I was rendered especially sensible on the visit above alluded to. I accosted the Duke accordingly on his entering the room. He exclaimed 'You shall do this and you shall do that!' without any reference to God's holy Will, expatiating accordingly until dear Mrs. L. who was only separated from us by folding doors said afterwards she pitied the Duke and was glad when I had said whatever I considered my duty. Nor was it until then that I even asked him concerning his knee, although that was the first visit since the Accident. When I did so, he appeared delighted, brushing up his chair nearer to me, which of course met with the withdrawal on my part _due_ to Christianity. I bless God for the grace and strength afforded me on that occasion, causing the Duke to sink into the utmost insignificance in comparison with His favor which is better than life. "The next letter from the Duke is dated Nov. 3rd, 1836, wherein he writes, 'I am much flattered by your desire to have my opinion whether you should send the letter you had written to a gentleman, but had refrained from putting it into the Post.' "The Duke alludes again to this in his next letter of Nov. 10th. The next letter from the Duke is dated Nov. 11th, 1836, entreating me to date my letters. "In the Duke's next letter dated Nov. 12th he writes--'It is true that I burn every letter the preservation of which is not of importance, but I do not forget their contents as you will have perceived, at least, those that are material.' With this letter I see one of mine thus written and which I presume consequently was forwarded.--'I had imagined My Lord Duke this day would have brought with it an acknowledgement of my two last letters whereas I have only received a brief reply to that addressed to you on Sunday. However as it is my duty to acknowledge the receipt of that this day received--I do so subscribing myself "'Your Grace's faithful Christian Friend "'A. J.' "The above looks very formal but I presume it was all right, yielding up my heart to God as I did and do to govern as seemed good in His sight. "The next letter from the Duke is dated Nov. 14th, 1836, wherein he writes; 'I shall be in London in the end of this week, that is on Friday, and I beg you to write to me if you should wish to see me.' How little did the poor Duke think when he wrote thus that the great Lord of lords had decreed he should not behold me again for nearly eight years, namely until the summer of 1844--O how mysterious are His unerring ways!! "During the year 1836 I received from the Duke fifty-six Letters. "1837.--I do not see any letter from the Duke until Feb. 26th in this year when he writes therein as follows from Hartford Bridge; 'I am very much obliged to you for your letters, and I assure you that I always receive with thankfulness whatever you think proper to write to me. I do not like to trouble you when you do not write to me lest my intrusion should be considered offensive.' "The next letter from His Grace is dated March 2nd, wherein he writes; 'I have now got such a cold that I cannot quit the house. I have no fever however and I shall be quite well, I hope, in a day or two.' "The Duke's next letter is dated March 5th wherein he writes--'I am much obliged to you for your enquiries. I came down to the Country to get rid of the cold and I am much better, indeed, nearly well. I will return the letter enclosed in yours the next time.' "The Duke's next letter is dated March 12th 1837 in which he again notices my letter, as follows; 'I return you the enclosed which I ought to have sent you when I wrote last.'" Still another dispute is now chronicled. Miss J. states that she wrote the Duke a letter in which she referred to his "brushing up his chair to me with so much familiarity during his last visit." The Duke's answer shows his irritation very plainly:-- LONDON, April 18, 1837. The Duke of Wellington presents His Compliments to Miss J. She is quite mistaken. He has no Lock of Hair of Her's. He never had one. The Duke is not aware that he has been guilty of _presumption_, of _daring presumption_. Miss J. wrote to him a letter in which she expressed displeasure at his having omitted to call upon Her as she expected he would. The Duke was extremely concerned that Miss J. was displeased. But he considered it best not to aggravate the Offence by writing again. If he had ventured to approach Miss J., or had written to her; he might have been accused of _daring presumption_. But he purposely avoided both; in order not to give fresh grounds for Irritation. The Duke is exceedingly concerned that Miss J. should consider that she has reason to complain of Him. He thinks that upon reflection she will be opinion [_sic_] that she has no reason to be offended. Miss J. does not mention what ground she had for supposing the Duke to be in possession of a lock of her hair. He had bestowed one of his upon her, and it is only natural to surmise that she had given one of hers in return. The matter was apparently smoothed over, as there is no cessation of letters. LONDON, April 27, 1837. The Duke of Wellington presents his Comp^ts to Miss J. and is very sensible of the kindness of her expressions on the loss which a part of His family has recently sustained. The Duke is much concerned to learn that Miss J. still thinks that she has cause to be displeased with the Duke. The Duke trusts that Reflection and time will convince her; that no such cause [_sic_]. The Duke assures her, Miss J., that he is not sensible that he has given her such cause; by anything that he has said written done or omitted. "In a letter dated April 29th the duke writes 'He is very grateful for the interest which Miss J. has been pleased to express about the health of the Duke's brother. The Newspapers were misinformed. The Duke's brother has not been seriously indisposed. His niece however has lost her daughter which is the misfortune to which the Duke imagined that Miss J. had referred.'" LONDON, May 1, 1837. The Duke of Wellington presents His Comp^ts to Miss J. He returns many thanks for Her Note. The Duke will make enquiries respecting that of the 22^nd addressed by the Duke to Miss J. which she had not received in due course. It is wonderful that there should be so little delay and so few mistakes in an establishment of this Description. But the few that do occur should render letter writers cautious not to write in a moment of Irritation; that which would not be written if time were taken for reflection. Some coolness followed this letter. The Duke wrote once again saying, "He does not know what to do to please her." Miss J. adds, "Which it was quite impossible he could do while in and of 'the world.'" A silence of over three months followed this latest tiff. Miss J., as usual, re-opened the correspondence. The Duke's reply was not cordial:-- LONDON, August 14, 1837. The Duke of Wellington presents His Comp^ts to Miss J. He returns His thanks for her Letter of the 13^th. The Duke is going out of town; and he intends to go to Walmer Castle in a few days. The Duke assures Miss J. that he has not published an Intention of giving what is called a grand Dinner at Walmer Castle. In general he would recommend to Miss J. not to believe one Word that she reads respecting the Duke of Wellington. LONDON, August 16, 1837. The Duke of Wellington presents his Comp^ts to Miss J. He returns His thanks for Her letter of the 15^th. The Duke is much concerned that Miss J. should have had the trouble of writing a second time upon the subject of misrepresentation in the Newspapers. They are really not deserving of Notice. "The next letter from the Duke is dated Aug. 16th, with which I see a copy of a letter referring to a parcel containing Tracts, etc. for his acceptance, from which I copy as follows--'Miss J. trusts the accompanying Tracts may not be considered an intrusion, but received and perused with the prayerful consideration they deserve as not from man but from That God Who has put it into her heart to send them; relying on His own gracious Word which runs thus, "My Word shall not return unto ME void but it shall accomplish that which I please and shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it."--Miss J. begs to be excused giving her address, being desirous to avoid all observation etc. but if on her return to Town it should be the will of God that she should make His Grace acquainted with her abode, wherever that may be, (respecting which there is at present great uncertainty,) she will then give him an opportunity of acknowledging the receipt of the parcel and its consequences, hoping they may be of a gratifying nature; that is, beneficial to His Great Soul which Miss J. is still desirous to behold robed in the only Robe of righteousness that can render it safe for Eternity.' "The letter written on Aug. 26th is as follows 'He has received and returns His thanks for her Note of Friday and the Tract enclosed therewith.' "In the Duke's next letter dated Sept. 1st he writes--'He is happy to learn that her health is so far reestablished as that she can go to the Country.' "The next letter from His Grace dated Oct. 5th, 1837, acknowledges the parcel referred to in mine as follows 'He returns thanks to Miss J. for Her Note of the 3rd inst. received this morning, with a Hymn for which he is very grateful. He received the Parcel containing Tracts etc, some time ago.' "Finding a copy of the letter which called forth the above enclosed with it I am induced to give it a place herein, more especially as I perceive one portion is almost defaced, regretting exceedingly that I do not recollect the title of the Hymn alluded to and forwarded. "'Miss J. having promised His Grace the Duke of Wellington the accompanying Hymn, takes the present opportunity for sending it, however unsuited to the taste of any but the Regenerated Soul, which _blessed_ state Miss J. has no good reason for believing His Grace the Duke of Wellington has yet experienced. However, as there is nothing too hard for The Lord of Lords, it is not impossible that the period _may_ arrive when the accompanying Hymn will be _experimentally_ understood, _consequently_ admired and valued, being one of the most beautiful to be found. "'Miss J. is not in the habit at present of seeing _any_ Newspaper, and is consequently unacquainted with His Grace's present proceedings. She concludes they are as worldly as ever, therefore calculated to draw from her pen nothing but a _repetition_ of what she has so frequently written, namely; "What is a man profited if he shall gain THE WHOLE WORLD and LOSE his own SOUL? or what shall a man give in _exchange for_ his _SOUL?_" An important enquiry sent by her for a long time almost without interruption in every letter to His Grace,--but Alas! with how little effect!! Rest assured, the moment will arrive when a fervent desire will be experienced that such advice, entreaties, observations, Scriptures, etc, etc, etc, had been _practically_ attended to. Yes, there _is_ a period, and an _awful_ one which must induce the _trembling soul_ that has been swelled up by earthly splendor and earthly adulation, (BOTH _equally empty_ and _unsatisfying_) to exclaim in the words of Cardinal Wolsey, "Had I but served my GOD with HALF the zeal I served my King, etc." "'That such may not be His Grace the Duke of Wellington's fearful state when the things of Time are giving place to those of Eternity, Miss J. continues fervently to hope, however _groundless_ at present such hopes may appear. "'Nor would she hesitate to address him more frequently if she had not from long experience proved how little impression anything she writes or says is permitted to make either in his life or conversation, having no reason to imagine the slightest alteration has taken place in his worldly feelings from the moment she first beheld him to the present--on which account God seems to think proper to restrain her pen, and address--thus preventing her from being subject to receiving Notes as formal as they are unsatisfactory, the loss of which she cannot,--does not regret, being happier, infinitely happier when allowed by her gracious Heavenly Father to indulge in, and enjoy her former as well as present loved occupations. Yet when HE thinks proper to make her do either, she submits, and only then--as the pleasure once enjoyed on such occasions has long since fled, giving place to others more satisfying. "'Miss J. does not for a single moment by the above acknowledgments mean to offend or displease His Grace which were she to find him labouring under any _serious_ afflictions either of body or mind she trusts her conduct would prove, as in the hour of necessity her desire would be to afford him comfort and consolation: and since he is so public a character as to insure such circumstances being _generally_ known Miss J. trusts they will be obliged to meet her eye or ear whenever God thinks proper to occasion the one or the other--which HE _can_ do at any moment, and to any extent, and WILL _if His Holy Name can be magnified thereby_.' "I have underlined the above just as forwarded to His Grace. "The Duke's next letter is dated Oct. 6th, in which he writes--'He returns his thanks for her letter of Saturday just received' also the next, dated Oct. 11th contains his thanks. "In the Duke's next letter of the 12th of Oct. he writes--'He returns many thanks for her letter of the 10th inst.,' and his letter of the 14th of Oct. acknowledges another from me. "In the Duke's letter of Nov. 1st he writes 'The Duke is unable to give any other answer to Miss J.'s letters excepting His thanks for taking the trouble of writing them.' "The next is dated Nov. 7th also containing his thanks, followed by one of the 15th, the last of that year." CHAPTER VII. ASPIRATIONS AND REBUFFS. "The first letter I find for this year is dated Aug. 21st 1838 which I see contains an Enclosure of three sheets addressed to Her Majesty Queen Adelaide, sent for the Duke's perusal, also to be delivered by him into Her Majesty's hands, which he felt under the necessity of declining, consequently returned it to me--having written therein as follows. "'It is impossible for me to be at all instrumental in transmitting a letter to the Queen Dowager. Her Majesty has Chamberlains and Ladies in attendance upon Her Whose duty it is to receive and lay before H. M. the letters addressed to Her. I could not interfere in the performance of their Duties. I could not be instrumental in forwarding an anonymous Letter however proper, respectful and dictated by the Highest Motives. I could not say that I did not know that the Letter was sent; or the Writer thereof if enquiry should be made; and I should make myself liable to the Imputation of being instrumental in the forwarding to the Queen Dowager an anonymous letter! I hope therefore that you will excuse me for declining to forward this Letter and for returning it to you. "'You are mistaken give me leave to observe in respect to the Subject to which this Letter relates. The House in which the Queen resides is Royal property; if not a Royal Palace! It is Her Majesty's Jointure House. The Royal Palaces used as such are not liable to the payment of Rates and Taxes. Her Majesty would not have been justified in making the payment on demand without reservation of the Right to Exemption. But she pays the money as a Gift which was improperly and illegally demanded as a Right. You will see it is the Parish and not the Queen which has contravened the Lord.' "Having thus introduced so much of the Duke's letter it will be necessary to quote some passages from that referred to by him, which as implied still remains in the same position and will continue to do so among my papers for further investigation should such be resorted to after my decease; with the six cards that accompanied it, upon which are written in full: Matt. ii. 28, 29; Luke xvi. 15; Romans xii. 2; Isaiah xliii. 21; Acts xiv. 22; Hebrews xii. 6; John iii. 3; 2 Cor. v. 17; Rev. iii. 12; 1 John v. 3, 4; and James iv. 4. "After addressing Her Majesty _at length_ on the subject alluded to by the Duke with every desire to render 'honour to whom honour,' I next refer to the necessity of reverencing the Sabbath, adding; 'I recollect on one occasion seeing in a Newspaper that the Duke of Wellington quitted Your Majesty at Hastings for Dover on The Lord's Day and slept at the Ship Inn, on his way home. "'Now such is the character and _loyalty_ of His Grace that had the respected Consort of his beloved though deceased King [William IV.] only _hinted_ a desire that he should postpone his departure until the morrow I believe it would have been sufficient to insure his immediate obedience. Consequently I could not help lamenting the omission for two reasons, feeling so desirous to behold Your Majesty a shining vessel in The Lord's Hands to show forth His praise by honouring His Commands, also, that the Duke should be restrained from doing that which on a dying bed would pain him to remember. That he like too many other men of the world acts contrary to His Maker's laws in numerous instances is, Alas! but too evident; yet I cannot for a single moment imagine him one of Your Majesty's Advisers with regard to resisting the Laws of His Country, feeling assured he is too much your real friend to approve of the same and too loyal to acquiesce in an evil the consequence of which his penetrating eye would in an instant perceive could only tend to your dishonor. "'Fearing an evil may arise by my thus distinguishing or singling out the Duke of Wellington as an adviser, duty forbids my conclusion so immediately as intended, in order that I may beseech your Majesty to lean to no Adviser or advice in comparison with Christ and His Gospel, which if sedulously studied will in itself enable you rather to instruct the Duke of Wellington than to be instructed by him; for however great and wise he may justly be considered in a worldly point of view, he must be brought to acknowledge all his wisdom foolishness and all his greatness, littleness before he can appear worthy in His sight "in Whose presence is Life." Therefore he must be humbled before he can be exalted far beyond all that he now is even in this world, believing as I do, that his present greatness will bear no comparison with that which he will experience when robed in the "Wedding garment of Salvation" and rendered meet thereby for "an inheritance among the saints in light," considering him in The Lord's Hands a mighty vessel intended to show forth His praise in this present generation as powerfully as a Daniel, David, or Paul, living more to the glory of his Redeeming God during the few short years of his eventful life than others who have professed themselves Christians even from their infancy, consequently ranking among those of whom it is written "The last shall be first." When this great glorious change takes place in so faithful and tried a subject,--I should then encourage your Majesty to rely on his judgment not only in one case but all.'" This astonishing production--whose impertinence borders upon sublimity--being thus returned to Miss J., she proceeded to show the Duke that she could communicate with at least one prominent personage unaided by him. She sent him the following letter from Sir Robert Peel, in answer to one she had written to that statesman:-- WHITE HALL, April 25th. MADAM,--I avail myself of the earliest opportunity after my return to London, of acknowledging the Receipt of your last Letter and of assuring you that the former Communications with which you favored me were received by me in the spirit in which they were dictated. I have the honor to be, Madam, Your Obedient Servant, ROBERT PEEL. WALMER CASTLE, August 25, 1838. MY DEAR MISS J.,--I return the inclosed Letter which I received yesterday; and at the same time the Spectacle Wipers which you was so kind as to send me. I had already some which you had sent me; and I am much flattered and obliged for your thinking of my convenience. Believe me Ever Yours most faithfully WELLINGTON. I had read the Work which you have sent me.[1] The same author has recently published another which I have got; but have not yet read. [1] Keith on the Prophecies (A. J.). WALMER CASTLE, August 27, 1838. MY DEAR MISS J.,--I have received your letter of the 22^nd. You do me Justice in believing that I could not allow any circumstances to prevent my writing to you when I should think that my doing so could be useful or agreeable to you. Feeling it to be desirable that I should write to you I should have been unpardonable if I had allowed a recollection of bygone Dissensions to induce me to address you on topicks which might displease, or in a form which would be disagreeable to you. There is nothing under Heaven worth quarrelling about. Of all disputes and quarrels those in writing are the least pardonable. In the Heat of Conversation or of Discussion we may say that which is not justifiable. But our communications in writing are the Result of Reflection. That very act ought to cool us and prevent the use of angry and irritating expressions. You are quite right in having determined not to address the Queen Dowager about the payment of Rates for Marlborough House. I was certain that I should convince you upon the Subject. It is very possibly true, that some Notice ought to be taken of the above of the Queen upon this subject. But the expediency of taking such Notice must not be considered as a Matter of Course; because the answer on the part of the Queen would be triumphant. In all these Cases particularly those in which High Personages are concerned Prudence requires that those who advise should look a little farther than the one Case under consideration. Believe me, Ever Yours Most faithfully WELLINGTON. "By the Duke's next letter I presume I had dated one to him wrongly as he writes: 'I have received and perused with attention your letter dated the 29th, I conclude by mistake, for which I return my best thanks.' "The next letter from the Duke is dated Aug. 31st, below which he again addresses me on Sept. 1st thus. 'Since writing the above my dear Miss J., I have received your letter of the 31st of Aug. There is no post from home today and you will not receive this acknowledgment of its receipt and thanks for it until Monday.' "The next letter from the Duke is dated Sept. 11th in which he writes; 'I am not capable, I am sorry to acknowledge, of entering on a discussion on the topics in your letter'--and in his next of Sept. the 12th he writes; 'I can read your letters perfectly. I wish that I understood the subjects to which they relate sufficiently to be able to answer them.'" WALMER CASTLE, Sept. 15, 1838. MY DEAR MISS J.,--I have just now received two Letters from you, both finished on the 12^th for which I return my thanks. One of them contained the Pen wipers for which I am much obliged to you. The Story in the Newspapers about my having been consulted by the Queen about D^r Hook's Sermon is entirely false. There is no foundation whatever for it. As far as I can Judge from the accounts that I have seen the Queen did not notice D^r Hook's Sermon in any of the Modes supposed and stated. [Endnote 1] I am very much obliged to you for your Enquiries about my lameness. I thank God! I have entirely recovered from it. Believe me Ever Yours most faithfully WELLINGTON. "I need not say it rejoices _me_ to behold _thanks_ given to _Him_ from whom all blessings flow. "A. J. "The Duke's next letter is dated Sept. 16th in which he writes; 'There is no post from the country on Saturday as there is no Delivery in London on Sunday, so you will receive both letters therefore tomorrow, possibly at the same time.' The next from the Duke is dated Sept. 20th in which he writes 'I hope that you will soon recover from your indisposition,' and in that of the 23rd he writes; 'I assure you that I was aware that you had reason to believe that the story respecting the Queen was true.' The Duke means 'was not true' for he had referred to this subject in some letter just passed through my hands. "On Sept. the 25th 1838 the Duke writes to thank me for my letters adding 'But you do not mention your health and I hope that you have entirely recovered from your indisposition.' "In the Duke's next letter of Sept. 26th he writes 'I am much obliged by your continued kindness.' "By the Duke's next letter I see he refers to my offering him a Bible of larger Print as follows, WALMER CASTLE, Sept 29th. I am much obliged to you for the offer of a Bible in large Print. That which I now have answers perfectly, and I will not deprive you of another. WALMER CASTLE, October 2, 1838. MY DEAR MISS J.,--I have received at the Same time your Letters of the 30^th Sept^r and 1 October. I assure you that I am very sensible of your kindness; and of your motives for writing to me; and that nothing could induce me to write a Word or to commit an Act which would displease much less excite you. When I received the expression of your wish to have my Picture I felt that the compliance with your wish might be inconvenient to you. But I postponed to give you an answer Wishing to avoid to do any thing to displease you; and thinking it possible nay probable that your own reflections would have induced you to avoid to renew the Subject. As however you did mention it again I gave you the answer which has satisfied you. I have not mentioned the Period of my return to London; as it is very uncertain. Believe me My Dear Miss J. Ever Yours most faithfully WELLINGTON. "The Duke's next letter is dated Oct. 7th. 'I have four letters of yours to acknowledge the receipt of, for which I return many thanks. In one you mention your indisposition but as you have not again adverted thereto I trust that you are better.' "The 13th of Oct. the Duke writes 'I read your letters in the order in which you wish they should be read,' before closing which letter he acknowledges or writes another therein acknowledging mine of the 12th dating this additional letter Oct. 14th. WALMER CASTLE, Oct. 20, 1838. MY DEAR MISS J.,--I have again to acknowledge the receipt of several Letters from you commencing on Sunday the 14^th. I have been absent; and did not receive them till this morning. And as the Post for London does not go out till tomorrow, I will keep this till then in order that I may add the acknowledgment of the receipt of any other letter that you may have written me in the end of the Week. In answer to the Wish that you have expressed to know when I shall be in London I mention that I shall not be there for some time. You are in the Habit of writing to me freely upon all Subjects; and you say that you derive satisfaction from so doing. I assure you that I am sensible of the Interest which you feel for my Welfare; and of your Motive in writing to me. But I confess that I cannot understand as you do, the High Authorities which you quote. I wish that I was sufficiently informed to be capable of reasoning with you whether verbally or in writing. I do not pretend therefore to do more than acknowledge the receipt of your Letters; and thank you for your kindness. Believe me Ever Yours most faithfully WELLINGTON. I am delighted to find that you are so well. _October 21._ There is no letter from you this day. "In the Duke's next letter of Oct. 21st, 1838, he returns me many thanks for a letter 'commenced on the 21st and ended on the 22nd.' "The Duke's next letter is dated Nov. 3rd, referring to impressions on my mind which Time has declared to be erroneous with regard to the end God had in view, but as His glory was then as now my chief consideration I trust to behold this precious portion of Holy Writ verified therein. 'As high as the heavens are above the earth so are My Ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts,' and that God will consequently be much more glorified and magnified under existing circumstances than HE possibly could under any other for His great, glorious, Holy Name Sake! "The next letter from His Grace is dated Nov. 10th 1838 thanking me for my last and the only remaining one of this year dated Nov. 19th wherein he returns many thanks for the letters I had sent him. "Letters received during this year from the Duke of Wellington TWENTY TWO." "1839.--The first letter received during this year 1839 is I see enclosed in a cover addressed to Her Majesty the Queen of England, Buckingham Palace, to whom I must have written, forwarding it to the Duke to deliver, but which as with that to Queen Adelaide was returned to me in his dated May 14th, 1839. "Another letter in Aug. I see in like manner contains an Enclosure addressed to Her Majesty, but which was also returned under the same impression that he was not entitled to deliver such. In the Duke's next dated Nov. 17th 1839 he writes-- MY DEAR MISS J.,--I am much obliged to you for your letter of the 15th in which you have enquired about my health as you had heard or read a report that I was indisposed. I am and have been quite well, thank God. Ever yours most faithfully, WELLINGTON. "The Duke's next letter is dated Dec. 14th 1839 in which he writes--'I return a letter which I opened thinking it was addressed to me but I now find it was intended for another, as I find the Name in a Note to myself.' "The Duke's next letter is dated Dec. 18th in which he writes--'I beg you not to make yourself uneasy about the missing letter.' This was a letter which miscarried and lost. "The Duke's next letter is dated Dec. 24th, 1839, judging by which I presume some mistake had been made in a former epistle as he writes therein--'I receive so many letters and have so many directions to attend to; that you must not be surprised if I sometimes make a mistake.' "The Duke's next letter is directed Dec. 28th in which he writes--'I have received your Note of the 26th. It certainly does not appear that both Notes have been opened.' "This arose from my enclosing the Duke some covers forwarded to me which Mrs. L. thought had been unsealed. "Another letter from the Duke on the same subject after making enquiries of his servants is dated Dec. 31st 1839. "Letters received from the Duke of Wellington during this year EIGHT." "1840.--The first letter from the Duke of this year is dated Jan. the 16th, thanking me for mine of the 15th and on the 18th the Duke again writes--'I am much obliged to you for your letter of yesterday of which I acknowledge the receipt immediately with many thanks.' The Duke's next letter is dated the 20th of Jan. in which he writes--'You may rely upon it that I shall not misunderstand your communications and I am much obliged to you for the confidence reposed in me.' "The Duke's next letter is dated Jan. 30th, 1840, by the contents of which I presume that I had expressed a wish concerning my letters being confined to his perusal as he writes: 'You may rely upon what I tell you. Nobody sees your letters. They reach me as regularly as is possible considering the greatness of the transactions of the Post Office.' "Again in the Duke's next dated Jan. the 31st he writes 'You may rely on it your letters reach me in safety.' LONDON, February 3, 1840. In the Morning. MY DEAR MISS J.,--I received on Saturday night the 1^st Inst. Your Letter of the 31--Jan--; of which I acknowledge the receipt this Morning according to your Desire. I always write as you Desire. But you must not be surprized if a letter sealed with a seal bearing the Impression of a Coronet; received for you every day at the same place should occasion some curiosity. Nothing can be more innocent than those Letters or more praiseworthy than those, to which they are an answer. But the existence of such a correspondence is calculated to excite curiosity; and Inquiry. Believe me Ever Yours Most faithfully, WELLINGTON. LONDON, Feb. 5, 1840. 1/2 past eleven A.M. MY DEAR MISS J.,--I did not return from the House of Lords last night till Midnight; and did not receive Your Letter of yesterday till this Moment. You are quite right not to desire to see me. I refer you to what I wrote some time ago upon that Subject; on which there can be no alteration. Ever Yours Most faithfully. WELLINGTON. "The Duke's next letter is dated Feb. 20th 1840 wherein he writes--'I have only this day received your letter dated Saturday afternoon. I was indisposed last week. But thank God! I have been quite well for some days. So many letters come here for me; that I think it most probable that the Medical Gentlemen desired that none should be given me.' [Endnote 2] "The next letter from the Duke is dated March 3rd in which he writes 'I am very much obliged to you for your letter of the 2nd Inst. now received. I thank you for mentioning my health. I was unwell about three weeks ago but, thank God! I have been quite well ever since.'" Another quarrel is now brewing, and Miss J. must, as usual, have lodged the first complaint, since the Duke at once assumes a defensive attitude. LONDON, March 6, 1840. 11 A.M. MY DEAR MISS J.,--I am very much concerned that my affairs should render it necessary for me frequently to go into the Country; and that as you don't receive an answer to your Note you should still think it must have been perused by my Servants or someone else. If you cannot divest yourself of this suspicion you would act more wisely in not writing to me again; if you should care one Pin who sees your Letters! I received last night on my return to London your Letter of the 4^th and I acknowledge the receipt thereof this morning. Believe me Ever Your Most faithful Servant, WELLINGTON. "The Duke's next letter dated March 9th wherein he writes: 'I am really much concerned that you should suppose that my last note to you was what you call Cross. But I am not so foolish as ever to be cross much less in writing.'" The Duke seems in his next letter, dated March 11, to return to the third person again, wherein he writes after presenting his compliments: "The Duke has received her letter of the 10th, Inst. which does not appear to him to require any answer." LONDON, March 13, 1840. 1/2 past 11 A.M. The Duke of Wellington presents His Compliments to Miss J. Miss J. thinks proper to write to the Duke; but complains of the inconvenience attending the observations of the Curious among the Publick, upon the frequency of the Correspondence. She sometimes objects to the Substance; at others to the form of the Duke's Letters. The Duke has endeavored invariably to render them as respectful as possible to Miss J., in form as well as in Substance. The Duke is unfortunately for him not sufficiently informed to enable Him to write upon some of the Higher and more sacred Topicks of Miss J.'s Letters. But he considers it quite useless to write to Miss J. at all; if he should omit to state His opinion when he sees that she has taken an erroneous view of that of which he has a knowledge. He submits these opinions with great deference and Respect; and he is much concerned when any of them give Offence. LONDON, March 14th, 1840. The Duke of Wellington presents His Compliments to Miss J. He has just received Her Note of Friday evening the 13^th Ins^t. The Duke is very sensible of Miss J.'s offer of Service in case the Duke should be sick or afflicted. The Duke is much obliged to Her. He is quite well. He has no reason to believe that he will have occasion to trouble Her upon any object whatever. Indorsed in Miss J.'s hand. "Let NOT Him that girdeth on his harness _boast himself_ as he that putteth it off. 1 Kings XX. 11. "Alas! I tremble for you." "The Duke's next letter is dated March 30th expressive of his thanks. "The Duke's next letter is dated April 3rd in which he writes 'The Duke assures Miss J. that neither the form, manner nor substance nor even a Word in any letter of hers has offended him.' The Duke's next letter is dated April 4th in which he thanks me for my letter of that day. The Duke's next letter is dated the 4th of April in which he writes--'The Duke is much concerned to learn that Miss J. has been indisposed.' "The Duke's next letter is dated April 10th in which he writes 'He understands that Miss J. wishes him to enclose to Mrs. L. the answers addressed to Herself although that is not stated as usual.' "The Duke's next letter is dated April 18th in which he writes 'The Duke has never been better than for the last month and most particularly for the last few days. He is aware that reports are continually circulated to the contrary but they are entirely undeserving of credit.'" The cause of this coolness between the Duke and Miss J. is not clear. Her Diary throws no light upon the subject, and the only clew to the dissension must be found in the Duke's letters. From these it would seem that Miss J. has again criticised his manner of writing, or resented some fancied liberty. The quarrel begun so promisingly in March is still vigorous late in April, and the Duke is making energetic but futile efforts to break off the correspondence. STRATHFIELDSAYE, April 24, 1840. The Duke of Wellington presents His Compliments to Miss J. He has received her letter of the 21^st Ins^t for which he returns His thanks being convinced that Her Letters to the Duke are dictated by the best Motives. The Duke cannot but acknowledge however that they are written to but little purpose; and considering their Tone and Tenor, the writing of them can be but little satisfaction to Miss J.; while it must be troublesome; the transmission of them embarrassing; as well as the Reception of the answers to Herself and Her friends. Under these Circumstances the Duke would earnestly recommend to Miss J. not to write to Him again. LONDON, May 20, 1840. The Duke of Wellington presents His Comp^ts to Miss J. He is much concerned to learn that His omission to acknowledge the receipt of Miss J. [_sic_] has occasioned any inconvenience to her. The Duke received all her Letters in due Course. The Duke did not acknowledge the receipt of them. He really thought and thinks still that Miss J.'s correspondence with the Duke is very inconvenient to Her and Her friends; that it exposes her to the Effects of the Curiosity of the Idle; and to the observations of the Malicious; and that however much he may be obliged to the Kindness of Miss J. in writing to him, he ought to endeavour to prevail upon her to refrain from doing which [_sic_] may be inconvenient to Herself or to Her friends. The Duke is thank God! and has been perfectly well, and he sincerely hopes that Miss J. is so likewise. Indorsed by Miss J. "There is _no_ wisdom nor understanding, nor counsel against THE LORD." "MY Counsel SHALL stand, and I will perform ALL My pleasure." LONDON, June 30, 1840. The Duke of Wellington presents His Comp^ts to Miss J. He has received several Letters from Her. The last dated the 29^th Ins^t. He has not thought it necessary to answer these Letters. He writes now only because Miss J. expressed an anxiety to know before she leaves town whether Her letters had been received. The Duke would recommend to save Herself from such anxiety in future by omitting to write to Him. LONDON, July 29, 1840. MY DEAR MISS J.,--I have received your Note of the 28^th and I thank God! that I am and have been quite well for this last week. There was some casual Derangement of my Stomach a week ago; and the Editors of Newspapers immediately discovered that I was in great Danger. They forget that their Reporters reported that I appeared in the House of Lords quite well. I am very much flattered by the anxiety which you express for my recovery. I assure you that I am as well as I have been for Years. Believe me Ever Your most faithful Servant, WELLINGTON. LONDON, August 3, 1840. The Duke of Wellington presents His compliments to Miss J., and again returns His thanks for Her Kind Enquiries about His Health. The Duke is quite well. He earnestly recommends to Miss J. to be satisfied with the Accounts which she gets in the Newspapers. It is impossible for the Duke to be certain of receiving a letter from Miss J. to a Moment; and that he will be able to send an answer forthwith. He has frequently stated this to Her; and in order to avoid disappointment he now tells her that he will write no more. WHO is he that saith _and it cometh to pass_, when THE LORD _commandeth it_ NOT? Lam. iii. 37. Indorsed by Miss J. Miss J. writes in her Diary at this period: "Whether the Duke would write again or not, I told him in my reply, must depend upon God rather than himself, adding that I never wished to hear from him till God pleased, and defied him accordingly,--trusting in 'The Lord of Lords.'" CHAPTER VIII. A PEACEFUL PERIOD. Of the long silence that followed, extending from the third of August, 1840, to the tenth of June, 1844, Miss J. thus speaks:-- "That Christ is The Lord of Lords unto Whom all power is given in Heaven and on earth, nothing can more clearly imply than the circumstances connected with this Portion of my Diary. The Duke's last letter had decidedly declared he would write no more, and his character is too well known by the World for such to conclude he would not act up to his word and determination. But since 'IT IS WRITTEN' 'The King's Heart is in the Hands of the Lord as the rivers of water, He turneth it which way soever he pleaseth,' _so_ likewise ALL hearts. Consequently when _The Lord's_ time came for proving to him the folly of forming such a rash resolution, he writes accordingly, and that too at a moment when I least expected it, so long a period having elapsed in silence. Nor do I, as he therein specifies, recollect requesting him to answer that any more than other letters from time to time forwarded as the Lord condescendingly influenced me, however solicitous I was for their safety. I continued to hope that their contents would eventually be permitted to lead him to feel the emptiness and nothingness of all earthly grandeur, in comparison with the enjoyment of a Crown of Glory." What induced the Duke to reopen the correspondence is hard to determine; but the interchange of letters was soon as regular as ever. June 10, 1844. MY DEAR MISS J.,--I have received all your letters, including one written yesterday, the 9^th Ins^t; and I am very sensible of your kindness in giving me so continually such good Counsel. I did not write to acknowledge the receipt of your Letters; because you did not express a wish that I should do so clearly till you wrote this last. Believe me Ever Yours most faithfully WELLINGTON. LONDON, June 14, 1844. At night. MY DEAR MISS J.,--I have received your letter of this day's date; and I am very much obliged to you for your kindness in the expression of an Interest about my Health. I am thank God! as well as I was twenty years ago, and no longer feel any Inconvenience from the Injury at that time done to my left Ear: excepting that I don't hear by the use of it, as I do by that of the other. I hope that you are quite well. Believe me Ever Yours most faithfully WELLINGTON. LONDON, June 18, 1844. MY DEAR MISS J.,--I have to express to you my Gratitude for two very kind letters since I wrote to you last; the one of the 15^th, the other of the 17^th Ins^t. Nothing can be more satisfactory to me than to read the statements which you write of the Interest you take in my Welfare; and I beg you to believe me Ever Yours most faithfully WELLINGTON. "As this book only admits of my referring to the Duke's letters in order to distinguish them and thereby secure their future safety I only occasionally introduce one wholly; therefore state that the next dated June 20th is an acknowledgment of others received by him." LONDON, June 21, 1844. MY DEAR MISS J.,--I am much obliged to you for your Letter of yesterday evening. It is true that I made no observations upon the Domestick Details which your former Letter contained: nor upon your opinion on the Inmates of the Houses in which you had been visiting. My object in writing to you was to thank you for the kind Interest which you had not ceased to feel for my welfare; and which you have expressed with so much sincerity. I am very grateful to you; and I hope that I do not fail in expressing what I feel. It is true! You are quite right my Time and attention are much occupied by the Publick Duties which I have engaged to perform, and I have very Little of the leisure to write upon subjects upon which I can have but an imperfect knowledge. Believe me Ever Yours most faithfully WELLINGTON. "I presume by a portion of the Duke's next letter dated June 22nd, 1844, that I had expressed uneasiness concerning some of mine reaching him, as he writes--'If you should have any apprehension of your letters not reaching me, you have only not to sign them. I know your handwriting perfectly and moreover should know from their purport that they could come from you alone.' "In the Duke's next letter dated June 24th, he writes; 'You are very kind my dear Miss J. in writing to me so frequently. I have to thank you for two letters received, the last on this morning. I assure you that I am very sensible of the constant interest which you feel in my welfare.' "The portion about to be copied in the Duke's next letter dated June 26th requires some explanation on my part previously, as it refers to a short separation which took place between my dear friend Mrs. L. and myself--arising from a circumstance that wounded me concerning a letter which interfered with my gratifying a request therein made by my dear Father before his death. "'I am much concerned likewise to learn that you do not feel yourself on the same satisfactory terms as usual with your old friend Mrs. L. I regret this, because the Impression on my mind is, that she was your friend and that you were much attached to her. I hope therefore that before long that confidence in your mind will revive and that you will return to your old Habits of friendly intercourse with that lady which were heretofore so satisfactory to you.' "These remarks on the part of the Duke had the desired effect and my intimacy with Mrs. L. was speedily renewed. "In the Duke's next letter dated June 28th, 1844, he writes--'I am happy to learn that you are likely to be reconciled to Mrs. L. It is impossible that you should be otherwise than of a forgiving temper and disposition, particularly as I hope in this Case no voluntary cause for Irritation could have been given.' "In the Duke's next letter dated July 1st he writes--'I am delighted to hear that you have renewed your old relations with Mrs. L. which I am convinced will prove satisfactory to you.' "In the Duke's next letter dated July 3rd he writes--'I beg that you will have no scruple about writing to me on any paper, or at the moment most agreeable to you. I am aware of your occupations, that you write as well as read a great deal, that you write your thoughts as they occur to you, and that you do not attend to penmanship or Hand writing which however I assure you that I peruse with the greatest facility and always with satisfaction on account of the great interest which you express for my welfare.'" LONDON, July 6, 1844. MY DEAR MISS J.,--I have received regularly and have thanked you I believe for all the kind Letters which you have written to me, excepting one commenced on Wednesday night, and finished on thursday which reached me yesterday afternoon: and another commenced thursday afternoon which I received last night. I thank you for them all; you are most kind in writing to me: I beg you not to scruple about telling me what you think and feel. I can read your hand writing with great facility; particularly by day light, and I feel your kindness for me; and all that you express. The Publick Duties in which I am employed occupy most of my Time: but knowing that it is satisfactory to you to receive a Note from me, I do not omit to write to you whenever I hear from you; as soon as the opportunity of doing so is afforded to me. Believe me Ever Yours most faithfully WELLINGTON. "The next letter from the Duke is dated July 10th, 1844, wherein he writes--'Your two letters reached me on Monday night. As I was occupied all day yesterday by the marriage of my Son [Endnote 3] it was not in my power to write to you and thank you for your letters, which I do now and for your continued kindness to me.' "In the Duke's next letter dated July 12th he writes--'It is true that my time is much occupied by the various public duties which I have to perform and that it frequently occurs that I am under the necessity of postponing to thank you for your kindness and continued interest for my welfare. But you may rely upon it that however I may fail or rather delay to make my acknowledgments I feel your kindness and your expressions of it.'" LONDON, July 15, 1844. MY DEAR MISS J.,--I have to thank you for a very kind Letter commenced on friday evening and ended on Saturday; which I received on that night. I think that I answered in a former letter all the queries which you had stated in yours? But if I have been mistaken and you will let me know on what subject I will write upon it upon the first occasion. I beg you not to attend to Interruptions at least so as to annoy you. I should not perceive such in your letters: which are invariably uniform in the expression of a kind Interest in my Welfare of which as well as of your kind expressions I am very sensible. As I was going into Divine Service yesterday morning; a gentleman who met me told me that it had been reported on the previous day that I had met with a serious accident. As this false report might reach and would annoy you; I avail myself of the first opportunity of telling you that I thank God! there is not the slightest foundation for it. I have met with no accident and have not been better for twenty Years than I am at this moment. Believe me Ever Yours most faithfully WELLINGTON. "In the Duke's next letter of July 19th he writes; 'I hope that you will continue to write to me all that you feel and think. I cannot express to you how grateful I am for your anxiety for my welfare.' "In the Duke's next letter dated July 24th he writes--'I am very much obliged to you for your continued anxiety for my welfare and I read with pleasure your expressions of kind interest for me.'" LONDON, July 27, 1844. MY DEAR MISS J.,--Since I last wrote to you; I have received one letter from you of the 24^th and two of the 25^th for all of which; and your continued kindness I thank you. I am very sensible of the freedom with which you write to me and tell me all that occurs to your Mind. I do not yet know at what time the parliament will be prorogued: I should think in the end of August. Notwithstanding the continued attendance; I continue thank God! as well as ever. Believe me Ever Yours most faithfully WELLINGTON. "In the Duke's next letter dated July 31st he writes doubtlessly in reply to some enquiry on my part--'It is impossible for me to say at what period Parliament will be prorogued. I thank you for the beautiful lines which you have sent me.'" LONDON, August 10, 1844. MY DEAR MISS J.,--Many days have elapsed since I have been able to write you; but I have been again at Windsor Castle, upon the occasion of the Queen's confinement; and have besides been much occupied in Parl^t and elsewhere. I have received and thank you for your letters, the last received having been commenced on the 4^th and ended on thursday morning the 8^th. I am very sensible of your kindness in writing to me; notwithstanding that you had not heard from me. I hope you are assured that when I do not write the cause is that I am much occupied and not that I am insensible or less sensible of your kindness. Believe me Ever Yours most faithfully WELLINGTON. "In the Duke's next letter dated Aug. 12th he writes--'I have just now received your kind letter written yesterday Morning, the 11th, and according to your desire I do not delay to acknowledge the receipt thereof as I understand that you are going out of Town to morrow.' "The next letter of the Duke's of Aug. 14th--'I am sorry to hear that you do not feel very well but hope the Indisposition will be but short. The weather has been and still continues very bad and is but little inviting for a journey.' "The Duke's next letter is dated Aug. 16th 'I am very sorry indeed to learn that any of your letters have been returned from the House to the Post Office opened and sent back to you. I have frequently told you to beware of the weight of your letters and to take care that each of them had upon it the proper stamp, etc. You who do not trouble yourself with the affairs of this world can form no idea of the extent of the occupation of those whose duty it is to attend to them.' "In the Duke's next letter dated Aug. 22nd he writes 'I have been out of Town at Portsmouth and at Oxford with the Prince of Prussia since I wrote to you.'" [Endnote 4] LONDON, Sept. 2, 1844. Morning. MY DEAR MISS J.,--I write to you now as I am under the necessity of going out of Town to Windsor Castle from whence I shall not be permitted to return till late on Wednesday. I found a crowd around my horses after I quitted you on Saturday and I was followed away by the same persons who had followed me to your part of the Town. I enclose what I told you that I would send you; it appears to me to be a good likeness, judging from the recollection of other Busts. I will write to you as soon as I am certain at what time I can call upon you. Ever Yours most faithfully, WELLINGTON. Miss J. writes in her Diary for this date: "The Duke told me that a _boy_ from his _own_ door called after him, attracting others accordingly all the way. This annoyed him particularly on my account, as he was aware of my objection to notice, notwithstanding that I was at the time under Mrs. L.'s roof, where all the visits referred to took place and under her protection." Of the picture to which the Duke refers, Miss J. thus writes, after his death:-- "This was his own Picture in wax, made by himself and was an impression conveying a striking resemblance. It is made upon one of his own Cards, cut in _half_. On this is engraved 'Field M. The Duke of ----.' How this valuable Article is eventually to be disposed of, I wait upon The Lord of Lords, who permitted it to be bestowed upon me, to point out. He must determine whether it is to be sent to the British Museum, as a remembrance of one who in His Hands was permitted to become the preserver of our nation, or to be disposed of for the propagation of Christianity among the Jews in whom I am so deeply interested. Whichever it may be I trust that His Holy Name will be magnified, on account of its having been bestowed on one so devoted to the poor Duke's everlasting welfare, during the last eighteen years of his life,--his _eventful_ life!" LONDON, Sept. 6, 1844. MY DEAR MISS J.,--I did not return from Windsor Castle till late on Wednesday. I was in the field with the Troops yesterday Morning; in the House of Lords from one o'clock till the Parliament was prorogued and in the Public Offices till between six & seven in the evening. Now I am about to return to Windsor Castle this afternoon for the Christening of the Infant Prince and I shall not return till night or possibly to-morrow. Here they are crying out for me in the levee Robes. Under these Circumstances I cannot fix a time at which I could go to pay you a visit. Ever Yours most faithfully, WELLINGTON. The infant prince here referred to was Alfred, Duke of Edinburgh. LONDON, Sept. 7, 1844. Morning. MY DEAR MISS J.,--I write you thus early; as I see clearly that it will not be possible for me to go to see you this day. I did not reach Home from Windsor Castle last night; till after half past twelve, and I am now required to go into the Cinque Portes. Continue to direct to My House in London. I shall be back in a few days. Believe me Ever Yours most faithfully WELLINGTON. "In a letter of Sept. 9th the Duke writes from Walmer; 'My duty has obliged me to come to this part of the Country. I will return to London as soon as it will be in my power and with your permission will call upon you. It is very true that I am as well known everywhere as in my own House and that I am followed everywhere, and all that I do observed and commented upon according to the inclinations of those who think proper to follow and observe me. I am therefore anxious not to expose you or your abode to such observations.' "The Duke's next letter is from Walmer, dated Sept. 11th, wherein he writes, after thanking me for my letter; 'I am as usual very much employed but I thank God, quite well.' In the Duke's next letter, dated Sept. 12th, he writes; 'I again express my gratitude to you for your continued kindness and good wishes. I will go to see you as soon as I shall return to Town, of course giving you Notice.' "The next letter from the Duke is dated Sept. 21st, in which he writes--'I am under the necessity of going out at a very early hour in the Morning and I do not return till night. But your kindness is always welcome to me and I wish that it was in my power at all times immediately to acknowledge the receipt of it.' "In the Duke's next letter, dated Sept. 24th, he writes--'I am very grateful for your constant and continued kindness: you may rely upon it that if not immediately responded to it is because my time is so much occupied at a distance from my Residence.' In the Duke's letter of the 27th of Sept. he thanks me for my letters of the 24th and one concluded on Wednesday afternoon, purposing to call if in his power. "In the Duke's next letter, dated Sept. 30th, he writes--'I am very happy to learn that you are not separated from Mrs. L. as soon as you expected.' "The commencement of Oct. brought me a letter from the Duke dated Oct. 1st, acknowledging mine previously forwarded. "I see there is a letter dated Oct. the 5th in which the Duke writes; 'I write one line to apprize you that I am in Town and that I will endeavour to go to see you at three this day.'" WINDSOR, Saturday Evening, Oct. 12, 1844. MY DEAR MISS J.,--I have been here since the day after I left London; having gone to and returned from Portsmouth. I have received two letters from you the last commenced on Wednesday evening and finished, on Friday morning or rather later in the day on Friday after you had taken a Lodging No. 4 Fitz Roy Street Fitz Roy Square. There is no Post from hence to London this evening and I am going this night to my own House in Hampshire, where I shall put this letter in the Post tomorrow; and it will reach you on Monday. I am going there on my way to Portsmouth for the embarkation of the King of the French. I shall go there please God! on Monday morning. I cannot say when I shall be able to return to London. But I will write to you; I am very sensible of your kindness in writing to me although I have been so much occupied and so constantly in movement that I have not been able to thank you. I hope that you will find your new Lodgings quiet; and comfortable. Believe me Ever Yours most faithfully WELLINGTON. WALMER CASTLE, Oct. 17, 1844. MY DEAR MISS J.,--I arrived here yesterday evening having been in movement since I quitted my own House in Hants on Monday morning to go to Portsmouth to meet the King of the French. I was out during the thunder, Lightning and Rain on that day; and travelled afterwards: and thank God! after all this movement and exposure I am just as well as ever. [Endnote 5] I have to thank you for all your Letters; the last in answer to mine written before I quitted Windsor Castle; but sent from my House in Hampshire in which I enquired how you liked your new Residence. I am much obliged to you for your continued kindness. I will go to see you as soon as I shall return to London. But I cannot yet say at what time that will be: as I am called away so frequently for other Affairs; and I have still much to occupy my attention in this part of the Country. Your last letter was commenced on Monday the 14^th and ended on Tuesday. I am very certain that I have received all your Letters, and I am very sensible of your kindness in writing to me; particularly one on five sheets of paper commenced on the 7^th of Octo^r. Believe me Ever Yours most faithfully WELLINGTON. "The Duke's next letter is dated Oct. 19th, in which he writes; 'This Note cannot be sent from hence this day, there being no post. I will add a line to it when I shall have an opportunity of sending it off, concluding at present with thanking you for your continued kindness toward me. "'P.S. I add a line to tell you that I have received; and am very sensible of the kindness of your Letter of the 18th in the middle of the day; which was brought down here this evening by a messenger from my House in London. "'I am happy to find that you had received my Letter; you need not be apprehensive of my catching Cold on my Journeys. You may rely upon my taking care of myself. "'Believe me Ever Yours most faithfully, "'WELLINGTON.' "In the Duke's next letter, dated Oct. 24th, he writes--'I have to acknowledge the receipt of, and to thank you for your continued kindness in writing me two long letters.' At the end the Duke writes; 'It is possible that I may be under the necessity of going to London to attend to the opening of the New Royal Exchange.' "The next letter from the Duke is dated Nov. 6th wherein he writes; "'Some days have elapsed since I have heard from you and as I cannot recollect any reason for your silence I begin to be apprehensive that you may have been unwell and have been prevented by indisposition from writing to me. I therefore write this line to request you to write to me and let me know how you are.' "On the same sheet the Duke writes Nov. 7th; 'I have this morning received yours of the 6th and am delighted to find that you are not indisposed. I was in Town on two different days in last week; in one I attended the Ceremony of opening the Royal Exchange by Her Majesty the Queen [Endnote 6]--on another to attend the marriage and indeed to give away in marriage a young Lady and was under the necessity of returning here as Time, Tides and Trains or Railroads wait for no Man and I had not time even to write, much less to go to see you.' "The Duke's next letter is dated Nov. 10th 1844 wherein he writes--'You always express in your letters the same interest for my welfare which has always drawn from me the expressions of my grateful sense of your kindness.' Again in the Duke's next letter dated Nov. the 12th he writes; 'Notwithstanding that I wrote to you so lately I will not suffer the Post to go this day without expressing my sense of your kindness in writing to me.' "The Duke's next letter is dated Nov. 19th, in which he writes--'I intend to go to see you as soon as I shall have a moment's leisure. But my time is really so much employed in the service of the Public as to leave me none for social purposes and scarcely enough for Repose.' "The Duke's next letter is dated Nov. 20th, wherein he writes--'I write you one line to tell you that if it should be in my power I will call upon you this day after three o'clock.' "The Duke's next letter is dated Dec. 3rd, wherein he writes--'I was so much occupied with public business that I could not call upon you again. I am quite well. Then I was at Windsor Castle in attendance upon Her Majesty the Queen during the five last days of last week. I have not got the Parcel to which you referred.' "In the Duke's letter dated Dec. 11th, he writes; 'I have been very much concerned to hear that you are unwell. You must take care of yourself and keep yourself very warm in this bad weather.' "The Duke's next letter is dated Dec. 14th wherein he writes--'I returned to London last night having been detained at Windsor Castle till late in the afternoon and I went there on Thursday and received your Note dated the 13th, for which I am much obliged.' "The Duke's next letter is dated Dec. 20th wherein he writes--'I am very sorry, but my time is so much occupied, and while the Almighty will deign to permit me to live will be so occupied as that I shall not have leisure to pay visits. I have frequently expressed my regret that it should be so and repeat them now.' "In the Duke's next letter, dated Dec. 21st, he writes; 'I am very sensible of the kindness of your letter of yesterday afternoon which I received last night. "'I am, thank God! in perfect good health but have had the misfortune of losing my Sister. But I trust that by the Mercy of God! She is Happy.' [Endnote 7] "The Duke's next letter is dated Dec. 24th, wherein he writes--'I have received several letters from you after my return to Town after paying the last Respects to the Memory of my poor Sister--I return you my thanks for them all and am very sensible of your kindness in writing to me.' "In a letter from the Duke dated Dec. 26th, he writes--'I am sorry to learn that you have caught cold and are suffering from sore throat. I hope that you will take care of yourself and avoid to expose yourself to cold in this severe weather. I am very sensible of your kindness in writing to me as you have; I hope that I feel as I ought upon the occasion of the recent described affliction which I have suffered.' "1845.--The first letter from the Duke, of this year, is dated Jan. 3rd, wherein he writes; 'I am very much obliged to you my dear Miss J. for several letters received from you in these last days; and regret that I was so much occupied when I received each of them as to be unable to acknowledge its receipt by return of Post. I am very sensible of your kindness in writing to me.' "The next letter from the Duke is dated Jan. 13th wherein he writes-- "When I wrote to you last My dear Miss J. I omitted to thank you for one letter which I had received from you. The one to which I refer was dated the 23rd Inst., the day on which I attended the funeral of my poor Sister. I was in London for three days but my time was so much occupied that I could not even write to you, much less fix a time at which I could be able to pay you a visit.' "In the next letter from the Duke dated Strathfieldsaye, Jan. 17th, he writes; 'You have been correctly informed; Her Majesty the Queen does intend to pay me a visit here on Monday the 20th and to remain till Thursday the 23rd.' [Endnote 8] "In the next letter from the Duke, dated Jan. 23rd, he writes--'I am much obliged to you my dear Miss J. for all your letters dated the 18th, 19th, 20th and 21st which I have received regularly in due course. I wish that it were in my power to peruse them when I receive them--still more to acknowledge the receipt of them regularly. But that is impossible. My time is so much occupied that I have scarcely sufficient for Rest. However my Health continues excellent and my strength unimpaired.' The next letter from the Duke is dated Feb. 7th 1845, wherein he writes; 'I have received many letters from you, dated the 20th, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 26th and Feb. 2nd, which I have not expressed the sense of gratitude I felt for your kindness in writing them. But in truth I have been so much occupied, not alone by my public business but by the afflicting sickness of one of my Family; one of whom,--My Niece, we have lost; and another, my brother, is still very unwell that I have really scarcely had time to turn about. However I thank God! my brother is stronger and better and I hope that he will be able to bear the remedies which must be administered to him.' "In the Duke's next letter he writes, dating it Feb. 8th--'I fear that there was one letter which I did not acknowledge in my note of yesterday--that of the 3rd Inst. But I must say that my time and attention are so much taken up from morning till I go to bed at night that it is not surprising that I should pass over a letter in acknowledging the receipt of others, however kind and interesting, its contents. I have really more to do than I can find time for, notwithstanding my constant attention and diligence.' "In the poor Duke's next letter he writes--dating it Feb. 25th; 'My omission to write to you etc--is to be attributed to my constant occupation in the Public service and since My return to Town in these latter days, since the Queen paid me a visit, by the continued illness of my poor brother; and by my attendance upon Him, his wife and afflicted family. I was very sensible of your kind offer of Assistance--But he had everything. We lost him, Alas! on Saturday night, I am happy to say without pain or suffering. [Endnote 9] His last moments were those of a good Christian in peace with all the world and I trust, in the Mercy of the Almighty, in favor with Him! You are very kind and I am very sensible of your kindness in offering me consolation and in urging me to call upon you and I will do so as soon as it will be in my power and will write to apprize you of the Time.' "In the Duke's next letter, dated March the 1st, he writes--'It is true I have been greatly afflicted. But by the Mercy of God My poor Brother suffered but little in his last Moments. Indeed I may say--no pain, from the disorder by which he had been afflicted and his mind was at ease and full of confidence in the Mercy of the Almighty.' "In the Duke's next letter dated March 6th he writes--'I am concerned to learn that you are not well.' "In the Duke's next letter he, after dating it March 15th, 1845, reports how occupied he is, adding; 'I regret exceedingly to learn that you are still unwell. But hope that we shall have moderate weather usual at this season, which will soon recruit your health.'" LONDON, April 18th, 1845. MY DEAR MISS J.,--I will give you an answer to your Note of the 17^th just now received because my attention has just now been drawn to two paragraphs in the Morning Post, stating that I was taken ill in the House of Lords last night. I was last night and am at this moment thank God! as well as I ever was. The truth is this. A Noble Lord, well known to be blind was standing on the floor near the place where I was sitting. I arose, gave him the assistance of my Arm and conducted him towards the door till I met another person who took charge of him. That is the whole Story! I returned to my place where I sat and took part in the discussion going on till the House adjourned. A man called at my door to enquire how I was at _eleven_, not at _twelve_ o'clock. The answer was. _He is quite well_, not, _He is convalescent_. Ever Yours most faithfully, WELLINGTON. "The next letter from the Duke is dated April 21st, 1845, in which he replies to an enquiry I had made in a former Note or letter as follows; 'You did not see me in Piccadilly on Saturday the 19th. I was not in the Street on that day except to cross it on Horseback from my own House to the Park.' "The Duke's next letter is dated May 8th wherein he writes; 'I have received and thank you for all your letters; the truth is that it takes me a long time to peruse them and I am obliged to do so by daylight, which I have not at command of sufficient duration to finish the whole that I have to read at one time.' "In the Duke's next letter dated May 28th he writes--'The truth is that nobody can tell the amount of business which I have to transact who should not be a witness of my constant and unremitting exertions, and the degree in which my time is occupied. Thank God that I have health to perform all that is required.' "Again in the Duke's letter dated May 30th he writes--'The truth is that my occupation in the service of the Public is incessant from one week's end to the other. It is not given to Man to be in two places at the same time and I have scarcely time for Rest--none for recreation or amusement even social.' "In the Duke's next letter dated June 5th he writes 'My time is really so much employed as to have none for either repose or meals. We are now at the 5th of June. I have dined but twice since the 29th of May, although in perfect Health. I have scarcely time for Repose as you will see when I tell you that I returned home this morning only at half past four.' "I knew that the Duke could find time to go to parties, etc, etc, therefore I considered such letters as mine ought not to be laid aside in silence, more especially as he was continually implying he meant to call upon me, but never did, so thus keeping my mind in suspense and expectation. This doubtless The Lord of lords in His infinite wisdom did not see fit to gratify, knowing far better what is good for us than we do for ourselves. Otherwise HE could and would have compelled him to come to me daily, whatever his occupations may have been. "The Duke's next letter is dated June 7th, wherein he writes--'Besides being very good, you must admit that patience under disappointment is required from us all. That is all I ask from you.' "Which I suppose sprang from my expressing disappointment at not seeing the Duke, little imagining that the Lord of lords had decreed he should never call again, knowing far better what is good for us than we do for ourselves. O that His Holy Name may be magnified throughout for His blessed Holy Name's Sake! "In the Duke's next letter he writes at its conclusion, having dated it June 16^th 1845 'I am quite well, thank God! notwithstanding the constant fatigue which I endure.' "The next letter in due course from the Duke is dated June 27th, 1845, wherein he writes--'I am very sensible of your kindness in writing. I am anxious that you should recollect that if I omit to acknowledge the receipt of, and to thank you for the receipt of your letters regularly it is because I really have not leisure time. I assure you that since last Sunday I have dined only once, and that was on Wednesday. I thank God that I preserve my health and strength; and am really as strong as I was twenty-two years ago, but have not leisure time for social occupations of any description.' "In the next letter from the Duke, dated July 14th, he writes; 'I have received from you letters of the 9th and 13th Inst. since I wrote last, for which I return my best thanks. I hope that the rainy weather will not prevent you from receiving the benefit which you expected to derive from your residence near the Sea.' Again the Duke writes in his next letter, dated July 17th; 'The weather still continues unpleasant but I hope that your residence by the Sea will be beneficial.' "In the Duke's next letter, dated July 23rd, he writes--'I have received several letters from you lately, for which I return my grateful thanks. I only regret that I have not leisure to answer them punctually. I have not been able to dine for the last two days but I am quite well, thank God!' "The next letter from the Duke is dated July the 26th, wherein he writes--'I return thanks for all your letters; I am very sensible of your kindness in writing to me and I am very happy to find that you think of returning to London.' "The next letter from the Duke, dated Aug. 12th, refers to letters being rightly stamped, adding--'Your remedy is very simple--take care not to send a letter that is overweight. If you write one that is upon so much paper as that one Stamp will not be sufficient, put half the paper in one cover and half in the second or put two or three stamps on the same cover. I have likewise received back some letters written to you, notwithstanding that I invariably myself direct and stamp the letters addressed to you. I am really ashamed of giving you so much trouble.' "In the Duke's next letter, dated Aug. 13th, he writes--'It is true that my public duties render it necessary for me to move to a distant part of the Country--I cannot complain. But it is the fact, that at a period of life at which other Men are seeking Repose, every moment of my time should be as it is, occupied by National duties which require my constant attendance and all my attention, and render me unfit for social duties and incapable of performing them.' "In the next letter of the Duke's, dated Aug. 14th, he writes 'I write only one line to acknowledge the receipt of and thank you for your letter of the 13th which reached me last night. I am really very much concerned that my public duties and the attention which I am under the necessity of paying to their performance render me unfit for social life. I really have not leisure time for visits, scarcely to write. I am under the necessity of going out of Town this afternoon.' "In his next letter, dated Aug. 19th, the Duke writes--'I perceive again that I must be very cautious to cross my t's and put dots to my i's and not omit an expression which I may ever have used or to make use of one which may be unusual lest I should again give offence.' "Judging by the Duke's next letter, dated Aug. 23rd, I had begun to fear I should never see the Duke again, for he writes--'It has often occurred to me that you do not read my letters and that at all Events you pay but little attention to their Contents--If you had perused these letters and had believed what I wrote, you could not have asked this question. However I answer it--I do intend to go to see you whenever I can find time; that is, when my occupations in the Service of the Public will give me leisure for the performance of any Social duty or the pursuit of any relaxation, amusement or pleasure.' "The Duke's next letter, dated Aug. 29th, conveys an impression that I had felt hurt at something written, as he writes 'I did not think it possible that I should ever write one word that could hurt your feelings and I sincerely beg your pardon.' The next letter from the Duke is dated Oct. 9th, 1845, wherein he thanks me for my letters and adds 'I am much obliged about your enquiries about my Health. I am quite well thank God! though much fatigued by hard work.' "The next and the last letter of this year from the Duke is dated Dec. 3rd, wherein he writes; 'I assure you that I am very sensible of your continued kindness. I have not written to acknowledge the receipt of your letters and to thank you for them, as I really have not had time, having been so much occupied in the public Service. When I write to you I am sensible that I must not omit a word or a letter. The feeling that such omission will give you offence is alone an impediment, therefore I hope that you will excuse me.'" CHAPTER IX. MISUNDERSTANDINGS. The correspondence for 1846 begins smoothly, with no warning of the storm that was to burst before the year was out. From the Duke's first letter, it is evident that Miss J. had continued her epistles steadily, undeterred by the tartness of the Duke's last note, of December 3d. His first billet of the New Year is friendly in tone, while the brusqueness of the second quoted is explained by her comment thereupon. From the knowledge gained of her through her letters one can imagine what must have been the pious querulousness of her "remark." "1846.--The first letter from the Duke in this year is dated Jan. 7th, wherein he writes--'I have received your letter of the 4th Inst., having before received many for which I really have not had the time to enable me to write and thank you as I ought to have done, as my sincere and heartfelt acknowledgments are due to you for your continued kindness towards me.' "I presume judging by the Duke's next letter that I had made some remark concerning his silence, as he writes therein dating it Jan. 14th--'I have scarcely time for rest or meals. You must excuse me! I cannot do it! Surely patience is a Christian virtue enjoined to us by the precepts as well as by the example of our Saviour.'" Biographers of the Duke mention his power of going for hours without food, and then atoning for his abstinence by a hearty meal. His usual daily routine was to rise at seven, and go out of doors at once, returning to breakfast at nine. He ate no lunch, and dined at seven. When much pressed with work, he was accustomed to have his dinner served on a small round oaken table in the library, where he ate alone, surrounded by his papers. His correspondence was enormous, owing to his practice of answering all his letters himself. He occasionally availed himself of a lithographed form in reply to some correspondents, and also sometimes adopted a sharpness of tone in answering irrelevant communications, in the hope that he might thus hinder their authors from writing again. As a rule, however, a courteous letter was apt to receive a courteous reply. The narrowness of Miss J.'s mental horizon is nowhere more strikingly shown than by her inability to comprehend the whirl of business that must have made life, to a man of the Duke of Wellington's conscientiousness, a ceaseless round of fatiguing labor. "In the Duke's next letter, dated Feb. 4th, he writes--'I have received many letters from you and I am really ashamed of being under the necessity of repeating over again what I have stated so repeatedly, that I have not leisure time to acknowledge the receipt of and thank you for each of your letters when it reaches me.' "In the Duke's next letter, dated March 13th, he writes--'I don't know whether you ever read the letters which I write to you. I doubt it, because I cannot make out how it happens that you do not notice or believe what I tell you in every one that I write, namely, that my time is so much occupied that I have scarcely time for the rest which is necessary.' "In the Duke's next letter, dated March 20th, he writes--'I have received all your letters, the last this day, dated Wednesday, March 18th. I should have answered the two earlier ones at the time I received them if I had had one moment's leisure.'" STRATHFIELDSAYE, April 17, 1846. MY DEAR MISS J.--I have just now received your Note of the 15^th and I am very sorry to observe that I have again offended you by quitting London without going to pay you a visit; and because I have not acknowledged the receipt of some late letters received from you. I wish I could induce you to believe that the disposal of my time does not depend upon myself; whether to pay visits or to write. I have received all your letters, but have not written answers to them; or to thank you for them; because I really have not had Time. I am obliged to you for having informed me that you intend to quit your Residence on Saturday that is to-morrow. If you will let me know where you will reside in future I will go to pay you a visit if I should have one Moment of Leisure. I don't recollect to have sent my Servant with a letter to Mr. L. If he took one there, I conclude it was because when I gave it to put into the Post, the Hour was passed at which it would be received at the Post Office and he took it to the Gentleman to whom it was directed. But this is mere Conjecture. I know nothing about the matter. Ever, My Dear Miss J. Yours most faithfully, WELLINGTON. "In the Duke's next letter, dated May 30th, he writes--'I am not surprised at your vexation in neither receiving an acknowledgment of the receipt of your letters nor a visit from me. But I have always considered Patience an eminently Christian virtue--I assure you again that my time is so much occupied! I have dined but once since last Sunday! These are well known facts!--I returned home to rest at five o'clock yesterday morning on Horseback! I was employed all day yesterday after that Repose and did not return till two in the morning!' "In the Duke's next letter, dated June 24th, he writes, after thanking me for my 'continued kindness;'--'I had before received several letters from you, for all of which and your continued kindness I return you my thanks. In respect to your question whether it is probable that I can go to see you before the 1st of July I answer that I will if it should be in my power but I cannot be certain or now fix the time. Till this night I have not dined since last Sunday and I doubt whether I shall again till next Sunday. I have scarcely time for Rest--None for Meals and as you may suppose none for visits. However I will go to see you if it should be in my power and will write to give you Notice.' "I think if the Duke were to return to the world he would consider no duties before those connected with communion with me, who was so solicitous to strengthen him in every good word and work. But it was not to be! Therefore however much I may and did suffer, such I trust will be permitted to rank among the 'All things that are to work together for Good to them that love God, to them that are the called according to His purpose,' and since there never was a moment when the Duke did not sink into the utmost insignificance in comparison with His good will and pleasure, such must necessarily follow. "The poor Duke's next letter, dated July 13th I will copy throughout as it refers to his affliction--in the loss of his Grand Son." [Endnote 10] This letter is interesting as giving a glimpse of that softer side of the Duke's nature, generally lost sight of in contemplation of his sterner characteristics. LONDON, July 13, 1846. MY DEAR MISS J.,--I have received your letters of the 12^th and Friday last on the subject of the loss I recently sustained of my Grandson, the eldest Son of my second son. Poor boy! he died on Tuesday! By the Mercy of God! the second son, an infant has recovered. But at one time I was apprehensive that the grief of the Mother who was nursing the youngest child would have affected Her Health; and that we should have lost that Child; and eventually the Mother. But thank God! Both are now safe! I am very sensible of your kindness upon this occasion. I wish that it was in my power to tell you that I have any prospect of being able to go to see you! But I cannot expect to be able to do so at present! Believe me, My Dear Miss J. Ever Yours Most faithfully, WELLINGTON. "The Duke's next letter, dated July 23rd, 1846, is expressive of concern at my having caught cold, adding; 'I am very sorry still to be unable to fix a time at which I can go to see you.' "In the Duke's next letter, dated Aug. 13th, he writes--'I have to express my acknowledgments for several letters which I have received from you since you left London and I am very happy to learn that you like your situation there. I am still very much occupied by my duties in London but hope the Parliament will soon be prorogued and that I may be enabled to quit London and move to other parts of the Country where my presence is required;' and in the Duke's next, dated Aug. 17th, he writes; 'My duties will require my removal at a distance from London for at least two months or more.' "In the Duke's next letter, dated Aug. 25th, he writes; 'I am under the necessity of going out of Town early tomorrow.'" Sept. 1st, 1846. I am concerned to find that my silence is considered _unkind_ and that this unkindness is aggravated by my having travelled up from Portsmouth on Sunday! It is true! I did so. I was sorry for it. But my services to the Public rendered necessary my being in London early Monday morning which I could not have performed if I had not travelled on Sunday. However you shall not again have reason to complain of disappointment. I announce to you that I will write no more. If you could have attended to anything so trifling as what you might read in the Newspapers about Me! You might have seen that in the last week I was occupied at a distance from London during five days out of the seven and that in that space of time I have travelled and rode little short of 800 miles. Indorsed by Miss J. "Who is he that saith and it cometh to pass when THE _Lord_ commandeth it not?" And now came the storm, springing from a misunderstanding pitifully out of proportion to the _furore_ it excited! Miss J. and her friend Mrs. L. had engaged a cottage, and were about to move into it. Miss J. wrote to her guardian, desiring him to advance her funds for the furniture of her new abode. A day or so later, in writing to the Duke, Miss J. told him of the transaction, in her usual involved style, and asked his opinion of the matter. The rest of the note was, as usual, filled with incoherent reproaches for his lack of promptness in writing. The unfortunate Duke probably perused the letter hastily, and comprehended nothing but that Miss J. found fault with him about something, and that she wished a loan from somebody. His patience had been worn threadbare by much carping and criticism, and he answered her letter in that given below. The whole affair is so absurd, as sketched in Miss J.'s Diary, that the account is given in her own words, only omitting a few of the superfluous and irrelevant quotations from Scripture. LONDON, Sept. 23, 1846. In order to prevent Irritation; and to avoid the receipt of repeated Letters expressing the same; I determined that I would inform Miss J. that I would write no more. I had before repeatedly assured her, that I could not answer Her Letters regularly; but nothing would do, She continued to be angry and to complain with bitterness. I have therefore been under the necessity of announcing that she is not to expect to hear from me! She has now mentioned to me that she had written to me to desire that I would assist Her with a Loan of Money. I have not received the Letter containing that Desire. But I answer at once; that I will give her any reasonable assistance she can require from me; when she will let me know in clear distinct Terms what is the Sum she requires. But I announce again; that I never will write upon any other Subject. WELLINGTON. "_Friday, September 26^th, 1846._ O my God, Wherefore hast Thou thought proper to let Satan try and distress me in this unanticipated manner? "I did not ask Thee to bestow the Duke upon me! I did not think of ever writing to him until Thou madest me do so! and therefore I marvel at his being allowed to torture me first in one way and then in another for the last twelve years of my life, and above all by what he has now so insultingly done in pretending to think that I have written to him for a _Loan_, which Thou knowest, for Thy honor and glory I would not do under existing circumstances, for a thousand worlds! And I bless Thee for influencing me to Copy the letter addressed to my Guardian, word for word in my Diary, commencing my letter to the Duke as follows: "'Having just written to my Guardian requesting him to oblige me with a Loan to purchase the furniture required for my Cottage I resume my pen, My dearest Duke to acquaint you thereof feeling still influenced to let you know how things are going forward respecting it. Which Loan he will be at liberty to deduct out of my Dividends being by no means large as I propose furnishing it so simply, being all that is necessary living in such retirement as we shall always do,' etc. "At which, the more I look, the more unlikely it would appear that the Duke would understand it in any light that would for a moment lead him to suppose I could so far forget myself or the honour I have for His great name Which is above every name as to bow down thus, God having declared, 'It is _abomination_ for the righteous to bow down before the wicked.' Consequently my indignation at his insulting letter led at once to my treating it as it deserves, telling him that _nothing upon earth could_ have astonished me more than such insult, conveying an idea that I had purposed condescending receiving any Loan from his hands, which I would rather starve than do! and so I would! Yes, I would if I had no other means of subsistence die with starvation sooner than ask any favor of that kind from him! knowing as I do that Christ's Great Holy Name would be so dishonored thereby. Consequently, since it would be for _His Holy Name sake_, as well as knowing what was due to my high calling in Him, starvation would be comparatively sweet! rejoicing in being considered worthy, whilst so unworthy, so utterly unworthy of suffering for His Great Holy Name sake. I have called upon the Duke to apologize to me as the unwarrantable insult offered to me demands. Having given this over with himself into _God's_ Hands to undertake the whole cause for me in whatever way is most for His own honor and glory, He will doubtlessly make him do as HE pleases,--and if not, HE will deliver me, I hope from him for ever. After _such_ a letter as this, displaying more of his character than I have ever yet seen, I have too much contempt for him to desire any further communication with him, despising him accordingly.-- "Having given a little vent to my feelings by writing the above, I will now attempt to describe the circumstances concerning this insulting letter. "The first thing on awaking I was influenced to get up however unwell, in case a letter by the earliest Post should arrive from the Duke, little imagining what was in store for me, when God thought proper to attract my attention to so remarkable a Scripture, namely. 'The preparation of the heart in man and the answer of the tongue is from the Lord.' HE permitted me sensibly to feel His 'strength made perfect in weakness,' otherwise I should have sunk under the blow! But as his letter was put into my hands, such an upholding power was exercised over me that however astonished at its contents and indignant thereat, The Lord was with me.... "I lost no time in answering the Duke as he deserved, my heart glowing with all the holy indignation such an insulting offer so _coarsely_ conveyed was calculated to call forth. I then hurried off to Mrs. L. with that and the one just before received, which she viewed in like manner, considering it disgraceful treatment in his daring to write to me thus. She only waits his reply to mine (which I read to her and on my return home enclosed and forwarded, hastening off myself to a Post Office for that purpose) and the Lord's influence in order to take up _her_ powerful pen and address him as his offered insult deserves. "On my return from the Post Office I opened my loved Bible at the words; 'The wicked fleeth when no man pursueth, but _the righteous are bold as a lion_,' encouraging me to think increasingly that my bold indignant fearless reply to the Duke was justified." Then follow other "Scriptures," all applied to her credit and the Duke's disadvantage, and a prayer in which she beseeches the Almighty to "take this man into Thy Hands and compel him to do me the justice I deserve." A tempest in a teapot! That the Commander-in-chief of the British armies, the greatest soldier of his age, should have been subjected to the attacks of a peevish woman's tongue, is ridiculous; but there is a pitiable side to the affair as well. One cannot help feeling compassion for the poor old man,--seventy-seven years of age now,--even while one laughs at the absurdity of the situation. Miss J., as usual, could not let matters rest, but prepared for another attack. Her Diary describes her sensations of suspense as she awaited a reply from the Duke, and "the Scriptures" with which she fortified her position. On Sunday she writes:-- "I have written another indignant letter to the Duke, in which I purpose enclosing his hair and picture, which last being made of sealing wax is of course of no value. These being the only things ever received or required by me, I am solicitous to relieve myself from the burthen they necessarily become under present circumstances. Consequently, after considering or reflecting that it may perhaps be more for the honor and glory of God to return them in silence, I have enclosed them in two blank covers, waiting now only to ascertain their weight in order that they may be stamped accordingly and reach him in safety." It may be stated that even after receiving the Duke's letter of apology Miss J. remained firm in her intention to return these gifts of the Duke's. Mrs. L., however, who was constantly taking the part of a _deus ex machina_ in Miss J.'s affairs, succeeded in persuading her to keep both the hair and the picture. The fiercely demanded apology arrived on Monday. Miss J. writes:-- "I have to thank my good and gracious God for his indulgent kindness in sending me not only a letter from my Guardian with Enclosures, but also one from the Duke, apologizing fully." Sept. 27, 1846. I am very much concerned to find by a letter which I received this Morning from Miss J., that I was so unfortunate as to have read incorrectly or to have misunderstood Her letter! It appears that it was from Her Guardian and not from me that she intended to borrow money! I confess that it frequently happens to me to be unable to make out Miss J.'s handwriting! and I sometimes do not exactly comprehend what it appears to me that she intended to write! This is to be attributed to the Celerity with which she writes! I beg leave to apologize for my mistake and above all for thinking it possible that she might want to borrow money from me! I beg her forgiveness for this Error! Miss J.'s Most faithful Humble Servant WELLINGTON. P.S. I will never offend again in any manner. Miss J. delayed acknowledging the Duke's reply for several days, but finally sent off the following epistle, which she no doubt regarded as a model of Christian forgiveness. Oct. 3rd, 1846. MY LORD DUKE,--I am grieved to say that it has taken a much longer period to subdue my indignation than as a Christian I could wish: consequently as I am incapable of dissimulation I have been reluctant to resume my pen since the day on which I received your merited apology, when I hastily answered it. But that reply was not permitted to be forwarded, therefore I sealed it up with the articles intended to accompany it until I could further learn what God would have me do, nor is it until this moment that He has given me even a capability of addressing you again! Yet as life is uncertain with all! it would, I doubt not, eventually have grieved me if anything had happened in the interim to rob me of the power of granting your request respecting my forgiveness. This I now do and sincerely hope God will forgive also! and far more perfectly and freely than I alas! as a Creature am enabled to do! _HE_ condescendingly assures them Who offend HIM yet seek forgiveness ... that their sins and iniquities are remembered "no more."... That you, My Lord Duke, may experimentally feel this, not only as regards this offence to one hitherto so devotedly bestowed upon you by Himself,--but any and every other transgression that can ever become an impediment to your eternal happiness is the earnest wish of His devoted Child and Servant A. J. Should it be the will of God to allow this to call forth a reply, it becomes my duty to add that I am still in the same lodging, my Cottage not yet being ready for our reception, nor will it be until Thursday the 8^th Ins^t. if so soon,--having required more time than anticipated for our entrance which I hope will be blessed. P.S. The idea, My Lord Duke, that there may come a moment when any spiritual consolation on my part may be sought for by you, induces me to place it in your power in that case to obtain such by adding that the address with which you are so familiar will always find me or my Guardian as follows.... Having said this, I hope that I have now done all that God requires from me, leaving it with Him accordingly. Apparently the Duke did not feel the need of any spiritual consolation from Miss J., for she did not hear from him again for two months. Even then he only wrote because of her request that he would return a letter she had sent him, announcing the death of her guardian. Dec. 15th, 1846. Field Marshal the Duke of Wellington presents his Compliments to Miss J. He assures her that whenever she has expressed a Desire to have back a paper enclosed to Him, he has invariably complied with her desire immediately on his having perused it. Letters addressed by the Duke to Miss J. have been returned to him: and he has invariably thrown them into the fire, and possibly the enclosed Letter! CHAPTER X. A BREATHING SPACE. The first letter from the Duke for 1847 was not written until the year was nearly two months old. LONDON, Feb. 22, 1847. Field Marshal the Duke of Wellington presents His Compliments to Miss J.; and acknowledges the receipt of two letters from her one on Saturday last; the other of the 21^st Ins^t this morning. He writes only for this purpose! He declines to anything [_sic_] further to Miss J. Being convinced that as usual any correspondence will end in his giving Her Offence, However much he may desire and endeavour to please her. "I remarked to him in reply to this style of addressing me that I cared no more for his Field Marshalship than his Generalship,--which I dare say amused him. He was well aware of this, knowing it is written, 'If any man will be a pleaser of man then is he not the servant of Christ,' consequently however solicitous to render 'honour to whom honour,' my chief concern then as now consisted in obedience to this Divine enquiry, 'Lord, what wilt THOU have me to do?' delighting in the same accordingly." LONDON, May 6, 1847. MY DEAR MISS J.,--I am very much obliged to you for the kind letter which I have this morning received without date! upon the subject of the Misfortune by which I have lately been afflicted in the loss of my Brother! [Endnote 11] I am very sensible of your kindness in writing to me; for the consolation upon which you suggest my reflection and for your enquiry about my health! I thank you! I am by the Mercy of the Almighty quite well! Believe me Ever Yours most faithfully WELLINGTON. This letter is, as Miss J. states in her Diary, "clad in deep mourning," or in other words, with a black seal, and written on black-edged paper. "The Duke's next letter is dated May 11th, in which he writes--'I am very much obliged to you for your letter of the 9th. I answered the last which you wrote to me on the day I received it.' "Having had an objection to the Notice which the Duke's letters, seal, etc., attracted I was in the habit generally of receiving them through my friend Mrs. L.'s hands however aware that the Duke preferred addressing me at my own residence which the following paragraph from his letter dated May 14th implies." LONDON, May 14, 1847. MY DEAR MISS J.,--I have received your Letter dated Wednesday night. I have directed all my Letters lately and covers to Mrs. L. excepting one to ---- and will direct this under cover to the same Gentleman. You feel an anxiety respecting my Welfare and write to me accordingly! for which I entertain a grateful Sense: and I am in the habit of returning My thanks; which Letters you are anxious to receive. This is all very right and proper; and there can be no reason for which you should not send your Letters to me; and for which I should not send you answers directed to _yourself_ at your own _Residence_! But you desire that my Letters should be sealed with my own Seal! which having a Coronet; and other usual Marks of Distinction, occasion some observation in your Lodgings and your Neighborhood! which you do not much like! You therefore desire that the letters addressed to you by me should be sent to one of your friends. Your friends know nothing about me! and do not like to receive Letters for you from an unknown Person! Of this I am quite assured and to tell you the truth I don't like to send a letter addressed to you to one of your friends, unless I should be able to cut off part of your Letter directing me to do so, the name of that friend in your hand writing! I therefore tell you that I will not write to you unless I am enabled to direct to yourself at your own Residence; or I should have in your hand writing the name and address of your friend, which I can include with your Letter. I will not be guilty of the unpardonable act of writing a letter to a Lady or Gentleman addressed to another; without showing that I have Authority for so doing! Believe me Ever Yours most faithfully WELLINGTON. LONDON, May 19th, 1847. MY DEAR MISS J.,--I have received your Letter of the 17^th. I have already acknowledged all that I had received from you! at least I believe so! But you write at great length; with much celerity, in light colored Ink, and much time is required to read one of your Letters! However I am sensible of your Motives for and your kindness in writing them! I peruse them with attention as soon as I can! and I answer them when in my power. Believe me Ever Yours most faithfully WELLINGTON. "In the Duke's next letter, dated Aug. 3rd, he writes; 'I have received several letters from you the dates of which you will find at the bottom of this. I am very sensible of and grateful for the interest that you feel and express in my welfare.' "In the Duke's next letter, dated Aug. 14th, he writes--'I am much obliged to you for your letters my dear Miss J., particularly for the last of Thursday afternoon in which you inform me that you are better which I am rejoiced to hear. I trust that you will keep yourself quiet and follow the advice of your Medical Attendant.' "In the Duke's next letter, dated Aug. 21st, he writes; 'I write to thank you for your letters and to express my congratulations upon the improvement of your Health, which I trust in God will soon be restored entirely.' "The Duke's next letter is dated Sept. 9th wherein he writes; 'I am very much concerned to learn that you are again indisposed, but as you tell me that the Medical gentleman who attends you thought well of you I hope that this relapse is only accidental.' "In the Duke's next letter, dated Sept. 11th, he writes--'Since I last wrote to you I have received your letters of the 8th & 9th and I am much concerned that you are still unwell, suffering from cold. I hope that you will soon be quite well.' Again in the Duke's next letter he writes, dating it Sept. 22nd; 'I have been very much concerned to learn from the perusal of the several letters which I have received of different dates up to the 20th Inst. that you are still suffering from indisposition, although at times rather better. I trust you will avoid to tire yourself by writing. There is nothing like Rest for ailing remedies, and the bounty of Providence in a recovery from sickness.' "In the Duke's next letter he again refers to my indisposition, for I had been dangerously ill at that time. It is dated Sept. 28th. 'I am very much concerned to hear that you continue to feel indisposed.' "In the Duke's next letter, dated Oct. 2nd, he writes--'I hope that you will continue in good health. You will if you keep yourself warm in the severe weather of the Autumn and commencement of the winter--and in tranquillity.' "In the Duke's next letter dated Oct. 7th he writes--'I have and thank you for your letters of the 2nd & 3rd, the last finished on the 4th, and I am happy that you are in your new dwelling which I hope you will find satisfactory to you, and above all that the Air will be salubrious.' "Judging by the Duke's next, I think that he must have misunderstood my intentions, as he writes in his letter, dated Oct. 16th; 'I am concerned to learn that you are again about to change the place of your Abode. I should think that these constant changes must fatigue you.' "In the Duke's next letter, dated Oct. 12th, which I now perceive ought to have been introduced above that of the 16th, he writes--'I am very much pleased that you are not otherwise than comfortable in your new residence.' "I presume, judging by the Duke's next letter, dated Dec. 18th, that I had referred to my poor Jane's illness, as he writes; 'I am sorry to hear that your favorite companion disturbs your rest as rest is especially necessary after the recovery from any illness.'" The correspondence had in 1848 dwindled down almost to nothingness, at least on the Duke's side. It is only doing Miss J. justice to believe that her zeal and industry continued unabated. There had apparently been no other dispute. Miss J. herself remarks upon the fact that during the entire year she received but three letters from the Duke. "It may be seen judging by these letters, that there was not any other cause for the fewness of such but the full occupation of his time alluded to so frequently. Therefore I presume this was permitted by The Great Lord of Lords for unerring purposes known only to Himself. "The first in this year is dated May 8th, wherein the Duke writes--'It is perfectly true that much time has elapsed since I have written to you and that I have received many letters from you for which I ought to have returned my thanks, but the demands upon and the employment of my time in the service of the Public has been so constant that I really have not had leisure. I hope that you are well and that the weather will re-establish your health entirely, and by enabling you to go out into the Air fortify against future attacks.'" LONDON, July 30, 1848. MY DEAR MISS J.,--I have received many Letters and this morning one of yesterday with copies of many others before written! I was and am sorry to learn that you are unwell. Your letters are extremely difficult to read, and my time is and has been much occupied by my Duties! Believe me Dear Miss J. ever Yours most faithfully WELLINGTON. P.S. I have frequently entreated to write your Address, your place of Abode on each Letter. It is not possible for me to recollect every thing! "In the next letter from the Duke, dated Dec. 24th, he writes; 'I am really much concerned that my time has been so much occupied lately and I have been so much in movement as that I have not been able to write to you.'" 1849. LONDON, Feb. 2, 1849. MY DEAR MISS J.,--I am really much concerned that the Newspapers should insert statements of my being sick, of which the Editors can know nothing. I thank God! I am & have been as well throughout the Winter as I have been in my Life. Ever Yours Most Faithfully WELLINGTON. LONDON, Feb. 20, 1849, Morning. It is very true My Dear Miss J. that some time has elapsed since I have been able to go to see you, and that I have omitted to write to you. The reason of this last mentioned omission is, that I could not go to see you or fix a time at which I could and as I had not heard from you, I thought it best not to write. I beg you observe likewise that I have been time [_sic_] at Windsor Castle; and also at my own House in Hants since I saw you. I am very sorry; but my Time is so much occupied; and while the Almighty will Deign to permit me to live, will be so occupied; as that I shall not have leisure to pay visits. I have frequently expressed my regrets; that it shd be so; and repeat them now. I received a letter on Saturday night last; commenced that morning; and ended in the afternoon. I wrote an answer; and just as I was about to close it and send it off on Monday; I received the Report of the occurrence of a severe Family misfortune; which prevented the execution of my purpose. I received a second note from you last night dated yesterday afternoon, and I am delighted to learn that your Eyes are better. I wish to thank you for these Letters. But I cannot hold out any prospect of being able to go to see you. I will not deceive you. I am employed every day at this time by Candle Light from six in the Morning till twelve at night! After all! God Almighty has so framed all His Creatures, that even that noble, Animal Man! requires refreshment food & Rest as well as others. At my Age I feel that I require it: and I asked you not to press me to do that which I cannot do; without neglecting Duties which I have engaged to perform. I will go to see you; notwithstanding that I tell you fairly that nothing can be more disagreeable to me than to be followed by a Mob; as I invariably am; when I go to the part of the Town in which you reside. But I don't care: I will go to see you when I find that I can do so; and I will give you previous notice as usual. Ever My Dear Miss J. Yours most faithfully WELLINGTON. In spite of this sudden resumption of cordiality, Miss J. did not hear from the Duke again for over five months. But the letter then is kindly, bearing no trace of the harshness that marked his epistles written a couple of years earlier. LONDON, July 31, 1849. MY DEAR MISS J.,--I have been at Windsor Castle since Monday from whence I have only now returned. I have to acknowledge the receipt of several letters from you written with your usual kindness, of motive as well as of sentiment and expression. I congratulate you upon your success upon Mrs. L.'s Nephew! I hope that you may go to the Seaside during the period of the fine season. Whether you are to derive benefit from the air or Bathing; it will be more beneficial during fine weather than after or even during the Storm of the Equinox. It is impossible for me to say at what period Parliament will be prorogued. I thank you for the beautiful Lines which you have sent me. One of your Letters was written on Sunday the 28^th, another on Monday the 29^th, and a third on Tuesday the 30^th. I hope that this may reach you this evening. But it is late, and I am afraid it may not. Ever yours most faithfully WELLINGTON. WALMER CASTLE, Sept. 7th, 1849. MY DEAR MISS J.,--I have this day received your letter dated Wednesday; as you did not know the day of the month. I am writing to you on Friday the 7^th You ought to receive this on Saturday the 8^th inst. I had not heard of the Indisposition, still less of the death of your Guardian! But I have been for some time absent from London and it is possible that letters may have been missent. But they will reach me at last. I sincerely condole with you upon the loss which you have sustained! I hope that this loss will not be an inconvenience to you in the management of your pecuniary affairs. I am concerned to read in this same letter received this Morning the report of the illness of your friend Mrs. L.; and that of your young and protected companion Jane! and even that you had not yourself been well! I trust that the Almighty will restore them to Health as well as by His favor your Health may likewise be reestablished and secured. I have been quite well! and am as strong and hearty as ever. Believe me ever yours most faithfully WELLINGTON. Miss J. appends a word of explanation to this letter:-- "The Lady here referred to by the Duke is older than myself, therefore the Duke is in _that_ respect mistaken, never having seen her." WALMER CASTLE, Sept. 13, 1849. MY DEAR MISS J.,--I received your Letter dated Saturday 8^th and this morning that of the 11^th in which you communicate to me the sad Intelligence of the loss which you had sustained in your friend Mrs. L.! I sincerely condole with you! She was a good and sincere friend of yours and I felt sincere respect and esteem for Her Character! You do not mention your young friend Jane; who was suffering also when you wrote before. I sincerely hope that she is better and progressing towards recovery as you could wish! Believe me My Dear Miss J. Yours most faithfully WELLINGTON. "I presume by the Duke's next letter, dated Sept. 26th, that I made previous enquiries concerning some letters previously forwarded as he writes; 'I cannot now lay my hands on that letter but I must have received it. I think that you need not make yourself uneasy about any letter which you may address me.'" The caustic tone common in the Duke's letters now reappears. Miss J.'s habit of enclosing to him letters she had written to others, with the request that he would read and return them, had long been a source of annoyance to him; and now his irritation breaks bonds. WALMER CASTLE, October 22, 1849. MY DEAR MISS J.,--I have received this evening your Letter dated September 30^th which was Sunday, Inclosing in a colored cover, two Letters addressed to Miss Coutts which I return in the same cover according to your desire without loss of time. I have not received a book, and considering the uncertainty of receiving a letter from you; which you have only to direct, stamp; and put into the Box at the Post Office; which it is not certain that you can do with precision! I don't recommend you to endeavour to send me a Book. I am happy to learn that you will see your sister! Believe me Ever Yours most faithfully WELLINGTON. "In the Duke's next letter, dated Nov. 15th, he writes--'I have no recollection of having failed to write an answer to any letter of which you desired to receive an acknowledgment. "'I receive thousands of letters, a vast proportion of which I am under the necessity of answering, and I am of course desirous of avoiding to write more than is necessary; particularly to a person so particular as you are in respect to the forms and contents of the letter addressed to you.' "The Duke's next letter is evidently an angry one. It is dated Nov. 21st, wherein he writes--'I have received your letter of the 17th Inst. in which you have enclosed certain letters which you have written to Sir Robert Peel which I return! I am not the Post Man! nor the Secretary of Sir Robert Peel nor your Secretary!'" Miss J. retained a copy of her answer to the last. November 25th, 1849. MY LORD DUKE,--Your unmerited angry letter astonished me inexpressibly, being a reply to one as kind and affectionate as my heart could dictate. Nor had I the most remote intention of taking the unwarrantable liberty of considering you in either of the characters you mention, but simply in that of a valued and beloved friend whose kind advice I was desirous to receive before taking a step which I had feared may otherwise vex you. This feeling my Letter to Your Grace plainly expressed, nor could I have believed after such affectionate disinterested devotedness to you for the last sixteen years such a simple confidential request would meet with the answer received. That letter, as is my custom in the time of perplexity, distress and trouble, I prayerfully spread before The Great "Lord of lords," beseeching Him to undertake for me, showing me how I ought to act under such circumstances, relying upon Him accordingly. Since then I made an attempt to address you not wishing you to remain ignorant of the safe arrival of those enclosures, but had I been given worlds I could not proceed. Consequently I laid aside my pen, fancying The Lord did not mean me to write at all. However, finding myself this morning thus influenced, I purpose, if HE permit forwarding what I write, promising should it be His good will and pleasure ever to allow me to intrude on Your Grace again, to procure such paper, etc., etc., as you require, apologizing for any _apparent_ want of respect on such points, which, loving you as I have done, I did not consider was expected. But as "it is written," "Honour to whom honour," I shall sedulously avoid every repetition of the kind, such being the command of Him "with Whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning," "Who is the same yesterday, to-day and forever," consequently One I must ever love _above all_ remaining to the latest moment of my existence, His devoted Child and Servant A. J. This note did not call forth a reply of equal amiability from the Duke. "I have felt no displeasure nor anger and was not even surprised by your letter complaining of my answer in which I returned the volumes of letters which you had sent for my perusal. Considering the Numberless occasions which you have quarrelled with me because of some omission of Seal or Signature or even of a word or a letter. I thank God that I am never angry with anybody; upon any subject. "Many would think on reading the above that I had treated the Duke unkindly, but as I can appeal to Him Who seeth not as man seeth, I have nothing to fear from any erroneous impressions, having depended upon The Great Lord of lords throughout my acquaintance with him to direct and influence my heart and pen to fulfil all His good will and pleasure by working in me for that purpose, for His Holy Name sake! which I trust will be glorified and Magnified accordingly!" The Duke's last letter for this year is not marked by increased suavity:-- STRATHFIELDSAYE, Dec. 14, 1849. MY DEAR MISS J.,--I have nothing to add to what I stated in my former Letters regarding your sending me your Letters addressed to others! I beg that you will not do so. To read one letter from you is as much as I can do. Ever Yours most faithfully WELLINGTON. Miss J. adds:-- "This in all probability was the case, as he advanced in years, consequently I never intruded any others upon him afterwards." CHAPTER XI. THE FINAL RUPTURE. Early in 1850 Miss J. accidentally received a painful blow in the breast. A tumor soon developed, that caused her great suffering. Frequent references to her "affliction" are found in her Diary for this year and the next. She wrote an account of the occurrence to the Duke, and received the following reply, quoted from the Diary:-- "'I was much concerned on receiving this intelligence, but I hope that the consequences will not be so serious as I had apprehended. I hope that you will take care of yourself and not move at this severe season from your comfortable dwelling till you will be well.' "Anyone would perhaps conclude by the Duke's remark that he had seen my house but as such was never the case I presume my description thereof had made this impression, alluding to it accordingly, for however much I may and did wish it to be honored with his presence, I found such was not apparently His will Who declares the Way of man is not in himself. "In the Duke's next letter, dated March 18th, he refers to my dear Sister being with me as follows--'I am very sensible of this last circumstance and of the kindness and necessity of her attention to you during your illness.' "A parcel from me having been left at the Duke's house he writes referring to the same." STRATHFIELDSAYE, April 3, 1850. MY DEAR MISS J.,--I received a letter from you yesterday evening; another this morning dated the 2^nd Ins^t, both about a Parcel left at my House by your Sister! I am very much concerned that the regulations which I have been under the necessity of making and enforcing in respect to the Reception of Parcels at my House should have been inconvenient to you or your sister. But I have been under the necessity of ordering my Servants not to receive parcels; without previous orders from me! in order to prevent my private dwelling being made the Deposit of all the Trash that is written, invented, or in any manner made up! You find that I am frequently out of town. You wrote me that you would send a parcel but I received the notification only last night, and this morning one later; complaining that the Porter refused to take the Parcel. I am very sorry for any thing that can annoy you! But I cannot prevent this now that my Duties and avocations call me to a distance from London! But I have not yet acquired the practice of being in two places at the same time: that is to say in London to receive your letters and Parcels or those of your sister; and in the Country, about my Duties and avocations. If you will only reflect upon this! You will relieve yourself from great anxiety, and me from the vexation of annoying you. Ever Yours most faithfully WELLINGTON. I will review the contents of the Parcel as soon as I shall return to London in some days hence. LONDON, April 5, 1850. MY DEAR MISS J.,--I returned to London this day and immediately enquired for the Parcel. I will peruse the Books which you have sent as soon as I shall have leisure. Ever yours most faithfully WELLINGTON. "This largest book was a book of my brother-in-law's on Prison discipline. What other books accompanied it I have forgotten. "In the Duke's next letter, dated April 26th, he writes--'I anxiously hope that you will soon be quite well.' Again, in his next letter, dated April 29th, he writes--'I hope that this fine weather which may be expected at this season of the year will altogether reestablish your health.' "By the Duke's next letter, dated May 21st, I must have referred to some thoughts of leaving England--as he writes--'I can understand your desire to avoid separating from your sister. I hope that you will let me know of your safe arrival in the United States and State your correct address in legible Hand writing if you should wish that I should write to you.'" LONDON, June 5, 1850. MY DEAR MISS J.,--I have this morning received your Note directed to me, in which you ask to know whether I had before received a letter to inform me that your Voyage to the United States had been set aside. I had answered every letter I had received. I do not recollect to have received a letter containing this information! I am very glad to learn that you had set aside this Intention. Ever Yours most faithfully. WELLINGTON. "In the Duke's next letter, dated June 15th, he writes 'I have just now received your letter of the 15th. As I receive thousands of letters in a week it is impossible for me to say whether I received one from you put into the Post Office Friday Week.' "'I answer invariably, as I do this night at midnight, as soon as I receive your letter if due. I am much concerned but hope that you may recover entirely.' "It is very evident that from this period Satan was permitted to work in the Duke's mind, weakening consequently the power I had been permitted to exercise, by rendering my communications tedious, for in his next letter, dated May 14th 1850 he writes, 'Knowing your extreme sensitiveness about letters, their contents, the manner in which signed, sealed and folded up, I have always been most cautious about any letters sent you! Indeed, such Caution is quite laborious!'" LONDON, July 4, 1850. MY DEAR MISS J.,--I am very sensible of your kindness in recollecting that I should feel exceedingly the loss of Sir Robert Peel! I assure you that I write to you whenever there is occasion and that I can have a moment's leisure! But a person who does not see it can have no notion of the Numbers of letters which I receive at all times of the day and night. Every body who hears of this applies to me; the least that I can do is to read and take care of and return the required acknowledgment. I am not surprised that you should be disappointed and complain! But I really write when I can! Your most faithful Servant, WELLINGTON. "In the Duke's next letter, dated July 9th, he writes--'I am much concerned to learn by the perusal of your Note of the 8th that you are still suffering. I am very sorry to hear that you are likely to lose the society of your Sister.' "In the Duke's next letter, dated July 12th, he writes--'I entreat you to write legibly and to avoid fatiguing yourself by writing too much.' "Part of the Copy of a letter written to the Duke, July 8th, 1850, in reference to my dear Sister's leaving me.' "'I dare not on this occasion indulge the hope of my dear Sister's continuation in England, she having this morning received a letter which renders it necessary that she should return home and I must pray to God to give me grace and strength to bear such a separation, Who alone can prevent my sinking under these various surrounding perplexities, for when she is gone I shall not have anyone but Himself to look to, with the exception of yourself to whom I have much to say if I could but consider it His Will that I should repose in you accordingly. O that HE may direct me and influence you to receive all I have to communicate in whatever way to His unerring Will prays yours devotedly.'" The final quarrel was now approaching. The account of it is best given in Miss J.'s own words, omitting, as heretofore, a large proportion of the Biblical quotations. "May The Lord enable me to proceed as HE would have me do for His great holy name sake! for when, or how, to commence a description of the circumstances in which I was placed with regard to pecuniary matters, I know not. However, having besought the Lord to aid me I will at once state that my own Income, limited at best, had become still more so through a fire which took place on the property mortgaged, rendering it so small that it was impossible to live upon it without further help added! Meanwhile, the landed property we had expected to possess appeared, through a Will drawn out at a later date to belong to the younger branches of our family, which was a dreadful disappointment to my beloved Sister. She had buoyed up her hopes that _her_ portion thereof, united to mine would compensate for hopes which could now no longer be anticipated. This rendered her grief on my account additionally distressing, causing her to reason with and beseech me to spread the whole affair before the Duke. From the very thought of this I recoiled unutterably, thus inducing her to reproach me with a want of due affection and consideration for herself, as my death would be insupportable and must necessarily take place if she left me in England so situated. At length, considering as she had justly remarked that the Duke's abundant riches were bestowed upon him by God to do good with when in his power and that any aid afforded me could never be sufficiently great to admit of his feeling the loss thereof; also considering the gold and silver are _The Lord's_ Who could consequently dispose of it accordingly, ... therefore it appeared a _duty_ due to God and man to appeal to the Duke Who in _God's_ sight may _justifiably_ have been expected to become a father unto me under _such_ circumstances. That, too, as above observed, without feeling the consequences thereof any more than the Ocean would miss a bubble that had appeared on its surface and then vanished forever. "O that I could pass over this part of my life in silence! But such does not appear to me consistent with the will of God. Therefore I must proceed and prepare to introduce the letter first addressed to His Grace on this subject. "July 11, 1850. "After waiting all day yesterday, desirous to resume my pen, yet unable to do so through conflicting feelings, I deferred it until to day, hoping to make a commencement to the details and complete it by degrees as my strength may admit. First of all, I thank you for your prompt reply to my last, which becomes my encouragement for thus intruding upon you particulars to which nothing but the most absolute necessity could ever have reconciled me.... "I resume my pen after a brief interval to tell you that a remark made in one of your letters after my dear Mrs. L.'s death,--namely, 'I do not know your circumstances,' combined with the remembrance of your never to be forgotten kindness in once affectionately exclaiming 'My Child!'--unite in encouraging me to think that you have but to know them (the circumstances,) in order to take such into due consideration and act thereon accordingly. O that God may enable me to relate and you, My dearest Duke, to receive the relation in whatever way is most agreeable to His unerring will! And may any and every valued attention extended to me be regarded by Him in the light which is calculated to call down upon your precious head eventually the consequences springing from those blessed words. 'Inasmuch as ye have done it unto the least of these My children, ye have done it unto ME.' '_Enter thou into the joy of thy Lord!_' "When I had arrived thus far I was too much affected to proceed and was relieved by a burst of tears,--for who among all your earthly friends will feel half so rejoiced at your being so distinguished by the Great 'Lord of Lords' as one who has loved you so disinterestedly and devotedly? But since my own feelings as well as your wishes require brevity I must proceed. "At my beloved Mother's death, a Deed of Gift entitled me to a small Income which afterwards for my advantage was placed on a Mortgage by my Trustees, but which through a dreadful fire proved the reverse eventually, as I have found since my poor Guardian's death that the expenses or losses deriving therefrom were deducted from the principal of the Property. This leaves me, consequently, when again sold into the Funds, entitled to an Income quite inadequate to my support, although hoping that some landed Property would sell advantageously and become compensation for the same. My Sister felt most anxious that at such a time as this I should have every advantage, my _life_ depending upon nourishment and support. She therefore wrote to make enquiries concerning the sale of the Property, when to our disappointment a letter arrived showing that neither my sister or self were entitled to any portion thereof, it having been at a later period made over to the younger branches of the family. Consequently all her fondest wishes to render me through such means all that aid which her affectionate heart could desire have been hereby frustrated, leaving her in the greatest distress of mind at the thought of being obliged to quit me thus situated, namely, with two wounds arising from the blow and another about to break. These occasion a drain on my constitution which threatens to take away all my strength, reducing my frame accordingly. "The Medical Gentlemen impress upon my dear Sister the idea that I must die if I do not receive sufficient nourishment to supply the loss such occasion. These produce the most violent and continued perspirations, requiring the most strengthening things, namely, jellies, wines, soups, etc., etc., as they say it is a complete battle between the disease and the constitution. Which will conquer remains for Time to prove. Dr. P. further tells her that I may go on thus for three years and yet recover if great care is taken of me, as the lump since it has broken is considerably smaller. It is hoped that the linseed poultices will eventually draw it entirely away if my strength can only cope therewith. He also says that I ought to have a Nurse with me by night as well as by day, continually, as I am much too exhausted and debilitated to be left alone. This expense would in itself be more than the whole of my Income is adequate to defray. Consequently, it would appear that it is the will of God to place my life humanly speaking, in your hands, as the friend, next to Himself most dear to the heart of-- "Yours Devotedly, "A. J." The Duke's reply was energetic and to the point:-- LONDON, July 12th, 1850. MY DEAR MISS J.,--I have just now received from you a letter dated July 11^th written upon four sides of letter paper, and I am concerned to learn, after a most difficult Perusal thereof that your Health is still in a bad and precarious state! and your pecuniary affairs very much deranged! You had never before mentioned this last to me! You frequently named to me in your letters Your Guardian and your receipt through his hands of your Dividends, and I therefore concluded that your worldly affairs were well managed, while your Mind was occupied by reflecting on the future! But I have seldom read of such a state of pecuniary affairs as that you give in the letter which I have at last been able to read and to which I am endeavoring to write an answer! I beg you to let me know what sum it is you wish, at what time or times to be paid? Whether an order at a Banker would suit you? If Payable at a Banker usually employed by you, will you be so kind as to let me know his Name? All this _legibly written!_ Ever yours most faithfully. WELLINGTON. I entreat you to write _legibly!_ and to avoid fatiguing yourself by writing too much! This letter of the Duke's, if hardly gracious, is at least not unkind. The answer he received was of a nature to drive a man of his practicality to the verge of distraction:-- MY DEAR DUKE,--As "for me to live is Christ, but to die is gain," you may rest assured however surrounded by pecuniary difficulties, I should have preferred the latter to making known my circumstances to you. Had I not been so continually urged by my dear Sister telling me that it would kill her, that she could never bear to leave me in England thus situated and that she hoped for her sake that I should use the only means in my power for prolonging my life I never could have told you such truths. I am not surprised that they drew forth the remark that you had never read of such a state of pecuniary affairs. Nor would I offer so great an insult to my Christianity as to do more than add that the same God Who has thought proper thus to situate me knows that I would never dishonor His great Name by the slightest misrepresentation. Therefore, My dear Duke, if you read that letter carefully you will be much better able to calculate what I require than I am to tell you. I would not do so, nor am I able to tell you by what means I am to receive it as I never did such a thing and know nothing of money arrangements. Consequently I must leave all to God and yourself, beseeching Him to guide, influence and direct you to treat me in whatever way is most agreeable to His unerring will and to bless you accordingly. Your kind wish that I should not fatigue myself with writing too much is, rest assured, appreciated as it deserves, as every other mark of kindness and consideration shown to Yours devotedly, A. J. A Harold Skimpole in petticoats! The ineffable condescension to the worldly-mindedness of the Duke, the tone of spiritual pride that pervades the letters, would be exasperating if they were not absurd. That the humorous side of the affair was not apparent to the Duke is shown by his reply:-- LONDON, July 16, 1850. MY DEAR MISS J.,--I am very sorry indeed if I should have offended you. But when you wrote to me a description of the State of your affairs, I concluded that you intended that I should form an opinion upon them and communicate the same to you! It is very true that you and I are of a different opinion. I think that God having endowed Men with reason, and the Power of judging Right from wrong! Has made Him responsible for the care of _Himself_ and for good will to all! You think that Man is responsible only for His Duty towards the Almighty! who charges Himself with the Rest! I dare say that I am mistaken! notwithstanding my Studies. You know more of this matter than I do! Ever Yours most faithfully, WELLINGTON. Miss J. does not give a copy of her next letter to the Duke, but she remarks that it consisted principally of observations upon complete reliance on God, and disregard of earthly means; taking as her text, "Seek FIRST the Kingdom of God and HIS righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you." The Duke's answer does not savor of things spiritual:-- LONDON, July 23, 1850. MY DEAR MISS J.,--I am very much concerned to observe from your last letter that notwithstanding that you feel that you require my Worldly assistance; and are willing to accept and receive the same, you will not state to me the mode in which I am to render the Assistance required! I know that you have a Banker in London! Why don't you then let me know His Name? or state in whatever mode of those stated by me you would wish to receive what I should send. You may rely upon it that unless precautions are taken you will not receive the money sent! It will fall into the hands of thieves! Ever Yours most faithfully WELLINGTON. Miss J. writes:-- "In my reply to the Duke I assured him that I had no Banker in London to my knowledge, never having had to do more than occasionally receive my _Dividends_, when my Guardian transacted business, which generally speaking he forwarded by letter. But in order to give the Duke a clear idea how things stood, I promised to enclose two letters for his perusal, one from my Guardian _before_ his death and the other from his wife _after_ it! Alas! by doing this I brought upon myself more trouble and sorrow than can ever be forgotten, through the untoward, unlooked for circumstances that attended them. These I would willingly omit if faithfulness to God and the world did not call upon me to proceed regularly as occurrences took place, however torn and wounded my mind may be!... I feel even now as I write that I wonder at myself for ever addressing the Duke again. However, I was then laid upon a bed of sickness and apparently approaching death, therefore it is probable that the eternal welfare of one to whom I had dedicated myself for so many years increased in importance in my estimation, if this were possible. Nor can I ever account for such devoted feelings to any individual beyond concluding that God had so decreed it. "Of course I lost no time in sending the letters promised and required, but they miscarried." Hearing nothing from the Duke, Miss J. wrote again:-- "July 23, 1850. "As I cannot think it possible, My Dear Duke, that you _could_ treat me with so much cruelty in my present state as to have received two such letters as my last without noticing them, I write to enquire whether you have heard from me twice since I heard from you. I entreated you not to keep my mind in suspense, as I was not in a State to bear it. "I have a Physician twice a week, and yesterday, on finding my pulse in such a State he seemed very dissatisfied, saying if my mind were not kept free from all anxiety it will kill me. Therefore, My Dear Duke, you surely cannot hear this without using every means in your power to relieve it. "You ask me in your Letter of the 12^th Inst. in what way I should like you to acquiesce with my wishes? or through what Bank? I answered that I should be guided entirely by your advice, yet not a word did I receive in your next on the subject, nor from that time to this have you referred to it. This to me is quite incomprehensible, as you in the same letter imply it is your intention that I shall have all that is necessary. I cannot help adding I consider this the least _God_ would have me expect from _Your_ hands, My dearest Duke, under present trying circumstances, feeling towards you as HE knows I have done so many years such disinterestedness dedication and affection." The Duke's next letters show his irritation. LONDON, July 25, 1850. MY DEAR MISS J.,--I have received your Letter of the 24^th that is yesterday, but not the one which you state in that letter that you had written to me yesterday--it is on Tuesday--containing _two enclosures_ being a letter from your Guardian and another from his Wife. These letters when forwarded will enable me to judge of what it is you require! and the mode in which I am to send you what you require! It is indeed very difficult to supply the daily wants of those who will not state what they are; or adopt any means of receiving what she requires! However I shall be able to form a judgment when I shall receive the letters you received from Mr. & Mrs. ---- Ever Yours most faithfully, WELLINGTON. LONDON, July 26, 1850. MY DEAR MISS J.,--I have received your Note of the 25th and the number inclosed of the Shop at which the Post Office is kept, ... and I wish you to make Enquiries after your own Letter! If I am to make enquiries they will be forwarded as a letter from yourself which I must send to the Post Office; and I beg you to write accordingly in plain simple Terms reciting the fact! and as your letter must be sent to the general Post Office I beg leave without intending any Offence to request that all endearing expressions which do not suit the Relations in which we stand towards each other should be omitted! as they might lead to false conclusions injurious to you! I must observe to you that the General Post Office will probably answer that if the last letter contained papers of consequence; it ought to have been marked and paid for as a registered letter; when put into the Post! The cost is sixpence! This is the mode in which I proposed to send you Money! You would have to do no more than sign the printed receipt for the letter which would be sent to you with it. The Post Office would know nothing of the Contents of the Letter! Living in the World and with the Wants and necessities incident to Human Nature! it is necessary that _even you_ should comply with its simple Rules and Customs. Yours most faithfully, WELLINGTON. The missing packet was at last found and forwarded. The enclosures stated about the same explanation of Miss J.'s affairs that she had herself given in her letter to the Duke. They also stated that the amount of her income from this time would be only _£_12 10_s._ 1_d._ every half year. At the same time these came to hand, the Duke received Miss J.'s letter of July 23rd, given above. LONDON, July 30, 1850. _Miss J._,--Since I addressed you last your letter of the 23rd of July which had been refused or missing reached me with the enclosed letters returned. I confess that I cannot admit of the Christian Justice of your _Reproaches_. I told you that I was ready and willing to give you pecuniary assistance if you would say what you required, and would adopt one of several Modes in which I offered to send it to you! But you have given no answer either as to warrant, a means of sending you this; and yet you reproach me! This is not just or fair! In truth according to the statement in these letters there is no absolute _necessity_ for any Assistance at present! Your most obedient Humble Servant WELLINGTON. Miss J. writes,-- "To describe how I recoiled from this letter received from His Grace would be impossible. My feeling was both on his account and my own. On his, to think that while possessed of thousands yearly he could thus have reconciled himself to imply that the utterly insufficient sum alluded to in those enclosed letters was enough for me in that truly distressing helpless state. On my own part, I lamented deeply that I should ever have been _influenced_ under ANY circumstances to ask a favor at his hands. This I would rather have died than do, had not the affection of so fond a Sister, who judged of others by her own generous heart overcome every selfish feeling and at length prevailed!" Miss J. immediately prepared and sent off the following letter to the Duke. July 30, 1850. MY LORD DUKE,--Having placed my cause in His Hands "Who judgeth righteously and Whose Countenance beholdeth the thing that is right," consequently Who will not, I am assured, suffer you with impunity to treat me with greater coarseness and want of due consideration than I under similar circumstances should have extended to a common menial that I had known or who had served me for the same number of years, I leave you in His Hands accordingly. I resume my pen merely to inform you that as you thought proper after reading my Guardian's letter written several years ago and his wife's of later date, _yet_ can at the conclusion of your most unwelcome letter write as follows, "In truth, according to the contents of these letters there is no absolute necessity for any assistance at present,"--I desire to remark that if it were not necessary _then_ it will _never_ be necessary from _Your_ hands. Consequently, should you at _your_ good will and pleasure think proper to take the liberty of sending me a _Registered_ letter with an _Enclosure_, I shall not only decline receiving it but likewise refuse to sign the paper that accompanies it in the Post Man's charge, let the consequences be whatever they may. It is to prevent such an Intrusion on your part and such a due mortification on mine towards Your Grace that I have now resumed my pen--for ill as I still feel I would rather beg my bread from door to door than receive a favor at _such_ hands! preferring to trust myself wholly in _His_ Hands Who declares "The silver is Mine and the gold is Mine."... May God in His infinite mercy, My Lord Duke, give you Grace to understand this Divine assertion, "Whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in ME, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the Sea." May HE before it is too late incline you to draw near unto Him accordingly prays, His devoted Child and Servant, A. J. LONDON, August 7, 1850. Field Marshal the Duke of Wellington presents His Compliments to Miss J. He is much concerned at her answer and that he has given her Offence, however unintentionally! The Duke may have been mistaken! But it certainly appeared to him that the Money lent upon Mortgage; of which the Interest was in arrears of a year, and paid very irregularly might with advantage have been called in and the rest of the Sum might with advantage have been applied to defray the expenses attending Miss J.'s illness! More particularly as Miss J. was unwilling to adopt any of the modes suggested by which pecuniary assistance might have been sent her! The Duke assures her that he is not disposed to expose her to any thing inconvenient by desiring that she should sign any papers! He was anxious that she should receive the pecuniary assistance which might be useful or necessary to Her in the manner least tiresome to Herself and least likely to occasion the inquiries of busy and impertinent curiosity! However Miss J. may rely upon it that he will not interrupt her repose excepting in consequence of her own expressed desire! One fancies a mocking tone in the last sentence of the Duke's letter, as though he surmised Miss J.'s silence would not be of long duration. He did not reckon without his host. Miss J. held her peace for three weeks. Then, seeing by the "Times" that the Right Hon. Charles Arbuthnot had died suddenly at the house of the Duke of Wellington, she wrote a letter of condolence which in its expressions of deep sympathy and its religious consolations would not have been out of place if indited upon the death of the Duke's nearest of kin. [Endnote 12] To this effusion the Duke sent no answer. Nothing daunted, Miss J. only waited for an excuse to write again. This she soon found in a newspaper paragraph stating that the Duke had been thrown from his carriage. Her letter and the Duke's reply follow: Sept. 16, 1850. MY LORD DUKE,--Notwithstanding my changed feelings I am deeply concerned to hear of your late accident, and still more deeply grateful to Almighty God for your preservation. I sincerely hope that such gracious interposition of Providence in your favor may eventually lead you to glorify Him in your life and conversation accordingly, 'seeking Him while HE may be found, and calling upon Him while HE is near," ever bearing in mind that _HE_ is "no respecter of persons." Consequently none but those who through His Grace have undergone "a new birth unto righteousness," can justifiably expect to enter into His Kingdom. That HE may enable you to understand this experimentally is the earnest wish of His devoted Child and Servant, A. J. P.S. I do not give you my address, My Lord Duke, in order to elicit an answer, but merely to imply that should my Christian advice be required you may know where to find me. By the Duke's answer, he apparently feels no need nor desire for Christian advice. WALMER CASTLE, Sept. 17, 1850. Field Marshal the Duke of Wellington begs leave to acknowledge the receipt of Miss J.'s Note of the 10^th Ins^t. He is thankful that he received no injury by the overturn of his carriage a week ago! He returns his thanks to Miss J. for noticing the accident! Miss J. was so delighted at the receipt of this note that she immediately replied to it in four sheets of closely written note-paper. She began by explaining elaborately that she had seen the notice of his accident only a few days before, although by his letter she learned it had occurred a week ago. After ringing the changes on this, she proceeded to bestow Christian admonition in her usual liberal fashion. The Duke's reply was little more effusive than the note he had sent last. WALMER CASTLE, Sept. 20, 1850. Field Marshal the Duke of Wellington presents his Comp^ts to Miss J. He is very sensible of her kindness in writing to him. He merely mentioned as a fact that the accident to which she referred had occurred in the preceding week! He is happy to learn that Miss J. is improved in Health! In Miss J.'s next she reprimands the Duke for having misdirected the envelope of his last note to her, and inquires if he ever received her letter on the death of _Charles_ Arbuthnot, as she now calls him. WALMER CASTLE, Sept. 24, 1850. F. M. the Duke of Wellington presents His comp^ts to Miss J.! He has received Her note without Date in which she encloses the Cover which the Duke returns! He regrets much that he made a mistake; which has given her the trouble of writing again! The Duke does not recollect to have received a letter from her upon the Subject of the Death of Mr. Arbuthnot! But he thanks [_sic_] for having thought of writing to him upon the melancholy occurrence. There were no letters exchanged after this for many weeks. Miss J.'s health improved slowly, and through her sister funds were supplied for her maintenance. The next entry of any interest in the Diary is dated November 9th:-- "I have felt _dreadfully shocked_ to day at reading a report of the Duke's death which thank God, is false! [Endnote 13] O that I may be enabled to write to him expressions of my feelings, if such be The Lord's will! I find I feel more than I had imagined was possible! having suffered exceedingly at this report and at length have addressed him as follows: 'O My dear Duke, for I cannot use formality under my present excited, distressed feelings, having been so shocked by that dreadful Advertisement in the Times of this day, saying you were gone forever! This God in His infinite mercy has proved to be false, having spared you, I trust, for a far more glorious end than the one therein described. For this I can never thank him sufficiently, subscribing myself consequently with additional gratitude "'His devoted Child and Servant "A. J. "'P.S. I have been six weeks confined to my room, inflammation having taken place on the day after I wrote you last. O that God in these troublous threatening times may guide and counsel you to act as He would have you do to Whom I beseech you to look for the same most prayerfully.'" As Miss J. received no reply to the above, she wrote again. This time her epistle was in sharp contrast with her preceding semi-affectionate note. She arraigned the Duke for his silence, and succeeded in provoking a response:-- STRATHFIELDSAYE, Dec. 21, 1850. Field Marshal the Duke of Wellington presents His Compliments to Miss J.! He understood from a former letter; that it was Miss J.'s desire never to hear from the Duke again! Therefore he did not write! nor should he write now! excepting a mere matter of Courtesy! He thus finally takes His leave! WELLINGTON. CHAPTER XII. CONCLUSION. Miss J. was in nowise dismayed by the crushing reply she received from the Duke. She wrote again and again, and yet again. These letters, of which she has left copies, are made up in about equal parts of accounts of her health, verses of Scripture, and reproaches to the Duke for his silence. She at last extorted an answer:-- LONDON, January 17, 1851. It is very satisfactory to me to learn from the receipt of this Day of a Letter of the 16^th that Miss J. is better! And I write to thank her for giving me the satisfactory Information! I hope to hear of her continued convalescence and perfect Recovery of her Health! Most faithfully Her Obedient Humble Servant WELLINGTON. The Duke's next note was less amicable:-- LONDON, January 21, 1851. In order to avoid to create irritation in the Mind of Miss J. and the receipt of a Note expressing such irritation in strong terms! I write to acknowledge the receipt of Miss J.'s letter! written on four sides of letter paper; in the Night of the 19^th of January! I entreat her to avoid the Irritation of writing again! Most faithfully Her Obedient Humble Servant WELLINGTON. All the entreaties of the Duke proved futile, however, when Miss J. had convinced herself that it was her duty to write. The occasion she desired soon came. She says in her Diary for February 6th:-- "I have been pondering over the account given in the Times paper of this day wherein the Queen's visit to the House of Peers is noticed and among other things the following remark in reference to the Duke--'His Grace appeared to shrink from the attention and respect of which he was the object.'--This induced me to marvel whether The Great Lord of lords has not at length begun to exercise His Godly Power over his precious soul, making him consequently feel the nothingness of all things in comparison therewith!" Upon the strength of this impression Miss J. wrote to the Duke, asking him if he recollected where he was and how he was occupied at the time she mentions. His answer came promptly, although Miss J. did not find it at all satisfactory. LONDON, Feb. 8, 1851. I have received Miss J.'s Letter! And I hope that Her Health continues to improve! But she does not mention it! I thank her; I am quite well! I was employed on Tuesday in the usual Manner in giving attendance upon the Sovereign when she opened Parliament! I perform all my worldly Duties to the best of my ability! Miss J. despises things of this world, but I fear that if all followed her good example strictly they would suffer. Her Humble Servant. WELLINGTON. Miss J.'s reply begins as follows:-- "Alas! My Lord Duke! it is grievous to me to find that the remarkable expression in the Newspaper on Wednesday referred to in my last, namely; 'His Grace appeared to _shrink_ from the attention and respect of which he was the object' did not come from the impression I had hoped of Regeneration--or Divine Grace having begun its work in your precious Soul, to which at present you are so evidently a stranger. Judging by the latter portion of your reply you never desire or expect to be otherwise, as you seem to imply if all were to follow my example you fear you should not be improved. This assertion is but too true except the Great Lord of lords put forth His Almighty Power for that purpose." And so on through pages of pious abuse. The Duke's answer to this is characterized by a calm dignity in noticeable contrast to the petulance of most of his notes of this period. LONDON, Feb. 12, 1851. I beg Miss J.'s pardon if I misunderstood Her Letter; in which she understood what passed on the day on which Parliament met! I understood that she had adverted to my attendance upon the honorary Service of the Queen! In my Answer I observed that unless such services as well as other worldly Offices were attended to; the Affairs of the World would not go on so quietly as might be wished by those who like Miss J. thought more of Spirituals and of the next World! I hope that I do not fail in feeling due Humility upon all occasions! And most anxious to merit approval where alone such can be of any avail! I have thought it proper to explain this to Miss J.; as I wish not to be misunderstood! Her Most faithful Servant WELLINGTON. LONDON, Feb. 20, 1851. F. M. the Duke of Wellington presents His Comp^ts to Miss J.! He has received Her Letter of the 17^th of which he acknowledges the receipt; in order to save her the trouble of making farther enquiries about it! But he really entreats Her not to give herself the trouble of writing to him again! It is obvious that the act of doing so irritates Miss J.! which cannot be beneficial to Her Health! He hopes that she will not write again! Miss J. in her Diary for February 21st gives a copy of a note she wrote the Duke at this time:-- MY LORD DUKE,--I wrote to you on the 13th Inst. Whether you received it I know not, therefore acquaint you that such was the case. Feeling assured that there was nothing in that letter which in the sight of God ought to have displeased your Grace, I leave the consequences with Him accordingly, remaining Ever His devoted Child and Servant A. J. The Duke's reply is as follows:-- LONDON, Feb. 22, 1851. I received in due course Miss J.'s letter, but as I did not consider that its contents required any observation on my part; or tended to manifest Miss J.'s desire or wish to hear from me again, I did not think it really expected I acknowledge the receipt. She did not in that letter and has not in this last mentioned Her Health, which I therefore hope continues to improve! Her obedient Humble Servant WELLINGTON. Miss J. gives a copy of the letter she wrote the Duke after receiving the above, but, as she tells us, postponed sending it until she had laid the matter before the Lord:-- "Having written a long letter of four sides to the Duke, referring so unexpectedly and unintentionally to his neglect from time to time of one bestowed upon him by God Himself for his Spiritual aid, I now commit the same into His gracious Hands, beseeching Him to deal with it in whatever way is most calculated to promote His own honor and glory, preparing me accordingly for His great holy Name sake." This letter was never sent, but in its place Miss J. despatched a shorter one, given below: March 4th, 1851. MY LORD DUKE,--As it is written, Yea, declared by Him "Who spake as never men spake" "By Me kings reign and princes decree justice" may that "Holy One" in this time of especial need incline Your Grace to look to and honor Him accordingly, for His great holy Name sake, and may HE graciously and condescendingly enable you to advise, direct, influence and comfort our beloved Sovereign bestowed upon us by Himself, as the first portion of Scripture quoted implies, (who appears at the present moment in so additionally interesting a light), in the way that is most agreeable to His unerring will, and in that most calculated to promote His honor and glory as "The Governor among the Nations;" prays His devoted Child and Servant A. J. LONDON, March 4, 1851. At Night. I have this night received Miss. J.'s letter written this day! I had received in due course the Note written on the Monday in the previous week! I did not send an acknowledgment of the Receipt as I wished to avoid to give Miss J. the trouble of writing again! However little Miss J. cares for the Affairs of this world, I entertain that she is satisfied with any arrangement calculated to be satisfactory to Her Majesty the Queen! Her obedient Humble Servant WELLINGTON. MY LORD DUKE,--As you say that your silence arose from a desire to prevent my having the trouble of writing to you again, I presume such is not agreeable to Your Grace. Consequently until it pleases The Great "Lord of lords" to influence you to request me to do so I purpose, if HE permit, intruding on you no more, knowing that I have never given you any cause to make such a remark, considering nothing a trouble which God pleases me to do. In reply to Your Grace's observation concerning my interest in Her Majesty I have only to observe that I consider it the duty of every real Christian to stand by the Sovereign God has thought proper to bestow upon us, in every time of necessity and danger, for His sake. I remain, Ever His devoted Child and Servant, A. J. LONDON, March 10th, 1851. It has so frequently occurred that I have unintentionally offended Miss J. that whenever I write it is with Caution! I confess likewise; that I don't much like to send letters through the hands of a third Person; of whom I know nothing! It is a liberty in my mind which I ought not to take! I therefore wished that the correspondence should cease of itself; and that all friendly feeling should be continued! I know well that Miss J.'s Mind is occupied by Reflections on Spiritual things; and that she must despise the occupation of one who considers it His duty to serve the Public to the best of His Ability! With due respect for Her Higher occupations, I hope she will excuse my adhering to my own Course of duty! Ever Miss J.'s most faithfully obedient Humble Servant, WELLINGTON. The above is the Duke's last letter to Miss J. Although he lived until September of the following year, he never wrote to her again. Miss J.'s efforts did not cease, however. She sent letter after letter to the Duke, without being discouraged by his utter silence. Indeed, a note directed to him was lying on her table ready to be sent to the post the morning that she received the news of his death. She gives an account of her reception of the tidings:-- "_November 28th, 1852._ I dare not trust my pen to refer to the unanticipated dreaded end which has caused me so much deep sorrow although nearly three long months have rolled over my head since that awful blow was given and which, had it not been for divine support would I fear have deprived me of my reason, for it was so unexpected that when my Physician called to acquaint me thereof, I said, pointing to a letter on the table: 'That is for the Duke,' intending to ask him to put it into a Post Office, being sealed and ready. "On perceiving my doctor silent, instead of offering with his usual kindness to post the letter, I enquired wherefore? he replied that he thought it had better be postponed. This made me still more anxious, eagerly asking, if he were ill? when Dr. P. said he had not been well, and thus by degrees unfolded the awful truth that he was indeed No more. "O I can never forget my feelings! continuing after his departure as if riveted to my seat and speechless." Miss J. then laments that the Duke had never given any marked proof of his conversion, and recapitulates her efforts to lead him into the way of righteousness. She dwells upon the longing she had felt to be assured that he had known a "new birth," but adds:-- "Alas! this satisfaction was not afforded me. Nevertheless as before expressed, I build my hopes on the last five hours of His Grace's life, however insensible to all around, knowing nothing to be impossible with God, consequently that even at this the eleventh hour his precious soul may through a Saviour's righteousness have been permitted to wing its flight to Mansions of eternal glory." The remainder of Miss J.'s life was of little interest. She became more bigoted as she advanced in years; and although not long after the Duke's death she joined her sister in the United States, her peculiarities had developed so unpleasantly that the two could not live peacefully in the same house. Miss J. resided in New York until her death in 1862. A list of the Duke's letters is appended, copied from Miss J.'s Diary. _List of Letters received from the Duke._ In 1834 6 1835 78 1836 56 1837 25 1838 (one being double) 23 1839 8 1840 25 1844 (and Picture) 55 1845 32 1846 18 1847 19 1848 3 1849 10 1850 24 1851 8 --- Total Number 390 APPENDIX. NOTE 1, page 105. In a sermon preached at the Chapel Royal, Hook (afterwards Dean of Chichester) told the Queen that the Church would endure, let what would happen to the Throne. On her return to Buckingham House, Normanby, who had been at the chapel, said to her, "Did not your Majesty find it very hot?" She said, "Yes; and the sermon was very hot too."--GREVILLE, _Memoirs_ (1837-1852), vol. i. p. 116. NOTE 2, page 112. The Duke of Wellington had an attack the other night in the House of Lords, and was taken home speechless, but not senseless. It was severe, but short; and after the stomach was relieved, he rapidly recovered, and in a day or two _pronounced_ himself as well as ever. Of course the alarm was very great.--GREVILLE, _Memoirs_ (1837-1852), vol. i. p. 267. NOTE 3, page 126. Charles, the second son of the Duke of Wellington, married, July 9, 1844, Augusta Sophia-Anne, daughter of the Right Hon. Henry Manvers-Pierrepont. The marriage took place at St. George's Church, Hanover Square, and was followed by a grand wedding-breakfast, given at Apsley House by the Duke of Wellington. NOTE 4, page 129. Prince William of Prussia, afterwards the great Kaiser Wilhelm, arrived in England from Ostend, Aug. 13, 1844. Among the many honors paid him were entertainments given him at Apsley House and at Strathfieldsaye by the Duke of Wellington. The Prince was an honored guest at the christening of the Queen's fourth child, Alfred, Duke of Edinburgh, who was born Aug. 6, 1844. Prince William left England on Saturday, September 7. NOTE 5, page 134. Louis Philippe and his Queen visited England Oct. 8, 1844. Their stay lasted until October 15. The "Times" of the date, describing the embarkation of the royal party, says:-- "The Duke of Wellington was in the yard on horseback in his regimentals, but wrapped in a brown great-coat (like a sentry's coat), buttoned to the chin to keep off the rain.... "Even before the arrival of the royal party in the Victualling yard, the rain had already begun to fall heavily; and the circumstance of a vivid flash of lightning, accompanied by a long roll of thunder, occurring just before their entry, was the cause of some curious observations among the superstitious." NOTE 6, page 136. The Duke of Wellington on entering the room was received with the most lively demonstrations of respect. The band at the entrance of the room played the air, "See, the Conquering Hero Comes!" and the appearance of his Grace was the signal for a general clapping of hands, and even some cheering from the gentlemen, and waving of handkerchiefs from the ladies.--_Account of the opening of the Royal Exchange, from the London "Times" of Oct. 29, 1844._ NOTE 7, page 138. This sister, Anne, married first the Hon. Henry Fitzroy, and secondly Charles Culling-Smith, Esq., of Hampton, Co. Middlesex.--BURKE, _Peerage_. NOTE 8, page 139. A detailed report of the Queen's progress to Strathfieldsaye is given in the "Times" of Jan. 21, 1845; but the account of her visit there is less full. The "Times" says:-- "The visit to Strathfieldsaye is intended to be of a more private nature than either of those with which her Majesty has lately honored any of her subjects.... "The following characteristic reply from the Duke of Wellington to an application for admission will show that his Grace at least will not allow the royal party to be disturbed:-- "'Field-Marshal the Duke of Wellington presents his compliments to Mr. ----, and begs to say he does not see what his house at Strathfieldsaye has to do with the public Press.'" NOTE 9, page 141. This was the brother next older than the Duke of Wellington,--William, Lord Maryborough. NOTE 10, page 154. Arthur, the child of Charles (the son of the Duke of Wellington) and of Augusta Sophia-Anne, daughter of the Right Hon. Henry Manvers-Pierrepont, was born May 5, 1845, and died July 7, 1846. NOTE 11, page 167. Lord Cowley, the youngest brother of the Duke of Wellington, died April 27, 1847. NOTE 12, page 205. On Sunday last the death of Arbuthnot took place at Apsley House, where he had been gradually sinking for some time. He is a great and irreparable loss to the Duke of Wellington, who is now left alone in the world. The Duke told him and talked to him about everything. He will feel it as keenly as at his age and with his character he can feel anything.--GREVILLE, _Memoirs_ (1837-1852), vol. iii. p. 362. NOTE 13, page 207. This report stated that the Duke had had a fatal fall while hunting in Lincolnshire. The whole story was a hoax. THE END. End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of The Letters of the Duke of Wellington to Miss J. 1834-1851, by Duke of Wellington *** END OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK LETTERS OF DUKE OF WELLINGTON *** ***** This file should be named 35532-8.txt or ***** This and all associated files of various formats will be found in: Produced by Steven Gibbs and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at Updated editions will replace the previous one--the old editions will be renamed. 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