Using muLinux in 4mb of ram with a 1440k floppy.

From: Ben Logan (
Date: Sun Dec 22 2002 - 12:23:09 CET

Hey, everyone.

I tried to boot muLinux on a really old laptop yesterday, but couldn't
get it to work. I looked at the FAQ and docs, but the solution in
there didn't work either. There seem to be two problems: 1) the
floppy drive doesn't support 1722k formatted disks, and 2) the machine
only has 3096 Mb of ram (above the standard 640k).

When it boots, it tells me that /linuxrc cannot fork, and goes on.
After the toilet paper message it hangs at "Unable to open an initial
console." I'm assuming I've just run out of memory...maybe it is some
other problem. The hard disk in the laptop has a DOS partition which
I could use as swap, but I can't wipe it clean because it isn't my
laptop. :-)

Thanks for any help,

Ben Logan
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