WHAT IS THIS? This is a patch for bind-4.9.4-REL (the nameserver, you know :) ), to make it compile and run under Linux with ELF/shared libresolv. Originaly it has been written by manolo@hptitan.ulpgc.es for bind-4.9.3-BETA24. Later when I wanted to upgrade to the 4.9.4 version I've use this patch to make the source to compile with a shared libresolv instead of a static a.out version. I've tested it under Linux-2.0.7 with libc-5.2.8 and gcc-2.7.2. The resulted binaries are currently running on my server. HOW TO PATCH IT? Go unpack bind-4.9.4-REL to some directory, /usr/src/ could be one choice. gzip -d bind-4.9.4-REL.tar.gz tar -xvf bind-4.9.4-REL.tar You should se on directory created as bind-4.9.4-REL/ Change to .. Place this patch there. gzip -d bind-4.9.4..ELF.shared.patch.gz patch -p0 < bind-4.9.4.ELF.shared.patch Compile bind, install is an enjoy! Thanks to manolo@hptitan.ulpgc.es for uploading the original patch. See you! Tamas defiant@mail.datanet.hu