The Project Gutenberg EBook of Little Scenes for Little Folks, by Anonymous This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at Title: Little Scenes for Little Folks In Words Not Exceeding Two Syllables Author: Anonymous Release Date: February 22, 2008 [EBook #24669] Language: English Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1 *** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK LITTLE SCENES FOR LITTLE FOLKS *** Produced by Suzan Flanagan and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at (This file was produced from images generously made available by The Internet Archive/American Libraries.) TRANSCRIBER'S NOTES The hyphenation (or lack thereof) matches the original text. Two minor corrections were made in the following stories: CHARLES'S NEW BOAT (changed the comma after the title to a period) and THE MORN-ING LES-SON (capitalized "their"). LITTLE SCENES FOR LITTLE FOLKS, IN WORDS NOT EXCEEDING TWO SYLLABLES. With Coloured Engravings. [Illustration] LONDON: WILLIAM DARTON AND SON, HOLBORN HILL. _One Shilling._ LITTLE SCENES FOR LITTLE FOLKS, IN WORDS NOT EXCEEDING TWO SYLLABLES. With Coloured Engravings. [Illustration] LONDON: WILLIAM DARTON AND SON, HOLBORN-HILL. [Illustration] GO-ING TO CHURCH. How neat and nice this lit-tle boy and his sis-ter look, go-ing in their Sun-day clothes to church! The lit-tle girl has, I dare say, her prayer book in her bag, and her bro-ther has his un-der his arm. They seem by their fa-ces, to be good chil-dren, and ap-pear ve-ry fond of each oth-er. They have been taught by their kind pa-rents, that it is their du-ty to at-tend di-vine wor-ship, and pray to God, and the lit-tle girl is point-ing out to her broth-er the poor old wo-man on her way to church, and seems to be prais-ing her good-ness. [Illustration] PRET-TY POLL. Up-on my word, this is a ve-ry pret-ty look-ing par-rot, and the children seem much pleas-ed with it. I hope they ne-ver play a-ny tricks with it, or try to tease it, for par-rots when an-gry can bite pret-ty hard. Poll and her young friends seem to be quite on good terms, but I should not like to have my fin-ger so near her bill, unless I were cer-tain of her be-ing in a good hu-mour. Par-rots a-muse us much by their be-ing able to learn to talk far bet-ter than a-ny o-ther bird. [Illustration] THE FLOW-ER GAR-DEN. What a pret-ty scene a flow-er gar-den af-fords! Roses, tu-lips, wall-flowers, and ma-ny oth-ers, a-like pleasing to the sight and the smell. The lit-tle boy de-serves to en-joy all the plea-sure that the gar-den can pro-cure him; for he is at work with his tools, his spade, his bar-row, and his roll-ing stone, which shews a de-sire of mak-ing him-self use-ful. I be-lieve, too, he has kind-ly gi-ven his eld-est sis-ter the rose at which she is smell-ing, and he will I have no doubt, help the young-est in fill-ing her bas-ket. [Illustration] THE NEW DOLL. We must con-fess that the lit-tle lass with the doll in her hand, makes a ve-ry cle-ver and care-ful nurse. She is shew-ing her new trea-sure to her friend on her right with no small de-gree of pride, at which we need not won-der, nor at the man-ner in which the oth-er ap-pears to ad-mire it, for it is a ve-ry hand-some af-fair. It must have cost the lit-tle girl's pa-pa and ma-ma a great deal of mo-ney, and I hope she will know how to va-lue and take care of it, and not throw it a-bout af-ter she has had it a lit-tle while, and get tir-ed of it, as I have known some silly children do. [Illustration] A WALK WITH MA-MA. This lit-tle boy and girl, may ve-ry well be in high spi-rits. Their ma-ma is not of-ten a-ble to go out with them, for the in-fant takes up a great deal of her time, and she has ma-ny oth-er things to at-tend to at home, so that the chil-dren most-ly walk with the ser-vant. But to-day, ma-ma is at lei-sure, and they have set out for a nice walk in the fields, ba-by and all. The child-ren seem rea-dy to skip with de-light, and e-ven Tray shares in their joy. We wish the par-ty much pleasure. [Illustration] A RIDE WITH MA-MA. Well, this is a tru-ly sty-lish set-out. The pair of long-tailed hor-ses are per-fect beau-ties, and the post-lad has no need to use the whip to them. I do not won-der that the lit-tle folks enjoy their ride so much, in such a nice car-riage, and through such a love-ly coun-try, and, above all as they are a-long with their kind ma-ma, who is point-ing out all that she thinks like-ly to a-muse them. I am sure they have been good chil-dren, or their ma-ma would not have ta-ken them with her. [Illustration] THE PET LAMB. What a pret-ty, tame, gen-tle crea-ture and how fond-ly its young mis-tress seems to ca-ress it. Yet I am al-most a-fraid that her kind-ness is car-ried to ex-cess, and that she hugs the lamb ra-ther too close for its com-fort. In-deed its looks near-ly ex-press as much. Her bro-ther ap-pears ful-ly to share in her fond-ness for the lamb. He has a bas-ket of gay flowers stand-ing on the ground be-side him, and is making a gar-land for the neck of the pet, which when, dress-ed out, will no doubt cut a ve-ry smart fi-gure. [Illustration] CHARLES'S NEW BOAT. Our young sail-or has just launch-ed his new ves-sel, and a ve-ry neat and trim one it is. The rig-ging is in good or-der, and the wind fills the spread-ing sails brave-ly. The grace and beau-ty of the bark seems great-ly to de-light Charles, as well as his two sis-ters, who have come to par-take in the plea-sure of the scene. I do not know what car-go the ves-sel has on board, but I think there is not much dan-ger of her be-ing wreck-ed, as she is not like-ly to sail far out of her mas-ter's care and sight. [Illustration] KIND-NESS TO THE POOR. What a plea-sure it is to see chil-dren with good and kind hearts. How the sweet lit-tle girl ap-pears to pi-ty the poor in-firm old wo-man to whom she is giv-ing her pen-ny, and so does her broth-er who has be-fore giv-en his share of re-lief. And their good ma-ma stands look-ing on with de-light, as she may well do, at the con-duct of her off-spring. If we did but re-flect on the com-forts which God al-lows us to en-joy, while so ma-ny poor crea-tures are in want and sick-ness and sor-row, we should al-ways be glad to shew our-selves grate-ful to him by help-ing those who are in dis-tress. [Illustration] THE PET DOG. Stand up, Pom-pey! You are on-ly half a sol-di-er yet. You have got your gun in your hand, but we must put your hel-met on be-sides to make you com-plete. Poor Pom-pey! he is as peace-ful and quiet as a lamb, and willing to do a-ny thing that he can which he is told to do. The chil-dren round him seem kind and fond of him, and I trust they will not keep him stand-ing long, be-cause, though it may a-muse them to see him play a trick or two, this pos-ture is not easy to him. [Illustration] THE ROCK-ING HORSE. This is a fa-mous dash-ing steed, and he ap-pears to have a ve-ry smart, ac-tive young ri-der. He has a firm and grace-ful seat, and has his reins well in hand. He rides too with a great deal of cou-rage, al-though we must ad-mit that his charg-er is not like-ly to swerve from the course which he wish-es him to keep, nor, though go-ing at full gal-lop, is there any dan-ger of his be-ing thrown or run a-way with by the do-cile crea-ture on which he is mount-ed. [Illustration] THE POOR BLACK. In some parts of the world, where the sun is ve-ry hot, the skins of the peo-ple, in-stead of be-ing white, like ours, are quite black; these folks are call-ed ne-groes. Some wick-ed men take them from their homes, and make them slaves and ill-treat them; and ma-ny sil-ly chil-dren are a-fraid of them, be-cause they seem ugly. I am glad to see that our young friends have been taught bet-ter. They are look-ing with pi-ty at the poor black man, and the lit-tle one is giv-ing him some re-lief. They know that God made all men of all col-ours, and that we are all e-qual be-fore him. [Illustration] THE NEW SHOES. Yes, baby is smart in-deed now. How proud she is of her new shoes, and how ea-ger she is to put out her lit-tle feet to shew them to her bro-ther and sis-ter, who seem scarce-ly less pleas-ed than her-self. Her ma-ma too looks with de-light up-on the plea-sure her ba-by feels, and for-gets all the trou-ble she her-self has had. I do not know how chil-dren can be grate-ful e-nough to their kind parents who thus pro-vide for all their wants and plea-sures in their help-less age. [Illustration] THE BRO-KEN DOLL. Here is a sad piece of mis-chief, and, if I am right in my guess, Mad-am Puss, by the man-ner in which she is scud-ding out of the room is the au-thor of it. I sus-pect that, while the doll was ly-ing upon the stool, the cat be-gan to play with its long clothes, till she pull-ed it down on the floor, where it got broken as we see. Care might have spar-ed this loss. If the lit-tle girl, be-fore go-ing to her mu-sic, had put the doll in a high place out of puss's reach, all would have been safe. [Illustration] CLE-VER CHARLES AND STEA-DY JANE. This is a sight worth look-ing at. No one i-dle but all mak-ing some good use of their time. Ma-ma is sett-ing a good pat-tern. She is bu-sy in read-ing while lit-tle Jane is work-ing close-ly at her needle, and her el-der bro-ther Charles is tak-ing on the Globe the mea-sure of the dis-tance be-tween two pla-ces. Their ma-ma must feel much plea-sure in see-ing her chil-dren em-ploy them-selves so well, and af-ter their work is o-ver, they will en-joy their play, when they go to it, more than la-zy folks can ever do. [Illustration] THE MORN-ING LES-SON. We need not ask wheth-er these two chil-dren have learn-ed their morn-ing les-son as they ought. Their own smil-ing fa-ces, and the pleas-ed looks of their pa-pa are quite e-nough to tell us that they are go-ing through their la-bours in a pro-per man-ner, and not like some lit-tle folks that stop, and blun-der, and stam-mer, and are al-ways want-ing to be told. Their pa-pa will I dare say re-ward them with his praise, and, ve-ry like-ly, by tak-ing them out with him. DARTON AND SON'S CHILDREN'S BOOKS. _One Shilling Each._ Aviary (the), or an Agreeable Visit. Book of Trades, with coloured plates. British Sovereigns, from William the Conqueror to George the Fourth, 12mo. Crocus, (the), containing Original Poems for young People, by I. E. M. _elegant plates._ Description of London, containing a Sketch of its History and present State, 12mo. Early Seeds, to produce Spring Flowers, by Mary Elliott. First Step to the French Language, by A. F. E. Léssée, with Coloured Engravings. Flowers of Instruction, by Mary Elliott. Harry and his Mother, by William Parr, 12mo. Harry and his Nurse-Maid, 24 plates. Industry and Idleness. Ladder to the Alphabet, 16 Coloured Prints. Little Scenes for Little Folks, in words not exceeding two Syllables, with coloured Engravings. Lovechild's (Mrs.) Easy Reading; being a Companion to, and intended to follow, the "Little Vocabulary." Peggy and Mammy, by Mary Elliott. Pet Lamb (the); to which is added, the Ladder to Learning, &c. Plain Things for Little Folks, by Mary Elliott. Present for a Little Boy, 12mo. ---- Girl, Ditto. Rational Exhibition, Ditto. Rose (the), containing Original Poems, by Mary Elliott. Rural Amusements and Employments, with 24 coloured plates. Scripture Alphabet, by a Parent, for his Children. Simple Scenes in Rural Life; with 24 coloured plates. Simple Studies in Natural History, with coloured plates. Wax Taper (the), or Effects of bad Habits, by Mary Elliott. William's Secret, Ditto. 12mo. Wild Garland (the), _with several copper-plates_. Yellow Shoestrings, or the good Effects of Obedience to Parents, 12mo. 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