Sorry, I can't resist!

From: Michele Andreoli (
Date: Thu Apr 05 2001 - 20:48:12 CEST

An user wrote me that. A true pearl. I cannot stop to laugh, because
I think this is a very valuable piece of humor.
If the great Woody Allen sometimes will try to install muLinux :-),
it surely will write me an email like that!

 And also,... why do you insist on
 trying to use 1722k floppies for the floppy install ? Maybe
 1722k is a European standard for floppies, but here in the
 U.S. 1440k is the largest we can format to. I have tried with
  several different floppies which I know to be good under
 DOS, but all I get is files that are overwritten and unusable
 when trying to format 1440k disks to 1722k. You know, there
 are file splitting utilities for Win3.1 that could maybe be used to
 place the 1722k of info from 1 disk onto 2 1440k disks. There
 are even batch files made to re-assemble them from. All it would
 require is writing a prompt into the install program to "insert install
 disk #2 now", or something similar.

European Bureau of Standards
Dept. for Foreign Floppy Format and Unusual Media

In summing up, I wish I had some kind of affirmative message to leave
you with, I don't. Would you take two negative messages? - Woody Allen
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